New Year with a Bastard

Nerdy-Badass Hubby

New Year was coming up. Everyone was busy with their New Year date preparation. Same went to Minhyuk, he wanted to ask Yoora if she was free on New Year night, since Yoora was very popular, unlike him. It was a perfect New Year for him, because he had someone to spend it except BTOB and Lee Corp didn’t hold a New Year ball like usual. “Yoora-ya… Are you free tomorrow night?”

“Tomorrow night? New Year night?”

“Yep… I want to take you to a New Year Date, beside we haven’t go on a date before, so let’s go on a date,” asked Minhyuk directly. “So… are you free?”

“Hmmm…” Yoora didn’t answer it. She took her phone and went out from apartment. It wasn’t like she didn’t like Minhyuk or what. He just felt uncomfortable toward him, because he was mysterious, he hid something from Yoora. She didn’t like it, when someone which it important for her hid something for her. Because she was sure, Minhyuk’s secret was bigger than his eyes problem that he tried to hide.

Meanwhile, Minhyuk just stared at the door, watched Yoora who left already. He knew Yoora hesitant to spent New Year with him. And he knew who Yoora wanted to New Year. In a second, Minhyuk’s phone rang a text message came to his nerdy-phone.

From: Yoora (school)

Minhyuk-ssi, are you free on New Year night? I want to ask you to spend New Year with me, since we become friend now ^^

“So I’m right…” Minhyuk knew that Yoora wanted to spend New Year with her crush, a nerdy-version of him. Somehow, he didn’t like it. He didn’t like it when Yoora chose his nerdy version instead of him. He wanted to be number one, not number two. Sincerely, he felt jealous with himself. Then, he replied her text message with a lie.

To: Yoora (School)

I’m sorry Yoora-ssi, I’m heading to South Korea tonight, maybe next year? Sorry…

Minhyuk made the nerdy-version of him went to Korea, made a distant with Yoora. Because of what? Because he wanted to spend New Year with her, as the REAL him, her husband. Not a bastard that tried to stole a kiss, or a nerd who amazingly became her crush.

In few minutes, Yoora went in to the apartment with a pouting face. “What happened?” asked Minhyuk, pretended to act innocent when he knew what was happening to his wife. Yoora just shrugged and blew her bangs. “Yaaa seriously, what happened?”

“That nerdy boy, my crush, can’t spend New Year with me…”

Another version of him, made her sad. Again.

“You have no idea how much I want to spend New Year with him…”

Why him, why not your own husband? You would spend with same person, but a guy in front of you as your husband, will you?

 Minhyuk patted Yoora’s back and said, “Hey, you just talked about other guy in front of me, I’m hurt.” Then he pretended a fake sob. “I’ve told you, how if we just go on a date?”

Date. Yes, date. Somehow, Yoora didn’t like it when Minhyuk’s said it. Why? Because there was another reason why she wanted to spend New Year with her crush instead her husband. She would felt nervous, more than when her crush around her, once her husband was beside her. Butterfly would fly from her stomach and electric feel would happen when her husband touched her hand. Was it something so-called-love? No, Yoora would always deny it. Because she was too blind to realized, because her mind always on the Nerdy Minhyuk. Like G-Dragon said on his song, Love is blind oh baby you so blind.

But in the end, Yoora nodded, agreed to have a date with her husband. “Let’s go on a date, Oppa. Tomorrow night?”

“Yep, dress nicely because paparazzi will take pictures of us, I’m sure with it. The company doesn’t hold a ball, so they’ll stalk the heir. What a waste, I hate it. Whenever I remember about it, I just cursed myself, why I need to born as the heir of such a big company?” said Minhyuk.

Paparazzi meant act-all-romance, like they loved each other, when they didn’t even know that the feeling was mutual or one-sided. But Minhyuk loved Paparazzi, because the moment with paparazzi was the only moment when he could say, she’s mine and only mine.

“Alright then.”

The next day, Minhyuk made sure that everything went as he planned. Started from the fireworks, dinner, hang out, and whatever.  He even made Yoora sure that her nerd crush couldn’t spend a New Year with her, since she always nagged about it, how she wanted to spend New Year with her nerd crush, not her husband.

“Oppa,” Yoora called him who was in front of computer, she brought few dress with her also. “Which one is the best? You told me to dress nicely yesterday.”

“It won’t be surprises if I pick the dress, will it?” asked Minhyuk.

Yoora pouted at Minhyuk’s answer. “Fine then. But don’t blame me if my dress is not suitable with everything you planned.”

“Hey, let me give you a clue,” said Minhyuk. “Just use what K-Idol wears when they’re on street, a normal daily fashion. I’m not going to take you to a fancy, since I feel old there.”

Minhyuk’s explanation succeed to make Yoora giggled and went back to closet. Now, he faced the more serious problem. The e-mail in front of him, from eunkwang, made him upset enough. Once he read it, he knew everything wasn’t going to be fine.

SHINee will attack us, tonight. Melody Night-Club. 9PM

“, Shinee,” muttered Minhyuk. He had a serious problem with their best-fighter, Minho. From all the gangs in this world, SHINee was the least-he-wants-to-fight-with. He better fought with Myungsoo and Infinite again than SHinee. Not because they were strong, they weren’t that strong, but because of personal problem. Because in the past, Minho did something unforgiveable. Minhyuk clenched his fist tight, as he went out from apartment, left Yoora with confuse look.

From 365 nights in a year, why must New Year night? The night he wanted to spend with his wife. Could any gangs attack them when it wasn’t his special night?

Minhyuk keep cursed on his way to BTOB Dorm. It wasn’t far, still in same building. In few minutes, he arrived. The rest are there with nervous face. They knew that Minhyuk wouldn’t like it, especially when he knew that the enemy will be SHINee. “Don’t come if you don’t want to see Minho’s face,” said Eunkwang before Minhyuk said anything.

“I’m coming, this night. Just for your information. All of us will defeat them.”

The rest six gasped at Minhyuk’s explanation, this was going to be bad, they thought. “Are you sure, Hyung? I’m afraid you’ll do something bad to them, especially Minho,” said Ilhoon.

“They attack us, then they deserve something bad from Lee Minhyuk, especially they’re Shinee.”

“But Hyung, I thought you have a New Year date with you wife.”

“Like she wants me in first face,” said Minhyuk. To be honest, he felt hurt when her own wife prefer other version of him. “Beside, I want to destroy that handsome face.” With it, he texted Yoora.

To: Wife Yoora.

I can’t make it for dinner with you tonight. Just come at Han River on 11.30PM, and see if I can make it or no.

“You’re cruel, Hyung. Don’t you think she’ll feel sad? You already break her heart with your nerdy version, don’t you?” asked Sungjae.

Minhyuk just lowered his head. “ with it, I don’t care. I just want to meet Minho, just it.”

Hyunsik moved his body closer to Eunkwang’s and whispered, “Hyung, he still in love with her, isn’t he?”

“I think so. No one can replace her place, Hyunsik-ah, not even Yoora,” anwered Eunkwang, still whispering.

In other hand, Yoora was picking clothes when the next message came to her phone. She read it carefully and… she felt disappointed. Why he canceled it? “World hates me,” mumbled Yoora.

Yoora didn’t call any of her friends, because she knew it, they her friend would bring her to that loud club again. So she checked Minhyuk’s laptop who still on. She gasped when he knew all the reservation that Minhyuk made, for her. He didn’t make the reservation on a fancy, it just a middle-classed restaurant that young age like them used to eat with their date. Somehow, she felt special. No one ever did this to her, not even Myungsoo.

“I can’t believe that I almost reject this… I can’t believe that maybe I hurt his feeling…” said Yoora. She felt guilty, because he never thought about about Minhyuk’s feeling.  “But… he makes me lonely, so I don’t care with him.”

Day already became night. Yoora ate her dinner in loneliness. Her mind was thinking about Minhyuk. Did he eat already? Did he alright right now? Who was with him right now? Too many questions flew in Yoora’s mind, about her husband. “Don’t think about him, Yoora, don’t.”

It was 11.30PM already, Yoora waited for her husband on a bench near Han River. There were many couples spent their New Year night. And again, she felt loneliness. Then, her mind suddenly thought about her husband, Lee Minhyuk, who would always come for her once she felt lonely or bad. But no one beside her right now, until that voice came. “Yoora.”


*This is not going to be good…*

SHINee came earlier than they expected, 8PM, they already came with two girls along. But BTOB was ready with it, they knew that SHINww would always made an early start to made their enemy panicked. Minho looked at Minhyuk, they never met before, in Japan. But of course, Minho knew who Minhyuk was. “You’re Lee Minhyuk, right? We’re meeting again. But look, you’re a gangster as well now.”

“Shut the up.” Minhyuk gritted his teeth, he was mentally prepared. He knew that to face Minho, he need to mentally strong, and not to mention insoles. Skill, both of them had awesome skill.

“You still hate me because of that girl, don’t you? But do you realized that it was a forbidden love?” asked Minho, tried to made Minhyuk upset.

Even though he knew that it was bad to attack someone taller than him first, he clenched his fist tight and punched Minhyuk. “Yes, I hate you, I hate you. So get your off from this place.”

The fight wasn’t as loud as their last fight with Infinite, since now they fought with action, not words. Eunkwang fought with Onew, Jonghyun fought with Hyunsik, Taemin with Sungjae, and Key with Changsub. Ilhoon and Peniel were trying to escaped from the girls, Jessica and Tiffany, who had ability to made they paralyzed. But again, BTOB was strong enough. Minhyuk succeed to make Minho had more bruises than him, even though his bruises are the worst compared to the other member.

“So… are we going to celebrate it?” asked Sungjae. This rest nodded as they ordered drink.

But not with Minhyuk. He remembered his promise to Yoora, he looked at the clock, 11.35PM. He didn’t even realize that they fought for a quiet long time. Then he stood up, and big good bye to s, “I need to check Yoora, guys. I left her with no words. I don’t know I’ll sleep where, so just welcome me if I go to dorm, kay? Or if Yoora isn’t there, I’ll be back here so leave me a cute lady.”

“You’re married already,” said Peniel boringly.

“That’s the heir of Lee Corp, dude, not me. I’m leaving guys.”  

“But your bruises—“ Eunkwang was about to asked about his painful bruises before Minhyuk cut him, “That’s okay. I have powder to cover it. I can take care of it. Enjoy the celebration, guys! Don’t bring a hot chick home; I don’t want our dorm smell like .”


A ball of sports newspaper hit him, from Eunkwang. “I have my high-ideal type, babo.”


A ball of lifestyle newspaper hit him, from Changsub. “There’s no hot chick here, Hyung.”


A ball of music newspaper hit him, from Hyunsik. “They don’t deserve our dorm, Hyung.”


A ball of news newspaper hit him, from Peniel. “Don’t talk nonsense, Hyung.”


A ball of business newspaper hit him, from Ilhoon. “I’m not that stupid, Hyung.”


A ball of gossip newspaper hit him, from Sungjae. “I’m underage, Hyung.”

After got six newspaper balls hit him, Minhyuk turned around and gave the rest six a death glare. “I just kidding, or in case you guys lost control okay.”

Minhyuk drove his car to Han River. It was 11.50PM already. *, I’m late* Then he searched for Yoora, there was too many couple there. But his eyes caught a couple that he hated the most… Yoora and Myungsoo. He didn’t know what the hell Myungsoo was doing with Yoora, but whatever was it he didn’t like it, AT ALL. Then, he called L.Joe, his badass friend that he knew would spend New Year near Han River. “L.Joe, please make Infinite Myungsoo leave Han River, now.”

In a second, he saw a pair of men, which he was sure it was L.Joe’s man approached Myungsoo and talked to him, which it made he left Yoora alone. Minhyuk was about to approach Yoora when he realized that he was still on his badass mode. “Now, I need to back to the car and change my look first. Please wait,” mumbled Minhyuk.


Damn, it was too late. Now, he needed to face Yoora as a badass, or more like bastard for her. He turned back and greeted Yoora, “Hi.”

Yoora and Myungsoo were talking about random things. Myungsoo seemed enjoy his time with Yoora, without Minhyuk disturbed him. He asked the most sensitive question to Yoora, “Is there any chance for us to be a lover again?”

Of course there wasn’t a chance for them again. Yoora didn’t want it; she hated Myungsoo like Harry hated Voldemort. But before she answered that damn question, two mans approached Myungsoo. One of them said, “Sir, a Teentop Member wants to meet you, now.”

*Teentop? What is it?* Yoora felt unfamiliar with that Teentop name, but she was sure that it’s a group name or something. After Myungsoo left, she turned herself around, hoped she would meet something she knew before her husband came, since her feeling was sure that her husband was going to come. But what she found is only a man with badass look and bruises all over his face. “Bas—Minhyuk-ssi!”

He turned around and greeted Yoora, “Hi.” Then he sat next to Yoora. “What are you doing tonight, here, alone?”

“I’m waiting for my husband.”

Minhyuk pretended to be shock when he heard ‘husband’ even though he wasn’t shock at all. “So… Where’s your husband?”

“I don’t know.”

“He must be a bad husband, leave his wife like this…” said Minhyuk, named himself as a bad husband.

Yoora shook her head as disagree, “He’s not a bad husband, but maybe he has something important to do. Who knows?” Then, Yoora was eye-ing Minhyuk’s face in front of her. “Layered make up.”


“Forget what I said. I see bruises all over your face. A fight, uh?”

“Bingo. It was a fight against someone who hurt your love in the past.”

Yoora frowned at ‘your love’ words. “But your friend said that you’re the one who never be in a relationship. Was he lying that time?”

“No, Ilhoon wasn’t lying. I never in one,” answered Minhyuk. “What I mean with ‘love’ can’t always be your lover, okay.”

“So… it’s true that you’re still pure?”

Minhyuk nodded. “Let’s said I’m BTOB’s pure prince.” Then, Minhyuk looked at his phone, and texted someone he paid for prepared the fireworks to play it. “It’s 12AM, make a wish.”

Both of them closed their eyes, made a simple wish.

*I wish I can be with you no matter what.*

*I wish I can be happy with someone that I love no matter what.*

Once they opened their eyes, a huge fireworks show happened in front of their eyes. Yoora loved the fireworks, and it made Minhyuk smiled since he was the one who ordered the fireworks. “It’s so beautiful, I like it.”

“Glad to know that you like it,” said Minhyuk.

“Hey, I think you’re not that bad. Sorry for calling you bastard.”

Heard it, Minhyuk just laughed. “That’s okay, I felt special with you bastard-called.”

“You are?”


“You’re so funny.”

“I take it as a compliment.”

“Whatever.” Yoora stood up, “I need to go home now. Looks like my husband it’s not going to show up tonight. Thank you for the company, I really appreciate it, bastard.”

*But I’m your husband…* “Anything for pretty lady.”

With it, Yoora left Minhyuk alone. She went in to her own car and mumbled something before drove to her place, “New year with that bastard, it wasn’t that bad. He’s so funny.” 

SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE, GUYS!! /90 degree bow/ 

But it's long enough, right? 

By the way, can you pick one? LUNAFLY YUN or ZE:A HYUNGSIK?

No, it's not for new story, just for my new roleplayers account. If you want to follow mine, feel free to mention your RP acc to my PA @Jasminatics ^^

And... Please read my New Story, 'Make you fall again, Make me love again' staring BTOB MInhyuk and BAP Himchan! Duo visual~~

Okay! Comments and subscribe are loved<3 

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Guys T^T I'm sorry. The 22nd chap will pending a bit. My laptop got error.... But it's done already. Gonna upload it once it settled :)


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Chapter 27: update please!!!
Chapter 26: tbh, I'm scared to know what lie he has under his sleeve rn ><
Chapter 25: Please Continue This story I Want To Know The End
I read It 3 times I love this story
nice story ^^
girls_exo #5
Chapter 25: update plz
Huiyilalala #6
Chapter 25: Yoora must be v upset . D:
sseungra #7
Chapter 25: Ouch. It hurts to be in Yoora's position ; q ;
Huiyilalala #8
Chapter 24: YEAH , had been waiting for the update for so long .
I always get excited when you update >U<