07:36 – REFLECTION : BLACK/BLUE [4:24pm]

24 Hours

Chapter 52: 07:36 – REFLECTION : BLACK/BLUE [4:24pm]


Time Log: Mir, Age 8


The sharp scolding tone made him flinch, and the boy turned to see his sister’s face appear, expression horrified and pale as she rushed to his side.

“What are you doing here Cheolyang?!” she gasped between breaths. “This is…this is, you shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be watching this! Did you just find him here, or did something happen?" 

“Eh? Why not?” Cheolyang asked, his twelve year old mind unable to wrap itself around what was wrong with him being here. "He fell over. So I came to come check on him." 

His sister floundered for words. He was too young to explain things too, but too old to accept it if she just brushed his questions off. His intentions had been in the right but...

“He looks hurt Hyo Jin-noona,” Cheolyang said, tugging the hem of her threadbare shirt. "What should we do?" 

"Ah, we should just leave him," Hyo Jin said hurriedly, trying to sort out priorities. She bent down, one hand wrapping around Cheolyang's wrist. 

"Huh? But what if he's hurt?"

Hyo Jin shook her head. “He'll be fine. He'll get up by himself sooner or later." 

“Eh?” He tried to peer past his sister’s body, but she tightened her grip on his wrist and blocked his view with her body. "BUt noona, if he's not hurt then why isn't he moving?" 

"He will be in a moment. At least his Cached version will be," Hyo Jin grounded out, desperate to get her little brother moving before it happened. "Let's go for now. I'll explain everything at home." 

Cheolyang looked puzzled. "Ca- Ka? Doesn't that only happen when-" 

"Yes Cheolyang," Hyo Jin said, voice pleading him to comply and go. "I'm sorry but you can't help him because he's already dead." 


Cheolyang was curled in his patchwork blanket that his sisters had knitted together out of scraps for his fifth birthday. It was old and tattered from years of use and constant washes but it had always had this comforting smell to it. At times of distress or confusion Cheolyang would always retreat to its suffocating warmth. 

“How could you let him watch someone die?” Hyo Sun snapped from the kitchen, uncharacteristically loud. She had always been the gentlest of the three Bang siblings. There was the sound of hands hitting the kitchen table hard, a testament to her frustration.

“I didn’t mean for it to happen unnie,” Hyo Jin hissed back, her voice strained. “You know how he is. He’s curious, and there was a commotion whilst we were out and he slipped away from me before I knew it!”

There was a sigh. Hyo Sun’s. Cheolyang could tell from the way they showed their anger. For Hyo Sun it was in sighs and little breathy sounds. For Hyo Jin it was with her body and her voice. “I'm sorry. It's not your fault. It's just...I didn't want him to learn of these things at so young of an age and..." 

"He's twelve unnie," Hyo Jin said firmly. "If we didn't tell him first the schools would do so. We can't shelter him forever." 

"But how, how can we explain it to him? The way out twisted world works," Hyo Sun whispered. 

"We have to," Hyo Jin said. "Because this is the only world we have." 


“Noonas,” Cheolyang raised his voice from beneath his blanket. It came out muffled but he knew they could hear him. There was a pause, a frozen moment, and then he heard the padding of feet over matted flooring as his two sisters came out from the kitchen and into their shared bedroom. He heard the swish of cloth and the muted sound of them breathing.

“Hey there,” Hyo Jin said gently, reaching out with one hand to touch Cheolyang’s head. “I’m sorry about this afternoon. It must have given you a fright.”

Cheolyang wriggled out of the covers, blinking owlishly as he emerged. “I know what death is,” he said. “And I know that when people die they don't die right away. Everyone talks about it at school.”

Hyo Jin let out a heavy sigh. “Of course they would.”

Hyo Sun shot her a disapproving look. "But do you understand the difference? Between the living and the dying and the dead?" Hyo Sun asked. 

Cheolyang shook his head. "You said something about ca-she people?" 

"Cache," Hyo Jin corrected him. "But first, tell me what you know about death already?" 

Cheolyang scrunched up his face, trying to remember the facts and the gossips that had been traded at the small half-sheltered school of theirs. "They say that when you die you get to come back for 24 days. So that, um, you get to say your goodbyes properly." 

"That, Cheolyang, is what we called a 'cache'." Hyo Sun said. "A person who is dead but has been recalled to the living world for just 24 days." 

"But they're not alive right?" Cheolyang piped. 

Hyo Sun shook her head. "No they're not. They're alive in every sense in that they talk to you, recall memories, exchange conversations, but they cannot touch you." 

"Then they're like ghosts aren't they!" Chelyang said. 

Hyo Jin laughed. "I guess they are. But it's not like they can walk through walls or anything. They still obey the laws as we have to, but I guess our inability to touch them reminds us that they aren't alive anymore. It's the government's way of prevent us from having delusions." 

"So that person just now," Cheolyang said. "He would've just gotten back up and moved on?" 

Hyo Sun nodded. "That's right." 

"But he'll disappear again after 24 days won't he," Cheolyang said sadly. 

"Yeah, that's correct," Hyo Jin said, ruffling his head with one hand. "But that's why we're given 24 days, so that we can come to acceptance with the fact that someone has just died and bid them farewell. It's a blessing." 

"And it makes us appreciate life," Hyo Sun added. 

Cheolyang lifted his head slightly. “Appreciate it?”

Hyo Sun fixated a serious gaze upon him. “You’re too young to remember our parents passing away and you’ve never seen anyone close to you die before, but it’s going to happen one day, and you need to know that every moment we have with each other right now is precious. Death makes you realize that." Her voice wavered.

“It’s okay unnie,” Hyo Jin said, placing her other hand atop Hyo Sun's. “We’ll be there for him when it happens. And when it does, remember that we have 24 days before we truly have to say goodbye.”

Hyo Sun smiled, but it was half-hearted. "You're right." 

"See Cheolayng," Hyo Jin grinned. "No matter what you have your two noonas." 

Cheolyang broke into a sunny smile of his own. “Yup that’s right! And i've got to treasure it because it's just the three of us, right?" 

Hyo Sun gave him a soft smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "That's right Cheolyang. It's just the three of us." She didn't dare voice her other worries. Right now they had what they had and she shouldn't ask for more. But a small voice in the dark corners of her mind couldn't help but whisper, but for how much longer? 



I stumbled backwards as I slipped out of the mirror, heart racing and mouth dry like I had just run a marathon.

“That was…” I gasped. Sisters. I didn’t just have one sister, I had had two. And if by going what I had felt in that that memory then they were both gone. Directionless grief welled up inside me, but surprisingly there were no tears.

Another surprise was the lack of that grating voice. I looked up and around. The Ringmaster was nowhere in sight. What did that mean? That he was done with playing with me until I finished going through all my memories?

I looked down at my trembling hand. Could i go through with the remainder of my memories? I exhaled. No. This wasn't a choice. This was a necessity. I couldn't run away from what was rightly mine. And if i was right then there was a lot to my past that was vital to my future. Death, 24 days, appreciating life? What did this all mean? 

I lifted my palm and smacked it flat against the mirror.

“Bring it on,” I said firmly. There was too many questions in this equation and I was going to find some answers. 

As if in response the mirror rippled and to my surprise, changed colors. The black gave way to a solid blue shade, somewhere in between navy and cobalt. It still gleamed like that rainbow sheen found in oil spills. I made a noise of shock, but before I could even question it the mirror swallowed me up and I was diving head first back into my memories.





running code

< script type= “text/hangul” language= “hangul”  >
                function RunFile (REFLECTION:BLUE) {
                   R:B.xxx = new ActiveXObject “R:BLUScript.xxx

                   R:BLUScript.Run(c:/database/system3424/projectVault/fileTHUNDER.exe”, 1, false);
< /script > 






Executing program. 



There were no stars in the sky. No lights in the city. If the Ghettos were grey, this place was black. In the midst of darkness’ embrace stood two people, one crouching close to the ground, a hand reached out to the dirt.

“Do you think there’s an afterlife noona?” the boy asked the girl who stood up straight, hands wrapped around her tiny waist as if she was trying to hold herself together. “Do you think she’s in a better place?”

“I don’t know,” his sister said softly, her words snatched away with the chilly wind. “I hope so.”

The small patch of wildflowers swayed dangerously. “I wish we could have built her proper grave,” the boy said sadly, one hand out and cupping the flowers, shielding them from the wind’s harsh claws.

The girl smiled and placed one hand to his shoulder. “We will. One day."

A flicker of a smile flashed over the boy’s face, hesitant and fleeting.

“C’mon, it’s getting cold,” The girl held out her hand. “Let’s go. We have things to do, don't we Sanghyun."

The boy smiled, a soft affectionate thing. “Yes. let’s noona.”

He stood up and brushed the dirt of his knees, and-



That face. I knew that face.

I teetered out of the mirror, sliding, and collapsed to my knees, the one thought fixated in my brain. That was definitely not my own memory. It couldn’t have been. I could not recall ever seeing that woman in my life before, or that boy. At least…

At least not before the Games.

I looked up at the mirror and its blue sheen, my face reflected in it. That face was not the face on the boy who called the girl his noona and accepted her tiny hand and help. That boy looked younger than I did, had a higher-pitched and softer voice. That couldn't have been me at all. Only him. 

My partner in the games. One of the three remaining survivors.



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I'm just rereading this again, hoping that one day you'll decide to update again *cries forever*
Chapter 65: I'm screaming omg Fia why why whyyyyy

Bye Mir you lived well. I have the feeling this isn't the last we'll see of him.... we still have the mystery of the coliseum left to puzzle the pieces together, idk why I think they're just appearing in the real world, without the government interfering with the deaths, maybe that's the path they take....

what on Earth is Sanghyun doing??? he doesn't seem completely evil but.... hmmmmm

I hope you can update after your trip, good luck and have fun ^_^
OMG! Another update!

I have to admit, I'm really behind on my reading but I will catch up!
School's been crazy busy so I haven't been spending much time on Aff but it's nice seeing your updates.
As busy as I am, I get super excited every time there's an update alert as well as the spoilers I'm getting from yours and annalulz's convo haha.

KEEP IT UP FIA! I'm still here and will be back SOON! :)

but shouldn't Joon have remembered Seungho was the white suit when he got his memories back? or is this one of those 'oops I have to go fix this later' moments?

Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-----

I knew it (again) ahahaha. I admit my wish to have Thunder be the wolf was my own biased-ness and wanting him to be bad, but I'm so happy I was right asjdashdialshd

Did he really kill Mir tho? I mean, if they all technically have bodies in the real world, Mir isn't really dead, his data is just lost somewhere right? Unless... dying in the Coliseum truly kills you, but nooooo okay, I don't want Mir dead, bring him back, omg don't let Thunder kill Seungho where is my SeungDoong ansdhadighasda I'm screaming.

Mastermind Doong is so evil TT__TT

BUT WAAAAIIIITTTTTT... why kill them all if he needs them? I mean what's the point of gathering everyone in these Games only to kill them all later? they obviously have something he needs, but wouldn't it be better to have them alive for that? Or does this has something to do with the real purpose of the Coliseum?


I want to give a full insight comment but I'm just flailing around from excitement and I don't know what to say. I need to tie this in in my head with the rest of the story first so I'll do that later XD

but omg can I say I KNEW IT even when you weren't sure yourself RM was Rain? I remember you telling me that but maybe I'm wrong. Anyway...


and I think I was right about Doongie too *insert wolf howl here* hahahaha

but if this is going where I think this is going, the Mastermind behind everything is Sanghyun and I'm feeling his super awesome plan has back-fired on him, so the question remains who is the wolf? who is the ringmaster?

And what in the name of Loki is The Coliseum? there is more to it isn't there? and what are ll these other things Sanghyun knows about the Digiworld. (yeah I'm still calling it that XD)

I was gonna start kicking you about this chapter update but I forgot. But don't worry I'll be kicking you soon for the next one. I am not letting you take a million years for the next update at this point in the game :3
innocent-bystander #6
Chapter 62: The hacking was so intense...

You updated *cries tears of joy*

First of all, what? Second of all WHAT? Third of all WHAAAATTTT'????!!!

I'm glad Sanghyun could find both his sisters, but damn poor Durami, I honestly hope she can get herself a physical body, but, in the eventual case they go back into the real world, she won't be able to go back :(

And, wow, I wasn't expecting the Christmas Program/Virus to be THAT, and Mir god, he could have killed everyone o.O

Is this how Seungho ended up joining the Ringmaster? I need to check up because I'm really lost on the timeline xD (I will have to reread this again) but by this point, Joon and G.O have already been recruited by the RM? I thought maybe Durami, Sanghyun and Dara could have come up with the Carnival Games and maybe even that Durami was the RM... I still have my suspicions about her but I don't think Dara and Thunder would come up with the games, then again, I don't think Durami would purposefully torture her own brother with the games, so yeah, I'm probably pretty off with that theory... or am I?

I'm glad the Park Siblings could modify the code before Mir killed everyone, but I do have to wonder about his reaction when he sees what happened. I still want Joon and G.O back, give me back my babos TT__TT

Anywayssss, my big question right now is HOW THE HELL DID MIR SEUNGHO AND THUNDER JOINED THE RM? Who is the RM? (sorry for capsing but I'm excited haha, please don't take 1234567890 months to update again ;-;) I did like that little moment where their paths kinda sorta crossed, and ooh Thunder sort of knows who Mir is. Oh wait, this is bad, this is bad bad bad. What if Thunder feels some sort of resentment towards Mir for coding the Xmas program and almost killing his sisters? asjdghasjjasdalsd
Chapter 61: okay, omg, I'm dead. Finally a bit of Thunder xD

this part "His body reacted as it
should in times of stress, his
brain sending signals to produce
norepinephrine and cortisol. His
heart rate increased, his
breathing quickened. His eyes
dilated and he could feel his
skin flush" made me feel like I was watching Criminal Minds, or Sherlock haha.

I imagined that the story of the real world would be like that, te pollution and all, but wow, Sanghyun's backstory is so heartbreaking. Are they clones or the product of female and male DNA? (I might be asking too indepth questions for your unplotted backstory sorry xP) but wow, Mir and Doong are sort of crossing paths. And, was that the RM meeting Mir?

The Cryocells remind me if the recuperation chambers in DBZ xD.

And that bit about Dara, that does give hope for Joon and G.O I think. When you told me there were deaths I thought it would be obe of the boys. I guess Dara's death is going to be Sanghyun's bigest motivator, but he only has 24 days, so I guess the games have to happen before those days are over, unless there's no hope for her?

There was something about the timeline of how they were recruited by the RM but I forgot the thought while watching Friends ;-;

I hope you can give us a faster update, gah the MBLAQ tag is dead *cries*