And You Are?

The guy just smiled at me more, "My name is Jonghyun. And I'm your new friend. Or something bigger than that! Like best friend!" I started at him, eyes widened, jaw dropped. My new friend? How did he decide it just like that?! 

"I'm sorry but what?? My new friend? I don't think you can decide that since we just met," Jonghyun shrugged and looked at Minho. He tilted his head to the right and looked back at me, smirking. 

"Minho over there is fine with it, aren't you Minho?" I looked at Minho who just nodded at what Jonghyun said. 


"S-seriously hyung," I rolled my eyes at him and gave him another 'seriously?!' look, "Oh come on hyung! He is the new student that is in our class. You know, before you fell asleep? He's the one Ms. Lee talked about. He doesn't have any friends anyways so why not be our friend?" I looked from Minho to Jonghyun. Minho still looked scare (who knows why) and Jonghyun nodded in approval as to what Minho said. 

"I like you, Minho," Jonghyun said which made Minho smile, "Who are your parents? Do I know them?" Minho's smile disappeared and his eyes widened. He looked at me then back at Jonghyun. 

"Yah! Who are you to ask who his parents are?!" I screamed at Jonghyun. Now that I think of it, I have never met Minho's parents either. How did I barely notice that? 

"Huh?" He looked at Minho then understood something, "Ahh, right. Sorry for asking. So Key, do you accept being my new friend?" he asked, turned to me. 

"No," I scoffed. He pouted but then smiled.

"Your opinion doesn't matter. We are going to be friends in the end anyways." I looked at him with a 'what the hell?' face.

"Hold up! My opinion doesn't matter?!? What do you mean 'we are going to be friends in the end anyways'? I do not like this at all! Who do you think you are-?"

"Oh! Look at the time!" he cut me off. Who dares cut me off while I'm talking?! "We are going to be late!" I look around us and see that we are alone except for about 5 other people. "I don't want to be late on my first day of school. See you later, best friend!" He got up and left me and Minho alone. I look at Minho.

"What the hell was that about?" Minho looks at the table and shrugs. He stands up and heads for the doors. I pick up my tray, throw it away and followed after Minho. 

"You know, you could have waited for me." I mutter. Minho turns to me and smiles.

"My bad hyung. And sorry about Jonghyun hyung"

"Oh, so you knew him before?" I ask. Minho looks at me with widened eyes.

"O-of course not! I barely met him today. I talked to him for a minute before waking you up in class." I nodded. Still not believing him.

"You are such a liar." I mutter.

"Hey, we have to go to class now. I'll see at home or tomorrow. Bye," by 'home' he means my house.

"Alright. Later." I yawn and wave at him. He waves back and runs down the hall.




"Hyung! I'm back!" I yell as I enter our small apartment. It's a fairly big two-room apartment that I share.

"I'm in the kitchen!" A voice yells from the kitchen. I walk to the kitchen and see my dorky 'cousin'. You see, he appeared a few years back when I still lived with my mom and claimed that he was my cousin from my dad's side of the family. The thing is, I never meet my dad so I didn't like the guy at first. But then he started talking to me more and more and then we became as close as I am with Minho. Then he said he was going to buy an apartment and wanted me to live with him. I agreed and so did my mom so here I am. 

"Hello there Jinki hyung," I say as I sit in one of the chairs while Jinki hyung is eating his ramen. He looks up and points at me with one of his chopsticks.

"Yah, I told you to not call me 'Jinki'. It brings back memories that I don't like. So please, call me Onew, Key," He said all of that with ramen in his mouth. I scrunched up my nose.

"Don't talk with your mouth open, Onew hyung," He swallowed his chewed ramen and sighed.

"So, how was school?" He drops his chopstick and pop his elbows on the table and rests his head on his palms. I yawn and lean back in my chair.

"Okay I guess. Except this weird guy came up to me and Minho at lunch and said that I was going to be his friend, or better! His best friend! Ha! What an idiot!" I exclaimed and folded my arms and looked away.

"I'm sure Jonghyun knows what he's saying," I turn back to Onew hyung who has his eyes closed. I tilted my head to the side.


Mmmh?" His eyes are still closed.

"I never said Jonghyun's name," He opened his eyes and look at me. I unfold my arms and leaned closer to him, "How did you know it was Jonghyun?" He blinked and looked at his finished ramen cup, "Do you know Jonghyun?" 

"O-of course not!"

"Don't lie to me hyung. You stutter when you're lying or nervous. Do you know who Jonghyun is?" I leaned even closer. He looks around nervously.

"I have to go. S-see you later Key," He got up, grabbed his keys that were next to him and left me alone in the kitchen. I lean back away from the table and slam my fists on the table top.

"Why the hell does it seem like I'm being lied to all day?!" I scream at the empty seat in front of me. I look around and see a box full of beer. I smirk. 

"I haven't done this in a while," I get up and walk to the box of beers. Onew hyung always has a box around even though he doesn't drink. I open the box and grab one of the beers. I open the drawer that is to the left of me and get out a beer opener. I pop open the beer and take a drink of it. 



*A/N: Okay, second chapter is here for you! Three things I want to point out:

1.Yes, Minho and Onew both are hiding something from Key.

2.Yes, Key used to drink. But only on occasion. And in this occasion, he will drink once more.

3.The part where Jonghyun says, "See you later, best friend!" I would actually say that to one of my 'friends'. He called me once "best friend" as a joke and since then, that's what we call each other. But only as a joke since I don't talk to him as much as I would like to. And I said 'friend' because I'm not very sure if we are friends or just classmates. And I just wanted to add this in for no reason so please excuse that. ^^

Anywho, do you like this chapter? And how about the lovely poster? Pretty nice right? I like it. I'm not sure when the next chapter of this will be posted so please wait. Keke. Annyeong~!*

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Hey! Good news: my writer's block has somewhat gone away! I'm already starting to write again. See you soon~


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Chapter 26: good luck for the school.waiting for the update
Chapter 25: I just finish reading this. And i LOVE it.
I hope key wont consider the 2nd option.
Hehe. Take ur time in updating.
As long as u r updating. =)
Chapter 24: "Can we get more wine?" That made me laugh so hard.
I'm sure, they won't do the second option but I don't know what option is better for all of them. Oh well, I'm sure I will find out after waiting. ;D
And I don't have any trouble understanding anything. I just can't remember all the names and which god is who. But I think it's not so important because I remember the main characters.
thanks u updated.i m gonna read now.
Chapter 23: Jongkey and BaekYeol? Life can't get better.
GoofyElla #6
Chapter 22: Ahhh, I'm missing the jongkey momentssssssssssss <3

Thanks for the update :)
GoofyElla #7
Chapter 21: wohoooo, an update!! :D I'm looking forward to the next chapter ^^
SaturnXK #8
Chapter 20: Wait... Who's his instructor? I'M SO CURIOUS YEAH! Lol sorry jokes. I'm not sure if you've mentioned it; if you have apologies in advance. I have a bad memory. Hope you heal well!
SaturnXK #9
Chapter 18: Pfft, lol. I reckon he should keep the Nerida name. It'd be funny XD

I won? Oh, yay! Unfortunately, I'm not really sure how the karma points thing works. What do you mean by 'when'? Like... now? I don't really mind how many points I get. As author, you can decide. Heh.

Good luck on your mid-terms!
Chapter 18: It's from Goo Joon Pyo! :OO