And You Are?

I outstretched my hand for Taemin to shake. He hesitantly shook my hand. I smiled at him.

"I don't bite," I said, teasing him, "I'm Kim Kibum. But everyone calls me Key." He smiled at me and shifted his weight from one leg to the other. I smirked at him, "Someone seems uncomfortable." I mutter so that he doesn't hear me. I let go of his hand and bring it to my side, "So, how old are you?" He looks at me like if I'm going to hurt him. 

"Uh, I'm 16." I open my mouth in an 'o' shape and look to my right where the school building is. I see a familiar figure walking away from where Taemin and I were. 

"That's cool. Hey, do you have your class schedule yet? Maybe we have like gym together." He nods and sets down the papers that he had in his hands on the floor. He bends down and runs his fingers through the papers until he picks one, stands up, and hands it to me. I read what it says.

"Blah blah, math. Ew math. Blah blah. This teacher is the meanest person you will ever meet, by the way. Blah blah, oh! Here we go!" I look up at Taemin with a smile, "We have gym together. Just like I said." He smiled back at me and I gave him back his paper. He picked up his papers from the floor. A bell rang. This means we have ten minutes to get to class. 

"Well, um. Yeah. Uh," I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Yeah, I'm going to class now. I hope you don't get lost on your first day." I smiled at him. He nodded.

"Oh okay." He smiled and reached with his free hand (the other was carrying the papers) and reached out to touch my cheek. He moved his lips as if saying something. I flinched back.

"Oh-kay then. I'll be going now. See you later, Taemin." I stared at him with cautious eyes and back away from him then turned to my right and started walking. 

As I was walking, I yawned. I expected pain from my jaw but didn't feel anything. I stopped walking. I moved my mouth around in as ways as possible but still nothing. I raised my eyebrows in surprise and continued walking. 

When I entered class, there was barely anyone there. I couldn’t blame then. It's not like they care about their education.  I went over to my desk. I put down my back pack that I completely forgot was on my shoulders, on the floor next to me. I yawned again. Might as well take a nap....




"How the he- Help!" I yelled as I looked at the thing that was in front of me. The monster thing was as big as two story building and 10 feet in width. It had seven, snake-like heads that kept snapped at me. I looked around me to find something I can defend myself with. Why am I in my school's gym? I see a bow and arrows. But it's behind the seven-headed monster. I groan and take a cautious step forward. One of its heads snaps at me. 

"Holy fudge!" I jumped back and fell on my . I look behind the monster again and see the bow and arrows. I get up again and try to walk forward. Bad idea. The thing snaps at me again, this time closer than before.

I am never going to get them at this rate. I close my eyes and blow out air out of my mouth in frustration. I feel a gust of wind hit me and open my eyes. I look around and right next to me is the bow and arrows.

"What...?" How did they get next to me? I shrug and stand up. I reach down to get the bow and one arrow.

"Uh..." How do I use this? This is my first time ever holding a bow. Well, you'll never know until you try. I put the end of the arrow and put it to the string, on top of a white little sticker thing. I held onto the grip on the bow and brought it up, my other hand held onto the string with the arrow. I brought my hands up and pulled back the string. I move so that I aim at the monster. I aimed at one of its necks. I let go of the string and see the arrow fly straight through its neck. 

"Wow. I am good at this. Was I an archer in my past life?" I whispered to myself as I stared in amazement as the neck that I shoot was slowly falling to the ground. It finally fell with a THUMP! On the floor next to me. I shrieked and moved aside. I sighed and reached down to get another arrow. 

I repeated the steps that I did before and shoot again but at another neck. I did this until all of the heads where on the floor, dead. And every time, the arrow would go straight through the serpents’ neck and would come out through the other end. I smiled and dropped the bow and the arrow that stayed in my hand. I started walking past the body of the monster. I stopped and looked around the gym. Well that's weird.

"There are no doors. How do I get out?" I muttered to myself. I was about to start walking again when I heard a hiss behind me. 

"For each head cut off, two grow back in its place"

My eyes widened. That voice. It's back. And what it said. I turn around and see smoke around the necks of the monster. The hissing got louder. Two heads were growing back from each next, as the heads that were on the floor turned to dust. I stared at the dust confused. Why did it disappear? I hear a growling noise above my head. I look up slowly and see all of the heads staring down at me. The one in the middle opens its mouth and I could see its rows of fangs. It draws back its head and comes down to strike at me. I close my eyes and wait.




I open my eyes surprise. I look at the desks in front of me and my classmates that are staring at me. I look to my side and see that I'm resting on someone's shoulder. I move my head upwards, expecting to see Minho. My eyes widened as I see who it is. I'm just inches from his face. I shoot my head back, away from him. I look at him, moving my eyes up and down. He's reading a book and leaning back in the chair. I scratch the back of my neck. He closes his book and turns to look at me. He half-smiles as he puts on of his elbow on the desk and rests his chin on the palm of his hand. He tilts his head to the side a little.

"Finally awake, I see."



*A/N: Okay. You guys can kill me. *Puts arms out and closes eyes* I'm sorry for updating a day late. It's just that, well, my mind wasn't in the right place yesterday. *Opens eyes, notices I'm not dead and puts hands down* Anywho, here is your late weekly chapter. Enjoy it~! Uh, I don't have much to say about this chapter except that I had to write a scene with bows and arrows. I'm sorry, but I had to. And also, do you know who the seven-headed monster is? I kind of gave it away already though. Also, please comment. And to any new readers out there, please subscribe and let me know what you think about this story~! Okay. That's all. Annyeong~!

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Hey! Good news: my writer's block has somewhat gone away! I'm already starting to write again. See you soon~


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Chapter 26: good luck for the school.waiting for the update
Chapter 25: I just finish reading this. And i LOVE it.
I hope key wont consider the 2nd option.
Hehe. Take ur time in updating.
As long as u r updating. =)
Chapter 24: "Can we get more wine?" That made me laugh so hard.
I'm sure, they won't do the second option but I don't know what option is better for all of them. Oh well, I'm sure I will find out after waiting. ;D
And I don't have any trouble understanding anything. I just can't remember all the names and which god is who. But I think it's not so important because I remember the main characters.
thanks u updated.i m gonna read now.
Chapter 23: Jongkey and BaekYeol? Life can't get better.
GoofyElla #6
Chapter 22: Ahhh, I'm missing the jongkey momentssssssssssss <3

Thanks for the update :)
GoofyElla #7
Chapter 21: wohoooo, an update!! :D I'm looking forward to the next chapter ^^
SaturnXK #8
Chapter 20: Wait... Who's his instructor? I'M SO CURIOUS YEAH! Lol sorry jokes. I'm not sure if you've mentioned it; if you have apologies in advance. I have a bad memory. Hope you heal well!
SaturnXK #9
Chapter 18: Pfft, lol. I reckon he should keep the Nerida name. It'd be funny XD

I won? Oh, yay! Unfortunately, I'm not really sure how the karma points thing works. What do you mean by 'when'? Like... now? I don't really mind how many points I get. As author, you can decide. Heh.

Good luck on your mid-terms!
Chapter 18: It's from Goo Joon Pyo! :OO