THeir date full of lies

I'll protect you Hyuna, trust me

Hyuna and Hyunseung sat on a bench at a park eating some candies and talking to each other happily. “So why did you transfer to my school?” She asked curiously while on a lollipop.

                “You haven’t heard?” He asked with a scoff and leaned back with his hands balancing himself. “No, but I want to hear directly from you.” She kept her eyes on him and waited. He sighed and stood up, brushing the dirt off of his clothes.

                “There’s no reason.” He said and reached down to grab her hand. “Hurry and lets go.”

                “Come on…I want to hear.” She whined. He looked at her and sighed in annoyance. “Fine I’ll make it short and simple.” She smiled widely and took her lollipop out of .

“My parents passed away and so I transferred here to keep the memories with them out of my system. Is that enough information for you?” She stared at him blankly as he pulled her up beside him while they walked. “Sorry.” She said silently. He glanced at her and shrugged at lost.

                “For what?” He asked as he opened the door to the car for her. He got on the driver’s side and sat in before starting the car. She stared at him vacantly, still mesmerized at his life story. He started his car and they drove in a silence for a while as she kept her head down trying to think of what to ask to rid the silence.

                “Do you not have any siblings?” She asked curiously. He slowly shook his head after a while and finally answered. “No, I’m an only child.” She looked down in understanding and looked up when she heard his car stop.

                “Where is this?” She asked peculiarly, looking around the unfamiliar area. “This is where I live.” He answered with a proud smile while they parked outside a brick building apartment. She looked around the area and turned her body around to look out the back windows after taking her seatbelt off.

                “Ahhh…this is near where Junhyung works.” She said with a smile. “Junhyung?” He asked with an odd tone. She looked up at him and smiled. “Yes, my best friend Yong Junhyung-“

Hyunseung laughed uncontrollably, making her stare at him in awkwardness. “Best friend? How can a man and a woman be best friends?” He asked with a chuckle. Hyuna stared at him oddly and shrugged.

                “I don’t…know, but I DO know that Junhyung and I went through with it.”

                “Are you sure he doesn’t have feelings for you?” He asked curiously. “Because he seemed pretty pissed earlier in class.” Hyuna smiled and shook her head. “He doesn’t have any feelings for me. We’re just friends and nothing else.”

                “Good.” Hyunseung said through a sigh. “I want you to end your relationship with him.” He said while he got out of the car. She watched as he jumped out of the car and shut the door. She had on a confused expression and followed him.

                “Huh?” She asked when she caught up with him. They were both standing outside of the apartment building when Hyunseung struggled to get the keys out of his pocket.

“What do you mean?” She asked once more when he ignored her. “I just don’t like him.” He answered with a grunt and got his keys out. “Why?” He stared at her and held his keys in his hand. “You don’t even know Junhyung. You can’t already say that you don’t like him.” He turned to face her and sighed deeply.

                “I judge people based on first impression.” He said with a blank stare. “And my first impression on him wasn’t that great, which causes me to have hate towards him. End of story.” He finally opened the door and was about to step in when Hyuna took a step back away from him. He glanced at her and wandered his eyes.

“Ummm…you coming in?” He asked with a funny chuckle. She had her eyes narrowed. “What don’t you like about Junhyung? If you can’t accept my friends then that means you don’t accept me either.” She told him. He sighed in irritation and held tightly to the doorknob.

                “Look Hyuna…I like you because you’re hot, you carry yourself well, and you’re…” he looked her over and chuckled. “You’re just great all over!” She gave him a dead look that made him retrieve a bit of what he said to keep her. “What I mean…is that Junhyung…disrespected me first.”

                “What?” She asked in an unbelievable tone. “I KNOW Yong Junhyung and he’s the most respectful guy ever.” She debated while he slipped his hands in his pocket.

                “Yeah? Well since he’s so good why don’t you date HIM instead of me?” He said in an angry tone and then shut the door with a loud slam in her face. Hyuna stood in front of the door with a soured up expression as she felt her eyes stinging with pain. She slowly turned around and sat down on the steps as her phone rang. She looked at the call hoping that it’d be Hyunseung but breathed a loud sigh when it wasn’t. She wiped her tear quickly and then sniffed and coughed to clear before answering.

                “Hello?” She answered with her head down. “I heard you went on a date with Hyunseung?” Junhyung asked on the other line. In the background, mechanics and sounds of cars were heard as Hyuna sat up and wiped more of her tears.

                “Yes, did Doojoon and Gayoon tell you?” She asked. “Yes. You could’ve at least informed me so I didn’t have to wait for you after class.”

                “Sorry, it was just so last minute.” She said breaking a silent chuckle. “I’ll be sure to let you know next time before hand okay?” She told him. “Yes. How is…the date going?” He asked. Hyuna looked down and pursed her lips together, not sure what to say.

                    Junhyung stood from his workplace in his tank top and a headscarf over his head to keep his hair out of his face. His ripped jeans hung loosely on his legs as he held his phone by his ear with his dirty gloves on and watched her every single move from afar. He had to bite back his anger watching her as he waited for her response.

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[jessicathao-junah fic] For "I'll Protect You Hyuna, Trust Me" The lovely scenes of Junah only are out! Whew, after all those annoying scenes!! Check it out!!!


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Chapter 10: Mechanic Junhyung attire still gets me even on the reread!!! Ahhhh!!!! Lol
Chapter 26: You know's annoyed when you always mention about "i will make hyunseung out soon".seriously...for me..i'm enjoy with the don't worry.
Chapter 35: JUNAH LOVE! <3 <3
Chapter 28: so sweet~~
Chapter 15: yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go junhyung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!! HYUNSEUNG!!!!!! MOOD BREAKER!!
Chapter 10: stupid hyunseung!
spiicycolor #8
Chapter 35: Whoaa .. A happy ending ^O^ .. kekekee ~~
Hyuna-unnie was so naive .. and Hyunseung is a ____ing jerk .. ;d ..
But Jun-oppa is so protective .. and cool .. Yeaahh .. ;DD .. he's a dude ^w^ ..
Junah and Dooyoon are really cute :3 ..
Kyaaaaa .. such and interesting fic .. I enjoyed every moment while reading it =] ..
Hwaiting ..~!! <3
Chapter 35: mwahahahah ! such a waste it ended already ! wonder how dooyoon will react if they saw junah's pants and shirts in the living room!! wahahahahah !! such a waste too its too early for them to do it ahahahahah !
tina43 #10
Chapter 35: :)) my nose is bleeding LOL ...thank u so much keke....