Lotte World

Falling For My Brother's Best Friend hiatus

After getting ready we all piled into the limo. "You're going to sit with me on every ride right?" Hoya oppa asked me. I nodded my head. Truthfully I didn't like roller coasters. Heights and haunted houses were my fears. I was too afraid to tell oppa because I thought he would make fun of me for that. Miyoung and Myungsoo oppa knew about my fears. 

Meanwhile Miyoung and Myungsoo were closer to the front whispered to each other. "Do you think Eunjinnie is going to be okay to go on the roller coasters?" Miyoung asked Myungsoo. 

He shook his head, "I don't think she'll be okay going into the haunted house either. We'll avoid those places for her." Myungsoo said. I looked over to the two because they kept looking my way. I figured they were talking about my fears. Knowing Myungsoo oppa he's going to try to avoid them for me. 

"We're here!" Sungjong announced. He was the first to run out of the limo then Sungyeol.

"Those two are such kids." Sunggyu said while the rest of us chuckled.

"I'll go buy the tickets, wait here with hyung." Hoya said.

"Hey is something wrong? You're sweating a lot!" Woohyun oppa said.

"Huh? U-uh no. Everything's fine. It's just hot." I tried to say casually. He eyed me suspiciously. "Oppa stop." I said playfully hitting his arm.

"If something's wrong, you know you can come to me." He said.

"I don't know where this is coming from, but thanks oppa." I said. I watched him walk away from me but he walked to Myungsoo. He’s probably going to ask him about me. And oppa will probably tell him and then everyone will know I’m afraid of heights and haunted houses. 

“What are you thinking about?” Hoya asked as he was coming closer to me. 

“Huh? O-oh nothing.” I said. He probably knows something’s up since I partly stuttered. I saw him pull out his phone, but didn’t think anything of it. A couple minutes later he placed his phone back into his pocket. 

“What do you want to do first?” He asked looking back at me. 

“Not sure. Are we splitting from the group?” I wondered. He nodded his head. He took my hand into his and we started walking holding hands. I felt heat rising to my cheeks. 

Meanwhile Miyoung and Myungsoo started to panic. “Aish where did hyung take Eunjinnie to? This is not good.” Myungsoo said freaking out.”

“Hey man calm down. Hoya will protect Eunjin, so there’s no need to worry.” Sungyeol said while patting Myungsoo’s back. 

“I don't think you understand.” Miyoung said. 

‘What’s there to understand?” Woohyun asked. 

While Myungsoo was still panicking, Miyoung told them the truth. “Eunjinnie’s afraid of heights and haunted houses.”

“That’s not something to be that worried about.” Sunggyu said. 

“Oh trust me it is! Whenever she sees haunted houses she sweats a lot! And when she sees roller coasters she faints. It gets pretty bad.” Myungsoo said still panicking. 

“Then let’s find noona! I don’t want anything bad to happen to her.” Sungjong said. Woohyun called Eunjin numerous  times, but she didn’t pick up. Sunggyu then called Hoya who didn’t pick up until the tenth ring. 

“Where’s E-” Hoya cut him off. 

“She fainted.” 

“Tell us where you are and we’ll meet up with you.”

“The biggest roller coaster here.”

“Okay we’re on our way. Call the ambulance.” 

“Okay hurry!” Sunggyu hung up the phone. He started running with everyone running as well, but not knowing exactly where. 

“Hyung what’s wrong?” Dongwoo shouted while running. He didn’t answer, but just kept running. As soon as they got there, they saw the ambulance and Eunjin being put onto a stretcher. 

“Noona!” Sungjong shouted. Dongwoo held Sungjong back from opening the doors. “I need to see her!” 

“Don’t worry, she’s going to be fine. Hoya, Myungsoo, and Miyoung you go to the hospital and we’ll have Kevin drive us.” Sunggyu said. 

I heard voices in my room. Apart from that I heard someone crying. “Eunjinnie I really hope you’re alright.” Myungsoo said. Is that Myungsoo crying? It can’t be. He doesn’t cry in front of others. I heard a doctor come in to ask if there was a relative related to me. I heard Myungsoo announce he was and the doctor asked him to talk outside. 

Myungsoo POV

The doctor brought me outside of the room. “I’m sorry, but I have some bad news to tell you.” The doctor said.

“What is it?” I asked slowly. After the doctor talked to me I walked back into the room and saw Hoya hyung sitting beside Eunjin's bed. 

"Miyoung I need to talk to you." I told her as she followed me out of the room.

"No. This can't be happening." She whispered to herself. She walked back into the room and crouched beside Eunjin's bed. "Eunjinnie please tell me this isn't true. You need to wake up!" She said while shaking Eunjin. We all grabbed Miyoung and held her back. Everyone let go and she ran into my arms. "Please tell me everything's going to be okay." She whispered into my ear. 

"Myungsoo what's going on? What'd the doctor say about Eunjin?" Woohyun asked. 

"Eunjinnie might be blind." I told everyone.

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Omgloveaverly #1
Chapter 27: Update plz
mahea_808 #2
Chapter 27: Tue story is fine there is nothing u should change... sorry for being a silent reader most of the time
Chapter 23: Wow!! Amazing story!!! But hate the fact shes getting blind... Also I'm totally Mad and feel more Hateful to her Father for what he did .... Not every guy is the same... Just because one idol hurt her doesnt mean that her boyfriend will do the same...!!!! AISH I JUST HOPE SHE FINDS OUT AND THAT THEY BACK TOGETHER AND THAT SHE GETS SURGERY BUT WITH OUT LETTING NONE OF HER LOVE ONES BLIND.... Update soon please!!!
iamaflamer #4
iamaflamer #5
Chapter 22: WTF xD Hoagi isn't getting permission LMAO xD
Chapter 21: Aww Hoya so sweet :3 and y ;) .. Anyways I really like your story update soon unnie ^_^
Chapter 20: o.O She cannot go bald.. xD
Chapter 19: lol I wonder whats the punishment
newgirl #9
Chapter 19: hoya it's hoya :)))