And You Are?

"Key hyung? Key?" I felt someone nudge my shoulder. I groaned and moved a little more to the side of my desk

"What?" I said barley loud enough for me to hear myself.

"Key god damn it! Get the hell up!!" I shot up from laying my head down on my desk. I looked to the side where my partner/best friend sat next to me. I glared at him.

"What?" I growled.

"You aren't supposed to fall asleep in class. And you told me last week that if I ever caught you sleeping in class, to wake you up." Damn, I forgot about that. Lately, every time I fall asleep I dream about fighting these horrible creatures. These dreams scare me a lot, so I do as much as I can not to fall asleep. I nodded.

"Right, I forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me, Minho" I patted his shoulder. Minho knows about my dreams. In fact, he is the only person that knows about them. That's because we have been best friends for more than 5 years. I couldn't wish for anything more. Minho smiled and looked at the teacher that just entered the classroom. I looked at our teacher and laid my head back on my desk. Our teachers couldn't care less if we pay attention. We are the lowest ranked school in Seoul anyways. 

"Okay students. Today we have a new student. Please treat him kindly." Ms. Lee said. I didn't pay attention to who the new student was. I heard the door open and all the girls giggled. Great, another good looking guy that the girls will fan girl over. Oh how fun. 

"Hello...." All I heard was that. Then I drifted off to sleep.




"What in the world is that thing?!" I yelled as I ran away from this three headed dog thing that was the size of a big bear. I kept running through the hallway until I reached the end of the hall. Dead end. 

"Great. Just great," I muttered then noticed that the end of the hall was in fact a door. I looked behind me and saw that the three headed dog was close by. A few more seconds and that dog can eat me up. I opened the door and ran inside, closing the door behind me. I sighed but then yelped as I heard paws scratch against the door. I took a step forward and turned back to the place the door was. But it wasn't there anymore. 

"What?" I said and turned back around to see the rest of the room I was in. There was light in the middle of the room. I looked at it and the next thing I know, I'm standing right underneath the light.

"Kibum. Long time no see." A voice boomed out from who knows where. I looked around but didn't see anyone.

"Do I know you?" I asked. The voice laughed.

"I'm not sure about that. But I am sure that I know you very well."

"Uh, okay. So, who are you?" I asked, annoyed.

"That, I can't tell you. Not yet anyways. You'll know who I am when the time is right. But for now, you should help him. He needs you as much as you need him," What in the world? What is this voice talking about?

"Erm, okay. Who is this 'he' you mentioned?" 

"You will find out soon," the voice faded out.

"Key hyung! Key!" that new voice sounds familiar....

"Minho?" Was that really him?

"Key~!" That was Minho!





I jumped up from my desk. I looked around the classroom. It was empty. 

"Key hyung? Are you okay? I tried to wake you up but you didn't," Minho stated. I blinked and looked at him. He sighed, "Another dream?" I nodded, he sighed again. "What happened this time?" I told him what happened. He gave me a weird look when I mentioned the voice. I sighed.

"I don't know what that voice meant. Who is 'he'?" I asked, to myself mostly. I looked back at Minho who looked like he was deep in thought. Maybe he knows, "Do you perhaps know who that voice is?" Minho looked at me and shook his head.

"N-nope. No clue." he smiled sheepishly. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You sure?" 

"P-positive. We are going to miss lunch if we don't leave right now," he said, looking at the clock hanging on the wall. I nodded and gathered my stuff. We headed out the door towards the cafeteria. 

We got our lunches and sat where we usually sat. I began eating my sandwich while Minho began ranting about how I should start caring more about school and get some sleep. Blah blah blah. 

"-do your work and you will be someone in your life. Look, all I'm saying is that you should really start focusing on school- Uh, hi?" Minho looked behind me at something else. I put down my sandwich and looked behind me. The guy that was standing there was short and resembled a puppy. 

"Hi. If you don't mind, can I sit with you two for a minute?" I looked back at Minho who looked afraid. He gulped and nodded. The heck? I looked back at the guy who was now sitting next to me. He smiled at Minho, looked at me, and smiled even more. Who is this guy? I stared to get annoyed. So I asked him.

"And you are?"



*A/N: Well, this chapter is short. Shorter than I thought it would be. But this was good enough for the first chapter, right? Okay, so what do you think? Huh? Do you like it? I like it. Okay, until the next chapter. Who knows when that will be. XD Keke, Annyeong~!*



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Hey! Good news: my writer's block has somewhat gone away! I'm already starting to write again. See you soon~


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Chapter 26: good luck for the school.waiting for the update
Chapter 25: I just finish reading this. And i LOVE it.
I hope key wont consider the 2nd option.
Hehe. Take ur time in updating.
As long as u r updating. =)
Chapter 24: "Can we get more wine?" That made me laugh so hard.
I'm sure, they won't do the second option but I don't know what option is better for all of them. Oh well, I'm sure I will find out after waiting. ;D
And I don't have any trouble understanding anything. I just can't remember all the names and which god is who. But I think it's not so important because I remember the main characters.
thanks u updated.i m gonna read now.
Chapter 23: Jongkey and BaekYeol? Life can't get better.
GoofyElla #6
Chapter 22: Ahhh, I'm missing the jongkey momentssssssssssss <3

Thanks for the update :)
GoofyElla #7
Chapter 21: wohoooo, an update!! :D I'm looking forward to the next chapter ^^
SaturnXK #8
Chapter 20: Wait... Who's his instructor? I'M SO CURIOUS YEAH! Lol sorry jokes. I'm not sure if you've mentioned it; if you have apologies in advance. I have a bad memory. Hope you heal well!
SaturnXK #9
Chapter 18: Pfft, lol. I reckon he should keep the Nerida name. It'd be funny XD

I won? Oh, yay! Unfortunately, I'm not really sure how the karma points thing works. What do you mean by 'when'? Like... now? I don't really mind how many points I get. As author, you can decide. Heh.

Good luck on your mid-terms!
Chapter 18: It's from Goo Joon Pyo! :OO