No Way!

Falling For My Brother's Best Friend hiatus

Still Woohyun POV

I made sure all the boys woke up extra early today so we could meet up with Teen Top before we both had to practice for our comebacks. We headed towards our destination: The Coffee Shop. 

As we were walking there, there was multiple complaints coming from one of the members. “Hyung, I’m hungry!!” Sungyeol whined. “Why do we have to wake up so early? Are we almost there yet? Why’s it taking so long?”

Sunggyu who had enough of his complaints lost it, “Yah will you shut up?! It’s just across the street!” He yelled which caused Sungyeol to shut up. 

We all just laughed while Sungyeol pouted, “It’s alright Sungyeol.” I patted his back for assurance before we crossed the street. 

Ding! The bell rung indicating the entrance door opened. “Hey guys, over here!” We heard someone yell and walked to the back of the coffee shop. Teen Top wore disguises so they wouldn’t be recognized by fans and we did as well. “Do you guys want anything to eat or drink?”

“Yes!” Sungyeol’s arm shot up in the air while I tried to calm him down. 

“Maybe no coffee for you.” Sungjong suggested while Sungyeol glared at him. “Just saying! You already seem hyper enough.” 

Sunggyu motioned a waitress over and she took their orders. “I will be back with your orders.” She bowed and left us alone. 

“So how exactly are we going to convince appa about Hoya hyung?” Myungsoo asked while the others thought about it. 

“We could bring up previous idols’ relationships and how they dealt with fans and such.” Niel suggested while some shook their heads. 

“That’s out of the question. How about we bring up points about him that could help improve his impression of Hoya?” Dongwoo suggested.

“Yeah that sounds like a good idea! When shall this plan go into action?” I asked while everyone thought about it. 

“Well the sooner we can get him to like Hoya then the better chance him and Eunjin get back together.” Chunji said while they all agreed. 

Changjo lifted his hand up as if he was going to answer a question, “What about Haneul?” 

Everyone groaned, “I completely forgot about her.” CAP answered shaking his head. 

“How about we make her fall in love with one of us?” LJoe suggested.

“Yeah, let’s do it!! But who is willing to volunteer them self?” Ricky asked. 

“Since it was my idea, I’ll do it. But for the sake of Eunjinnie.” LJoe bravely said. 

I patted his back, “You’re a life savor LJoe, thanks man.” 

A waitress came over with our drinks and food, but it was a different one. This waitress had long, brown hair that was a bit longer than her shoulders. The hair reminded me of someone but I couldn’t place a name on her.

She placed multiple coffees on our table along with some bagels and muffins. “Please enjoy and call if you need anything!” She bowed and walked away. 

“Wait!” I called her back over and she stood beside the table waiting for me to continue. “Wouldn’t you like a muffin, Eunjinnie?” I asked. Some of the guys were shocked.

“H-how do you k-know my n-name?” She frightenedly asked while stuttering. 

“Please how could we not know your name? You are wearing a name tag.” I moved her hair out of the way and pointed to it. “Do you not know who we are?”

“No...sorry, but I have to get back to work.” She bowed and left once again. 

“How did Eunjin not recognize us?” Sungyeol asked hurt. 

Myungsoo who was right beside him, smacked him on the head. “We’re wearing disguises obviously.”

Everyone laughed and Sungyeol’s stupidity. Sunggyu looked at the time on his phone, “We better get going. We have a long day ahead of us. We’ll meet again, until next time.” Sunggyu saluted. 

“Hyung, you act like you won’t be seeing them at all! We live right next to each other.” I said while Sunggyu awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

“Hehe sorry I forgot. Anyways let’s go!” Sunggyu motioned for us to get up. Teen Top was heading to their practice room as well.

“Wait I didn’t get to finish my bagel!” Sungyeol yelled while I pushed him out. We arrived at our practice room and bid goodbyes. 

We entered our practice room and our choreographer was already waiting for us. “Are you boys ready to get started?”

Sungyeol whined, “No!! I didn’t even get to finish my bagel because hyung pushed me!”  

“Sorry Sungyeol that doesn’t concern me. Anyways let’s get started, shall we?” Our choreographer said. We just laughed and watched as our choreographer showed us the dance we were going to learn. 



Eunjin POV

After those weird guys talked to me, I went back to working. "How did they know my name..?" I muttered to myself.

"What did you say?" One of my coworkers, Jiyeon asked.

I looked at her confused, "H-huh? O-oh nothing just talking to myself." Jiyeon eyed me suspiciously then went back to fixing up a customer's latte. "Maybe they know me..." I shook the thought out of my head and continued to work. 

The day had been really busy until closing time. I looked at the clock and it read 5 minutes until 6. I pulled my phone out and sent a text to LJoe and Sunggyu. 

To: LJoe oppa

Are you guys still practicing? I might stop by after I visit Infinite.

To: Sunggyu oppa

Are you still in the practice room? I want to visit you guys.

I set my phone on the counter near the register and continued to clean. I wiped down the tables and mopped the floor while Jiyeon counted the money, Junsu, another coworker of mine, washed dishes. Usually there are 5 other people including the manager which is Junsu and Jiyeon's omma, but they couldn't come in today. 

"Jiyeon are you almost done counting the money?" Junsu asked from the back.

"Yeah, are you done washing the dishes?" She asked back.

"Almost, I just have a couple more to go. Eunjin are you almost done?" He asked me.

"Yeah I just have two more tables then I have to wash the windows." I replied. This became a routine since I started working here. We would always check in to see if we were almost done and whoever wasn't, someone who was done would help that person. We would all leave at the same time as well. 

10 minutes passed by and we had all finished. "Eunjin do you need a ride?" Jiyeon asked. 

"Uh yeah, can you drop me off at Infinite's dorm?" I grabbed my coat from the closet. I turned around and noticed something was weird about them. "What?"

"Y-you c-can't just go to Infinite's dorm! They don't want fans there, that's just invasion of privacy!" Jiyeon stated the obvious.

"Oh please, I know these boys and Teen Top. Plus they're practicing for their comebacks. I should've texted my brother instead since he always has his phone on him." I said talking to myself.

"Who's your brother?" Junsu curiously asked. "It can't be L right, haha." He chuckled.

"He is my brother though. Is there something wrong with oppa?" They both looked at me like I was lying. "If you two don't believe me then come and I'll prove it to you. I recently dated Hoya, but something happened. Also I dated LJoe, but me and him are on good terms now so he's my best friend." I smiled just talking about the guy. 

"I still don't believe you. There's no possible way that you, an average girl, is L's sister and that you dated Hoya and LJoe. There's just no way!" Jiyeon said. 

"Do you want to make a bet? Winner gets 100 won."

"Call!" Junsu and Jiyeon said and we shook hands. You two are so going down. I thought to myself smiling evilly. My phone vibrated twice. I looked down and saw I had received two text messages. 

From: LJoe oppa

Yeah, we'll be here for awhile. Manager hyung scolded us for not practicing since two weeks ago.

From: Sunggyu oppa

Yes we are, we can't leave until we get the dance memorized. I let the guys know while Hoya went to the bathroom. Are you going to be okay seeing him?

I decided not to text them back since we were going to be there in a couple minutes. "So who do you want to see first, Infinite or Teen Top?" I asked the two of them.

"Infinite! I want to know if L is really your brother, so then you can hook me up if you know what I mean." Jiyeon winked at me while Junsu looked disgusted. 

Junsu parked the car by the sidewalk and we got out. "Ready to lose?" I asked the two. 

"Psh you're going to lose!" Junsu replied as they followed me to the practice room. We argued until I opened the door. We quietly walked in while they danced. 

Suddenly the music stopped. "Yah L! You keep messing up, it's this and then this!" Sunggyu shouted as he showed Myungsoo the dance moves. 

I walked over to Sunggyu and patted him on the back, "Oppa you don't have to be so harsh!" 

All the boys stopped what they were doing and crowded around me except for Hoya, "Yay Eunjinnie is here to protect me from Grandpa Gyu!!" Myungsoo ran behind me as protection. 

"Oppa! You're such a little kid! Shouldn't you be protecting me?" I asked while he shook his head. "Oh that's right you don't know how to protect yourself."

"Do you need some ice for that? Because you just got burned!!" Sungyeol childishly yelled while everyone chuckled. 

The entrance door opened and in walked Teen Top. "No you're not! I am!" LJoe argued with Chunji. 

"Yah you two love birds what are you arguing about?" I asked. 

"Hyung thinks Eunjinnie likes him better." Chunji motioned to LJoe. 

LJoe smacked him on the head, "Eunjin likes me better because I'm smarter!"

I interrupted them once again, "You know oppa if you were smart, you would know that I'm right here!" Everyone laughed at his stupidity. 

"So what brings you here?" Woohyun asked. I suddenly remembered my coworkers. 

"Ah! Junsu and Jiyeon, come over." I motioned them over to where I was. They suddenly became the center of the attention. "These two here don't believe that Myungsoo oppa is my brother." I pouted while LJoe came over to hug me. 

"Why don't you believe it?" Niel asked while the others nodded their heads confused. 

"She just seems like an average girl." Junsu explained.

"And?" Dongwoo asked.

"A-and it d-doesn't seem like she could be related to one of y-you." Jiyeon stuttered. 

"She's cute." Chunji whispered to Hoya. Jiyeon heard and blushed. 

Hoya on the other hand scoffed, "Eunjin's cuter." 

Chunji looked at him shocked, "What'd you say?"

"H-huh? W-what're you t-talking about?" Hoya asked.

"Oh nothing. Anyways let's solve this problem here." Chunji said to the two. "Myungsoo here," He went over and held his shoulder, "is Eunjin's brother. Eunjin use to date LJoe and Hoya. Do you believe her now that we explained it to you?" Chunji asked.

"I do!" Jiyeon raised her hand while Junsu chuckled shaking his head.

I was suddenly pulled to the side, "Hey, um Eunjin can we talk?" I looked up and it was Hoya who had pulled me aside.

"Sorry, but I have nothing to say to you." I walked back to the others and joined their conversation.

CAP interrupted everyone's conversations, "Hey sorry to interrupt, but we have to get back to practicing. It was nice meeting you Junsu and Jiyeon. Come back anytime! We live right by, but if you need our address just ask Eunjin." They waved goodbye as they walked out.

I caught up to LJoe before he left. "Hey oppa, can you stop by my house after practice?" I whispered in his ear.

"Yeah of course. Make sure you don't fall asleep on me though." He whispered back and I nodded my head. I walked back to the guys and noticed Woohyun looking at me weirdly.

"What was that about?" He whispered in my ear.

"Nothing, I just haven't seen my bestfriend in awhile. Is that a crime?" I asked while he shook his head. "Well we should let you guys get back to practice. I'll see you tomorrow after work!" I waved goodbye and headed out the door with Junsu and Jiyeon.

"Yes! I got Chunji oppa's phone number!" Jiyeon cheered in success.

"What happened to 'Hook me up with Myungsoo'?" I .

"He got a text from his girlfriend." She pouted while I just laughed since I already knew he was with Miyoung. We got in the car and they drove me home.

After eating and washing up, I went to my room and waited for LJoe to arrive.  

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Omgloveaverly #1
Chapter 27: Update plz
mahea_808 #2
Chapter 27: Tue story is fine there is nothing u should change... sorry for being a silent reader most of the time
Chapter 23: Wow!! Amazing story!!! But hate the fact shes getting blind... Also I'm totally Mad and feel more Hateful to her Father for what he did .... Not every guy is the same... Just because one idol hurt her doesnt mean that her boyfriend will do the same...!!!! AISH I JUST HOPE SHE FINDS OUT AND THAT THEY BACK TOGETHER AND THAT SHE GETS SURGERY BUT WITH OUT LETTING NONE OF HER LOVE ONES BLIND.... Update soon please!!!
iamaflamer #4
iamaflamer #5
Chapter 22: WTF xD Hoagi isn't getting permission LMAO xD
Chapter 21: Aww Hoya so sweet :3 and y ;) .. Anyways I really like your story update soon unnie ^_^
Chapter 20: o.O She cannot go bald.. xD
Chapter 19: lol I wonder whats the punishment
newgirl #9
Chapter 19: hoya it's hoya :)))