
I'll protect you Hyuna, trust me

                After class, Hyuna and Hyunseung hopped into his car and drove off before anyone else could see. Gayoon, Doojoon, and Junhyung came out just in time when they turned the corner as Gayoon crossed her arms and clicked her tongue.

                “She doesn’t even say bye anymore.” She said with an angry expression.

                “I think we should start stopping her from seeing him.” Doojoon said with a puzzled look on his face. “He’s going to lead her nowhere.” Junhyung took a deep breath and headed towards his motorcycle.

                “There’s no use.” He said through a sigh as he held his helmet in his hand and wiped off the dirt. “What do you mean?” Gayoon asked curiously as they caught up to him.

                “She KNOWS that their relationship is in critical condition. She just THINKS she can change him.” He said in a scoff. “It’s impossible.” Gayoon laughed loudly and crossed her arms tighter.

                “It’s hard to change men. Period.” She said with a powerful tone in her voice. “I’m going to talk her out of being with Hyunseung when she gets home.”

                “Hey, you’re going to go pick her up again?” Doojoon asked with a gentle hit to Junhyung’s arm. He shrugged and took a deep breath. “We’ll see. I might just go to check up on her.”

                “Good, and since you work near Hyunseung’s place, it’s easier for you to see if he does anything fishy.” Junhyung nodded and started his motorcycle while Gayoon and Doojoon smiled at him with a short wave.

                Hyuna arrived home with a huge smile on her face as Gayoon sat on the couch watching television. “Not studying?” Hyuna asked with a chuckle, setting her bag down. Gayoon sighed and shook her head, moving aside so Hyuna could sit too.

                “Why so happy?” She asked with a chuckle. “Nothing.” Hyuna answered with a huge smile. “Hyunseung got us tickets to a game this weekend.” Gayoon gave her a sour look.

                “A game?” She asked through a scoff. “You don’t even watch games.” She added. “Hey!” Hyuna yelled with a shove at her and laughed silently. “If he wants to go then I’ll just go with him.” Gayoon scoffed and shifted in her seat.

                “So if Hyunseung jumped off a bridge then you would too?” She asked with a chuckle while Hyuna clicked her tongue. “No, it’s not like that.” She said with a chuckle. “His friend Seungri was supposed to go but since he’s a cripple and Hyunseung didn’t want to feel dragged down waiting for him, he told me to go instead.”

                “Ahhh.” Gayoon said with an annoying look. “So basically, you were his second choice.” She said and walked into the bedroom. “Second choice?” Hyuna asked with a chuckle, following her into the bedroom after turning the television off. “No, it’s just that-“

                “Hey Kim Hyuna.” Said Gayoon with a serious look on her face and crossed arms. She looked Gayoon’s position up and down and held a serious expression. Her arms were crossed, her right foot was shifted while her left foot was flat on the ground with her hips out.

                “Hey….why’re you in your serious position?” She asked with a nervous chuckle. Gayoon took a deep breath and shrugged her shoulders. “Are you sure…that Hyunseung is right for you?” She asked suddenly. Hyuna stared at her blankly for a while and then sat down on the bed with a smile.

                “Umm…yeah?” She said with a smile, but a questioning look. “I mean…he has his moments, but- couples always argue, right?” She asked with a louder chuckle to defend herself.

                “Not in the beginning of dating.” Gayoon said with a sharp tone. “Doojoon and I’s first argument was at least 6 months into our relationship.” She said with her arms down by her side now.

                “And it wasn’t even such a big argument that would make me cry. We were just…arguing over which seat to sit in at the theater.” She said with a slight chuckle. “If you’re already arguing now, how do you know your future with him will be any good?” She asked while Hyuna looked down.

                “Have you even CONSIDERED a future relationship with him?” Hyuna formed a bubble in and stood up from sitting down. “I haven’t thought of my future with Hyunseung yet…and I believe that we argue out of love-“

                “What?” Gayoon asked with a loud chuckle. “Love? Do you even know the definition of love?”

                “Hey.” Hyuna said with an angry tone now. “Stop treating me like I’m a kid.” She added. “I’m not! I’m trying to be like a useful sister to you! What I’m doing is giving you advice!”

                “Advice? It sounds more like you’re making fun of my relationship with Hyunseung.” Hyuna turned around and fumbled through a couple of things in her drawers.

                “What good do you see in your relationship with Hyunseung anyways?” Hyuna stopped what she was doing and turned around to face her. “I don’t want to argue with you Gayoon.” She said with a painful look on her face. “But I KNOW that I can change Hyunseung to be better.”

                “How?” She asked quickly. Hyuna looked down and sighed with a hopeful smile. “I’ll find a way.”


                Doojoon stormed into the living room where Junhyung was reading a book with his glasses on. He had a pencil in his mouth and dropped it by accident when he heard Doojoon’s loud voice.

“HEY! I GOT ACCEPTED!!!” He screamed loudly with an envelope in his hand.

                “What?” Junhyung asked, standing up to grab the envelope after taking his glasses off and setting his pencil that fell on the floor on the counter.

                “I can’t believe I got in!” He screamed again in laughter. He grabbed his phone and dialed Gayoon’s number quickly. Junhyung read the letter with an unbelievable smile on his face.

                “Hey congratulations man.” Junhyung said with a chuckle, patting him on the back and handing him the letter back. “Why isn’t Gayoon picking up?” He asked in confusion as he grabbed the letter with a huge smile. “Thanks! We have to go celebrate tonight!” Junhyung scratched his head and shrugged.

                “I don’t know. Maybe you and Gayoon can go ahead. I got work in a few hours.” He said with an unsure look. “Oh, come on! You can’t get a day off to celebrate with your buddy?!” Doojoon asked with a smile while Junhyung scoffed.

                Gayoon got out of the shower and dried her hair while Hyuna walked in when she got out. “We’re almost out of shampoo so we’ll go buy some more after you use the last of it.”

                “Okay.” Said Hyuna before she walked in and closed the door. Gayoon grabbed her phone on the counter next to the bed and called Doojoon back after a sigh.

                “What does he want at this time?” She said with a smile.

                “Hey! Why didn’t you pick up earlier?” Doojoon yelled with a cheerful laugh. “I was in the shower!” Gayoon yelled with a defensive voice. “What? You expect me to carry my phone everywhere with me?” She said as Doojoon got quiet on the other end. “What do you want?”

                “Ahhh…I got accepted into the police academy training!” He yelled loudly. “WHAT?! REALLY!” Gayoon yelled with excitement and wide eyes. “Yes! I’ll be starting my training next week on Monday after classes.”

                “Congratulations, love!” She said with a huge smile. “But…that means that I won’t be able to spend much time with you then.” She whined with a sad expression now.

                “No, don’t worry. I’ll find time for you.” He said in a confident tone. “BUT…for right now. Let’s go celebrate!” He yelled loudly.

                Junhyung and Doojoon were getting ready to leave dressed in casual clothing as Doojoon got a call from Gayoon. Junhyung headed out the door as Doojoon held his phone. “Wait.” He said while Junhyung halted and stared at him oddly.

“Hello?” Doojoon answered. “Hey…Hyunseung won’t let Hyuna go with us.” Gayoon said in annoyance. Doojoon looked at Junhyung with a strange stare.

                “What wrong?” Junhyung asked with a puzzled expression.

                “Why?” Doojoon asked, glancing at Junhyung here and there. “Hyunseung is over here right now.” She said with almost a fearful tone in her voice.

                Junhyung stopped his motorcycle immediately after arriving at Hyuna and Gayoon’s house first as Doojoon gradually appeared after. He grabbed his keys and looked for Hyunseung’s car before heading inside without knocking.

                “Hyuna!” He yelled as he stormed inside. Gayoon appeared out from her room with a panicked expression. “They just left! Hurry and let’s go.” She said after grabbing her bag and heading for the door. Junhyung breathed heavily and ran out first, passing by Doojoon. “Hey-“

“Hurry and go!” Gayoon yelled pushing Doojoon out on the way as he became silent and followed her orders. Junhyung already drove off on his motorcycle before Doojoon and Gayoon were even ready to leave.

                “Hey! Wait for us!” Doojoon yelled loudly while Gayoon clicked her tongue in annoyance. “Does he even know where he’s going?” Gayoon asked while Doojoon slipped on his helmet and started his motorcycle immediately. As they finally turned the corner, they lost Junhyung as Doojoon sighed in anger and narrowed his eyes.

                Junhyung drove directly towards Hyunseung’s home and tapered his eyes, grinding his teeth together in anger when he caught sight of Hyunseung and Hyuna getting out of the car. He was pulling her by her tiny arm towards his apartment home as she fought back.

                “Hey! I don’t want to! Why can’t I go?!” Hyuna yelled silently in anger. “Because I SAID so!” He yelled louder. Junhyung got off his motorcycle and took his helmet off before he caught his breath and slowly walked towards them.

                “It doesn’t matter! Why can’t you just go with me to hang out with my friends then?” She yelled once more as Hyunseung glared at her and tightened his fists. “Why can’t-“

                 His hand flew across her face as he slapped her with a loud blow to the side of her cheek. She fell to the ground rapidly with her head facing the ground and tears streaming down her face. “Next time if you dare refuse to go with me-“

                 Junhyung grabbed Hyunseung’s shoulder to pull him to face him and a punch flew as his knuckles pierced Hyunseung’s face with a loud punch to the jaw. Junhyung tensed his whole body, his blood pulsing and his hands tighter than ever with an over aggressive look on his face. Hyunseung fell to the ground quickly as Hyuna stared at Junhyung with wide eyes. One of her hands was still covering the cheek that Hyunseung slapped and she stumbled to stand up. Hyunseung struggled to stand up again as he glowered at Junhyung. Without hesitation, he grabbed Hyunseung’s collar and threw another punch across his face as Hyunseung blocked the punch and, in return, knocked Junhyung’s jawline powerfully. He fell back to the ground as Hyuna looked them from one to another.

A/N: While i was writing the short fighting scene, i was like "Go Junghyung! Go Junhyung!"

Haha, immature me... but i wanted to put some sense into Hyunseung for treating Hyuna like that, so i made Junhyng do the treating... it's okay right??? I hope it wasn't too violent??

Well, please don't forget to comment okay?? I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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[jessicathao-junah fic] For "I'll Protect You Hyuna, Trust Me" The lovely scenes of Junah only are out! Whew, after all those annoying scenes!! Check it out!!!


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Chapter 10: Mechanic Junhyung attire still gets me even on the reread!!! Ahhhh!!!! Lol
Chapter 26: You know's annoyed when you always mention about "i will make hyunseung out soon".seriously...for me..i'm enjoy with the don't worry.
Chapter 35: JUNAH LOVE! <3 <3
Chapter 28: so sweet~~
Chapter 15: yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go junhyung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!! HYUNSEUNG!!!!!! MOOD BREAKER!!
Chapter 10: stupid hyunseung!
spiicycolor #8
Chapter 35: Whoaa .. A happy ending ^O^ .. kekekee ~~
Hyuna-unnie was so naive .. and Hyunseung is a ____ing jerk .. ;d ..
But Jun-oppa is so protective .. and cool .. Yeaahh .. ;DD .. he's a dude ^w^ ..
Junah and Dooyoon are really cute :3 ..
Kyaaaaa .. such and interesting fic .. I enjoyed every moment while reading it =] ..
Hwaiting ..~!! <3
Chapter 35: mwahahahah ! such a waste it ended already ! wonder how dooyoon will react if they saw junah's pants and shirts in the living room!! wahahahahah !! such a waste too its too early for them to do it ahahahahah !
tina43 #10
Chapter 35: :)) my nose is bleeding LOL ...thank u so much keke....