Chapter 33

"I want a girl who is in it for me, not for the money, not for the fame"

Jiyong POV
Jiyong woke up in a hospital bed. His vision was still blurry but he could see T.O.P standing over his bed with a look of sadness in his eyes. He didn't say anything but that he hoped that he would get better soon and he would stay by his side. T.O.P sat down next to his friend and put his hand on his; his friend was a state. He had cuts all over his face and his hair was wet with dried blood and sweat; he was connected to tubes that were connected to machines which were pumping blood into his body. T.O.P thought things were going to go well; he thought Jiyong would make it in time and persuade Lydie to stay in Korea with him.
        "The rest of the guys are on their way and so is YG," Jiyong nodded at him.
"What about..." it hurt Jiyong to talk but he carried on, "have you heard anything from Lydie?" His throat was dry and his words came out muffled but T.O.P understood what he said and shook his head. Jiyong pushed his head further back into his pillow and began to cry; T.O.P managed to hear him say he was too late. T.O.P left him and went outside.

Lydie POV
Lydies father had a word with the person on the flight desk; Lydie was next to him begining to get agitated. Her father and the person behind the desk agreed to send their bags out in a few days. Lydie and her father left.
        "How do we know which hospital he will be at?" Lydie questioned as she and her father got into a taxi. Her father stopped in his tracks; he had a look of doubt on his face.
"We'll go to every hospital until we find him, okay?" Lydie nodded and they both got into the taxi; the taxi driver asked where they were going and Lydies father said Samsung Medical Hospital. Lydie had a feeling he was wrong but the taxi set off.
        Once they arrived at their location Lydie recieved a call. It was T.O.P; he told them they were at Asan Medical Center; Lydie thanked him and told her father. They got into another taxi and set off to see Jiyong.

Jiyong POV
Seungri and Taeyang arrived at the hospital along with Jiyongs parents and YG. T.O.P greeted them and told them what ward Jiyong was on; T.O.P stayed outside to wait for Lydie. He wondered how she had found out about the accident; he concluded she must have heard it on the radio or TV on the aeroplane.
        Jiyong said nothing when his friends and family arrived. His mother hugged him and said she was happy he was safe; but he still said nothing. YG was having a word with the nurse who was in charge of taking care of Jiyong. The only thing Jiyong was thinking about was Lydie; he ignored his injuries. He hated the thought of not seeing Lydie again. He thought that was worse than the accident he was just in. He began to cry again; his mother hugged him again. 

Lydie POV
Lydie and her father arrived at Asan Medical Center and T.O.P was sat outside; waiting for them. "You should call mum," Lydie said to her father, he agreed and got his mobile phone out. T.O.P greeted them both; Lydie gave him a hug and Lydies father nodded and smiled at him.
"He's in a bad state, Lyds. He won't stop talking about you; you're the only thing that is on his mind. He will be relieved to see you," This didn't comfort her. Lydie felt responsable for his accident but she wasn't going to tell him that so instead he just nodded.
        T.O.P led Lydie and his father into the hospital; to Jiyong. Lydie was nervous; she didn't want Jiyong to blame her for what had happened like she was.
"You shouldn't blame yourself," T.O.P said; it was as if he could hear what Lydie was thinking. He put his arm around Lydie and pulled her into a hug. "It really isn't your fault, I'm the one who told him to go; it is my fault, really." Lydie shook her head but T.O.P told her it was true.
        T.O.P let her go and they carried on to Jiyongs ward.

Sooo, I've just finished writing the last chapter! Boohoo! m(_ _)m I'm quite sad about it actually... Well~ it had to come to an end eventually, I guess! I've got an idea for my next story but I'm not sure. It's all supernatural and stuff~ so I'm not sure it would go down well lmao!
        @Izzie: I'm not sure if I could do a sequel really... unless I did one when they were older? I'm not sure that'd be good though haha! 

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Heymama #1
Hi Authornim..this fanfic it completed or cliffhanger ?
Chapter 10: oh it's so daebak !
ilabya12 #3
parkbommie_ #4
Chapter 36: Omg update soon juseyoooo!!
Nuest17exo #5
Chapter 36: NNNOOOOOOO~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!! My poor baby!! Oh my goodness!!! It almost made me cry!!! Please update as fast as you can!!!!! Ppali!! Why do up have to leave us at that!!! NAPA!!!! JK. Fighting!!
Ninja_Lover #6
ANI! You can't leave me there! Aigoo!
Update ASAP! :(
its_chanyorr #7
This is going to be in my "10 Must Read Fanfics" on Facebook :)))
Anna_Ejibi #8
Anna_Ejibi #9
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i needd too read mooore NOW!!!!!! i'm reading this story for 4 hours AND IM IN LOVEEE I NEED TO READ MORE PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE UPDATEESOOOOOOOOOON PPPPMMMMMGGGGGD
izzie_inlove #10
Yaaaaaaaaaaay we're gonna see Ji before she leeeeave wooooooot!
Okay I'm in a better mood now ^^ I can take on my math test tomorrow, and not space out thinking about Ji and his hotness during it! (Who am I kidding, I'm gonna daydream about GD and his hotness every 10 minutes, it's impossible for me not to...)
Can't wait for next chapter~~ Btw, are you going to do a sequel after this?