24 Hours

Chapter 32: REWIND 3 <<< [--:--am]

“Byunghee,” a voice called out and Byunghee his heel, a surprised look gracing his expression as his eyes grazed Changsun’s disheveled appearance. Hair tousled in the wind, clothes askew, a wild sheen to his eyes.

“What’s wrong?” Byunghee asked automatically and then immediately regretted it. The air swirled with a kind of gravity that made Byunghee’s stomach backflip.

“Don’t go,” was all Changsun said, in a strangely grave tone.

“What are you talking about?” Byunghee chuckled nervously. He knew exactly what Chansgun was talking about.

“Don’t do the job. It’s a trap.”

Byunghee’s eyes hardened. “I told you Changsun, I need this.”

“And I’m telling you that you don’t.”


“Listen to me Byunghee! This is a trap! I don’t know what you’re transporting or why for bones sake you need this job so much but you have to listen to me! I went to the BlackBeard’s hideout and listened in! This job! They’re going to-“

“You did what?!” Byunghee slammed a fist against the wall.

Changsun flinched. “I…”

“You went to the BlackBeard’s hideout?! Don’t you know how dangerous that is! They have a zero tolerance policy for sneaks!”

“I know!” Changsun retorted heatedly. “I know, but it was for you!”

“Was what for me? There’s nothing that you need to do for me other than give me your support. I need this job! I need to become one of the BlackBeards so that I can-“

Changsun cut him off. “So that you can what?” he asked, eyes flashing white gold.

Byunghee faltered. “So that I can…”

“Why Byunghee? Why are you so desperate for this job? You have brains and good looks. You could make it with any other job that is just as well paying and far less risky. What are the BlackBeards offering you that another path can’t?”

Byunghee averted his eyes.

Changsun huffed and took three steps forwards, closing the distance between the two. With one firm hand he grasped Byunghee’s chin and forced it upwards so that their eyes met. He could see the hesitation and fear swirling in Byunghee’s dark eyes.

“Byunghee,” Changsun said softly. “Tell me.”

Byunghee’s mouth parted and for a second Changsun thought he would say something, but then in one rough movement Byunghee wrenched himself away from Changsun.

“Enough!” he said. “Enough. Just stay out of this Changsun. If you won’t give me your support then do me a different favor and stay away from me. I don’t need to deal with you on top of everything else.”

Changsun let his hand drop, his injured feelings spiking throughout his system. He had no words that would pierce past his brother’s painful pride. All he could do now was watch him walk away.


“And that’s all?” the man asked as he examined his fingernails. They were rough-edged and chipped, signs of a lifetime of hard labor.

“Yes boss,” the heavily pierced man nodded. “I’ve told you everything. A sneak who might’ve overheard the plans for Jung Byunghee. I tried to catch him but he was as slippery as ice.”

“Tell me Kwan,” he said in an ice-cold voice. “Why was it possible that this sneak managed to overhear the plans?”

Kwan swallowed hard. “Because boss, I was telling them to Yoo Joon.”

“And tell me Kwan,” the boss asked again, leaning forwards ever so slightly and transferring his gaze from his fingernails to Kwan’s face. “Why were you telling them to Yoo Joon?”

“Because boss,” Kwan stumbled over his words. “Yoo Joon asked me. And I didn’t’ want him going round asking everyone else, so I told him to shut him up.”

The boss stared at Kwan for a few long and hard seconds. “Is that so,” was all he finally said.

“Yes boss,” Kwan lowered his head. “I didn’t mean any harm…I just…”

“You just wanted to shut that annoying rat-faced person up didn’t you? I understand.” Kwan looked up in surprise as the boss leaned back against his chair.


“What’s done is done,” he said in a blunt tone that made Kwan flinch. “There’s no going back. We can only go forwards.” Kwan watched as the boss the ring he wore around his neck on a leather strap. The ring the previous boss used to wear on her right index finger. It had been a present from their father.

“I’ll fix it boss,” Kwan promised.

The boss looked up, a slight surprised look on his face as if he had realized he was speaking to another person of flesh and blood and not a mirror. “I know you will,” he said softly, his expression changing drastically. “Fix it Kwan. Nothing can go wrong. Make sure that by tonight Jung Byunghee dies and the Christmas virus is shipped off on time. Understood?”

Kwan nodded. “Understood boss.”

“Good,” he smiled briefly. “Then go.”

Kwan gave one more quick bow before exiting. He had much to do before midnight.

In the room, Eunhyuk propped his booted feet onto the cargo box that served as his table. He lifted the silver ring to the light and watched it gleam dully. Time and oil and grease had mired its once beautiful sheen, but it was all he had to remember of Eunji.

He remembered finding her that night, the skyline lit not only by the dim lights of the mid-levels, but also by the raging fires and the smoke that billowed high. The world had been red and black and red and black and Eunhyuk had been out, drinking with some buddies from the group when the first lighting had struck.

He had barely escaped and headed straight back to the warehouse where he knew Eunji was working, up late to plan for the next shipment that was important and could mean raising the group’s status immensely.

She was going to be okay, she was going to be okay, she was going to be okay. Eunhyuk chanted those seven words again and again as he pounded across the sprawl of the city and onto the docks. The sounds of screams and gunfire had blurred to background noise and then silence when he skidded to a stop in front of the warehouse that was nothing but ruins of smoke and dust and red and black.

She was going to be okay.

Eunhyuk found her half-buried underneath cargo, maps and scrawled bits of paper fluttering everywhere. Her eyes were closed as if she was sleeping but when he stepped further into the remains of the room, he realized that that was all that was left of her. Her head, her chest and her right arm. The rest has been blown to dust and burned with the wind.

He had sunk to his knees at the horrific realization that she wasn’t going to be okay and the blackened body in front of him was his sister, his last piece of familial attachment in this world and she was dead, dead, dead.

He’d sunk to the ground, hands clawing for some sort of purchase as the world around him slipped. A scream wrenched itself out and as Eunhyuk had reached for the remains of his sister, all he could see left of her among the red and the black was the silver gleam of her ring. And nothing more.


A box was flung across the floor as one booted foot connected with the wooden planks. Byunghee let out a snarl of frustration, then sunk into a crouch, his face scrunched into his hands. Everything was falling apart – not like anything had been solid before – but it was only now that Byunghee was realizing just how much Changsun’s support had meant to him.

Brothers. Not even by blood, but somehow stronger than that in a world torn apart by senseless death and meaningless revenge.

Byunghee needed this job. He needed to become one of the BlackBeards because then and only then would he have the platform he needed to orchestrate what his mother desired. Revenge. Upon the government and their twisted methods of control.

This whole world was a ratrun and Byunghee and Changsun and everyone else was trapped inside it. They could run and run and take every left turn or even break down the walls, but they would never be able to escape. Such was the fate of this advanced world.

Byunghee felt hot tears burst like stars behind his lids and he buried his face further into his palms to try and banish them. The expectations weighed down on his shoulders like an anvil and for a moment Byunghee felt like giving in and toppling over to the burden. But what would that achieve? Nothing but leaving his mother a widow with no children at all.

His mother would not survive that.

Fingernails dug into flesh in an attempt to override emotion with pain and for a brief moment it was enough to clear Byunghee’s head.

He straightened, small crescents imprinted into both palms and took in a deep breath.

“One step a time,” he said softly. One step at a time. Finish the job, become one of the pirates and then unleash terror onto the government in order to fulfil the promise his mother had sworn him to.


Wood clattered to the dock’s concrete floor.

“Bingo,” Changsun huffed, wiping his brow as he looked down on his discovery. Oblong packages lined the box in white military fashion, all efficiency and meticulousness evident in the way they were tucked tightly against each other to maximize the number that could be squeezed in.

Simultaneously Changsun had no idea what it was and every idea of what it might be.

A virus. But what sort?

“Oh Byunghee,” he whispered fiercely. “You don’t know just how much trouble you’re getting into…” He then replaced the lid gently, treating the cargo like a live wire and got to work. 


They stood on the pier of the docks, the night sky spread around them like a dark stage. No stars graced the canvas; instead the muted light of the mid-levels outer harbor lit up the skyline with murky yellow and grey colors. 

“What are you doing Changsun?” Byunghee stared him down. 

“What do you think I’m doing Byunghee?” Changsun parroted him with a mocking smirk. “I’m stopping you, that’s what.”

“You can’t stop me,” Byunghee said in something bordering on a growl.

“I can. Because this is important. You need to stop this. You have no idea how much of a fool you’re being played Byunghee!” Changsun said. “They’re using you. For more reasons that make sense, but they’re using you and that’s all that matters.”

“So what!” Byunghee snapped. “I know they’re using me!”

“What?!” Changsun took a step back, staggered. “You knew?”

“Of course I knew. What are the three things the BlackBeards are famous for? One: they accept anyone, you just have to pass their initiation test; two, they are as close to family as anything. You hurt one of their fold and they will pay out back retribution tenfold. And three: they are ruthless in whatever they do.” Byunghee recited, ticking off the three things with three fingers. “What sane pirate group allows an initiate to take care of cargo singlehandedly?”

Changsun stared at him. “So why?” was all he could say. “You knew they were going to use you, so why join them?”

“Because,” Byunghee’s said with eyes the color of flint. “I’m using them as well.”

“How?” Changsun demanded, because all he could see was them using Byunghee and naïve Byunghee not seeing anything at all.

“They’re ruthless. And that’s exactly what I need in order to achieve my goal.”

“And what is your goal Byunghee?” Changsun asked. “What’s making you go all these lengths? Do such extreme things the brother I thought I once knew would never do. Why?”

Byunghee swallowed. He remembered the swaying body and the black hair parted to reveal gleaming bone. He remembered the notice in the mail and his mother’s hollow scream echoing. And most of all he remembered her words: ‘Promise me you’ll get revenge for them’. 

“Why?” Changsun was asking again, eyes of steel staring him down.

Byunghee thought this was the moment he was going to say it. To spill out all those frustrating secrets and burdens and expectations that had been piling up and up like a hoarder’s den. He knew Changsun would understand. But he also knew that Changsun would still stop him.

So he told him another secret. Two words that they both knew so well and at the same time nothing at all about.

“Code: Red,” Byunghee said and Changsun’s heart stuttered. 

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I'm just rereading this again, hoping that one day you'll decide to update again *cries forever*
Chapter 65: I'm screaming omg Fia why why whyyyyy

Bye Mir you lived well. I have the feeling this isn't the last we'll see of him.... we still have the mystery of the coliseum left to puzzle the pieces together, idk why I think they're just appearing in the real world, without the government interfering with the deaths, maybe that's the path they take....

what on Earth is Sanghyun doing??? he doesn't seem completely evil but.... hmmmmm

I hope you can update after your trip, good luck and have fun ^_^
OMG! Another update!

I have to admit, I'm really behind on my reading but I will catch up!
School's been crazy busy so I haven't been spending much time on Aff but it's nice seeing your updates.
As busy as I am, I get super excited every time there's an update alert as well as the spoilers I'm getting from yours and annalulz's convo haha.

KEEP IT UP FIA! I'm still here and will be back SOON! :)

but shouldn't Joon have remembered Seungho was the white suit when he got his memories back? or is this one of those 'oops I have to go fix this later' moments?

Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-----

I knew it (again) ahahaha. I admit my wish to have Thunder be the wolf was my own biased-ness and wanting him to be bad, but I'm so happy I was right asjdashdialshd

Did he really kill Mir tho? I mean, if they all technically have bodies in the real world, Mir isn't really dead, his data is just lost somewhere right? Unless... dying in the Coliseum truly kills you, but nooooo okay, I don't want Mir dead, bring him back, omg don't let Thunder kill Seungho where is my SeungDoong ansdhadighasda I'm screaming.

Mastermind Doong is so evil TT__TT

BUT WAAAAIIIITTTTTT... why kill them all if he needs them? I mean what's the point of gathering everyone in these Games only to kill them all later? they obviously have something he needs, but wouldn't it be better to have them alive for that? Or does this has something to do with the real purpose of the Coliseum?


I want to give a full insight comment but I'm just flailing around from excitement and I don't know what to say. I need to tie this in in my head with the rest of the story first so I'll do that later XD

but omg can I say I KNEW IT even when you weren't sure yourself RM was Rain? I remember you telling me that but maybe I'm wrong. Anyway...


and I think I was right about Doongie too *insert wolf howl here* hahahaha

but if this is going where I think this is going, the Mastermind behind everything is Sanghyun and I'm feeling his super awesome plan has back-fired on him, so the question remains who is the wolf? who is the ringmaster?

And what in the name of Loki is The Coliseum? there is more to it isn't there? and what are ll these other things Sanghyun knows about the Digiworld. (yeah I'm still calling it that XD)

I was gonna start kicking you about this chapter update but I forgot. But don't worry I'll be kicking you soon for the next one. I am not letting you take a million years for the next update at this point in the game :3
innocent-bystander #6
Chapter 62: The hacking was so intense...

You updated *cries tears of joy*

First of all, what? Second of all WHAT? Third of all WHAAAATTTT'????!!!

I'm glad Sanghyun could find both his sisters, but damn poor Durami, I honestly hope she can get herself a physical body, but, in the eventual case they go back into the real world, she won't be able to go back :(

And, wow, I wasn't expecting the Christmas Program/Virus to be THAT, and Mir god, he could have killed everyone o.O

Is this how Seungho ended up joining the Ringmaster? I need to check up because I'm really lost on the timeline xD (I will have to reread this again) but by this point, Joon and G.O have already been recruited by the RM? I thought maybe Durami, Sanghyun and Dara could have come up with the Carnival Games and maybe even that Durami was the RM... I still have my suspicions about her but I don't think Dara and Thunder would come up with the games, then again, I don't think Durami would purposefully torture her own brother with the games, so yeah, I'm probably pretty off with that theory... or am I?

I'm glad the Park Siblings could modify the code before Mir killed everyone, but I do have to wonder about his reaction when he sees what happened. I still want Joon and G.O back, give me back my babos TT__TT

Anywayssss, my big question right now is HOW THE HELL DID MIR SEUNGHO AND THUNDER JOINED THE RM? Who is the RM? (sorry for capsing but I'm excited haha, please don't take 1234567890 months to update again ;-;) I did like that little moment where their paths kinda sorta crossed, and ooh Thunder sort of knows who Mir is. Oh wait, this is bad, this is bad bad bad. What if Thunder feels some sort of resentment towards Mir for coding the Xmas program and almost killing his sisters? asjdghasjjasdalsd
Chapter 61: okay, omg, I'm dead. Finally a bit of Thunder xD

this part "His body reacted as it
should in times of stress, his
brain sending signals to produce
norepinephrine and cortisol. His
heart rate increased, his
breathing quickened. His eyes
dilated and he could feel his
skin flush" made me feel like I was watching Criminal Minds, or Sherlock haha.

I imagined that the story of the real world would be like that, te pollution and all, but wow, Sanghyun's backstory is so heartbreaking. Are they clones or the product of female and male DNA? (I might be asking too indepth questions for your unplotted backstory sorry xP) but wow, Mir and Doong are sort of crossing paths. And, was that the RM meeting Mir?

The Cryocells remind me if the recuperation chambers in DBZ xD.

And that bit about Dara, that does give hope for Joon and G.O I think. When you told me there were deaths I thought it would be obe of the boys. I guess Dara's death is going to be Sanghyun's bigest motivator, but he only has 24 days, so I guess the games have to happen before those days are over, unless there's no hope for her?

There was something about the timeline of how they were recruited by the RM but I forgot the thought while watching Friends ;-;

I hope you can give us a faster update, gah the MBLAQ tag is dead *cries*