Jeon Jiyoon

Nerdy-Badass Hubby

That morning, Minhyuk prepared himself to went for a date with Yoora when suddenly his phone rang.  It was an unknown call from South Korea. “Yeoboseyo?”


“Joker Hyung! How’s Jiyoon Noona doing there?” The first thing he asked, when someone from South Korea called him is her, Jeon Jiyoon. No matter how far that person, no matter day or night, he would ask for this girl, Jeon Jiyoon.


Minhyuk shocked after heard his hyung’s explanation. He almost dropped his new iphone-5 to the floor if he wasn’t being able to control his emotion. “Are you ing serious, Hyung? This is not the time for joke. I trusted that damn Doojoon Hyung! Hyung, bring her to Japan, please… I will take care of her better than him.”


“Hyung, please… I know you love her, but please bring her to Japan. I beg you with all my life. I can provide her a proper apartment, proper food, money allowance, everything! Everything! Everything!”


Few sentences from South Korean made the tensed Minhyuk became more relaxed each seconds.

“….I see. Thank you for everything, Hyung. I love you. If I was a girl, I would marry you right now. Thanks. Okay. Hm. I see. Right, see you later then.”

After he hung up the phone, he checked Yoora first, as if she already back to apartment from the gracery or no. Since Yoora wasn’t there, yet, Minhyuk jumped happily on his bed. Celebrate his victory, the not-so-happy-but-still-enough-to-make-him-want-to-dance news, and everything. “JIYOON NOONA IS GOING TO JAPAN!! OOOHHH DEEEOOOOOOOO!!” screamed Minhyuk as he imitated Jiyoon’s part in Volume Up. But something popped to his mind, and it made him stop jumping and lowered his head. “But yeah, this fact makes me need to wake up. She can’t be yours, you’re married and same goes to her.”

Suddenly, Yoora came and saw the mess that Minhyuk created because of his happiness. “What happened?”


“It’s not like nothing, it’s more like something big,” said Yoora, didn’t believe with what her husband just said.

Minhyuk faced Yoora and smiled as wide as he could then said, “My Noona is going to stay in Japan!!”

“I thought you’re the only one child.”

“I am,” Minhyuk took a can of soda and drink it, “I mean, he’s my cousin, but I call her Noona.”

“…So? It’s just your cousin. Why. So. Serious.”

He patted his wife’s back and said, “I love my Noona more than anything, Yoora-ya. She’s the only one beside Ahjumma who took care of me when I was in Korea.”

*Is he trying to make me jealous? I don’t think it’s work, I love Minhyuk Nerd, so why I need to be jealous?* “Hmm okay, okay, I get it. Now… we’re going, aren’t we?”

Minhyuk nodded as he stood up and checked himself in front of a mirror. “Hmmm handsome enough,” mumbled him. “Kajja,” he told Yoora and took his car key.

“Where are we going?” ask the curious Yoora when Minhyuk’s black Ferrari out from apartment building.

“Meeting my grandmother, and yours too. Then lunch, maybe we can go for a window shopping after that,” Minhyuk answered the question simply and keep focus to the road. “We can’t take too much time for window shopping, just about one hour, that’s maximal.”

Yoora’s jaw dropped after heard her husband’s plan for their date. That was too simple for her, she imagined something more from the awesome Lee Minhyuk who described as ‘The most wanted boyfriend and son in law’ from a famous magazine in Japan.

Minhyuk stared at her. “…..don’t tell me you expected something miraculous from me.” He said hesitantly.

To say that Yoora was embarrassed was such an understatement.

“Maybe,” she replied shortly.

“Well, I was planned to make something miraculous for our date,” said Minhyuk, tried to comfort his wife. He knew that Yoora pissed off because of him. “But suddenly something important come—“

“Your cousin. I know that.”

*Why is she so sensitive with Jiyoon Noona? It’s my cousin after all. She can’t be jealous, right? She loves the nerd, so why should she feel jealous toward me?* Minhyuk drove his Ferrari to Lee’s palace silently. Once they arrived to Lee’s Palace, Minhyuk said, “Yes, it’s because of my Noona. I love her. And I need to make sure everything is perfect for her. I want to make her comfortable, because I know what her feel now. Any problem with it?”

Yoora stayed silent after heard Minhyuk’s sentences. She pissed off, even though she didn’t know the reason why she felt that way. *Am i jealous?* She asked herself. “Arasseo.”

“Good. Now get in and be nice,” said Minhyuk as he went in.

Once Minhyuk met his grandmother, he dragged her to a quiet place and told her everything about Jiyoon. That was enough to make his grandmother shocked. Thanks god she didn’t got heart attack. “Are you sure that you’ll make her stay in one of your apartment?”

Minhyuk nodded, “Is it okay for you? In case you want her to stay with you.”

“Of course I want her to stay with me, Pabo. But I’ll be very busy these days, I’m afraid she will feel lonely in this mansion since no one is here if I’m away,” explained Mrs. Lee.

“Nah, that’s why I want her to stay in one of my apartment, it’s near my current place, so I think it will be better. Besides, she needs some time alone too, doesn’t she?”

“She will come alone? Or her friend is going to accompany him?” asked Mrs. Lee.

“She’s coming alone, I guess,” Minhyuk answered, “Junhyung Hyung just said that she’s arrived tonight.”

Mrs. Lee nodded in understand and said, “Okay. Now, go take Yoora out and prepare everything. Make sure my little girl get everything she need. You need to take care of him, arasseo?”

“Even if you don’t ask, I’ll do it.”

After that quiet long talk, both of them returned to living room. “I’m sorry, we have something to discuss since Minhyuk’s cousin is going to stay in Japan for a while. She’s very close with Minhyuk before.”

Yoora’s face fell once she knew what was Mrs. Lee and Minhyuk talking about. *What is special from Minhyuk’s cousin? She is just a normal girl, right?* “Minhyuk already told me, Halmeoni.”

“Ah, glad to know that he already told you. Maybe you can be a good friend with her too,” said Mrs. Lee.

*Me? With her? I don’t think I can,* Yoora thought as she drank her tea. “Yeah, I will get along with her, Halmeoni.”

“Okay, good to know it,” said Mrs. Lee. She patted Minhyuk’s back and asked, “You have many things to prepare, right?”

Minhyuk nodded. “Yes, Halmeoni. I think we should go now. I’ve asked Ahjumma Kim to clear the apartment before,” said Minhyuk as he stood up and grab Yoora’s hand. “Yoora-ya, kajja. You want to go for window shopping, right? Halmeonis, we’re going now. See you nixt time,” Minhyuk bid goodbye to the elders and bowed a little.

In the car, both of them were silent. No one said anything. Minhyuk was focus with the road and Yoora was focus with her own mind. “What’s bothering you?” asked Minhyuk, broke the silence.


“Are you sure?” Minhyuk asked her again, but she didn’t answer. Then he decided to ignore her and focus with the road. Once they arrived, Minhyuk woke up Yoora who fell asleep. “Yoora-ya, wake up. We arrived already.”

Yoora rubbed her eyes and saw Minhyuk’s face just few inches away from hers. “Oh, really? Aaaahhh I’m so excited!!”

“I know, get out. We just have one hour. I’m going to settle few things after this,” said Minhyuk as he got out from the car, left Yoora alone.

*Meanie,* thought Yoora as she blew her bangs and rolled her eyes. She followed Minhyuk to a store that sold music stuffs. Yoora frowned in confusion since she didn’t expect Minhyuk would come to a place like this. Was he going to buy something for her? “Oppa, what are you going to buy?”

“This,” Minhyuk showed her a music-box. “I haven’t given her a birthday present. What do you think? I don’t know what to buy, since it has been a while since I meet her.”

Yoora lowered her head in disappointed. She thought that Minhyuk would buy her that music-box because he felt guilty or because of whatever he felt. But… this time she was wrong. Minhyuk who always smiled to her and gave her everything suddenly turned cold and all he cared was ‘My Noona’. Somehow, it made Yoora felt… empty.

“Do you want something? I will buy it for you, since I can’t give you a proper date,” asked Minhyuk without looked at Yoora.

“No, thank you, I’ll just go to another shop,” answered Yoora and left Minhyuk alone in music store.

Their date wasn’t a good date. Minhyuk ignored Yoora because he worried about Jiyoon. Everyone would be worried if they were on Minhyuk’s positition right now. Yoora bought everything for herself while Minhyuk bought many things for Jiyoon. Done with shopping, Minhyuk drove Yoora to apartment building. “Stay here, okay? I’ll be back tonight, maybe late. So don’t wait for me. Or if you want to come to airport, just text me,” said Minhyuk before he drove his car to another place that god-knows-where.

Yoora just sighed; saw her husband’s car left her alone. “Why always her, why? I feel empty, I’m alone… But it’s my fault too, anyway. I never think about his feeling when I keep talking about that nerdy-crush. It’s a payback, I guess.”

Meanwhile, Minhyuk drove his car to a big home-shopping, to bought some furniture for his apartment that would be Jiyoon’s place to stay. “We meet again, Lee Minhyuk,” A voice talked to him.

“Kim Myungsoo,” said Minhyuk after he knew who called him before. “What are you doing here?”

“Just shop, I can shop too, you know. Where’s your wife?” asked Myungsoo.

“She’s in our lovely apartment, rascal,” answered Minhyuk in duh manner.

Myungsoo just nodded, understood. “What are you doing here?”

“Isn’t it my business? Beside, is it obvious what I’m doing here? You just saw I paid for sofa, didn’t you?”

“Why don’t you shop with your wife? Both of your life together, right? Why doesn’t she pick the sofa with you?”

The shop’s worker interrupted their talk by asked Minhyuk’s apartment address. After gave the worker the apartment’s address, he said to Myungsoo, “It’s not for my apartment. It’s for my noona’s. Clear enough, right? I need to go now.”

Minhyuk drove his car to another place, such as boutique, or another place. Around 7PM, he came back home. “Yoora-ya~~”

Yoora who was watching TV turned to Minhyuk’s direction. *Finally he’s back!! Wait, why I’m so excited,* she thought. “Oh, Oppa. Your cousin is arrived already?”

“No, I just come here to see you and take a bath,” explained Minhyuk as he made his way to bathroom before stopped walking and approached Yoora. He handed her a plastic bag.

“What is it?”

“Just open it. I’ll take a bath. See ya!”

Yoora blinked before opened the bag hesitantly. She saw….

“OH GOD IT’S MINI DRACO MALFOY AMG WHERE DID HE BUY THIS IT’S UNEXPLAINABLE RARE BUT HE SOMEHOW SOMEWHAT MANAGED TO GET IT?!” She amazed with Minhyuk’s gift. After a long annoying day with him, he gave her a present. She was sure that this present was especially for her.

Minhyuk came out from bathroom in few minutes. He looked at Yoora who still amazed with mini Draco Malfoy in front of her. He took a glance on clock that was hanging on the wall and said, “Yoora-ya, go take a bath. You need to come with me to airport; I’ll leave in 30 minutes.”

Yoora’s face fell once she heard Minhyuk’s order. So… He acted nice just because he wanted her to come with him to airport? But she didn’t complain or said anything, because IT. WAS. DRACO. ING. MALFOY. She took a bath and changed into a super casual clothes since she didn’t think her dress was important. It wasn’t like she wanted to come along, anyway. Minhyuk who saw her with that super casual outfit just nodded, not like the usual Minhyuk who would complain if Yoora dressed too casual. Yoora felt disappointed, she thought Minhyuk would tell her to change her outfit.

“Kajja, the plane supposed to arrive on 9PM, it’ll take some times to Narita, right? Beside, we haven’t eat yet,” asked Minhyuk, he went out from the Apartment, when Yoora just sighed and followed her husband. Minhyuk drove his Ferrari as fast as he could to Narita Airport. He was worried to the death right now, he didn’t even focus driving. Yoora never saw this side of Minhyuk, who worried like hell and cold as an ice.

Once they arrived in Narita Airport, Minhyuk dragged Yoora to a fast-food restaurant because he didn’t want to hear Yoora’s complain about hungry, he felt like his wife was a nagging-machine this few days. Both of them ate in silent, Minhyuk just ate a little since he wasn’t feeling hungry at all. Yoora took a little food with her husband’s chopstick, tried to feed him, “Eat this, Oppa.”

“I’m not hungry. You just eat first.”

“Eat now, Oppa. Why are you so worried, huh?” Yoora dared herself to ask.

“You’re not going to understand what I feel right now, Lee Yoora,” said Minhyuk coldly. He stared at his watch and got up. “I’m going to wait near the passenger door, do you want to stay here or follow me?”

Yoora twitched her brows, “Oh, is ‘going home’ was never an option? Because I feel like it.”

“Whatever. I’ll count to five, if you want to follow me then come,” said Minhyuk. He began count, “One… Two… Three… Four…” But Yoora didn’t get up from her seat. “Five. Fine. Is it what you want? Okay then. I leave. Stay here until I comeback, don’t dare you to take a cab home. Halmeoni will be here too.”

*So what would you do if I dare to?* Yoora just nodded without any will to listen to her husband’s words.

“I just changed our Apartment’s password, so you’re not going anywhere,” said Minhyuk as he walked out from the restaurant.  

*Oh really? I can go anywhere as I please.* Yoora thought. She checked Minhyuk whether he already left from her sight before got up and walked towards the main gate. Then, she called a cab and ordered the driver to take her to the nearest Mall. Once she arrived to the mall, she went to a bookstore, to read some books, fictional book. When she was in fictional book’s section, someone bumped into her. “Gomennasai (Sorry),” the boy that bumped into Yoora said.

“That’s okay,” replied Yoora in Japanese.

The blonde boy blinked before smiled widely, “Ah, I know you. You’re the heiress of Lee Corp!”

“Heiress? I’m just the Heir’s wife, I’m not going to take care of the company,” explained Yoora. “But how did you know?”

“Well, Lee Corp has many connection, one of them is Kise Inc.” the boy grinned, “I’m Kise Ryouta, the heir of the Kise Inc.”

Yoora blinked. Once. Twice.

“Oh, also, I’m a model.”


Kise covered Yoora’s mouth with his hand. “Suusshh, my fangirls might come here.”

“Oh, okay, I’m sorry,” apologized Yoora. “I just didn’t think that I would meet you here, Kise-san. By the way, I’m Lee Yoora.”

“Nice to see the Lee Corp’s next heir’s wife, Lee-san,”  Kise chuckled before fixed his glasses. “By the way, you’re not coming with your husband?”

Husband. That word made Yoora silent for a while before answered honestly, “My husband needs to pick up his cousin at the airport, and I think they need some times alone.”

“Oh, what a care wife you are.” Kise smiled before pouted while not facing Yoora, “I hope Kurokocchi would be more like you…”

“Hm?” Yoora tilted his head.

“It’s nothing,” said Kise. “Well… I need to go now; I have an early photo shoot tomorrow. It’s really nice to have a chat with you. See you next time, Lee-san,” Kise said before walked away.

Cause ur like caffeine, nan bamsae jam mot deulgo
Simjangeun gyesok ttwigo geureodaga tto niga neomu mipgo
Like caffeine meolliharyeogo haedo
Ijeoboryeogo haedo geureol suga eojjeol su—

 “AH GEEZ I GOT IT I GOT IT SHUT THE HELL UP, PHONE!” Yoora picked up her phone before clicked the ‘Answer’ button, “Yeoboseyo? Minhyuk-ssi, why did you call me?”

Meanwhile, Minhyuk was waiting for Jiyoon’s arrival when he realized that Yoora didn’t follow him to the arrival gate. He thought Yoora was going to follow him, as usual. So he ran to the same restaurant that he went with Yoora before, and found nothing. “Geez, Lee Yoora where are you? I’ve told you to wait,” hissed Minhyuk. Then, he called Yoora. *Come on, pick up!!”

“Yeoboseyo? Minhyuk-ssi, why did you call me?” said Yoora once she picked up Minhyuk’s call.

*Wait? Minhyuk-ssi?* Minhyuk stared at the phone blankly before clasped his face, *CRAP I CALLED HER WITH MY NERD’S PHONE*

“Yeoboseyo? Minhyuk-ssi?”

“Ah, yeoboseyo Yoora-ssi. Sorry, I pressed wrong number. I was going to call someone else, to check if she already arrived here or no. I’m sorry,” explained Minhyuk in his nerd tone.

Yoora raised a brow, “She?”

“Hmmm,” mumbled Minhyuk. “She’s going to Japan tonight. So I need to call her.”

*Don’t tell me it’s that Jeon Jiyoon. Wait, but she’s not the only one who come to Japan,* Yoora thought. “Oh, that’s okay, Minhyuk-ssi.” With it, she hung up the phone.

*Now, let’s call Yoora with her husband’s phone. Oh my god, I never thought that handle three phones at the same time will be this hard* Minhyuk took his other phone and made sure that it was the right phone. Then, he called Yoora.

“Yeoboseyo? M-Minhyuk Oppa…”

“Where are you?” asked Minhyuk coldly.

There was a silent for a while until Yoora answered, “A Mall near Narita Airport.”

“I told you to stay!!”

“You told me this, You told me that, but you don’t care about me! All you care is your cousin and your cousin, so let me do whatever I want!”

Minhyuk frowned at Yoora’s answer. “You’re not going to understand the situation, it’s hard for me and for Noona.”

“But it’s also hard to me! I’m your damned wife! I know that we don’t love each other, but at least you have to separate the love for your cousin and your wife!”

“Don’t dare you to say something like that, when you keep talking about your crush in front of your husband. You told me that I have to separate the love for my cousin and my wife, then you have to separate the love for your crush and your husband,” explained Minhyuk before continued, “Just tell me where the hell are you now, and I’ll pick you up in one hour, I guess.”

“NOT. TELLING! Just care about your cousin because I’m not going home tonight!”

“OH REALLY?! Then, where are you going to?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe I’ll go and make an ‘ANTI LEE MINHYUK-CLUB’ because I honestly really want to punch your face RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!”

“Don’t you dare to—”


Minhyuk bit his lower lips before exhaled and inhaled, tried to calm himself. He’s the husband. He must be calm and think carefully. “Yoora, listen to me. I’m sorry if I wasn’t paying attention to you, but right now my priority is my cousin. I will tell you the situation as soon as things settled down. So just please…come back to the airport.”


“Yoora? Please?”

“…1 hour.”


“Give me another 1 hour. I’ll think about it.”

Minhyuk sighed, “Okay, I’ll give you 1 hour. Just please think about it. No matter where you go, I’ll find you and explain the situation.”


“…okay. I’m hanging up. Take care and…” Minhyuk closed his eyes, “…even though I don’t love you enough, I care for you.” With that, he hung up the phone.

Wow. Didn’t think that this would be their first argument. And it was tiring.

Never, ever, argue with your wife, ever again. That’ the lesson for today.

The passenger gate opened, a girl with grey hoodie, black-denim and sunglasses came out from passenger gate and looked for someone that she knew. Minhyuk who saw her waved his hand and shouted, “Jiyoon Noona!” Then he ran to her and hugged her tightly. “Noona, are you alright? I swear that I will torture him until the death.”

Jiyoon smiled and released Minhyuk’s hug. “I’m okay, squirrel, no need to worry,” said Jiyoon and she ruffled Minhyuk’s hair. “You’re a man now.”

“How could I’m not worried about you, Noona? I’m worried about you to the death! Joker Hyung’s call this morning made me almost got heart attack!!” said Minhyuk while placed his hand on his chest.

Overprotective Cousin, that was Minhyuk. When it came to Jiyoon, Minhyuk would be the one worried the most, even more than Mrs. Jeon. She just smiled at her cousin’s overprotective sentence and said, “Noona is okay, Squirrel. You don’t need to worry about me. I just need time for… myself? That’s why I come here in the first place. Or… You don’t want me here?”

*Come on, I want you more than anyone else, Noona,* Minhyuk thought as he shook his head. “I want you noona. I need you, I want you, I love you, Feel so bad, Feel so bad,” he sang one of Infinite Song, Feel so bad. “I miss you like crazy, by the way.”

“Miss you like crazy too,” said Jiyoon as she formed a small smile which it could make Minhyuk’s heart melt like an ice cream. “Where’s your wifey? I want to meet her so baaaadddd.”

“W-wi-wifey?” Minhyuk facepalmed after he heard word ‘wifey’. “She’s… She’s…. SHE’S BACK~~~ OH SHE’S BACK~~~~” he sang Infinite’s song (Again), She’s back.

“Silly Squirrel,” teased Jiyoon, she tried to hold her laugh.

Minhyuk just giggled and placed his right arm around Jiyoon’s shoulder while his left hand dragged her suitcase. “Yeah, I know I’m Silly. Let’s pick up my wife first, she’s being a nagging-machine today, you know?”

Jiyoon chuckled, “I don’t know. Okay, go call her first.”

Minhyuk called Yoora, he made sure that he called her with right phone.

“Yeoboseyo?” said Yoora on the other line.

“Yeoboseyo, Yoora-ya, neo eodiya (Where are you)?”

There was a silent for a while until Yoora answered, “Why do you ask? It hasn’t been one hour yet.”

“I want to pick you up now,” answered Minhyuk. “Just tell me where you are now” 

Yoora sighed before told Minhyuk, “I’m in a Mall near Narita Airport. I’m going to wait you in main gate.”

“Okay, wait there and don’t go anywhere,” said Minhyuk and he hung up the call. “Noona, let’s go~ We need to pick my wife first, she’s in a mall near here.”

Minhyuk drove his car to a mall near Narita Airport, while Jiyoon sat on passenger seat, in the back. It was raining outside, so Minhyuk went out from the car with umbrella to pick Yoora. After ten minutes, he came back to the car with Yoora and a bag with Breadtalk and a bottle of chocolate milk. They went in and Minhyuk gave the bag to Jiyoon, “Noona, this is for you. I know you hate airplane’s food. I hope breadtalk is enough.”

“Thank you, Squirrel,” said Jiyoon as she accepted the bag.

It was dark, so Yoora couldn’t see Jiyoon’s face, just heard her voice. *Her voice is so… sweet and sound nice. No wonder, Minhyuk Oppa loves her so much,* thought Yoora.

“Yoora, you can greet Noona later,” said Minhyuk as he drove them back to Apartment. “Ummm Jiyoon Noona, you’re going to stay in an Apartment near mine.”

“Near yours? I can stay in Halmeoni’s place, you know. The weather there is so nice, and I miss Ahjumma Kim, and the others too.”

“Halmeoni said, it’s better for you to stay in an Apartment, since she thought that you’re going to feel lonely if you stay in her place, she’ll be very busy these days. So we decided to make you stay in an Apartment, family Apartment. Remember the Apartment that you used when you were here years ago, Noona?” explained Minhyuk who earned nod from Jiyoon. “You’re going to stay there. If you miss Ahjumma Kim, I can tell her to come there every day.”

“Arasseo,” replied Jiyoon.

They arrived to apartment building, and Minhyuk parked his car in basement. Three of them went out from the car, then Minhyuk introduced, “Jiyoon Noona, this is my wife, Yoora. Yoora-ya, this is my cousin, heung… How to say it, Jiyoon.”

Jiyoon bowed a little, “Annyeong, I’m Jiyoon, Squ—I mean Minhyuk’s cousin. It’s nice to see you.”

Yoora also bowed a little, “Annyeong, I’m Yoora, Minhyuk Oppa’s wife. It’s nice to see you too.” Then she gasped when she saw Jiyoon’s face clearly. She knew her, she saw her before, she was… the girl that on the picture, his crush’s only one. Yoora observed the girl in front of her, Jiyoon was tall, her short-blonde hair fit her perfectly, and not to mention, she was beautiful with manly look. Even though she looked different with the girl on the picture, she was sure that Jiyoon was the girl. Suddenly, she felt jealous, *This girl has anything that I want. My crush loves her more than anyone else. And my husband cares about her more than anyone else. I guess, among all of Minhyuk that I know, I just have a bastard that so funny around me, eh?* 

What a long chapter, uh? I'm waiting for this chapter for a loooonnngggggg time(?) lmao

Don't my hubby plssss u.u I will explain why he's so care toward Jiyoon later :) 

Comment and Subscribes are loved<3 

I hope to get 100 Subbies before my birthday hehehe. 

Anyone know Kise Ryouta? He's the handsome character from Kuroko no Basuke~~~~ >< 

By the way, feel free to chat with me on twitter @Jasminatics~ Just mention me if you want to know my RP accs :)

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Guys T^T I'm sorry. The 22nd chap will pending a bit. My laptop got error.... But it's done already. Gonna upload it once it settled :)


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Chapter 27: update please!!!
Chapter 26: tbh, I'm scared to know what lie he has under his sleeve rn ><
Chapter 25: Please Continue This story I Want To Know The End
I read It 3 times I love this story
nice story ^^
girls_exo #5
Chapter 25: update plz
Huiyilalala #6
Chapter 25: Yoora must be v upset . D:
sseungra #7
Chapter 25: Ouch. It hurts to be in Yoora's position ; q ;
Huiyilalala #8
Chapter 24: YEAH , had been waiting for the update for so long .
I always get excited when you update >U<