New Student, New News

I'll protect you Hyuna, trust me

The next morning they all got to school together and walked into the hallways in the school as Hyuna crossed her arm with a nervous look and took a deep breath with Junhyung by her side while Doojoon and Gayoon walked slowly, hand in hand from behind.

“What was that for?” Junhyung asked peculiarly with a weird look from her sigh. She glanced up at him and ran her finger through her thick hair. “Yah, does my hair look okay?” She asked with an edgy smile up at him.

                “Yes.” He said oddly with a nod after looking her hair over. “Why? What’s going on today?” He asked with a chuckle. “You even have on more make-up than you usually do.” She looked down and smiled with both her hands holding the straps to her backpack. She looked around the area scanning through everybody they passed.

                “You’ve heard of Jang Hyunseung right?” She asked with a huge smile on her face. His smile slowly faded as he stared at her awkwardly with a light nod. “Yes, so what?” She looked down with a smile and bit her lip.

                “I think I have a crush on him.” He stared at her with somewhat wide eyes in question. “You like-“

The bell rang loudly as Gayoon and Doojoon finally arrived behind them. “Hey hurry before Mrs. So gives detention again!” Gayoon quickly linked arms with Hyuna while Doojoon and Junhyung hurried behind. He kept his eyes on Hyuna as she glanced back at him and smiled with a nod.

                “Yes, I like him!” She mouthed the words to Junhyung. He slowed his walking and held his puzzled expression as Doojoon pulled him to walk faster.

                Junhyung kept his head down with thoughts rushing through his mind while Mrs. So lectured about random things according to their textbook. Suddenly, the classroom door opened as Hyunseung walked into the room. He had on the school uniform, making him look a bit different, but one glance at his malicious face and you could tell who he exactly was.

“Hello, who are you?” Mrs. So asked curiously. He walked in carelessly and handed her his class schedule. Junhyung automatically turned to look at Doojoon who gave him a blank look. He turned to look at Hyuna who was slightly squirming towards Gayoon and all the other girls in shock that they were all in the same class. Mrs. So turned to the class after looking his schedule over and smiled.

“Okay class, this will be our new student, Jang Hyunseung. Please say hello.”

                “Hello!” The students yelled loudly, especially the girls. He kept a blank face and grew a crooked smile when he caught sight of Hyuna. He looked her up and down with a smirk, recognizing her, as Junhyung widened his eyes, following Hyunseung’s look to Hyuna and in his breath. He sat up taller in his seat and prayed that Mrs. So would sit him anywhere else besides the empty seat next to him.

                “Okay, you’ll be sitting right over…..” Mrs. So looked around for an empty desk and spotted an empty desk beside Junhyung. “Sit next to Yong Junhyung. Raise your hand Junhyung.” Junhyung hesitated to raise his hand and stared at Hyunseung with uncertainty. He stood up quickly, screeching his chair on the floor loudly and walked out of the room after giving him a glare without a word. Everyone became silent and watched him leave awkwardly. Doojoon watched peculiarly with confusion at Junhyung and then looked to Gayoon and Hyuna who had the same expressions as he did. Gayoon motioned her head for him to follow Junhyung as he slowly stood up with a low stance.

                “Ahhh…sorry Junhyung’s kind of…not feeling well.” He said with a nervous chuckle and headed towards the door. “I’ll bring him right back.” Mrs. So nodded slowly while Hyuna and Gayoon looked at each other with a suspicious look.

                Doojoon quickly jogged out of the classroom and caught sight of Junhyung turning the corner in the quiet hallway. “Yong Junhyung!” He yelled and chased after him. He finally caught up when Junhyung stood outside the school breathing heavily with an angry look.

“Hey! What’s wrong with you?” Junhyung glanced at him and put his hands in his pocket. “Did you see how he looked at her?” Junhyung asked without looking at Doojoon. “What? Who?”

                “What do you mean ‘who?’?!” He asked, almost in a yelling tone. He stared at Junhyung oddly, hearing him scream this loud for the first time. “H-hey…”

                “Sorry.” He said quickly. “I’m just…”

“I know Hyunseung makes us men worry that he’ll take all the women in this school, but don’t worry-“

                “That’s…not why I’m angry.” He said with a glowered look at him. “Hyuna likes him.” Doojoon kept his mouth open in shock and quickly closed it.

                “What?!” He yelled with a shocked look on his face. He chuckled and then stared at Junhyung oddly. “Wait…so what? Why would this bother you?” Junhyung looked down and took a deep breath, holding his annoyed gaze.

“Whoa, whoa…wait a second. Am I missing something here?” He asked, leaning in towards Junhyung who stared at him strangely in guilt. He remained silent, making Doojoon see right through him.

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[jessicathao-junah fic] For "I'll Protect You Hyuna, Trust Me" The lovely scenes of Junah only are out! Whew, after all those annoying scenes!! Check it out!!!


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Chapter 10: Mechanic Junhyung attire still gets me even on the reread!!! Ahhhh!!!! Lol
Chapter 26: You know's annoyed when you always mention about "i will make hyunseung out soon".seriously...for me..i'm enjoy with the don't worry.
Chapter 35: JUNAH LOVE! <3 <3
Chapter 28: so sweet~~
Chapter 15: yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go junhyung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!! HYUNSEUNG!!!!!! MOOD BREAKER!!
Chapter 10: stupid hyunseung!
spiicycolor #8
Chapter 35: Whoaa .. A happy ending ^O^ .. kekekee ~~
Hyuna-unnie was so naive .. and Hyunseung is a ____ing jerk .. ;d ..
But Jun-oppa is so protective .. and cool .. Yeaahh .. ;DD .. he's a dude ^w^ ..
Junah and Dooyoon are really cute :3 ..
Kyaaaaa .. such and interesting fic .. I enjoyed every moment while reading it =] ..
Hwaiting ..~!! <3
Chapter 35: mwahahahah ! such a waste it ended already ! wonder how dooyoon will react if they saw junah's pants and shirts in the living room!! wahahahahah !! such a waste too its too early for them to do it ahahahahah !
tina43 #10
Chapter 35: :)) my nose is bleeding LOL ...thank u so much keke....