Badass Life

Nerdy-Badass Hubby

Let’s skip to one day before the wedding ^^

Yoora packed her stuffs. She was going to sleep in her own house tonight with her best friend sine tonight is the last night for her as a single woman. “From tomorrow, I’m going to be a Lee. From tomorrow, I’m going to sleep and eat in here.” Mumbled her.

“Yoora-ya, are you ready?” asked Minhyuk, he was going to send Yoora to her house. Yoora checked her stuffs once again and nodded. “Okay then, let’s go!”

“Do you have a bacelor party tonight?” asked Yoora when they’re in car. Minhyuk drove his car carefully, as usual.

Minhyuk just nodded, and kept focus with the road. “Wae?”

“Aniya, you must be have many friends, right?”

“Six best friends.” said Minhyuk. “They’re the best. I’m going to spend my last night with them.”

Silent. Awkward.

They reached Yoora’s house. Minhyuk helped Yoora with her stuffs. “See you tomorrow, Yoora-ya.” Said Minhyuk. He hugged Yoora and kissed her forehead.




A boy with bad-boy look came to that place. He wore an expensieve jacket, and his hair was messy. He greeted his best friends. “Yooowww Hyung! Dongsaengs!”


They hugged each other and sat on the corner. The eldest said, “So Minhyuk-ah, are you serious? You’re going to be someone’s husband tomorrow?”

“Yeah,” said Minhyuk, sighed. “I have no choice.”

“You have, but it’s too late now, Hyung.” Said Sungjae.


Sungjae moved his face closer to Minhyuk’s and whispered, “You have too… make a girl pregnant.”







Six pieces of newspapers flew to Sungjae’s head after he finished his sentence. “Are you crazy or what?” asked Minhyuk. “I don’t in love with her, but she’s nice enough for me.”

“Will she be able to take your Noona’s place?” asked Hyunsik.

“Noona? Noona will be the third as usual, after Mom and Grandmother. No one can take her place, she’s the one who took care of me when I was there.” Minhyuk explained. Yeah, he loved his Noona very much. She was the one who took care of him, when no one wanted to. “Hyunsik-ah, you make me miss her so bad now.”

“By the way, when we will meet your soon-to-be-wife?” asked Peniel.

Minhyuk didn’t pay attention on Peniel’s question. He looked at the girl who just entered the club. She looked very hot. She wore a short purple dress who perfectly showed off her long-leg. Her long hair just looked perfect with her hairclip. Minhyuk couldn’t do anything except made an ‘O’ face.


Now the newspaper hit Minhyuk’s head. “What are you doing?” asked Ilhoon to Minhyuk, but he didn’t answer it. Ilhoon looked at Minhyuk’s direction and saw the girl. “Oh my! She’s damn hot!”

“It… It can’t be real…” mumbled Minhyuk, still looked at that girl.

“What’s happening, Minhyuk-ah?” asked Eunkwang, he looked at  the girl and gasped. “She’s beautiful and totally my Ideal type!”

Because of Eunkwang’s sentence, the rest four looked at the girl too. “WHOOAAA SHE’S VERY VERY PRETTY!” said Sungjae.

“Can I chase her for real?” asked Changseob.

“So-called love in a first sight.” Commented Peniel.

“I have nothing to comment. She just… perfect. She may be not the iest, but she’s charming with her way.” Said Hyunsik.

Minhyuk glared at his best friends. “She’s mine.”








Minhyuk hitted his best friends with the newspaper. “She’s going to be my wife. Just come to her, and ask her name. She must be Yoon Yoora.”

“I’m going to ask her.” Said Changseob. He stood up and came to that girl and her friends. He talked with them for a while, and came back. “She’s…”

“Nugu?!” asked the rest five (Eunkwang, Hyunsik, Peniel, Ilhoon, Sungjae) in the same time.

“Yoon Yoora.”

“HA! SHE’S MINE~!” said Minhyuk proudly.


The newspaper flew to Minhyuk’s head from Eunkwang’s hand. “You’re too loud. I bet she doesn’t know you double life.”



“But Hyung…” said Ilhoon, he took a breath first. “What is your soon-to-be wife doing in this club? She… She’s not a double life, right?”

Minhyuk facepalmed. “I don’t think so. Let’s go approach them!”

“Are you going to flirt?” asked Peniel.

“I’m a flirt, but not a player. Remember that, dongsaeng. And it’s not a bad thing if I flirt with my soon-to-be wife, right?”




Yoora just sit on a chair. She didn’t get the reason why Chaeri, her friend, decided to take her to this club. Because for her, Club was freakin’ loud, too loud. “Chaeri-yaaa.”


“Can we just go home?”

She shook her head, and turned to another girls’ direction. “Minnie, Chanseul, do you want to go home now?”

“Hell, no!” said Minnie. “This is our last hangout with you as a single, you know!”

“But you don’t need to take me to this club.”

Chanseul looked at seven boys’ direction and gasped. This one wasn’t the first time for her to go to club, and this one was her favourite club. “We’re damn lucky today!”

“They’re here?” asked Chaeri. Chanseul nodded. Between Yoora, Chaeri, Chanseul, and Minnie, Yoora was the one who never visited this club.

“Do you think that we can get one of them today?” said Minnie.

Then, they saw one of the seven boys came closer to them. “Urrrhmmm.. Hey.” He started a conversation.

“Hey! You must be a BTOB members.” Said Chaeri.

He nodded. “I’m Changseob. Nice to know you, girls.”

“I’m Chaeri. Is there anything that bring you here?”

“Your friends.” Said Changseob, he pointed at Yoora. “Who’s her name?”

“Yoon Yoora.” Answered Chaeri.

“Oh thanks.”

“Why did you ask about it?”

Changseob moved his face closer to Chaeri and whispered, “You’ll know, sooner or later.” Then he left.


“One of that hot boys?” asked Yoora, didn’t interest at all.

Chaeri nodded. “He’s so cuteeee!” said Chaeri. “But Yoora, did you just call them hot?”

“I don’t want to lie.”

Suddenly, the seven boys came closer to them. “Hey ladies. We’re BTOB!”

“I’m Eunkwang, the leader of the group.”  

“I’m Minhyuk, the best fighter.” He winked at Yoora.

“I guess we just introduced each other, I’m Changseob.”

“The center of the group, Hyunsik.”


“Ilhoon imnida!”

“I’m Sungjae, the maknae.”

Yoora, Chaeri, Chanseul and Minnie smiled, and started to introduce  themselves. “I’m Chaeri.”



“Yoon Yoora.”

Minhyuk came closer to Yoora. “You know that you’re beautiful?”

“Thanks.” Said Yoora. “Are you trying to flirt on me?”

“You’re to the point. It must be the first time for you to come here.”

Yoora nodded. “How could you know it?”

Minhyuk smirked and whispered, “Because it is the first time I see such a beautiful girl like you.”

“Eoh?  I see.”

“Do you want to drink?” offered Minhyuk.

“Nope.” Yoora refused it. “Are you trying that style to flirt on a girl? Offer a drink, add drugs in her drink, and slept with her.”

“Are you crazy or what? I never do something like that. I may be a flirt, but not a jerk or -addict.” He laughed. Minhyuk moved his face closer to Yoora, “Or… Do you want me to try that style?”

Yoora slapped his face. “Not in a million time!”

Suddenly, Ilhoon came join them. “Yoora-ssi, you need to know that my Hyung is still innocent. He’s the only one between us who never in relationship.”


“Aiissshh I’m not! He may be a badass, bad-boy, gangster, fighter, like to drunk, but he never have someone special!”

“Whatever. Allright then, if you want. You can bring me a drink.”

 Minhyuk nodded. In less than two minutes, he came with two glass of tequila sunrise. Yoora took a sip of her drink. She didn’t know that it had high alcohol. She became drunk before finished her first glass. “Ngghh… What a unlucky girl *hick* I am..” mumbled her.

“Yoora-ssi.” Called Minhyuk. He felt guilty because he was the one who brought tequila sunrise for her. He didn’t know that Yoora couldn’t resist alcohol. “Are you… drunk?”

She drank her tequila sunrise again and smiled like a crazy. “Minhyuk-ssi… Your name is similar with someone I need to marry.”

*damn, that’s me you babo. May be I can know something about her now. The drunk people always tell the truth.* “You… need to marry someone?”

Yoora nodded. “Minhyuk-ssi… Can you just marry me? I don’t want to marry him. It’s not like he’s a badass like you, but he just so mysterious!”

*Yes I am.* “Of course no, what will people think?” *beside, if I marry you, that’s kinda useless you know.*

“Maybe you just need to know him better.”

“That’s… that’s impossible.” She took a sip of her drink again, but it was an empty glass. Then, she took Minhyuk’s glass and drank it. But Minhyuk took the glass before she drank.

“No more drink!” said Minhyuk. Yoora her lips ily. And Minhyuk just gulped, tried to control his hormone. He didn’t know why, but when he in his badass mode, he just can’t control himself to stop flirting and being a jerk. Again, Yoora her lips ily. Minhyuk can’t control himself. He came closer to Yoora’s face, about to kiss her. That was his first kiss, but he didn’t think about it anymore.


Twice, Yoora slapped Minhyuk. “Don’t you dare to take advantage on me!”

“I’m not!”

“But you’re trying to kiss me!”

“Oh? Okay, that’s my fault. I’m sorry!”

“Apologize rejected. I HATE YOU, YOU BASTARD!” shouted Yoora. Then she left.

*I don’t know if I already love you or no, but I guess no. But still Yoora, you’ll be my first kiss no matter what happened.*

 Update! Sorry for the late update TT 

4 comments = New update :)

Who's excited for the wedding? 

Anyway, vote for the second man for this story! 




I decided to not put BEAST members, since this one is spin-off from a BEAST fanfiction ^^ 

And for those who confuse, this story is in JAPAN. But they (people in this story) are KOREAN :)

The last one, for anyone who wants to know about me more, do follow my twitter account @Jasminatics ^^  

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Guys T^T I'm sorry. The 22nd chap will pending a bit. My laptop got error.... But it's done already. Gonna upload it once it settled :)


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Chapter 27: update please!!!
Chapter 26: tbh, I'm scared to know what lie he has under his sleeve rn ><
Chapter 25: Please Continue This story I Want To Know The End
I read It 3 times I love this story
nice story ^^
girls_exo #5
Chapter 25: update plz
Huiyilalala #6
Chapter 25: Yoora must be v upset . D:
sseungra #7
Chapter 25: Ouch. It hurts to be in Yoora's position ; q ;
Huiyilalala #8
Chapter 24: YEAH , had been waiting for the update for so long .
I always get excited when you update >U<