Dance Prep

I'll protect you Hyuna, trust me


Junhyung, Doojoon, and Gayoon woke up around noon the next morning and ate breakfast as Gayoon coughed loudly from choking on her food. Doojoon handed her some water while Junhyung slightly chuckled.

“Hey, do you all have what you’re going to wear later already?” Gayoon asked after drinking her water through a cough. “Yes, it’s not that hard to find a dress shirt and slacks.” Junhyung said, eating the last of his food.

“Well, Gayoon and I are going to be matching so I don’t know what color you want to wear yet.” Doojoon said while glancing at her. “Doesn’t matter. I just want to wear my dress I wore out last time when we were celebrating.” She said with a smile.

“No! Wear something else.” Doojoon said with a click of his tongue.


Hyuna got out of the city bus and looked at her watch before walking towards a tiny store nearby. She took her phone out and dialed Gayoon’s number, waiting patiently. “Hello?” She answered.

“Hey, Gayoon, did you already find a dress for later?” She asked curiously, looking through a few dresses on the side inside the store. “No. Why?” Gayoon answered.

Hyuna looked through her wallet and noticed that she only had a few won in her purse since she hasn’t been working lately. She sighed deeply and slouched her shoulders as she felt a hand touch her shoulder from behind. She turned around quickly to see Junhyung with an odd look on his face.

“Hey, what’re you doing here with an empty wallet?” He asked with a chuckle and peek in her wallet from behind as Hyuna smirked at him and put her wallet back in her purse, crossing her arms. She looked around and hung up her phone when she noticed Gayoon and Doojoon coming up behind Junhyung. She grinned at him and turned red from him seeing her poor self.

“What’re you guys doing here?” She asked strikingly, making Junhyung chuckle. “Same reason you are.” He said while looking through the dresses.

“Buying a dress for your date?” She asked with a smile. Junhyung’s smile faded and he looked down with pursed lips. He ignored her and turned around to Doojoon.

“Hey, let’s go somewhere else.” He said while Doojoon nodded. “I was just thinking the same too.” He said with his hands in his pockets without touching anything. Gayoon walked towards Hyuna and they spoke silently as Doojoon turned to Junhyung.

“Hey…don’t think much of it.” He said, trying to comfort him. Junhyung looked at him with an odd expression and shrugged his shoulders. “Think much of what?” He asked with a nervous laugh and glanced at Hyuna before he walked out of the store. Doojoon followed him out as they waited outside patiently.

“We all know she’s making a mistake.” He said with a smile. “She’ll turn around soon.”

“It doesn’t matter if she does or doesn’t.” Junhyung said without looking up. “What pisses me off is that he keeps beating her, and she acts as if it never happened every single time.” He said with a more angered tone.

“Don’t worry. We’ll keep an eye on her this time.” Handsome Doojoon said. Junhyung looked at Doojoon with almost a laugh. “How?” Doojoon looked at him and smiled.

“Hey…I’m training to become a POLICEMAN.” He said with a silent chuckle and a hand on his shoulder. “If Hyunseung does anything stupid again, I’ll report it as soon as I finish training.” Doojoon stopped speaking when he noticed Gayoon and Hyuna walking out of the store talking to themselves.


“I think it’ll be fine!” Gayoon yelled with a chuckle, linking arms with Hyuna while they walked out of the store finally. Hyuna shrugged and looked up at Gayoon as they approached Junhyung and Doojoon.

“Hey, hurry and let’s go somewhere. We need dresses!” Gayoon screamed with a huge smile. Doojoon threw an arm over her shoulder and they walked ahead while Junhyung and Hyuna trailed quietly behind.

“You guys didn’t ride your motorcycles here?” Hyuna asked curiously. Junhyung glanced at her and looked around the area while shaking his head. “No, Gayoon wanted us to ‘exercise’.” He said with a scoff and smile. Hyuna chuckled lightly and looked down.

After a while of following behind Doojoon and Gayoon, Hyuna looked up at Junhyung with a smile.


“Junhyung.” She said softly. He looked at her immediately in the change of her tone. He had almost a puzzled look on his face as he coughed nervously. “What?” He asked. She smiled and looked straight ahead again.

“What’s your honest opinion about Hyunseung and me?” She asked through pauses, looking down at her feet. He looked at her and sighed with wandering eyes.

“My opinion doesn’t matter.” She looked up at him instantly, her facial expression changing into sadness. “Yes it does, I-“

“Hurry so we can catch up to Doojoon and Gayoon.” He said quickly pointing towards them and walking faster.

Hyuna stopped walking, taking a deep breath as she watched him slowly jog ahead. She kept her head down and walked a little faster to catch up.


Hyunseung and Seungri sat in Seungri’s apartment eating chips and drinking beer as Seungri coughed from choking on his drink.

“Hey, you’re really going to the school dance tonight?” Seungri asked curiously. “Yeah, why not.” He said with a shrug and ate some chips slowly.

“You’re still dropping out though?” He asked while Hyunseung nodded. “Have you told Hyuna yet?” He asked curiously. Hyunseung clicked his tongue at him for asking so many questions and glowered at him.

“Stop getting into my business.” Seungri looked down automatically and then slowly stood up with his crutches by his side.

“Nam Ji Hyun and I are going out tonight so I need to take the car for a while and I’ll bring it back. You can borrow it later.”

“Hey, before you go, let me borrow one of your suits.” He said with a mouthful of chips as Seungri stared at him in disgust and sighed in annoyance while he headed towards his bedroom.

A/N: What was that Seungri? Dropping out?? Hmm?? Hehe...

 Well, there goes a hint for you all!!!

And I had to put in a girl just for the heck of it, so I chose lovely Jihyun!!

Don't worry though, she's not going to be a main character... I don't think... :/

Well, please comment and let me know how it's going!

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[jessicathao-junah fic] For "I'll Protect You Hyuna, Trust Me" The lovely scenes of Junah only are out! Whew, after all those annoying scenes!! Check it out!!!


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Chapter 10: Mechanic Junhyung attire still gets me even on the reread!!! Ahhhh!!!! Lol
Chapter 26: You know's annoyed when you always mention about "i will make hyunseung out soon".seriously...for me..i'm enjoy with the don't worry.
Chapter 35: JUNAH LOVE! <3 <3
Chapter 28: so sweet~~
Chapter 15: yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go junhyung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!! HYUNSEUNG!!!!!! MOOD BREAKER!!
Chapter 10: stupid hyunseung!
spiicycolor #8
Chapter 35: Whoaa .. A happy ending ^O^ .. kekekee ~~
Hyuna-unnie was so naive .. and Hyunseung is a ____ing jerk .. ;d ..
But Jun-oppa is so protective .. and cool .. Yeaahh .. ;DD .. he's a dude ^w^ ..
Junah and Dooyoon are really cute :3 ..
Kyaaaaa .. such and interesting fic .. I enjoyed every moment while reading it =] ..
Hwaiting ..~!! <3
Chapter 35: mwahahahah ! such a waste it ended already ! wonder how dooyoon will react if they saw junah's pants and shirts in the living room!! wahahahahah !! such a waste too its too early for them to do it ahahahahah !
tina43 #10
Chapter 35: :)) my nose is bleeding LOL ...thank u so much keke....