Wedding Ceremony

Nerdy-Badass Hubby

Minhyuk had a hangover, as usual. He grabbed his phone to saw the clock and gasped. “WHAT? 7AM ALREADY? GRANDMOTHER WILL KILL ME SERIOUSLY!! I SUPPOSED TO BE THERE ON 7.30AM!!” shouted Minhyuk. “AND YEAAAAHHH!! WHERE DID I PUT MY TUXEDO LAST NIGHT!??”

“Ahhhhhh I seriously, I’m dead once I arrived there.” Mumbled Minhyuk. It has been 30 minutes, and he still looked for his tuxedo. Suddenly, his phone rang, Mrs. Lee. *Just kill me now juseyoooo* “Yeoboseyo?”

“LEE MINHYUK!!” Minhyuk was forced to made a distance between his right ear and his phone. “WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU NOW? YOU SUPPOSED TO MEET ME HERE NOW!!”

“Wait Halmeoni!! I forget where I put my tuxedo.”


*Halmeoni better to watch her language, not fit with her age seriously.* “JINJJA? THANKS GOD I THOUGHT I LOST THAT TUXEDO!! You’ll kill me if I lost it.”


“Wait…” said Minhyuk. “Where should I meet you?”


“THAT’S FAR FROM MY APARTMENT DUH! I can’t make it in 15 minutes, halmeoni.”

“I DON’T CARE, MINHYUK! YOU CAN IF YOU FAST!! And while we’re at it, you only had 12 minutes left!” 

“OKAY HALMEONI! NOW I’LL HANG UP THE PHONE. MEET YOU THERE, BYE!” Minhyuk hung up the phone and threw it away, don’t know where. He looked at himself who wore pajamas. “Better if I just change my clothes. Let’s just take a shower there.”

*Just kill me now…*

Minhyuk wore his daily-clothes as a Lee Corp’s heir, a pair of jeans and shirt. Now, he looked for his phone and car-key. “WHERE THE HELL I PUT MY KEY LASTNIGHT? WHERE THE HELL I THREW MY PHONE?” shouted Minhyuk to himself. He started to look for his carkey, and found it near to stove. Then he looked for his phone, and found it… Behind his bed. “Thanks god, this phone is okay.”


Mrs. Lee waited for her BELOVED grandson. It has been almost 20 minutes, and her grandson was seriously late for the name of BEAST Yong Junhyung who dyed his hair to purple on Beautiful Night MV. Okay, that’s out of topic. Then, Minhyuk came with his so-called-casual-style. “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!” scolded Mrs. Lee.

“I… Woke up late, and didn’t know where’s my tuxedo.” Answered Minhyuk. “Thanks to you who called me. If you didn’t call me that time, I’m sure that I will be more late because still look for it until now.”

“Okay okay, whatever. Now, wear this, your wedding tuxedo.” Said Mrs. Lee. She gave Minhyuk his wedding tuxedo.

Minhyuk just rubbed his back neck and looked at his grandmother. “Halmeoni… Where’s the bathroom?”

“Just change in here! I’m not going to you, duh!”

“It’s not like that…”

“Why? You need to pee or something?”

“Well uhmm… How to explain this without make you shout at me…” said Minhyuk, still rubbed his neck. “…But I haven’t take a bath.”

“YOU WHAT?!?” Mrs. Lee widened her eyes, couldn’t believe that her so-called-beloved-grandson didn’t take a bath before went out. She pulled Minhyuk’s ear and dragged him to the bathroom. “NOW, TAKE A BATH AND WEAR YOUR WEDDING TUXEDO. BUT DON’T MAKE THAT TUXEDO WET!”

“Hmmm… Okay. Now, please go out for a while, Halmeoni. My ear was damn hurt, and  I don’t want you to peek me when I’m taking a shower.”

Mrs. Lee glared at him for a while before closed the bathroom’s door. After 10 minutes, Minhyuk went out from bathroom with his tuxedo. He looked at the mirror near bed. “I’m so handsome.”

“Stop talking nonsense, Mr. Lee. Now let’s go to the church because we’re late for the name of BEAST Yong Junhyung who dyed his hair to Purple in Beautiful Night MV.” Said Mrs. Lee. Seriously, she needed to stop talking about BEAST Junhyung. I mean, yeah, he’s handsome I know but… LET’S JUST CONTINUE THIS STORY OKAY._.v

They arrived at church when the guests already there. *just kill me now, please… It’s not like I don’t want to marry Yoora but…* “Seriously Minhyuk, what kind of groom you are? Late for your own wedding ceremony.”

“Just said that it makes my wedding memorable.” Answered Minhyuk calmly.

Mrs. Lee glared at him, she knew that she couldn’t slapped or pulled his ear in public. “Just start the wedding, okay? I’m getting tired with it.”

Yoora waited for the time for her wedding. She already there since 7AM even the wedding started at 9AM. But… now is 9.30AM, 30 minutes late. “Princess Yoo-yaaa~” A male’s voice came and Yoora smiledy happily. “DADDY!!”

A guy that she called Daddy hugged her. His dad already knew about the marriage, but since he was in Italy for business problem, he just came last night for the wedding. “I miss you, Princess. Aaahhh my princess is getting married in less than one hour. Your mom will be very happy if she you now.”

Yeah… Yoora’s Mom. She died when Yoora was 14. “Yeah… She’ll be very happy.”

Mr. Yoon glanced at his watch and smiled. “This is the time, Princess.” Said Mr. Yoon. She walked Yoora to the hall.

The hall opened. There were many guests there. And all of them must be important and rich people. Yoora walked with his dad to the altar where Minhyuk waited for her with the priest. Mr. Yoon gave Yoora’s hand to Minhyuk. “Take care of my Princess, boy.”

Minhyuk nodded. He looked at Yoora, amazed by her beauty. “You look beautiful today. So beautiful my girl, Oh oh girl, oh oh girl, Sigan-i jinado~”

Yoora tried her best to held her laugh and to not blushing. “Thanks, you too. But Seriously, you should stop singing randomly..” Said Yoora.

“I’m handsome.”

The priest make a cough. “Let’s start the wedding. Young man and young lady, listen to me.” Said the priest. “Today, we’ll going to see a pure wedding ceremony betweet Lee Minhyuk and Yoon Yoora.”

“Lee Minhyuk, do you solemly vow to be Yoon Yoora’s faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. Do you promise to love her unconditionally, to support her in her goals, to honor and respect her, to laugh with her and cry with her, and to cherish her for as long as you both shall live?"

“I do.”

“Yoon Yoora, Do you solemnly vow to be Lee Minhyuk’s  faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. Do you promise to love him unconditionally, to support him in his goals, to honor and respect him, to laugh with him and cry with him, and to cherish him for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.”

"Is there anyone who object this marriage? Please say it now, or keep silent forever." said the priest. 

Suddenly, the hall opened. A guy came and said, “I OBJECT THIS MARRIAGE!!” 

Chapter five here we go!!  

I already got the answer for the 2nd man, will reveal it on the next chapter :)

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Guys T^T I'm sorry. The 22nd chap will pending a bit. My laptop got error.... But it's done already. Gonna upload it once it settled :)


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Chapter 27: update please!!!
Chapter 26: tbh, I'm scared to know what lie he has under his sleeve rn ><
Chapter 25: Please Continue This story I Want To Know The End
I read It 3 times I love this story
nice story ^^
girls_exo #5
Chapter 25: update plz
Huiyilalala #6
Chapter 25: Yoora must be v upset . D:
sseungra #7
Chapter 25: Ouch. It hurts to be in Yoora's position ; q ;
Huiyilalala #8
Chapter 24: YEAH , had been waiting for the update for so long .
I always get excited when you update >U<