
Nerdy-Badass Hubby

Yoora arrived in front of the apartment door as she put on the lock-code. Nothing changed from the apartment; it was same as when she left it. She knew that her husband might not stay in the apartment for those days when she left. Yoora looked at her phone, hesitated whether she should give him a call or not. What if he was with someone else now? But after few minutes, she encouraged herself to dialed his number.


Just heard his voice from the other line made the younger smile. Like it or not, he was still her crush. “Oppa…” she called him softly. There was a silent after that before she continued, “…I am home.”

On the other line, Minhyuk was smiling when Yoora called him Oppa. He missed her voice, really. Even though she just talked with him moments ago, he still missed her voice. And hearing that she was home, he couldn’t be any happier. “I will be there soon.”

After few minutes, Yoora heard the door opened and the figure that she missed the most was there. Her husband was in front of her with his usual grin. He came closer to her and pulled her on his embrace, “I miss you. I am sorry. Just, don’t leave me, ever, again.”

“I miss you too.”

Minhyuk looked at her deeply. Could he just stay like this, and having a normal life? About his badass life, sure he would tell her, but not now. Not when Alice and Myungsoo were around to harm her. He looked at Yoora who was making a cup of tea for them, her presence was really made him feel safe. But in same time, he felt confused because of it. Who was in his heart, actually?

“Oppa,” Yoora called him, “Where did you sleep when I wasn’t around?”

“Uh? Granny’s house.”

“So now… you already know about me having a crush on you,” Yoora started, “I hope it won’t be awkward for us in the future. As for the girl that you said as your love… is it Jiyoon Eonni?”

He didn’t know what to answer at this state. Yeah, of course, he knew from long ago that Yoora had a crush on him. And feeling awkward was absolutely a big no since there was not any awkward atmosphere between them. But as for the second statement, how could he answer it? “Uh, the picture in my other apartment is really her, but I just told you that so you will move on, to me, the husband.” I am sorry.

Yoora just nodded as a question suddenly bugged her mind. “Oppa, do you have someone in your mind? Just be honest to me,” she asked. In her mind, she actually hoped that Minhyuk didn’t have someone in his mind, which meant she still had chance to make the marriage worked.

The boy coughed on his drink at Yoora’s question. He was just thinking about what he actually felt but then she asked such things. But he just formed a small smile, “No.” it wasn’t a lie, though. He didn’t have someone in his mind, but two girls. Yeah, call him selfish, but he just couldn’t decide.

“Oh, I always thought you have someone in your mind,” Yoora said as she put the cup to the sink. “I am going to sleep now. There is school tomorrow. You should sleep too, Oppa. We can go to school together tomorrow.”

“I am going to wash up first,” Minhyuk stated before headed to the bathroom. He really needed a cool bath, after what Yoora asked to him. She asked a simple question, nothing was wrong about the question, it just the question really gotten into him. Did he really have something in her mind? Did he feeling everything right? He just didn’t want to hurt Yoora anymore. He went out from the bathroom and found Yoora was sleeping on their bed. It was when he remembered something, that he hadn’t give her a call ever since Yoora left the house.

“The number that you’re calling is unavailable. To leave a voice-message, please press number one--”

He pressed number one.

“Noona, how are you? I am sorry for not calling you these days. I am really worried about you now. Are you alright? That bad-guy is not calling you to ask you to come back, right? If you have time, let’s have a dinner tomorrow. I miss you. Please take care of yourself. Eat fruit and veggies! I will call you again tomorrow, don’t turn off your phone because it makes me worried. Good night, sleep well. Dream about me. I love you.”

With that, Minhyuk put his phone on the table and laid beside Yoora to call the night.



The morning came, and Yoora woke up earlier than Minhyuk with hurt feeling. Last night, she accidentally woke up and heard Minhyuk was calling someone. His voice was really worried yet she still could hear loving-tone on his voice. Yoora tried to gave herself a positive mind as she told herself that he was calling Jiyoon. But she thought about it again, which cousin will talk to his noona like that? Or did Minhyuk lie on her that he was actually had someone in his mind? Because just think of it, there was no way the handsome heir of Lee Corp. didn’t have someone in his mind.

She looked at Minhyuk who was still sleeping soundly. He looked so innocent and peaceful on his sleep which made her smile. Really, who wouldn’t fall for his charm? His handsome face, his kindness, his easy-going and funny personality, Yoora just fell for him, even when he was in a nerdy-style that was a lot less handsome than ‘the heir’.

“Good morning, enjoy staring?” Minhyuk shocked her as he got up from the bed and walked toward kitchen but he bumped on the wall. “Ugh,” he whined as he rubbed his forehead, “This is terrible. Now I can’t even go to kitchen without glasses or lens?”

Yoora went approached her with his lens and gave it to her then went to the kitchen to got him water. “Do you need me to put an ice on your forehead?”

“There is no need.”

“Maybe you should order another package of lens, then, Oppa. Or do you want to take Lasik Surgery?”

Minhyuk shook his head, “Lasik surgery is a big no. Maybe I was staring on monitor too much or I read too much these days.”

“You shouldn’t do that too often, oppa,” Yoora said as she prepared the ingredients for breakfast. “Go take a bath, or else we will be late for school.”

After some minutes, Minhyuk got out from the bathroom with his usual clothes, shirt and denim. Yoora was about to enter the bathroom when she spotted Minhyuk in his wardrobe, putting on some old-fashioned clothes in to his bag. “There is no need to hide anymore, Oppa. I already know it. Do you want me to address you informally at school?”

“Yoora, you don’t—“

“I understand it now, Oppa. You do this because you don’t want to be a center of attention in school. But don’t you think that show yourself off is good too, Oppa? So no one will mess with you again. No, it is not like I feel ashamed to have a nerd husband, I am not. It just , I feel like you are more you without those nerd-things.”

Minhyuk thought about it for moments before agreed to his wife’s request. He was tired with all the bullies on him too, anyway.

In the university, people were staring on them. Minhyuk completely left his nerdy attributes, he was really the heir now, not the old-fashioned and quiet nerdy Lee Minhyuk anymore. He confidently put his arm on Yoora as they walked on their class. On the way, he could hear girls were gossiping about them in Japanese.

“Ah, so the heir is here now?”

“The royal couple is going to be in same class, I cannot stand it.”

“Wait, don’t say that the nerd from Korean was actually the heir.”

And many other mutters could be heard.

But on their way, Minhyuk spotted a familiar lady was walking closer to him. When he passed her, he whispered on her eyes, “Thanks to you. Now I don’t need those things and I can show the world that my seatmate is mine.”

That lady stopped her step as she clenched her fist. “Just wait and see, Lee Minhyuk. I will make you be able to show the world that I am yours, instead of her,” she muttered before made her way toward her destination.

Yoora stared on Minhyuk during the lesson. In school, both of them didn’t really had differences. Both of them paid full attention to the teacher and diligently took a note. Not only that, both of them are also very active in asking-answering questions and helping the teacher. But even so, the phone call last night still bugged her. Who was her, actually?

She was just back from library and was about to make her way to her class when she heard someone was talking on the phone. It was her husband, having a phone call beside his locker. Curious, she decided to listen him.

“….Oh, so you dropped your phone in to the toilet yesterday? Thanks god you are be able to hear my voice-message.”

So it was the one he called last night.

“So you are free tonight? Glad to know that. And a no, just two of us.”


“Alright, I will pick you up around 7PM tonight.”


“You sure? Okay, I just going to text you the place, then. See you tonight, I love you.”

With that, she found him smiled before put the phone on his pocket. Who was he calling, actually? Why did he said ‘I love you’ freely while he never really told her that? Was he really had someone in his mind? Many questions popped on Yoora’s mind and there was only one thing to do, she needed to find out. 


Author's note:

Long time no see! hope you like this chapter :)

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Guys T^T I'm sorry. The 22nd chap will pending a bit. My laptop got error.... But it's done already. Gonna upload it once it settled :)


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Chapter 27: update please!!!
Chapter 26: tbh, I'm scared to know what lie he has under his sleeve rn ><
Chapter 25: Please Continue This story I Want To Know The End
I read It 3 times I love this story
nice story ^^
girls_exo #5
Chapter 25: update plz
Huiyilalala #6
Chapter 25: Yoora must be v upset . D:
sseungra #7
Chapter 25: Ouch. It hurts to be in Yoora's position ; q ;
Huiyilalala #8
Chapter 24: YEAH , had been waiting for the update for so long .
I always get excited when you update >U<