Quality Times

Nerdy-Badass Hubby


Yoora packed her bag and went out from the apartment. She went in to the lift, pressed 25. On 23th floor, she met two girls. She recognized the younger one, “Yoonjo-ssi?”

“Oh, Yoora-ssi. Where are you going?” She greeted.

“My cousin’s apartment,” she replied, “How about you?”

“I want to accompany my sister to Kise Inc. But I guess we chose wrong lift, it’s going up,” she smiled.

The girl beside Yoora kept looking at her with observed looks. When she was about to talk, Ding!

“This is my floor. I’ll be going first, Yoonjo-ssi.”


Yoora pressed the bell and greeted Jiyoon politely when she opened the door for her. It was her first time to visit Jiyoon’s apartment. It looked clean and classic, Yoora could get that she was a mature type. She sat on the couch while Jiyoon was taking can of sodas from her fridge. “Here. I hope you like soda. I don’t really have any other thing except soda and plain water,” she said as she opened her can and drank it.

“That’s okay, Eonni. Do you feel lonely?”

“Not really. Ahjumma Kim used to be here during day,” Jiyoon answered, “But I think it’ll be great to have more friends, but I can’t since I’m not that fluent in Japanese.”

“Ah, I see.”

Jiyoon the TV and watched some Korean Programs. “Anyway, does Minhyuk treat you well? I’m sorry if he’s behaving like a toddler.”

The younger girl couldn’t help but laugh at Jiyoon’s statement, “He’s just fine, Eonni,” she said. Then, she remembered her main-reason here. She wanted to ask about her crush. “Ah anyway Eonni, do you know someone named Lee Minhyuk?”

“Of course. He’s your husband, isn’t he?”

“…Not that Minhyuk, Eonni. The one that left for Japan around 4 years ago, I guess.”

“It’s also your husband.”

“Ummm… The nerdy one? That study in Cube University of Japan? Business manager.”

“That’s your—“ Jiyoon was about to say ‘Your husband’ when she remembered that Minhyuk had two or three lives. She didn’t know what to say now, it could reveal Minhyuk’s identity. “—Friend in college, maybe?”

Yoora let out a small laugh, “Yeah, Eonni. Do you by any chance know him in Korea?”

“Him? Well, we’re friends.”

“Ah, I see.. Friends…” Yoora sighed a bit before blinking, “Um. How did you know him?”

A tough question for Jiyoon. She thought about it for a while and rubbed the back of her head, caressed her short blonde hair before answered, “Well, it has been a looongggggg time. I don’t really remember it, sorry. Ah, you make me miss him. Why did you ask, anyway? Is he talking about me behind my back?”

“It’s not like that.” Yoora waved her hands nervously before smiling, “Ah, anyway, what would you like for tomorrow breakfast? I’ll cook.”

“Hmmm… I don’t really take a breakfast in the morning, but I’d love to have blueberry-pancake if you don’t mind,” she requested as he switched the television to a Korean-show, The Romantic and Idol 2. “Ah, I really don’t like that Yewon girl. She makes my OTP sounds crack,” she commented quietly.

Yoora blinked, “Ah, that reality show. I barely watch it. I like the first season one better.” She said.

“I see, there was a fate couple that made in heaven,” Jiyoon said. Then the scene played a personal scene. “Hey, don’t you think that boy looks like your husband?”

“Um? Which one?”

“The one that have big front teeth.”

Yoora stared intensely at the monitor before gasped, “You’re right! He looks alike with Minhyuk-oppa!”

“Yoora-ya, you should ask your husband about how many cloning he has,” Jiyoon joked then realized that she was saying a fatal thing. She covered with her right hand and mumbled ‘Oops’ quietly.

“Yeah, I think I should.” Yoora said innocently, “I’m getting more confused these days. Like, one day I spotted his phone was the same as the badass one. Or, the nerdy one had Rainbow’s song as ringtone once. I thought he likes Kara. And—”

“We-weren’t you just imagining things? Ahahaha. Ahaha.” Jiyoon laughed hastily while waving her hands.

“Really? But—”

“Yoora-ya, how if we just watch some Japan Anime?” Jiyoon offered as she started to looked for some anime from the box. “Kuroko no basuke?”

“Oh, Kuroko no Basuke! I watched the 4th episode of it. Kise-san is really cool.” Yoora dazed off.

“Nooo~~ Aomine-san is cooler!!”

“He’s too dim!!”

“And Kise is too…. Girly!!”

“Wh-what?! Kagami is waaaay more girly!”

“And Papa Senegal is waaaayyyy more dim!”

“Hah! How could you know he’s my second bias?!”

“…So you like Papa Senegal?”

“Not much. But he’s cool. Otou-san.”

“He’s like a tower,” Jiyoon stated before put the Kuroko No Basuke CD to the box again. “Let’s stop. We can make a fanwar if we still talking about this for few minutes again,” she laughed.

*No wonder those Minhyuks love her. She’s so carefree and nice,* Yoora thought.

“Ah, but doing nothing is bothersome.”

Yoora nodded in agreement. She looked at the pictures on Jiyoon’s desk. Her eyes stopped in a picture of Jiyoon in Wizarding World of Harry Potter with a familiar figure, Lee Minhyuk. “Eonni. You have this picture too.”

She looked at the picture and nodded. She knew that it was better if she didn’t say anything that could spill Minhyuk’s identity. “Hmm.”

Then Yoora looked at another picture. It was Jiyoon’s picture with 13 boys and 5 girls. Yeah, that was like a family picture but no, it wasn’t. “Eonni, who is it?”

“Ah, these are 4Minutes girl. You can see me in the middle,” Jiyoon pointed at the girls then moved to a group of boys, “These six are BEAST boys. You see the one with soccer jersey? He’s my *cough* husband.”

“H-husband?” And she remembered what her crush said before, 1. I left her for Japan, 2. She is married with her bestfriend, and 3. I haven’t—And will never get a chance to confess. *So that’s her husband. Where’s the nerd?* Then Yoora pointed to a boy that stood up beside Jiyoon and a giant boy, “Ummm, Eonni~~ You said that you’re friend with my nerdy-minhyuk-friend, where is he? Is he that one?”

*Crap. What to say. Minhyuk, you should pay for make me this confuse* Jiyoon kept silent for a while, “He’s not there.”

“Oh, I see. Anyway, these guys reminded me of something… Oh yeah! The night before my wedding! I swear I saw them in the club!”

“Which one?”

Yoora pointed at Sungjae and Eunkwang, “These guys,” she answered and pointed Eunkwang (just eunkwang), “He’s a leader of a gang or something. And the other one is the youngest, if I remember it correctly.”

** “Weren’t you just mistaken them for someone else?” Jiyoon laughed sheepishly, “You know, this guy, the giant one, resemble with one of my junior and my classmates.”

“…You mean, there are three same faces, Eonni?”


Yoora eyed a picture of the boy beside Jiyoon, “This is my Husband? Wow, I don’t know that he had many friends in Korea.”

“I-It’s not your husband. Remember that your husband has many clonings? Yeah, hahaha, just like that.”

*it’s not my husband or nerd. And it’s impossible if that boy is a celebrity. Is it… that layered-make-up?* “Ah, I see. Are they still together as 13 now?”

“Maybe they’re not together physically, but mentally, yes,” Jiyoon answered. “Those seven guys moved out from Korea years ago.”

“And those six guys had bunch of problems, same goes to the five girls.”

“Do you have problem as well?”

“I won’t be here if I don’t.”

“You’re running away?”

“You can say so,” Jiyoon smiled before clasped her hands, “Yoora-ya! Would you come with me somewhere tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow? It’s fine with me, but…. Where to?”

Jiyoon grinned.

“You’ll like it.”


Okay, that was the 18th Chapter! 

I hope it's not a boring one~~

For those who not remember, Jiyoon knew the three identities of Minhyuk (Chapter 9, Birthday Trouble). 

And someone is suspicious :)) 

Anyone miss BTOB?



Or is it just me? 

Anyway, thanks for those who commented the last chapter! 

Comments, Subsribe, and Votes are loved :))

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Guys T^T I'm sorry. The 22nd chap will pending a bit. My laptop got error.... But it's done already. Gonna upload it once it settled :)


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Chapter 27: update please!!!
Chapter 26: tbh, I'm scared to know what lie he has under his sleeve rn ><
Chapter 25: Please Continue This story I Want To Know The End
I read It 3 times I love this story
nice story ^^
girls_exo #5
Chapter 25: update plz
Huiyilalala #6
Chapter 25: Yoora must be v upset . D:
sseungra #7
Chapter 25: Ouch. It hurts to be in Yoora's position ; q ;
Huiyilalala #8
Chapter 24: YEAH , had been waiting for the update for so long .
I always get excited when you update >U<