Aunt Tasting Food

I'll protect you Hyuna, trust me

Jang Hyunseung sat in the principal’s office leaning back on his chair with a careless look on his face. He was dressed in a black leather jacket even though it was burning hot outside. He had on leather boots and thick jeans along with a pair of dark sunglasses. Everything with him was dark and evil. His brown hair hung down to his eyes, making it hard for others to look into his eyes when they spoke to him.

“Jang Hyunseung?” Mr. Cho, the principal of the school who walked into the office, said. “Yes.” He answered without any sort of tone.

                “Okay, this is your schedule for the year.” He said while handing him a paper, sitting down on his office chair. Hyunseung grabbed it slowly in a lazy way and sighed. “Your teacher will be Mrs. So and everything and anything that you do will be observed closely.”

                “What do you mean? You guys have a camera on me?” He asked with a chuckle. “No…what I mean is that all the students in this school are aware of what you can do. Therefore, I will be informed no matter what if you’re to cause any trouble of some sort.”

                “Really? I haven’t even started class and I’m already popular. I like this school.” He said with an evil chuckle. The principal sighed in annoyance and pointed towards the door.

                “I hope I won’t be hearing of you soon.” Hyunseung stood up, screeching the chair on the tile floor and gave the principal a smirk before he left.

                Hyuna, Junhyung, Doojoon, and Gayoon all sat in front of their spaghetti plates and stared at each other with squint eyes on the kitchen table.

“Who wants to taste first?” Junhyung asked with raised eyebrows. Doojoon chuckled evilly and smiled. “Ladies first.” He said with a huge smile. Hyuna and Gayoon looked at each other with uncertainty and then to the guys.

                “No, what if you guys poisoned us?” Gayoon asked, trying to make up an excuse. “YOU GUYS eat first-“

“I think Junhyung needs to try it first.” Hyuna said with crossed arms. “What? Me? Why?” He asked in disagreement. “Because you always say that my cooking so now I want to see how you feel about your own cooking.” She said with her eyes on his plate and a grin.

                “Ohhh…hurry Junhyung! It’s all you now!” Doojoon said, patting Junhyung’s back with a loud smack. “Hey! We’re supposed to be on ONE side you fool-“

“Oooo! That smells GOOD!” Gayoon’s Aunt’s voice said as she opened the front door quickly. She headed for the kitchen immediately and smiled, her lips.

“Thank goodness you kids know how to cook!” She grabbed Gayoon’s place instantly since she was closest to the door and held the chopsticks in her hand before digging into the plate of spaghetti. Everyone watched her eat in shock, waiting to see her reaction as aunt stopped chewing after the first swallow and looked at all of them wide-eyed.

                “H-h-h-how is it…aunt?” Doojoon asked curiously. Aunt stayed frozen without a word, her expression tells all as her face started to get red. Doojoon reached over and grabbed the container labeled “SALT” on it. “I’m not sure if I put enough salt in the sauce.” He said with a sour look on his face.

                “WHAT?! Hey Yoon Doojoon! I told you before that the ‘SALT’ and ‘SUGAR’ container are mixed!” Gayoon yelled loudly as aunt’s eyes widened even bigger.

                “What? What do you mean?!” Doojoon asked while Junhyung and Hyuna chuckled loudly.

                “You FOOL! The salt is in the container labeled ‘SUGAR’ and the sugar is in the container labeled ‘SALT’!” As soon as Gayoon finished her sentence, she heard her aunt throwing up into the same plate as Hyuna and Junhyung stood up immediately watching in disgust at all the nasty spaghetti that was drooling out of in different colors.

                “YOU! Kids!” Aunt yelled through stutters while she puked out all the over-sweetened spaghetti.

                “Hey! Hurry and let’s leave before aunt bursts!” Hyuna whispered as she grabbed her bag and pulled Junhyung out the door with her. “Sorry aunt! I have to go to work!” Junhyung did a thumb up to Doojoon before he left with a chuckle. Junhyung quickly got on his motorcycle before Hyuna hopped on and held him tightly by the waist. They chuckled looking back at the house where they could hear aunt screaming loud and clear.

                Junhyung stopped his motorcycle outside of a noodle shop while Hyuna climbed off. “Let’s eat before we both go to work.” He said with a smile. She nodded then took her helmet off and wrapped her bag around her shoulder. They headed inside and ordered 2 bowls of noodles, waiting patiently.

                “What time do you get off tonight?” She asked curiously, looking at her phone. “I think I’m closing tonight. Maybe I’ll be out at 11pm.” Their noodles finally arrived as a lady set their food down for them. They thanked her before she left and quickly started eating. “Why? When do you get off?” He asked curiously, watching her eat her noodles as fast as possible.

                “I get off at 11pm too.” She said with a mouthful and swallowed what was in . “Ohh… I don’t know if I can come take you home then.” He said with a worried look. She chuckled and shook her head. “No don’t worry about it. I’ll take the bus.”

                “The bus is dangerous at night.” He mumbled while eating a strand of noodles. Hyuna stared at him and chuckled.

                “You better hurry and finish so we won’t be late for work.” She said with a smile. He sighed and watched her. “You’re really that hungry?” He asked curiously looking at her half empty bowl of noodles.

                “No.” She answered while drinking the noodle juice. “I just don’t want to be late.”

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[jessicathao-junah fic] For "I'll Protect You Hyuna, Trust Me" The lovely scenes of Junah only are out! Whew, after all those annoying scenes!! Check it out!!!


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Chapter 10: Mechanic Junhyung attire still gets me even on the reread!!! Ahhhh!!!! Lol
Chapter 26: You know's annoyed when you always mention about "i will make hyunseung out soon".seriously...for me..i'm enjoy with the don't worry.
Chapter 35: JUNAH LOVE! <3 <3
Chapter 28: so sweet~~
Chapter 15: yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go junhyung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!! HYUNSEUNG!!!!!! MOOD BREAKER!!
Chapter 10: stupid hyunseung!
spiicycolor #8
Chapter 35: Whoaa .. A happy ending ^O^ .. kekekee ~~
Hyuna-unnie was so naive .. and Hyunseung is a ____ing jerk .. ;d ..
But Jun-oppa is so protective .. and cool .. Yeaahh .. ;DD .. he's a dude ^w^ ..
Junah and Dooyoon are really cute :3 ..
Kyaaaaa .. such and interesting fic .. I enjoyed every moment while reading it =] ..
Hwaiting ..~!! <3
Chapter 35: mwahahahah ! such a waste it ended already ! wonder how dooyoon will react if they saw junah's pants and shirts in the living room!! wahahahahah !! such a waste too its too early for them to do it ahahahahah !
tina43 #10
Chapter 35: :)) my nose is bleeding LOL ...thank u so much keke....