And You Are?

I stood there frozen. Then, when I could move my legs, I ran to the window but saw that it was closed. Then ran to the door to see if it was opened but it was locked. I scratched the back of my neck, confused, and walked back to the living room. Onew hyung was stirring in his sleep as Minho stared at me with half-opened eyes. I walked over to him and stood in front of him.

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for doing whatever I did last night. Because honestly I don't remember what the hell I did. And if I hurt you or Onew hyung...." I voice faded away as I took a good look at Minho's face. I moved closer to him and squinted my eyes a little bit. Above his right eye was a small circle. But inside of it had design like a bird with flares coming out of its wings. "What is that?" I whispered. Minho, fully awake now, looked confused. I continued staring at him. Does this have to do with the guy that was standing over him earlier? 

"What's what?" Minho asked, still confused. I walked to my room to get a hand mirror that I keep in one of my drawers. I walk back and hand the mirror to Minho. He looked in it and sighed.

"Oh that. You caused that. You punched me in the jaw and now it's swollen." Minho said as he put down the mirror and looked at me. I rolled my eyes and was about to tell him to look above his right eye when I realized something.

"I punched you? Why would I do that?" I asked. Minho shrugged.

"I don't know." I thought for a minute, trying to remember what happened last night but failed. I reached up and touched my own jaw and flinched at the pain. I shrugged of the pain and grabbed for the mirror and put it in front of Minho's face.

"I wasn't talking about your jaw. I was talking about the thing above your eye," Minho took the mirror and looked in it.

"I don't see any- Whoa! Why do I have this?!" I flinched back as Minho screamed. 

"Do you know what it is?" I asked. Minho looked up, scared. 

"What happened when I was asleep?" Minho asked. 

"Well, when I got up I came to here to find Onew hyung and asked him what happened. I saw both you asleep and this hooded person was leaning over you. Then he saw me, took off his hood and disappeared." 

"Leaning over me? Wait, you said he took off his hood then disappeared. What did he look like? What do you mean he disappeared?" Why is he asking so many questions?

"Yeah, leaning over you. Uh well, he had light brown hair. And I guess you can describe him as pretty? I don't know. Well, he snapped his fingers then this black smoke came out of nowhere and swirled around him and POOF! He was gone." I explained. 

"Key, get ready for school." I turned to see Onew hyung with a swollen jaw sitting up and looking at me with a stern look. When did he wake up? 

"But, my head hurts really bad and I really don-" 

"You should have thought about that before drinking last night. Now go to your room and get ready for school." He said, almost growling at me. He then turned to Minho, "And you. There are extra clothes for you so get ready as well. I have to talk to you." After that he got up and headed to the kitchen. I looked back at Minho who still looked scared and walked to my room. 

After getting washed up and putting my clothes on, I went out of my room and heard voices coming from the kitchen. It was Minho and Onew hyung. I crept and kept my back on the wall as I slowly made my way to the kitchen without being noticed. 

They were sitting down at the table, their backs to me. I could hear Minho whispering.

"Hyung, I'm scared."

"I know Minho. I knew they were up to something," What? Who are 'they'? Minho looked at Onew hyung.

"You knew? How did you know?" Onew sighed and drank what I believe is tea.

"They have been to quiet. They haven't talked to me in months. Something is definitely wrong this." Onew sighed again, "I'm worried Key will see me one day when I have one of those." Onew hyung hissed at the last word. But, see what? Onew looked up at the clock that hangs on the wall, "It's time for you guys to go. Key!" He stopped whispering and screamed my name out. I flinched, took a few steps back and walked in the kitchen as calmly as I could. 

"You called?" I asked, nonchalantly. Yet, inside I was screaming with questions as to what they were talking about. They turned around and saw that Minho had his bangs slightly longer on his right side. I raised an eyebrow. So the sign thing is a bad thing? Minho stood up and walked over to my side. 

"Let's go hyung. We don't want to be late for class, right?" Minho said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the door, "Bye Onew hyung!" He waved and walked out the door. I caught Onew hyung's eye but then he looked away. 

We were outside walking for about five minutes when I heard someone scream out my name.

"Key! Minho!" Minho and I turned around to see who was calling us. I groaned and continued walking. I looked to see that Minho wasn't walking next to me anymore. I stopped and turned all the way around to see my best friend talking with the person that was a reason why I drinked last night. I reached my hand up to my head. I can still feel my head throbbing. I do not want to deal with him today. Or tomorrow. Or ever. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and look to see a short male. He smiled at me. 

"Good morning. Best friend."


*A/N: Hello! Well, here is chapter 4. Hope you enjoy this chapter and that it isn't as confusing as the past ones have been. On another note. I will soon start to write another fanfic. I don't know when but I will write it soon. Aren't I just full of ideas for fanfics? Haha! I'm lame. (.__.) Still no ideas on who the hooded/non-hooded guy is? No? Aww. Also! If you have noticed, I am updating every week so hopefully next week I will have chapter 5 ready for you. ^~^. Okay. This is it for the author's note. Annyeong~!*



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Hey! Good news: my writer's block has somewhat gone away! I'm already starting to write again. See you soon~


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Chapter 26: good luck for the school.waiting for the update
Chapter 25: I just finish reading this. And i LOVE it.
I hope key wont consider the 2nd option.
Hehe. Take ur time in updating.
As long as u r updating. =)
Chapter 24: "Can we get more wine?" That made me laugh so hard.
I'm sure, they won't do the second option but I don't know what option is better for all of them. Oh well, I'm sure I will find out after waiting. ;D
And I don't have any trouble understanding anything. I just can't remember all the names and which god is who. But I think it's not so important because I remember the main characters.
thanks u updated.i m gonna read now.
Chapter 23: Jongkey and BaekYeol? Life can't get better.
GoofyElla #6
Chapter 22: Ahhh, I'm missing the jongkey momentssssssssssss <3

Thanks for the update :)
GoofyElla #7
Chapter 21: wohoooo, an update!! :D I'm looking forward to the next chapter ^^
SaturnXK #8
Chapter 20: Wait... Who's his instructor? I'M SO CURIOUS YEAH! Lol sorry jokes. I'm not sure if you've mentioned it; if you have apologies in advance. I have a bad memory. Hope you heal well!
SaturnXK #9
Chapter 18: Pfft, lol. I reckon he should keep the Nerida name. It'd be funny XD

I won? Oh, yay! Unfortunately, I'm not really sure how the karma points thing works. What do you mean by 'when'? Like... now? I don't really mind how many points I get. As author, you can decide. Heh.

Good luck on your mid-terms!
Chapter 18: It's from Goo Joon Pyo! :OO