Heart For Two

Nerdy-Badass Hubby

Yoora was sitting in the class alone since Minhyuk left her to company for an urgent condition. School was different when the heir was along, it became louder. She somehow regretted it, if only she didn’t force Minhyuk to took off his nerd-distinguish. When she was working on her task, she felt her phone vibrated. She ignored the text at first, since she really needed to finish her task before the professor dismissed the class. So after the class dismissed, she checked her phone. A message from Minhyuk’s Granny.

From: Lee Granny

Today is Minhyuk’s birthday. I am in China now so I can’t celebrate it with him. Please do something, he won’t even realize his birthday.

Minhyuk’s birthday? Yoora thought about it for a while. Should she buy some cake and present then celebrate it with him at home?

As she walked out from the campus, the thought of Minhyuk had someone else in his mind crossed on Yoora’s mind once again. She shook that thought off her mind, tried to believe on what he said to her on the night before. When she walked to the main-gate, she bumped on to Alice.

“Uh, Sorry. But where is Minhyuk?” she asked.

“Company,” Yoora answered shortly. Somehow, she felt uncomfortable at the way Alice looked at her. “Why did you ask?”

“I want to confirm that we are really meeting each other tonight.”

Yoora raised a brow, so she was the one he called? She didn’t like it. “Oh, then you should have call him again. I need to go. Bye,” she said before left her. Earlier, she was planning to buy cake and present for him. But now, she had no urge to even say happy birthday.



Minhyuk put in the lock-code and got in to the apartment. He couldn’t wait to meet her tonight. Even though it probably his last meeting with her, since Sungyeol called him earlier, that she needed to leave Japan soon before Myungsoo and Alice did something. He came approach Yoora who was reading a book on the couch. “Hey, I will be out for dinner tonight. Is it okay?”

*I know* “Do whatever you want,” Yoora replied coldly. “Oh, Alice looked for you earlier. She wanted to confirm whether you guys will meet tonight. You better call her.”

“Already,” Minhyuk said and he swore he saw Yoora’s face became more upset that it already was before. Was she jealous? He felt bad if she was jealous. “She texted me when I was on meeting earlier, invited me for a dinner which I decline since I have an appointment.”

Yoora felt relieved a bit since it was not Alice that he was going to meet. But still, her crush—and husband—would spend his birthday with another woman. Even so, she tried to be calm. What could she expect? He probably not love her back, the marriage wasn’t true, after all. Being a great wife, she put on a smile then asked,”Then you should get ready now. It is 6PM already.”

In less than 30 minutes, Minhyuk was ready and he left the house. At first, Yoora didn’t want to follow him but her curiosity won over her. She changed clothes and follow Minhyuk’s car with hers. He stopped in front of a fancy restaurant. Yoora went in to the restaurant and luckily, her seat was near Minhyuk’s. She read the menu and then she saw a familiar figure approached her husband.



Minhyuk sat on the chair while read the menu then a figure of a woman came approach him. He stood up and gave her a hug, “I miss you, Noona.”

“So… How’s my birthday boy doing? I got you a present. But let’s save it for later.”

Birthday boy? He thought about it for a while before remembered something. It was his birthday. “I am great. Noona, you look a lot skinnier, what happen?”

“I lost my appetite these days.”

Concern was all over Minhyuk’s face. “Why? Is it him, Jiyoon Noona?” Jiyoon bit his lips, not wanting the younger to know what her problem was. But Minhyuk seemed like got it. “So it is really him. Why? Is he calling you?”

“I miss him.”

 Minhyuk’s face fell. He should’ve known it from long ago. From the way she told him her story. He looked at her, her eyes were teary. And seeing the woman he loved cried, his heart broke in to pieces. It hurt him more to see her cry. Yes, he still loved her. “So it is really over between us…”

Jiyoon looked at Minhyuk. “Minhyuk—“

“Yeah, I never actually confessed to you, but I love you more than I should. I love you as a woman. Isn’t it obvious enough? You are on top of everything in this world after mom and granny. You are so precious that it even hurts me to see a tear escape from your eye. When I knew he didn’t treat you right, I prayed to the god so you could come to me then I could hold you. I prayed so you could be on my side no matter what…”

“It is already wrong from the beginning, Minhyuk. You can’t love me more than a cousin.”

“I can’t. I’ve loved you for years. How come you ask me to stop? Even now I am married, you are still in heart. Yes, I attracted to Yoora as well but I can’t deny that my feeling toward you will never fade,” Minhyuk said. Then their foods came and Minhyuk cut the meal for Jiyoon before gave it back to the girl, “Eat, Noona.”

Jiyoon nodded as she stuffed foods to her mouths. She could hear Minhyuk’s soft sobs when he ate. It made her feel bad. No wonder, he was so concerned about the littlest thing happened to her. “Minhyuk I am sorry.”

“You are not at fault.”

The girl then grabbed Minhyuk’s face and wiped his tears. “Don’t cry. I am sorry for letting your hope high. But it is really wrong. You don’t need to feel like you are unwanted like you used to feel before. You have Yoora beside you, she will care about you more than I do,” she said then stood up, “Drive me to a place. Your present is there.”

Minhyuk stood up, but before Jiyoon could walk, he pulled her in to a hug, a tight one. “I really love you that it hurts to see you taken away from me. But you like someone else and I know this is wrong. Just please let me love you as much as I always do.”

She pulled out the hug and nodded. “One condition, you need to love Yoora more than you love me.”

“I am gonna try my best,” he said then landed a kiss on Jiyoon’s cheek. “I love you, Noona.” Then both of them headed to a place.

What they didn’t know was, Yoora watched them from a far. She couldn’t stop herself from crying. So the one in Minhyuk’s mind, the one he called with full-of –love, and the one he loved was his own cousin? She didn’t even want to know where they were going, she wanted to went home and cry. So this was just one-sided-love.



Both of them arrived in Melody, and Minhyuk stared at Jiyoon in confuse, “Why melody?”

Jiyoon didn’t bother to answer and just went in to the club with Minhyuk followed her. The club didn’t open today, which surprised Minhyuk. How came he didn’t know it? When they went in, the lamps were off then he could hear a familiar voice sang as Jiyoon let go of his grip.

“Happy birthday Minhyuk…”

That was definitely BTOB guys.

“Happy birthday Minhyuk…”

A many voices sang, Minhyuk knew it, BEAST guys were here.

“Happy birthday Minhyuk…”

Last but not least, feminine voices sang the song as the lights . 4Minute girls were here.

Practically, all his friends were here, including the one he wanted to see the least on that day. Minhyuk touched. Since he and BTOB moved to Japan, they only exchanged video-calls during birthday. But now, they were here. “Thank you, guys.”

All of them were congratulating Minhyuk and they were talking together. It was like a big family reunion. When everyone had their own conversation, Minhyuk tapped someone’s shoulder, “Doojoon Hyung.”

The guy turned to his direction, “Yes?”

“Can I have words with you?” he asked the elder, “It is about Noona.” Doojoon nodded and both of them went to more quiet place to had some words. “So bad guy and girl are chasing me right now. I know that they will hurt Noona since she was important for me. So can you please… take care of her?”

“I will. And I am really sorry for hurting her. We will back to Korea tomorrow morning and I will take her with me. Please don’t worry. Just protect your wife.”

Minhyuk nodded, “Thanks a lot, Hyung.”



That night, Minhyuk didn’t come home. He stayed a night in BTOB’s dorm. And when the morning came, he went to the airport and looked at the plane that took them went to Korea. “Goodbye, my love,” he muttered as he watched the airplane left Narita Airport. He used to had his heart for two, but now one of them left and rejected him, told him to focused on the other one. 



He almost blew his cover if Yoora decided not to go home kkk~ Bad Minhyuk, had two girls on mind.


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Guys T^T I'm sorry. The 22nd chap will pending a bit. My laptop got error.... But it's done already. Gonna upload it once it settled :)


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Chapter 27: update please!!!
Chapter 26: tbh, I'm scared to know what lie he has under his sleeve rn ><
Chapter 25: Please Continue This story I Want To Know The End
I read It 3 times I love this story
nice story ^^
girls_exo #5
Chapter 25: update plz
Huiyilalala #6
Chapter 25: Yoora must be v upset . D:
sseungra #7
Chapter 25: Ouch. It hurts to be in Yoora's position ; q ;
Huiyilalala #8
Chapter 24: YEAH , had been waiting for the update for so long .
I always get excited when you update >U<