Falling For My Brother's Best Friend hiatus

Eunjin POV 

I’ve been very stressed for about two weeks now. I’ve been trying to figure out what I had done wrong to him. But the more I think about it, the more stressed I become. He never gave me an explanation about why he was breaking up with me. 

Ever since I told the others, each one has come over to hangout with me for the day. The day after the dance was LJoe, Miyoung, Sunggyu, Ricky, Sungjong, Changjo, Sungyeol, Dongwoo, CAP, Niel, Chunji, and Myungsoo. Today Woohyun said he was going to bring me around. 

He knocked before asking, “Are you ready?”

I opened the door, “Yes,  let’s go!!” We left the house and headed to our destination. Although I didn’t know where we were heading to. “Where exactly are we going?”

His eyes were focused on the road, but he didn’t answer me. All the way there we drove in silence, no words spoken. The whole time I was looking out the window that I didn’t realize the car had stopped. “C’mon, we’re here.” He got out of the car and went to the other side to open my door.

“Thanks oppa,” Something seemed a bit off with him today. “Is something wrong?”

He shook his head, “Let’s go in, shall we?” He held the door open for me to enter. I saw the ice rink and noticed Woohyun had brought us to come ice skating.  

“I’ve never been ice skating before!” I exclaimed while smiling. 

“I know, I asked Myungsoo and he told me you’ve always wanted to try. I’ll go grab us some skates, what size are you?” I told him my size and he left me alone to go retrieve them. 

I looked around at the people who were skating, I noticed two people who looked familiar, but didn’t think anything of it. Suddenly there were more people who looked familiar. I rubbed my eyes to see if they were deceiving me. But they weren’t. 

“Hey what are you doing here?” Someone asked, their voice sounded familiar. 

I turned around to see the person the voice belonged to and indeed it was that person. “Oh! Oppa, what’re you doing here?”

“The boys begged me to come skating even though I told them we had to practice. We’re about to have our comeback and they just want to play. If Manager hyung found out then we would be scolded. But anyways you never answered my question.” He replied.

“Ah right, today is Woohyun oppa’s day to bring me out. Where’s LJoe oppa?” I asked looking around for him. 

“He didn’t come with us...he’s part of the reason why the boys wanted to come play. He said he had some ‘important business’ to take care of.” He made air quotes not really sure what was more important than practicing. 

I nodded my head, “Oh CAP, what’re you doing here?” Woohyun asked and he had to explain once again. 

“Well I got to go, we’ve been here for too long. See you two later!” CAP waved as he headed back to the group. We took a seat at a table and put on our skates. I struggled with mine so Woohyun had to help me. 

“Oppa, don’t let go of me.” I gripped onto his arm once we started to make our way to the ice rink. I held onto his hand even tighter once we were fully on the ice. 

It took awhile for us to circle around the ice rink once, reason being I kept falling. The whole time was filled with laughter as I failed to skate by myself. 

As Woohyun started to extend his arm, he tried to make me skate by just holding his hand. In the end I ended up falling bringing Woohyun down as well. We fell side by side and just laid there while the other skaters skated by; some giving us dirty looks. 

"Starting tomorrow we won't be able to hangout with you and Miyoung as much." Woohyun said looking up in the sky. 

"How come?" I looked at him pouting, but he didn't notice it.

"We're having a comeback and we have to get ready for it. We've only practiced the dance once or so and our comeback is next month. Manager hyung wants us to practice day and night starting tomorrow. If you'd like, you can come watch us as long as you don't distract us." 

"We should probably get up now huh?" I asked turning towards him. He turned towards me and hugged me tightly. "Oppa!" I tried to wriggle myself out of his grip, but it was no use. 

"Eunjinnie I love you! You're the cutest little thing." He sat up and put his arms over his head. He started to throw hearts at me and kept doing it.

"Oppa!" I tried to put his hands down, but he wouldn't stop. "You're embarrassing me." I tried to put on a sad face, but then Woohyun bursted out laughing. I cheered in success because he managed to stop his greasiness. He stood up and held his hand out for me. We stood up and skated towards the exit.

I took off my skates and took Woohyun's once he was done taking them off. "I'll go return these and we can go." He nodded his head and stood in place, waiting for me to return. 

"Oh! Hyung, what're you doing here?" A guy asked Woohyun.

Woohyun looked at the younger male, surprised that he was at the ice rink as well. "I'm here with..." He contemplated on whether he should announce who he was with, but decided against it. "I'm with a friend, and how about you?"

"I'm also with a friend." He announced, "Oh, here she is. Woohyun hyung meet my friend Haneul. Haneul, this is my friend and practically my brother, Woohyun." They shook hands and the atmosphere became 10x more awkward than it was once Woohyun saw him. "Well I'm going to grab some skates, Haneul you stay here alright?" She nodded her head and stood beside Woohyun.

Woohyun didn't want to awkwardly stand beside the girl he just met, so he started up a conversation. "You two are friends?" 

"For now, yes. You see when we were younger, our parents wanted us to get married to each other. He called it off though for some unknown reason, but I'm glad he called me out today. I just want things between us to get back to how they were before. No matter what it takes, we will be together once and for all." Haneul stated while Woohyun just stared at her, agaped. 

"Oppa! Let's go now!" I called Woohyun's name from across the room. He bowed to what looked like some girl and quickly came to my side. "Who was that?"

"No one important, no one important at all." He assured as we left. "Miyoung asked to hangout with you today, I'll drop you off at home alright?"

"We're not going to spend any more time together?" I asked confused. 

"Sorry, but something came up. I'll make it up to you another day, alright?" He took a quick glance towards my direction seeing a pouty face evident. He took one hand off the wheel and nudged me with it. "I'll bring you out soon, I promise!" 

The conversation died, but my thoughts were still jumbled up about Woohyun's promise and what happened at the ice rink. Woohyun dropped me off at my house so I could wait for Miyoung.

Not much later, she arrived. I didn't even wait until she entered the house before I blurted out, "Hoya is already seeing someone new."



Woohyun POV

I called up Teen Top as soon as I dropped Eunjin off at her house. "Hey hyung, what's up?" CAP asked on the other line.

"Are you busy right now?" I asked while driving towards the dorm.

"We're actually practicing right now. Did you need something?"

"I have to tell you all something, would you guys be able to take a break for 10 minutes?" I asked pulling into the driveway. 

"Yeah, we're heading over right now. See you soon." We hung up the phone. 

I walked inside our dorm and saw Teen Top and the rest of Infinite minus one sitting on the couch. "CAP said you wanted to talk to all of us? What about?" Sunggyu asked while the others were curious as well. 

I decided which part to tell them first. The part about the girl or the part about who the girl was with. 

"Woohyun hyung, we're waiting!!" Changjo yelled while everyone just laughed.

I chuckled, "Sorry didn't know which part to start off with first."

"Just tell us the good news then." Niel stated.

"Well they're both bad."

"Just say it, I'm sure they have to get back to practice soon." Myungsoo said while gesturing towards Teen Top. 

"Well, it's about Hoya..." I started off and looked at everyone while they waited for me to continue. "He's s-" I was cut off by the door opening and it revealed Hoya. 

"I'm home!! Oh, what's Teen Top doing here?" Everyone quieted down not sure how to answer him. "You guys are acting strange. Well, I'm going to go shower. See you all in a bit!" He waved and headed towards his room to grab his clothes. 

I waited until he was in the bathroom to continue what I was saying earlier. "Okay so as I was saying, he's seeing someone new. A girl name Haneul was her name? That's not the point. The point is he's seeing someone new. What are we supposed to do?" I started to panic while some people gasped at my terrible news. 

"That can't be!" Myungsoo shouted as everyone looked at him confused. "He still loves Eunjinnie, he didn't want to obey appa so he broke up with her on purpose. Appa didn't want Hoya to date Eunjin because of what happened with LJoe." He explained the situation to us. 

"But then why is he going out with Haneul?" Sungyeol asked confused.

"We don't know, that's what we're trying to figure out." Dongwoo stated the obvious. 

"You said they're both bad, what's the other one?" LJoe asked and the others moved in closer to hear what I had to say.

"Apparently this Haneul girl and Hoya were supposed to get married, but something happened and Hoya called it off. She wants things to go back to how they were and she's going to try to get him back." This time everyone gasped.

"What about Eunjin noona?" Ricky asked.

"Well since Myungsoo told us Hoya still has feelings for Eunjin, we're going to try to get them back together. Of course we have to convince his appa first." Chunji stated as a matter of fact. 

"Okay let's think of a plan." Sungjong said. Suddenly the water to the shower turned off and we all turned our heads towards the bathroom. 

"We'll meet tomorrow morning." CAP said as they got up from the couch. We quietly planned where and what time we were going to meet without talking loud, afraid Hoya might hear us. "Okay see you guys then." We waved goodbye as they headed out the door. 

"Did they already leave?" Hoya asked as he dried his hair with his towel. We all nodded our heads and went to sit back on the couch. "Is something wrong? You guys seem awfully quiet today."

"Nope nothing's wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong." I told him as the others nodded their heads in agreement. Oh Hoya you have some major explaining to do. 

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Omgloveaverly #1
Chapter 27: Update plz
mahea_808 #2
Chapter 27: Tue story is fine there is nothing u should change... sorry for being a silent reader most of the time
Chapter 23: Wow!! Amazing story!!! But hate the fact shes getting blind... Also I'm totally Mad and feel more Hateful to her Father for what he did .... Not every guy is the same... Just because one idol hurt her doesnt mean that her boyfriend will do the same...!!!! AISH I JUST HOPE SHE FINDS OUT AND THAT THEY BACK TOGETHER AND THAT SHE GETS SURGERY BUT WITH OUT LETTING NONE OF HER LOVE ONES BLIND.... Update soon please!!!
iamaflamer #4
iamaflamer #5
Chapter 22: WTF xD Hoagi isn't getting permission LMAO xD
Chapter 21: Aww Hoya so sweet :3 and y ;) .. Anyways I really like your story update soon unnie ^_^
Chapter 20: o.O She cannot go bald.. xD
Chapter 19: lol I wonder whats the punishment
newgirl #9
Chapter 19: hoya it's hoya :)))