Stalking The Nerd

Nerdy-Badass Hubby


I feel like i need to make this clear. I want you guys think that Sungyeol is a Betrayer for real. I mean, i only make his as one here.

I believe that he won't betray the real INFINITE.

So please, don't think bad of Sungyeol just because of the last chapter :)

It had been around five days since Minhyuk went for business trip. Yoora slept in Jiyoon’s apartment around that period. Today, she was about to back to her apartment to take some college files went she saw a stranger in front of her door. She approached that stranger and asked in Japanese, “Who are you?”

“I’m Aomine Daiki,” he introduced in Japanese, “I’m here to give you a package from my boss. Are you by any chance Lee Yoora, the wife of Lee Minhyuk?”

Instead answer Aomine’s question, she asked, “Who’s your boss.”

“A college friend of yours, miss.”

*Is it Minhyuk? But he would text me if he had something to tell. Ah, maybe he’s too busy* “Give me the package. Where should I sign?”

Aomine gave her a small box, “There’s no need, miss,” he answered, “I’ll take my leave now. Have a good day.” He bowed and left. 

Yoora bowed a little to show some respect, before went in to her apartment with the package. She was wondering about the package. When he was about to open the package, her phone rang. It was a message from his college friend that reminded her that she needed to be somewhere now. She took a deep breath before put the package on her desk. *Maybe later.*


Minhyuk tidied his hair and put on the glasses, ready for school. When he was about to went out from the car, he got a mysterious text.

The game is on.

“Who send me this kind of text. Is it Sungyeol? No, he didn’t know this number,” he mumbled quietly before decided to not think about it and went out from the car, heading to his class. Found Yoora sat quietly on her seat, he couldn’t help but smile. And it made he questioned himself, was she in love with Yoora or with someone else? He approached Yoora and greeted her, “Hey there.”

Yoora turned his face to Minhyuk and gave him a warm smile, “Hey. Do you by any chance send me a package this morning by someone named Aomine Daiki?”

“No. What package?” *Is it a prank?*

“I don’t know, haven’t open it until now,” she answered, “What will you do if someone that you know doesn’t go home for five days?”

*She talks about me.* “Ummm… Call the police?”

“But he said don’t call the police until a week,” she explained. Minhyuk could see a slight worried expression on her face. “I miss him without I realize.”

*I miss you too.* “Do you love him?”

Yoora shrugged. *I have a crush on you, can’t you see that?* “No. It just, I feel weird without him.”

“Just wait, Yoora-ssi, he’ll be with you soon, very soon. As long as you believe.”

She nodded, “I think you’re right.” Then Yoora pull out a ticket from his purse, “I got KARA’s free concert ticket. My hubby is busy and I think i can take someone that I like. Do you by any chance want to watch it with me?”

“It sounds like a good idea,” Minhyuk said. Just then, his phone rang, “I’ll be right back.”

After Minhyuk left, Yoora turn on her laptop and load the package that Aomine gave her—which was flashdisk. There was a video on it. She clicked the video, the figure of a blonde-girl appeared. “Isn’t it the one that I met in lift few days ago?”

“Hello Yoora-ssi. I’m Alice Song. I want to show you something.”

Then the screen went black for moments before it showed Minhyuk-Nerd and Minhyuk-Husband. How he was entering the same car, same apartment. How they had same ID-card, Passport.  And the other evidence that jumped to one conclusion, his crush was a same person like his husband.

“How’s the video, Yoora-ssi? I hope you like that little present from me.”

The video ended. Yoora just stared at her laptop blankly in disbelief. No, it couldn’t be true. Her husband was not his friend. They were different. But that video explained something. She remembered about the day she accompanied the nerd to Kazuto’s optical store. The thing that Yoora didn’t supposed to know wasn’t Minhyuk’s eyes problem, but this. She felt betrayed. Her hands and legs became weak while her brain became blank. This must be a lie, at least that was what she hoped.

“He lies to me..” Then her mind think about Jiyoon. Didn’t it mean her husband loved Jiyoon? No, it must be just a lie to cover his identity. But no wonder, Jiyoon a bit stuttered if she asked about the nerd and the husband.

Just then, Minhyuk came back after receiving a call. “Yoora-ssi. I got to go now, something urgent is going on. Have a great day ahead!”

Yoora just nodded. She still couldn’t believe the fact that the nerd was her husband. If she didn’t believe it, then she would prove it. Just when she thought Minhyuk was far already, she packed her things and followed him to main gate. She saw he get in to a car, a familiar car that she knew, her husband’s car. “…So it’s true?” When the car  went out from the university environment, she stopped a taxi and asked the driver to follow his car.

And they were arrived in front of Lee Corp.’s building gate. She saw few employees stood up in line then the door’s car opened, revealed the figure that she missed the most in black suit. He came out and a man—probably his driver—get in to the car, parked his car. She saw every employee there bowed to him as he walked to lift’s direction. Yoora just stared the whole scene in disbelief.

“Miss, is it your destination?” the taxi driver snapped her back to reality.

She just nodded as she took some money from her pursue, “Take it all, Sir. Thank you very much.”

After the taxi left, Yoora went in to the building without care about her clothes that was too student style. She approached the receptionist. Being a wife of the heir, of course the receptionist girl acknowledged her. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Lee. Are you looking for your husband?” the receptionist asked in Japanese, “He just went in around five minutes ago.”

So it was true. The nerd was her husband.

Yoora shook her head, “No, I’m here for Chairwoman Lee. Is she available to meet me?”

The receptionist checked her monitor for few moments before shook her head, “No, Mrs. Lee. Chairwoman Lee just left for Kyoto around an hour ago,” she answered, “Do you want me to accompany you meet Mr. Lee?”

“No, thanks. I’ll just meet him later. Thank you very much,” Yoora said as she went home with broken heart. So the she always talked about his crush in front of the person. That’s why… That’s why she didn’t find any jealous tone every time they talked about her crush. That’s also why she easily felt jealous in everything that connected with her husband in same amount as thing that connected with her crush.


6PM Japan Time. Minhyuk drove his car to his apartment that he shared with Yoora. It was nice to back to home. BTOB dorm was comfy, but he liked his apartment better because he had something precious there, his wife. Put in a right code, he went in to the apartment just to find Yoora who was watching television. “Yoora-yaaaa~~”

Yoora turned her head, his husband was back. *It feels nice to see that you’re okay when I’m freaking betrayed.* She smiled at him, “I was about to call police if you don’t appear at 12AM.”

“You don’t need too. I’m here,” he said as he hugged Yoora tight, “Glad that you are okay. I hope you always be okay. I miss you…”

She felt something was definitely happened. Minhyuk never hug her that tight. But what again? There was something more?

“Didn’t we meet this afternoon?” she asked. Yeah, she was going to blow up his cover.

Minhyuk looked at him, “Did we? Haruko told me that you were looking for grand-mother earlier in company. What happened?”

“I didn’t say that we met in company’s building,” Yoora stated, “We met at university today. I just asked you to go to KARA’s concert with me, Minhyuk-ssi.”


“Ah, and Professor Jones gave us task to do. Do you want to work it now? Or later?”

*Ah… I know what Sungyeol mean. This is the time.* Minhyuk bit his lips as he looked at Yoora in the eyes, “When did you know about this…”

Yoora smiled, she felt like she was winning already since she could feel Minhyuk was going to say the truth. “Just today,” she said as she tried to hold her tears, “Why did you lie…”

“I have no other choice.”

“You have many choices.”

“It’s not that simple.”

She bit his lips as she stood up, was about to leave. She kept walking to the door, hoped he would stop her and explained what was actually going on. When she reached the door-knob, she could feel a strong grip hugged her from behind. “It because I don’t want you to leave…”

Yoora let go of his hug and turned around, faced him. “Why do you think I’ll leave?”

“I didn’t mean to lie at you. I was a nerd in the beginning. When I found out that you’re living with me, I didn’t want you to know that I was a nerd. Because I thought you were going to leave me when you knew that you were living with  a nerd. That was why I tried to build another image in front of you. I never expect that you’d actually fell for the nerd said of me…”

“I hate it when someone lie to me,” Yoora stated as she looked at Minhyuk’s teary eyes. She also could feel that Minhyuk was shaking. But she didn’t care. “Is there anything that you hide from me?”

Minhyuk didn’t answer.

“I take it as a no. I’ll take my leave now. I can’t life with a liar. And… I won’t take you to KARA’s concert.”

With it, Yoora left the house, leaving Minhyuk who fell kneeled down alone. He was shaking, he was crying. He did prepare himself for this time to come, but he never expect that it’d be this hurt. “…Only if you know that I actually hide another big secret…”


I know i've send you a story feed before. I use my sister's PC for this kkk~

Anyway, i change my username from Flyhighbeastminute to Rometalia xD

I guess you know who's my main bias from all the k-pop guy now.___.

Let's be friend with me on twitter @rometalia :)

Please do comments and subsribes!

Comments, Subscribe, and Votes are appreciated a lot ^^

See you in next update!!


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Guys T^T I'm sorry. The 22nd chap will pending a bit. My laptop got error.... But it's done already. Gonna upload it once it settled :)


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Chapter 27: update please!!!
Chapter 26: tbh, I'm scared to know what lie he has under his sleeve rn ><
Chapter 25: Please Continue This story I Want To Know The End
I read It 3 times I love this story
nice story ^^
girls_exo #5
Chapter 25: update plz
Huiyilalala #6
Chapter 25: Yoora must be v upset . D:
sseungra #7
Chapter 25: Ouch. It hurts to be in Yoora's position ; q ;
Huiyilalala #8
Chapter 24: YEAH , had been waiting for the update for so long .
I always get excited when you update >U<