That bastard likes... me?

Nerdy-Badass Hubby


“I don’t like it. At all.”

“Eh? But—”

Yoora glanced at the teary eyed Jiyoon beside her, “You asked me to hang out with you, fine. But here? No. I’d rather throw away my Draco Malfoy figure than go to this place.”

“Just come with me, lah~~~ Pleaseee?”

“…Just go to another club, can we?”

“But I want this club. I need to meet my friends,” Jiyoon stated while Yoora just looked at confussion. She didn’t know that her cousin-in-law actually had friends in Japan. “I haven’t meet them for years. So, please?”

After the second thought, Yoora nodded in agreement. She thought that those bastards wouldn’t show up every night. “Let’s go, Eonni,” she grabbed Jiyoon’s hand and went in to the club.

It was just like another club, many people drink, dance, ate each other’s face, talking, or many more. Jiyoon didn’t show any uncomfortable face, she just walk straightly and asked something to the bar-tender. That bartender didn’t want to answer Jiyoon’s question, until she showed him a card. Yoora didn’t really know what card it was, she just followed Jiyoon until they arrived in front of a door. “VVIP Room?”

“Yep, VVIP Room. Let’s go Yoora, don’t be nervous. They’re very nice.”

“…How did you sure that they’re still nice if you haven’t meet them for years, Eonni?”

Jiyoon smiled. She knew that Yoora didn’t like the club at all, but she needed to drag her here and she missed the boys also. “Because they’re my friends and we still keep contact,” she said as she opened the door. All the people there were gasped when they saw Jiyoon’s appearance in front of the door. And they were gasping again when see Yoora behind Jiyoon. “Hey guys. It has been 4 years, huh?” Jiyoon greeted as she waved her hand.

“NOONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!” All of them—except one, ran towards her and hugged her tightly.

“Guys~~~ C-Can’t… Breath…”

“I can’t take my breath breath breath~~” The one that didn’t hug her mumbled and approached her. Then he tried to break the hug, “Seriously guys, I’ll kill every one of you if you break a bone of her body.”

That threat made the six of them let go of the hug and dragged Jiyoon to the couch while that boy walked to Yoora and waved, “We meet again, Yoora-ssi,” he greeted.

“Hey! You guys know each other?” Jiyoon asked with a well-acting skill. While both of the boy and Yoora just nodded awkwardly. “Ah, good, then.”

After greeted Yoora, that boy approached Jiyoon and hug her tightly, “Noona, you don’t know how I’m scared and worried about you… and her.”

“There’s nothing to be worried. I’m okay. Why? Something is up, Minhyuk-ah?” Jiyoon asked.

That boy, Minhyuk, looked at the rest and shook his head, “Nothing is wrong, Noona. I just miss you too much.”

Yoora felt strange since she didn’t know that Jiyoon knew these boys, no, that she was this close with these boys. She thought Jiyoon was an innocent girl who never went to a club or knew about Night-life. Then she remembered the picture in Jiyoon’s apartment, those 7 guys were them. Which mean, the one that stood up beside Jiyoon was the layered-cake-make-up-bastard.  So she thought that what she guessed about Jiyoon was wrong, she wasn’t the fairest lady of all. She just a normal girl that had connection with bad-(es). “Eonni, you know these boys?” she dared herself to ask.

“They are my friends who left for Japan 4 years ago,” she explained.

*So these badass(es) were Korean Citizen once? Okay, now I’m sure that they’re those boys.*

“Noona, noona, noona, are you okay?” Sungjae ran and hugged Jiyoon, “I miss youuuu~~~ No one sing for me after we left. Hyungies are too meanie.”

“Sungjae, you think who sang for you each night?” Ilhoon asked.

“Hyung, that called ‘rap’ not ‘sing’. Learn the differences.”

Jiyoon just laughed at Sungjae’s childish-ness, “I’ll call you every night from now on,” then she eyed Yoora, *she must realized the picture already.*

“Eonni, these guys are the one on picture, right?” Yoora asked Jiyoon to made her more sure again. “And this layered-make-up-bastard was the one who standing beside you?”

Minhyuk made a face, “What layered-make-up-bastard?”

“Isn’t it obvious that it’s you?” Yoora said, “You know, your face is not that bad without make-up. You should remove it.”







*I don’t know what the rest think about it, but if Minhyuk-hyung removed his make-up, then our plan is going to be ruined.*

By the way, the last one was Ilhoon’s thought.

“Why are you guys so silent all of sudden?” Yoora asked when she realized that all of BTOB members turned silent after she said those words to Minhyuk.

Minhyuk shrugged, “We’re just tired. Bad- life is tough.”

They were talking like friend, played some games, and many more. During that time, Yoora realized something was wrong. Minhyuk’s eyes. It always looked at Jiyoon’s direction. Practically, Minhyuk was looking—or more like staring—at Jiyoon the whole time.

When she had the chance, she approached Minhyuk. “Hey, layered-make-up bastard,”

“My name is Minhyuk just so you know.”

“Okay, Eunhyuk.”






“I’m sorry, but Minhyuk-oppa isn’t here if you meant my husband. Not my nerdy friend either.”

Minhyuk really wanted to punch Yoora.


Yoora smiled and placed her point finger in the front of her lips. “Keep it down. Everyone’s staring at us.”

“I know my name is mainstream, but please, pretty please with draco mal—“ Minhyuk was about to drag Draco Malfoy, Yoora’s half, when he realized that the bad- didn’t know about Draco. “—I mean Squirrel on top, call me MINHYUK.”

“I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. The lyrics are ‘so call me MAYBE’. Not Minhyuk.”

Yoora was a teasing bastard, a new lesson for Minhyuk.

“Oh, yes, and I’m Carly Rae Jepsen. This is my number, so call me maybe.”

“Carly Rae Jepsen isn’t a layered-make-up bastard like you.”


Yoora smiled.


*I swear, if this is our house, I’ll break your Draco Malfoy figurines to pieces until you can’t put them all together again then burn it!* “Alright then, *draco malfoy freak* girl, call me Layered-make-up, it’s up to you. As long as you not eat me because I’m not a layered cake.”

“Oh? But I thought your name is Lee Minhyuk?” Yoora tilted her head.


Yoora smiled. “I’m smart, Layered. Make. Up. Bastard.”

-oOo- Rest In Peace : Draco Malfoy Figurine –oOo-

Minhyuk had enough. He was bored to argue. Remember his first lesson in Narita airport? Never argued with your wife. No, she wasn’t his wife, but she was a girl and… Arguing with a girl was SUPER TIRING. “Fine. Whatever. Call me with anything. What do you need?”

“Okay. So, layered-make-up Squirrel-kun, I noticed of the way you staring at Jiyoon-eonnie and that was super creeping me out.”

*SO MY NAME NOW IS LAYERED-MAKE-UP SQUIRREL-KUN?* “…You’re not Jiyoon Noona’s, girl. Why it’s creep you out when it supposed to creep Jiyoon Noona out?”

“Because, Big-front-teeth-squirrel, I’m her ummm… cousin-in-law?”

*WHY YOORA-YA WHY* “Cousin-in-law? That doesn’t explain anything. Besides, you’re only her cousin in law and doesn’t have anything to do with me.”

“She’s married. So stop flirting with her, Carly Rae Squirrel.”

*STAHP* “Staring is different with flirting, little miss—no, mistress.”

“Does that mean you like her?”

“I’m n—Wait. What?”

“Oh dear Lord, please help this poor peasant with his hearing skill.” Yoora said dramatically before faced Minhyuk with a flat expression. “You like her.”

“Sure I like her. I won’t let her in to this VVIP Room if I hate her.”

Yoora smiled, “I think I know why are you here instead of studying.”


“You’re too stupid to attend a college.”

*Only if you know that I’m that nerd that you have a crush on and a student with straight A++.*

“Anyway, what I meant by ‘like’ is a ual attraction between male and female.” Yoora placed her hands on her hips, “She’s married. Back off or I’ll bark at you.”

“Please. I just miss her so much and it feels like a dream to see her face again,” Minhyuk said, “And if you notice, the others are looking at her too. Why you just notice me? Are you the one who staring at me?”

Yoora flinched. He’s right. Why did she only notice Minhyuk?

“I know I’m handsome, but you need to see the other BTOB Guys also.”

“Stop it, over-confident squirrel.”

“No until you—“ Minhyuk’s sentence cut off when he saw Sungjae almost sleeping on the couch as Jiyoon sang for him. He ran toward Sungjae, “YAH MAKNAE!! DON'T SLEEP!! WHO'S GOING TO CARRY YOU HOME?!?”

Yoora couldn’t help but laugh. Those badass(es) weren’t that bad, they were just immature kiddos that had ability to fight and chose night-life instead of normal-life. During her stay, she didn’t found something that she expected like smoke, drugs, s. They even ordered drinks with low alcohol except for the maknaes who should be happy with their cokes. She felt someone tapped his shoulder, “Oh, Hyunsik-ssi? Am I got it right?”

That someone just smiled, showed off his eyes that smiled as well, “Yep,” he replied, “You must be confuse to remember our names.”

“Not really.”

“You’re very rich and married already. Why did you here?” Hyunsik asked—he was curious why Yoora would go to a place like this.

“Jiyoon Eonni asked me to accompany him,” she answered, “I just know that you guys have a pretty good relationship with Jiyoon Eonni. I saw your pict with the rest of guys and her earlier.”

Both of Yoora and Hyunsik kept talking until Jiyoon Eonni asked her to go home. “Oh, already?” Yoora asked. She didn’t realize that she had been talking with Hyunsik for a long time. He was a good company, she thought. Jiyoon nodded at Yoora’s question, made her checked her stuffs before she go.

Just when Yoora was about to leave from her seat, Hyunsik pulled her hand, made her stay and whisper, “My hyung—the one that you call Layered-cake-bastard, likes you. A LOT.”

“Is he?”

*that bastard likes me?*      

Updated!! Sorry if it takes a long time. 

I just finished my national exam a week ago so.... hehe ^^ 

The few next chapters will be serious chapter so... stay tune! :)

Anyone can guess Minhyuk's true feeling? 

Anyway, mind to check this oneshot? It's a fic based on BTOB's second confession featuring Lee Minhyuk of BTOB ^^ 

Second Confession

Comments, Subsribes, and Votes are loved! 

And... I need some Melodies to spazz with me on Sungjae's birthday which it tonight. So feel free to follow me @squirrels128 ^^ I do follow back :) 

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Guys T^T I'm sorry. The 22nd chap will pending a bit. My laptop got error.... But it's done already. Gonna upload it once it settled :)


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Chapter 27: update please!!!
Chapter 26: tbh, I'm scared to know what lie he has under his sleeve rn ><
Chapter 25: Please Continue This story I Want To Know The End
I read It 3 times I love this story
nice story ^^
girls_exo #5
Chapter 25: update plz
Huiyilalala #6
Chapter 25: Yoora must be v upset . D:
sseungra #7
Chapter 25: Ouch. It hurts to be in Yoora's position ; q ;
Huiyilalala #8
Chapter 24: YEAH , had been waiting for the update for so long .
I always get excited when you update >U<