Last day in South Korea

Falling For My Brother's Best Friend hiatus

The day my parents arrived in South Korea, they told us it would be better to leave earlier than scheduled. A couple days had already passed and it's now the last day we will be staying here. "So what shall we do the last day here?" Miyoung asked. 

"We never got to go to the beach like we wanted to." I told Miyoung. 

"Let's go to the beach today! Omma. Appa. Will you two be joining us?" Myungsoo asked.

They shook their heads. "We'll let you guys have your last day of fun by yourselves. We don't want to ruin it. We'll probably be going out to buy some things before our flight tomorrow." We all went to go change and Myungsoo told my parents what time we would be back. He left his key with them in case they got back earlier than we did. 

My parents left before us. "Everyone ready?" Eunkwang asked. Yes' were heard throughout the rooms. We left the dorm quickly piling into the limo. I sat near the window looking out at the scenery as we passed by. 

Hoya nudged me. "You okay? You haven't said anything once we got inside the limo?" I nodded my head still not saying anything. I felt bad for not talking to him since he's my boyfriend and all, but there was nothing really to talk about. Everyone was being loud in the limo, so I took my IPod out and plugged my headphones into my ears drowning the noises out. Why do I suddenly have the urge of just killing myself so I wouldn't have to deal with becoming blind? 

We got to the beach rather quickly than expected. Everyone ran outside like animals. I was the last one to get out. "Is something wrong?" Kevin asked.

"H-huh? Oh no, I'm fine. Just a little tired that's all." I said. 

"If you want you can sleep in the car. I'm sure the guys wouldn't mind if you slept. I could tell them if you want. Plus I have a blanket up here if you need it." He told me.

"Oh yes that would be great! Thank you so much Kevin oppa!" He gave me the blanket and locked the door just in case someone came in. About five minutes later I knocked out. I didn't wake up until I heard the alarm going off. Someone had broken inside the limo. 

Miyoung POV

"Hey have any of you seen Eunjinnie?" I asked the guys. They all shook their heads. I walked back to the parking lot to look for the limo, but it was no where to be found. I ran as fast as I could back to the guys and panted. "Thelimoisgone!" I said as fast as I could. 

"What? Take a deep breath and then speak." Myungsoo spoke. 

"The limo is gone!" I shouted worriedly. Everyone gasped. 

"I'm so sorry! I tried to catch the person who stole the limo but they drove away fast!" Kevin said panting as well. 

"First things first I have to call my parents." Myungsoo stated. He pulled out his phone and dialed his father's number. 

"The number you are trying to reach is unavailable. Please try again later." 

"That's weird. They aren't picking up their phones." He dialed both of their numbers numerous times, but still no answer. I noticed Hoya oppa sitting on a towel not saying anything. 

"Everything is going to be fine." I told him reassuringly. He shook his head.

"Trust me we are going to figure out who did this and they're going to be sent to jail for kidnapping." He still didn't believe me until Sunggyu came over to ask to speak to him privately. Although I told him everything was going to be fine, I knew that it wasn't. If I stayed behind with her none of this would have happened. This is definitely all my fault. I walked away from everyone far enough so they wouldn't hear me crying. The next thing I knew was my head being covered by a bag over my head. 

Hoya POV

"Do you know something?" Sunggyu asked me. 

"I think I know who did it." I told him. 

"Spill it." 

I told him and he looked at me confused. "I haven't told anyone this, but one day Eunjinnie got a text from a random number. She didn't see it because she was in the shower, so I checked it. It said I'm going to get you and your family because LJoe oppa doesn't love me anymore."

"How do you know that was her?" He questioned. 

"Well that's why I said I think."

"It does seem to all make sense to me. I don't really get why girls these days are like this though. I mean why can't you just get over the guy if they don't like you back. At least that's what I would do if I were a girl." He said which made me chuckle. "Anyways we need to find them fast!" We walked back to the others. I looked around for Miyoung, but couldn't find her.

"Has anyone seen Miyoung?" Sunggyu asked. Everyone shook their heads. Myungsoo pulled his phone out and dialed her number. 

"The number you are trying to reach is unavailable. Please try again later." We ran around the beach trying to find her and Eunjin, but had no luck at all. I ruffled my hair in frustration. "Why does everyone keep disappearing?!" I yelled to no one in particular. 

Eunjin POV

I had absolutely no idea where he or she had taken me. I was probably sitting in the back of the van. The person driving drove crazy and I kept sliding around in the back. All of a sudden I felt an arm beside me and I started to freak out. "Who's there?" I quietly shouted. 

"Eunjinnie is that you??" The person asked worried. 

"Yeah." I then realized who that voice belonged to. "Omma! They got you too?" I asked. 

"Yes they took your father somewhere else. They grabbed us when we were walking back to the dorm. Your father had tried to fight them off but there were too many of them." 

"Eunjinnie! Ommonim!" We heard another shout somewhere inside the back of the van. 

"Miyoung?" I asked confused. 

"Eunjinnie I missed you! Where are they taking us?" She asked worriedly. 

"I don't know, but it's definitely not going to be a good place." The van finally stopped and we moved away from each other pretending we didn't know that there were other people inside the van. They grabbed me by the arm pushing me violently to follow the person in front. I heard three different doors shut. That means we're all in different rooms. Someone removed the bag from my head.

"We meet again." The person in front of me says while smirking. 

My eyes widened, "You!"

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Omgloveaverly #1
Chapter 27: Update plz
mahea_808 #2
Chapter 27: Tue story is fine there is nothing u should change... sorry for being a silent reader most of the time
Chapter 23: Wow!! Amazing story!!! But hate the fact shes getting blind... Also I'm totally Mad and feel more Hateful to her Father for what he did .... Not every guy is the same... Just because one idol hurt her doesnt mean that her boyfriend will do the same...!!!! AISH I JUST HOPE SHE FINDS OUT AND THAT THEY BACK TOGETHER AND THAT SHE GETS SURGERY BUT WITH OUT LETTING NONE OF HER LOVE ONES BLIND.... Update soon please!!!
iamaflamer #4
iamaflamer #5
Chapter 22: WTF xD Hoagi isn't getting permission LMAO xD
Chapter 21: Aww Hoya so sweet :3 and y ;) .. Anyways I really like your story update soon unnie ^_^
Chapter 20: o.O She cannot go bald.. xD
Chapter 19: lol I wonder whats the punishment
newgirl #9
Chapter 19: hoya it's hoya :)))