No Other Than You

My Date's The Beginning~ [APPLY CLOSED!]


Song:No Other- Super Junior

Name- Kim Chan Yoon or ChanChan- 19
Partner- Lee Sungmin (Super Junior) 20

-ChanChan and Sungmin have been bestfriends forever..their parents are very close and have dinner together every weekend..One thing ChanChan knows is that she is in an arranged marriage with Sungmin but Sungmin doesn't know since he has a girlfriend. Eunhyuk and Donghae (ChanChan and Sungmin's other bestfriends) think that if ChanChan is married to Sungmin while he is dating his girlfriend Sunny it will break her heart and both families will start to hate each other. But they don't want this to happen because they know Sungmin has feelings for ChanChan but doesn't want to express them since he has a girlfriend. So Eunhyuk and Donghae plan to break up Sungmin and Sunny in time for his wedding with ChanChan.

-Happy Beginning, Sort of sad middle and Happy ending with a wedding.
Extra:if you don't want to use the song i put, then feel free to use any song you like....In future i will apply again since your one-shots are soo good...
update soon..


 Song for story:

ChanChan's POV~

"So how is it miss?" The woman asks holding a tape measure. I look at my wedding dress in the mirror.

"It's almost perfect, is it possible to have it a little shorter at the base? I feel like it'll be dragging itself too much." I comment. She writes it down on a notepad and I head back into the dressing room to change. I sit down and can't help but feel the pressure setting in. Here I am, about to get married in a week. Brides are usually happy right? They get a beautiful dress, start a life with the one they love, and nothing stands in their way. I have a beautiful dress. I do lov ethe person. Yet, he has a girlfriend. It's not that I hate her, I just feel guilty. Sungmin is in an arranged marriage with me, yet he already has some he loves that isn't me. It hurts but I knew this already. I jolt when my phone rings.

 "Yobseyo?" I answer.

"Hey ChanChan, looks like I'll be having dinner at your house tonight with my folks." Sungming answers on the other end. I blush.

"Oh, ok. Thanks for telling me in advance." I say hearing my voice crack.

"So what are you dong?" He asks. I look down at my dress.

"Oh nothing, just out in the park."

"Oh, nice. Well, I guess I'll see you tonight." He says and I hear a high pitched voice in the back. He must be with Sunny, his girlfriend.

"Yeah, bye." I say and hang up. Did I mention he doesn't know we're in an arranged marriage yet?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sungmin's POV~

"So what'd ChanChan say?" Sunny asks holding onto my arm. She wuickly fixes her dress for about the millionth time and I reply,

"Nothing really. Want some ice-cream?" I ask and she nods like a little child. Why would ChanChan say she's at the park when she isn't? Don't call me a stalker, it's because me and Sunny are at the small park. It's the only park close to our house and it's the one ChanChan and I go to.

"Sorry Sunming-oppa, I need to get home early today. I'll call you?" She asks.I shake my head, why am I thinking about ChanChan when i'm with Sunny? I give her a small smile and nod. She kisses me on the cheek and runs off. Her kisses always sent my heart racing, now they just leave me feeling empty.

"Yo Sungmin!" I turn around and see mine and ChanChan's friends, Donghae and Eunhyuk.

"Hey, what're you guys doing?" I ask.

Donghae's POV~

"Yah! Would you guys stop interferring with my social life?" ChanChan yells and puffs out her cheeks. Eunhyuk laughs and says,

"Well, it's not our fault we always catch you staring at Sungmin." She blushes and buries her head into a pillow. I pat her on the back and say,

"So you do like Sungmin like that?" She nods shyly and unhyuk shoots up in the air.

"Operation, cut Sunny out of picture and paste ChanChan is a GO!" ChanChan looks horrified and says,

"Thanks you guys but I don't want to break Sunny's or Sungmin's hearts." I think and reply,

"Yeah, and if your families argue, things could get messy." She nods glumly but Eunhyuk whispers,

"We need to get ChanChan and Sungmin together. I know Sungmin feels the same, he just won't admit it." I nod.

"So what's up Sungmin?" Eunhyuk asks.

"Just hung out with Sunny, what about you guys?" He replies. We shrug.

"Just out for a walk." I reply.

"So how's our ChanChan?" Eunhyuk asks. Sungmin blushes, he doesn't hide his feelings well.

"I'm having dinner at her house today." I nod.

"So you planning on asking Sunny to marry you anytime soon?" Eunhyuk asks. I hit him up side the head. Who asks that?! Sungmin scratches the back of his head.

"Not sure, I want to. But, something's holding me back." Eunhyuk whispers in my ear,

"It's ChanChan~" I nudge him on his side. You idiot.

Sungmin's POV~

The door opens and Mrs. Kim asnwers it with such a kind and open hearted smile.

"ChanChan! The Lee family's here!" As we walk inside, I see ChanChan and she's wearing the usual, jeans and a t-shirt. Yet, she looks beautiful.

"Yah, what are you looking at?" She asks playfully. I blush and reply,

"Nothing. It smells great in here." I comment noticing the smell.

"Oh that's thanks to ChanChan. She's insisted on cooking even though we have maids and everything." Mr. Kim notes. ChanChan blushes and I just chuckle.

ChanChan's POV~

In the middle of dinner, me and Sungmin had a footsie's war and he ended up kicking my chair XD Fail. Once everyone finished eating, my folks went to the living room with Mr. and Mrs. Lee. I was left with cleaning the dishes.

"Need some help?" I turn around and see Sungmin standing at the door already rolling up his sleeves.

"It's ok, it's only dishes." He pulls my hands out of the water and says,

"You don't even wear gloves to protect your hands? Pabo~" He begins washing the dishes and I dry them with a towel.

"S-so how are you and Sunny?" I ask. I don't even know why I asked him that, stupid! Aish.

Sungmin's POV~

"It's good. How was your walk in the park?" I ask, I can see her getting tense and she replies,

"Good." I cringe. Why is she lying to me? We always tell eachother everything.

"Really?" I ask looking at her. She quickly turns away and says,

"Y-yeah. I had a fun time with Eunhyuk and Donghae." Liar.

"I-I should clean the table. Don't you think?" She says trying to make a quick escape but slips.

ChanChan's POV~

Sungmin catches me and I found myself staring into his eyes.

"Why are you lying to me?" He asks with some hurt in his voice. I don't want to keep lying to him.

"Where were you really?" He asks. Why does he suddenly care where I was?

"Please answer me ChanChan." He says. I take in a shaky breath and reply,

"I was at a wedding dress fitting." I look at him and he's in total shock. I knew it, he'll end up hating me for getting in the way of him and Sunny. He'll probably leave me at the wedding. He probably won't even bother coming.

Sungmin's POV~

"ChanChan! The Lee's are about to leave!" Mrs. Kim calls. ChanChan quickly drags me toward the front door  and runs up to her room.

"How strange. Well, I guess we'll be seeing you both at the wedding tomorrow?" Mr. Kim asks. I flinch, her wedding's already tomorrow? She's getting married to someone and I didn't even know about it.

"Hey mom, whe're invited?" I ask. My mom gives me a wierd look and says,

"Obviously Sungmin. Where has your head been?" I shake it off when my phone rings. It's Sunny. I usually jump at her calls or text messages, tonight, I rejected the caller and turned off my phone.

When I got to my room, I don't know why but I felt so out of place. My head was spinning with emotions and I didn't know why. Somehow my phone and I see a new text message, Sunny. I look at the missed calls. 3 from ChanChan and 1 from Sunny. I only felt my hand throw my phone at the wall and see it shattering.

ChanChan's POV~

He won't pick up. I feel hurt and guilty knowing how much I put Sungming through. I ended up crying myself to sleep, knowing I'll be a lonely bride at the podium tomorrow morning.

Sungmin's POV~

I woke up at 6 AM. Too early for me even. I don't know why but I call Donghae from my home phone since my cell is destryed from yesterday.

"Yobseyo?" Eunhyuk answers groggily.

"Eunhyuk? Sorry to call you, I just neede dsome advice." I hear silence on the end.

"Eunhyuk?'' I ask thinking he hung up on me.

"Dump Sunny and go marry ChanChan." He says and hangs up. -.- I call Donghae.

"Yobseyo?" He answers annoyed.

"Sorry Donghae, I know you're not a morning person but I'm pretty stuck. I found out ChanChan's getting married today and ... it hurts knowing that." More silence.

"Donghae?" I ask. He sighs on the end and replies,

"Which one can you see as your wife? Who's the one who you want to spend your life with?" I know I should be thinking of Sunny, yet my mind drifts off to ChanChan and her smile that warms me from head to toe.

"ChanChan right?" I blush and he chuckles.

"Well what are you waiting for? You have a wedding to go to." He says and hangs up. I look at the time, 7:30 AM -.- The wedding's not until 10 AM and my mom comes bursting in my room.

"Sungmin! You're not even ready! You don't even have your tux on!" She throws me at the mercy of the maids TT^TT

ChanChan's POV~

"Did you even get some sleep last night dear?" My father asks concerned, I give him a weak smile and my mom says,

"Don't worry dear, the make up should cover up your bags." -.- I can always count on my mom to cheer me up.

"Ok time for the wedding! Make sure your dad walks you up!" My friends cheer me on. I look into the crowd and see Donghae and Eunhyuk giving me a thumbs up sign. I look up at the alter, no sign of Sungmin. I try holding back my tears, I saw this coming. Yet I held onto that little piece of hope of his presence.

Sungmin's POV~

Stupid traffic. I look at the time. 10:38 AM. Tch. I burst through the church and march right up to a terrified lokking ChanChan.

"ChanChan. please don't marry him. I don't know why but I can't lose you to him. I'm not sure what's ognig through my mind, but I don't wanna see you go off with some other guy." I look up and see her crying. Did I hurt her?

"I'm sorry ChanChan, I know I'm supposed to be supporting you but, I don't want to see you off with some other guy. There's no one other than you that I can imagine myself marrying.''

She giggles and wipes away her tears.

"Pabo, you're the one I'm supposed to marry today." She says and kisses me. I kiss her back and the crowd cheers.

*Hope you enjoyed that oneshot (Sorry if i changed your plot a little bit, no hard feelings? XD) ^^ So sorry I haven't been able to do my ninja updates >.< School's been attacking me with work TT^TT Hope I didn't lose too many of you awesome readers ;D

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radiant #1
LoveLikeChocolate #2
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! ^//-//^ That was so adorable!!!!! x33333 It had me smiling since the beginning! :DD THANK YOU, AUTHOR-NIM! *bows 1930107638281 times*
oh i enjoyed my time here...all 3 of my requested were done greatly n i adored it...XDD...thanx..
Waaaa...seunghyun ah...u r really crazy in love with the fic...huhuhu
OMg...that was GREAT! you really are an amazing writer!!!!!!
Yea!!u did well..hehehe...i loved it...hehehe..thanx so much..da rest of da fics for da othersmrmcute as well..hehehehe
i. LOVED. that. so. much <3<br />
i have tears in my eyes!!!!!<br />
this was amazing~<br />
i can stop smiling <3<br />
your writing is amazing and that was just perfect <3<br />
i loved it! <3333333<br />
good luck to the rest of your fics! <3<br />
and thank you SO MUCH <3
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so cute ♥♥♥<br />
I LOVE IT !! I read it several times, I can't help smiling like an idiot at the end x) Thanks a looot *-* <br />
Love it, love it, love it ♥<br />
Fighting for your other one-shots !
sujujasmine13 #9
OMG! its already finished! :D<br />
Gosh! I love it soooo much!<br />
its so cute! it turns out great! :))<br />
More Oneshots to come! ^_^<br />
wow you work rele fast! mine is the next up!<br />
yay so excited <3