You're All Crazy!

Falling For My Brother's Best Friend hiatus

I slowly walked over to his body. He was lying face first on his stomach. "Did anyone call the ambulance?!" I asked worriedly. 

"Yeah they're on their way." CAP replied. 

"W-what h-happened?" Sunggyu asked taking the words right from my mouth. 

"I found hyung in the bathroom on the floor with some pills in his hand." Ricky said in between sobs. Chunji tried calming him down, but it didn't work because he was crying as well. 

Sirens were heard outside and the paramedics brought LJoe outside in a stretcher. "I'm going with him." I said and Hoya followed joining me in the back of the ambulance. 

"We'll meet you guys there." Dongwoo said. They took two separate cars and drove straight to the hospital. 

"Eunjinnie, he's going to be just fine." Hoya said hugging me. "He will wake up in no time."

"What if he never wakes up?" I looked at him concerned. 

"Don't worry he will. He has to!" We were waiting outside while LJoe was getting tested. Everyone finally arrived 10 minutes later and waited with us. The doctor walked out of the room and had removed his mask. His face didn't look too good. 

"I'm sorry to inform you but we couldn't save your friend. I'm sorry." He bowed and walked away. I suddenly froze. I couldn't move any part of my body. Did I just hear right? LJoe oppa is dead?! 

I quickly ran after the doctor and asked to see him. I was brought to his room and there lied his body. I slowly walked towards him. His body was still warm, but was as still as ever. "Oppa... How could you leave me like this? We were starting to become such good friends again, but now you're gone... Why did you have to die?" I asked starting to cry. 

I didn't notice the other guys walk into the room, but now they were all standing around LJoe. As I was looking at each one of their faces, I felt something tug at my arm. I quickly turned around and saw LJoe's hand tugging my arm. My eyes widened, "Ah! LJoe oppa is a zombie!!" I shouted while everyone started laughing. 

"Eunjin ah your face is priceless!" LJoe said laughing along with the others. I looked at him confused then realized he was laughing. 

"Yah oppa! I thought you died!" I yelled at him. 

"You obviously still care about me since you were crying just a minute ago." He said teasing me. 

"Well of course! You scared me to death because I thought you were gone from this world forever! What's going on? Did you guys know about this?" I asked accusing each one of them. 

"Yes we did, but hey it's not our fault. Blame your boyfriend for this." Woohyun said.

"Hey hyung! Way to throw me under the bus!" Hoya yelled at him. 

"Oppa, how could you?" I asked hurt that he would play such a joke on me. 

"I thought it would be funny." He said slightly smiling. 

"You shouldn't joke around about death especially like this! You're all crazy!" I yelled at them and exited the room. 

"Noona's mad at us." Sungjong said. 

"No duh!" Dongwoo said. 

"Maybe we shouldn't have played that joke on her." Changjo started to feel guilty. 

"Don't worry, she'll forgive us." Myungsoo said. 

"Are you sure? She seemed angry right then." Sungyeol said. 

"Hey, here's an idea. Call Miyoung and tell her to tell Eunjin to forgive us!" Sunggyu said. Myungsoo pulled out his phone and dialed Miyoung's number. 

"Hey babe, I need you to do me a favor." Myungsoo explained what had happened and she agreed. He hung up the phone and found them all staring at him. 

"What did she say?" Hoya asked. 

"She'll try, but I'm not so sure anymore. I've never seen my sister this mad before." Myungsoo said. They all felt guilty now for playing that awful joke on me. 


I had taken a taxi home since there was no way I was going back home with those goons. Who would go through such measures to play a stupid prank on me? That wasn't even funny! I almost had a heart attack! I went to my room and shut the door. 

I didn't even change into my pajamas and fell asleep. I woke up to being shaked violently. "Yah! I'm awake not stop shaking me!" I yelled at the person. I opened my eyes and looked at the person sitting on my bed. I blinked and blinked but still couldn't believe who it was.

"Yah Eunjinnie! Stop blinking or your eyelids will fall off!" Miyoung said while laughing. 

"Sorry Miyoung, it's just I have seen your for a couple days. What made you show up here?" I asked her curious.

"I just missed you silly!" She said hitting me on the head. She cupped my face and took a look at my eyes. "Have you been crying?!" 

"What? Oh yeah Infinite and Teen Top played a joke on me and pretended LJoe oppa died... It was all planned by Hoya oppa too!" I said pouting. 

"What? No way!" Miyoung said pretending to be shocked. 

"Yes! And they all went along with it." I said clearly still mad. 

"Well are you going to forgive them? It was just a joke afterall." Miyoung said. 

"I will forgive everyone else, but not Hoya oppa. I'm going to ignore him, that's his punishment." I said while smirking. Miyoung stayed over until midnight and finally left. 

"These boys don't know who they're messing with." I said to myself. 

Miyoung POV 

After I left Eunjin's house I went straight to Infinite's dorm. They called over Teen Top and we all took a seat in Infinite's living room. I'm surprised it was even able to fit all of us in that tiny area. 

"So what did Eunjinnie say?" Myungsoo asked.

"She said she is going to forgive everyone, but Hoya oppa. She also said that she's going to ignore him as his punishment." I told them while they just looked at me. 

I looked at Hoya and he just pouted, "She really said that? Man I messed up." 

"It's going to be alright. I'm sure noona will forgive you." Changjo said assuring him. 

"Yeah, don't worry. I'll give you a couple days tops until she forgives you." Woohyun assured him once again. 

It had been a couple days since I met up with the guys. Myungsoo oppa told me that Eunjinnie still hadn't said anything to the guys even when they all texted her. 

That was the reason I showed up at her house. "Eunjinnie, I thought you were going to forgive them all except Hoya oppa?" I asked her. We were sitting on her bed just hanging out. 

"Miyoung ah I know you too well. I told you that I would forgive them all except Hoya oppa, but truth is I'm not going to forgive them. I knew you would go and tell Myungsoo oppa that's why I lied. They won't be forgiven until awhile." Eunjin said. 

I looked at her in disbelief, "Eunjinnie, but why? It was just a joke afterall."

"It's so they can learn a lesson to not play around with stuff like that especially around me. That kind of stuff is serious and obviously not a joke." She stated as a matter of fact. 

"Alright, guess that means they should stop asking me why you haven't answered any of their texts then." I told her. 

"Good because they're all so annoying!" Eunjin said jokingly. "I'll be right back." She got up and went to the bathroom. 

To: L oppa

She's not going to forgive all of you. She lied to me. 

I waited a couple minutes and finally receieved a reply from Myungsoo. 

From: L oppa

Alright, time to start plan a. 

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Omgloveaverly #1
Chapter 27: Update plz
mahea_808 #2
Chapter 27: Tue story is fine there is nothing u should change... sorry for being a silent reader most of the time
Chapter 23: Wow!! Amazing story!!! But hate the fact shes getting blind... Also I'm totally Mad and feel more Hateful to her Father for what he did .... Not every guy is the same... Just because one idol hurt her doesnt mean that her boyfriend will do the same...!!!! AISH I JUST HOPE SHE FINDS OUT AND THAT THEY BACK TOGETHER AND THAT SHE GETS SURGERY BUT WITH OUT LETTING NONE OF HER LOVE ONES BLIND.... Update soon please!!!
iamaflamer #4
iamaflamer #5
Chapter 22: WTF xD Hoagi isn't getting permission LMAO xD
Chapter 21: Aww Hoya so sweet :3 and y ;) .. Anyways I really like your story update soon unnie ^_^
Chapter 20: o.O She cannot go bald.. xD
Chapter 19: lol I wonder whats the punishment
newgirl #9
Chapter 19: hoya it's hoya :)))