And You Are?

We walked down yet another corridor that was the same as the one we first entered through. Suddenly, two doors opened. One on our right and one on our left. On our right, a girl with boyish short, brown hair came out and leaned against the door ledge while on our left, another girl came out but she had straight dark brown hair and stood by the door.

"Apollo, Jonghyun, I'm sure you remember Sulli and Victoria," Ailee said as she stood in front of us. The two girls bowed their heads at Onew hyung and gave Jonghyun small smiles. 

"Amber will be happy to see you," The girl on our right said to Jonghyun. He nodded and smiled. 

"I want to see her too, Sulli." the girl, Sulli, smiled again. She turned to Ailee and Onew Hyung. 

"The rooms are ready. Krystal and I," she gestured to the girl on our left, "tried to make them as comfortable as possible with the little time that was given. We hope it is to your likings, Apollo."

"Since there are only two rooms, you will have to share it. Two per room." Krystal said. Onew hyung nods and gives them both a smile. 

"Thank you. This is very kind of you both." The two girls nod and walk the way we came from. Ailee also nods and bows to Onew Hyung. She gives me a small smile before she follows after the two girls. I hear Jonghyun sigh next to me. 

"I don't how we are going to partner off, but I will not share a room with the god." I looked at Onew Hyung who is just staring at Jonghyun. He shakes his head. 

"Figures. So, I'll share with Minho while you share with Key. Is that alright?" Onew Hyung told Jonghyun. He nods. I look at Minho and see him nod. 

"Wait, I don't want to share with Jonghyun. What if he turns into a tiger or something in his sleep and tries to eat me? Can't I share with you, Hyung?" I say to Onew hyung. 

"You turn into animals in your sleep, hyung?" Minho looks at Jonghyun with curious eyes. 

"Well, that is my power. But I don't think I ever did it while sleeping." Jonghyun answers back. I purse my lips and look at Onew hyung who is shaking his head. 

"No. You will share with Jonghyun while I share with Minho. You'll thank me later." He dragged Minho with him to the room that Sulli came out of and shut the door. I scoffed and went inside the other room. Jonghyun right behind me. 

I lay in the bed looking at the ceiling. Jonghyun is next to me with his back to me. I can't believe it. One day I'm living the normal life of a high school boy and the next, I'm sleeping in a bed in the famous Olympus. If I remember anything Ms. Lee ever taught us and put it as a real life situation, it would be that anything is possible. And that life holds many mysteries. 

Suddenly, I see Jonghyun sit up. I sit up slowly and look at him. He looks at me, his eyes widened. 

"Did you hear that? That noise?" He says in a hushed tone. I shake my head. 

"What noi-" he covers my mouth with one hand and holds the back of my head with the other. 

"Shhh." After a moment of looking around the room, he looks at me again. "Did you hear it this time?" I shake my head. He sighs and uncovers my mouth and removes his hand from my head. 

"Just go to sleep, Jonghyun." He nods and lies down. I roll my eyes and lay down too, my back facing him. 

A few minutes pass and I feel hands snake their way around my waist and feel myself being pulled the other way. 

"J-jonghyun?" I whisper. 

"Hmm?" I hear him answer. I feel my face getting hot. 

"W-what are you d-doing?" I feel his hot breath hit the back of my neck which brings me chills. 

"I'm scared. Can we stay like this tonight?" I gulp and manage a nod. I hear him giggle. "Goodnight, Key." I blink a few times before I answer back. 

"Goodnight, Jonghyun."






I hear a knock on door and open my eyes slowly. Another dreamless night, not that I mind anyways. I groan and try to sit up but remember that a certain puppy is holding onto me. I remove his interlocked hands from my waist and throw my feet over the side of bed. 

"Come in," I frown as I hear my voice crack. The door opens and a head pops in. A girl with a boyish haircut looks at me. She looks familiar. 

"Hello. My name is Amber. Is Jonghyun still asleep?" I look behind me and see him stirring in his sleep. I look back at Amber and nod my head. She sighs and walks in. "He was always so lazy." She mumbles to herself. "Victoria told me to come get you and take you to the East Woods."

"It's noon already?" I ask. I can't believe I slept in. She chuckles and shakes her head. 

"No. It's only 10. But you have to eat first before we go. You'll need your strength. Training can be difficult." 

"I think I'll skip breakfast. Not very hungry." I say and hear Jonghyun groaning behind me. 

"Then I hope you don't mind if we go right now?" I shake my head. "Good. I have some hunting to do in the woods. It won't hurt if I start now. I'll be outside your room when you're ready." I nod and she leaves me alone. 






"We're here." Amber's face beamed as she came to a stop. I look around to find something special but all I see is trees. 

"We are?" I question. She gives me a shy smile. 

"Actually, I'm here where I'm supposed to hunt. You, on the other hand, still have to walk some more to get to the river. Just follow that path," she pointed to a path that was on our right, "and you'll get to the river. There, your instructor will be waiting for you. Good luck." she waved to me and continued walking in front of, dagger in hand. I sigh and go the way she told me to go. 

After about ten minutes of walking, I start to smell wet land. I walk a little faster now, knowing that I'm close to the river. I reach a tree with low branches and move them out of the way to reveal a river. On the tree that is bent over to touch the river, stands a guy. I walk a few steps forward to reach the foot of the tree. 

"Hello?" I say. He turns around and I see a friendly smile on his face. I smile back. 

"Hello. Let your training begin."



*A/N: Have you ever shoot a bow non-stop so much that your fingers get swollon and you can't use your hand because it hurts so much? No? Then you are one lucky duck. Because that is such a pain in the neck, trust me. Anywho, I never imagined that I would write something with 20 chapters. Can you believe it? I update once every week. Which means I have been with this story for 20 weeks. 20 weeks. That is a long time. So, I would like to thank all my readers for staying and reading this nonsense of a story. If it wasn't for every single one of you, I know I wouldn't have continues with this story. So thank you. TT^TT I feel emotional right now because of it. But enought of that, here is your chapter. Enjoy it~. Please subscribe if you haven't already and please leave a comment. (I've noticed no seems to leave their thoughts in the comments anymore >.>) See you all next week~! Annyeong~! (And thank you all again.)*




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Hey! Good news: my writer's block has somewhat gone away! I'm already starting to write again. See you soon~


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Chapter 26: good luck for the school.waiting for the update
Chapter 25: I just finish reading this. And i LOVE it.
I hope key wont consider the 2nd option.
Hehe. Take ur time in updating.
As long as u r updating. =)
Chapter 24: "Can we get more wine?" That made me laugh so hard.
I'm sure, they won't do the second option but I don't know what option is better for all of them. Oh well, I'm sure I will find out after waiting. ;D
And I don't have any trouble understanding anything. I just can't remember all the names and which god is who. But I think it's not so important because I remember the main characters.
thanks u updated.i m gonna read now.
Chapter 23: Jongkey and BaekYeol? Life can't get better.
GoofyElla #6
Chapter 22: Ahhh, I'm missing the jongkey momentssssssssssss <3

Thanks for the update :)
GoofyElla #7
Chapter 21: wohoooo, an update!! :D I'm looking forward to the next chapter ^^
SaturnXK #8
Chapter 20: Wait... Who's his instructor? I'M SO CURIOUS YEAH! Lol sorry jokes. I'm not sure if you've mentioned it; if you have apologies in advance. I have a bad memory. Hope you heal well!
SaturnXK #9
Chapter 18: Pfft, lol. I reckon he should keep the Nerida name. It'd be funny XD

I won? Oh, yay! Unfortunately, I'm not really sure how the karma points thing works. What do you mean by 'when'? Like... now? I don't really mind how many points I get. As author, you can decide. Heh.

Good luck on your mid-terms!
Chapter 18: It's from Goo Joon Pyo! :OO