Be my friend?

Nerdy-Badass Hubby


It was the night of KARA’s concert and Yoora didn’t go home yet. Minhyuk was worried to the death. He slept in Melody or BTOB-dorm ever since. No one knew where Yoora was, not even the nerd. Oh, wait, why should she tell the nerd about her location? Right.

“Hyung. You’ve been like this for days already,” Sungjae said as he patted his back. It was another night in BTOB-Dorm, when the Maknae feel bored after studying for hours. “Math is freaking me out. Wanna go out?”

Minhyuk turned his head, “Where? I’m not going to Melody in Saturday night. Watching Korean SNL is better.”

“KARA’s CONCERT TONIGGHHTTT!!!!” Suddenly Hyunsik’s voice boomed into the room, made the squirrel and the maknae looked at them in are-you-okay look. “Guys, I got seven KARASIA’s ticket for today. And it’s freaking VIP!”

“...Why KARA...” Minhyuk mumbed. KARA made him think about Yoora. Would she still go to the concert after what he did?

Hyunsik shook the tickets in front of Minhyuk’s face, made him snap back to the reality. “Hyung. Are you going? The others are agree to go already. I know KARA is not your main-favorite, but can we give a try, pretty please with your handsome-ness on top?” After few thoughts, Minhyuk nodded. He grabbed his towel and went ahead to bathroom. Hyunsik just gave her weird look, “Hyung, where are you going?”

“I haven’t take a bath. I’ll make it quick.”

There was silent for a while.



Minhyuk and didn’t use their gangster clothes, just normal clothes. But Minhyuk added some make-up in order to hide from Yoora, in case he met her tonight. The Tokyo Dome was full with Kamilias—mostly fanboy—who wanted to see KARA. Minhyuk stood up in VIP lines along with s. Beside him, there was Ilhoon and Eunkwang who couldn’t stop screaming their favorite members.

As the concert started, KARA appeared and people jumping around. In the crowd, Minhyuk could see no one but a girl who was jumping and fanchanting too. He missed her. And that moment, he knew that fell for her, and forgot about his past-love. But this time, could he believe in love itself?

“Hyung.” Changsub poked his arm, made him snapped back to reality, “You have wife and yet you’re staring to a Kamilia that deep. Is she that beautiful?”

“She’s my wife. Yoora is here.”

Even in crowd, maybe because of their strong bond, all the other five members could hear what Minhyuk just said to Changsub.

“Really, Minhyuk?”

“Will she recognize you, Hyung?”

“Nah, It’s impossible.”

“Hyunsik Hyung, it’s possible, she asked him to go before. But... is she alone?”

“I think she’s with someone. Maybe her new boyfriend~~~”

“Greet her, and she’ll say, ‘Ssup layered-cake-bastardish-squirrel.”

Just want to tell you that the second last sentence was Sungjae’s.

Minhyuk glared at his fellow members. Wishing he could knock their heads with the light-stick on his hands. But for the sake of KARA’s concert and his own safety, he decided to not do it and just enjoyed the concert.

After the concert, Minhyuk excused himself and let the others went home first as he searched for Yoora. He looked for her around Tokyo Dome then found a girl in KARA Official T-Shirt on a swing alone. It was her. She looked as stunning as usual. Her dark chocolate-hair shone because of the moon-light. A smile formed on Minhyuk’s face as he approacher her, “Yoora-ssi.”

“Oh, Layered make-up cake,” she replied as she smiled warmly to Minhyuk. Oh, how he missed that smile. “I assume you went to KARA’s concert earlier, hmm?”

He just nodded, “My members asked me to join so I came. You?”

“I came so my ticket wouldn’t be a waste.”

Minhyuk just ooh-ed then he studied Yoora face. The sadness and the disappointment were still there. So he braved himself to ask, “Is something bothering you?”

Yoora looked up. She didn’t expect that Minhyuk could read her facial expression like that. It had been a while since she talked to Minhyuk(s). “Nothing,” she answered lightly. But of course, Minhyuk didn’t believe that and Yoora knew it. “No, it’s something. My husband was lying.”

“Lying as in?”

“Having two lives, I can say?”

“There must be a great reason of it, Yoora-ssi. Why don’t you give him a chance again?”

Yoora nodded as she thought about it. Maybe she should really back to her husband at home. “Will think about it again,” she informed as she eyed Minhyuk, “It’s weird to see you with no bruises. Quit fighting?”

“I’ve been stuck in dorm to teach Sungjae math these days. No time to fight.”

“Ah, I see.”

“Anyway I’m bored. Do you need company?”


“Let’s go,” Minhyuk stood up and offered Yoora to leave. The girl gave him a weird look as the boy just smiled, “You said you need company and I am hungry. Let’s go eat. My treat.”

The girl looked at him before nodded, “Walk?”

“I didn’t bring my car sooo yes.”

Both of them went to a small ramen-restaurant near Tokyo Dome as people recognize the gangster Minhyuk as ‘The heir’ Minhyuk. He didn’t mind with it, well, he was ‘the heir’ after all. But Yoora felt comfortable because of it, since no one thought that she cheated on her husband and public only knew that their marriage was just fine.

They both ate peacefully with few lame jokes from Minhyuk. He really tried his best to cheer Yoora up and to make her back to their house. And looked he he succeed, Yoora smiled a lot in the restaurant as she laughed to his lame jokes. Then he realized something, ‘the gangster’ and him were not friend. They just strangers that kept meeting each other. He knew this would get him to another trouble, but he couldn’t help himself too. “Anyway Yoora-ssi, be friend with me?”

“Be friend?”

“Yeah, Be my friend. I don’t really have a friend who is a girl and we think we’re not friends yet.”

Yoora nodded, “Why not? You treat me and cheer up today. It’s what friend does.”

“Thank you.”

“That’s okay,” she answered as she took the last sip of her drink, “Anyway, Minhyuk-ssi. I think I should go back. To my house.”


Sorry for the late update!

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Guys T^T I'm sorry. The 22nd chap will pending a bit. My laptop got error.... But it's done already. Gonna upload it once it settled :)


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Chapter 27: update please!!!
Chapter 26: tbh, I'm scared to know what lie he has under his sleeve rn ><
Chapter 25: Please Continue This story I Want To Know The End
I read It 3 times I love this story
nice story ^^
girls_exo #5
Chapter 25: update plz
Huiyilalala #6
Chapter 25: Yoora must be v upset . D:
sseungra #7
Chapter 25: Ouch. It hurts to be in Yoora's position ; q ;
Huiyilalala #8
Chapter 24: YEAH , had been waiting for the update for so long .
I always get excited when you update >U<