National News

World's Collide ~ Sequel to Captured ~

Geun Suk hugged you tightly. “We’ll find out who did this. I promise you,” he kissed the top of your head. “I promise to get her back.”

You sobbed into his chest, as a million thoughts of what that sick bastard could do to your daughter…to Jaejoong’s daughter too.

“Oppa, please bring her back. Bring our SangHee back,” you cried out helplessly. Geun Suk had never seen you like this before, you always seemed so calm and collected. He also surprised to hear you call him ‘oppa’, you never called him oppa but what surprised him the most was you saying that SangHee was ‘ours’.

Geun Suk carefully placed you on the bed and cupped your face with his hands. “I’m going to call HaeJin, tell him we need to abort this op and concentrate on finding SangHee. I’ll pack while I’m on the phone too.”

Geun Suk left your room but he kept looking back over his shoulder, your emotional state was worrying him. He then thought of who could have taken SangHee, he clenched his fists in anger. I will kill that bastard who took SangHee and made ~~~~~ cry like this, and if he hurts SangHee in anyway…I’ll cut off his fingers and toes and then kill him.

You hugged your knees to your chest as you snivelled. You cried even harder as you imagined what SangHee must be going through, you cursed yourself. What kind of mother am I?! To leave my daughter, to be so far away and not be able to protect her.

The knock on the door made you jump violently; Geun Suk rushed to your side and calmed you down.

“It’s okay ~~~~~~, it’s just me ~~~~~. Here,” he held out the phone for you. “It’s your father, press 2 and HaeJin’s on the other line.”

You nodded weakly, you took the phone and then held it against your ear. "A-Appa?"

Then you put it on speaker.

“~~~~~~? Baby, I’m so sorry. Me and Mi Sook were late for picking her up from school,” your father tearfully explained. “It’s my fault, I’m sorry ~~~~~. So sorry.”

Your bottom lip trembled. “It’s not your fault Appa, it’s mine. I’ll be home soon to find SangHee.”

"Geun Suk, you there?

Geun Suk straightened. “Yes sir. I’m here.”

Jang Woo’s voice broke. “You look after my girls, you do everything you can to find my granddaughter.”

Geun Suk swallowed. “I will.”

You pressed two.

“~~~~~~?” HaeJin’s frantic voice called. “Are you there?”

“Yeah...I am.”

“Oh god, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have sent you there. You have a family, by me making you do this op, it put SangHee in danger.”

You had to take a deep, shaky breath to keep yourself from wailing uncontrollably again.

“Please don’t blame yourself HaeJin, I don’t blame you and I’m sure SangHee doesn’t either. I’m asking permission to leave this undercover mission.”

“Of course anything! I’ll hand this case over to another agent and-...”

You shook your head. “That’s not necessary.”

Geun Suk squeezed your hand. “~~~~~, you don’t need to. I’m sure HaeJin will see it as a personal matter, family comes first.”

“No it’s not that…the bastard who took my daughter is the same bastard who’s the ring leader.”

“I thought you said you didn’t who took SangHee,” Geun Suk recalled. You wiped your eyes.

“I don’t know who is, but I know what he looks like…and I’m 100% sure he’s the ring leader. Let me continue this case whilst I look for my daughter, I want this bastard to pay.”

You could imagine HaeJin hesitating at your request but after a few seconds, he sighed heavily.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive. Let me get my daughter back and get this son of a .”

“Okay, you can. Hurry home you two,” HaeJin said and then he hung up. Geun Suk helped you up off the bed.

“Come on let’s get moving. The faster we get back to East Seoul, the faster we can find SangHee.”

You nodded gravely and followed him into the car, you gnawed at your lip anxiously. *Please…please don’t let him hurt my baby.*




Jaejoong was sitting in his office with the TV on, he was going through a stack of paperwork. He sighed and leaned back in his seat, he ran his fingers through his hair…as if he wanted to pull it out.

“Why did I choose this life again?” he uttered quietly to himself.

“Breaking news…Park SangHee reported missing due to a kidnapping earlier this evening a Special Ops team…”

Jaejoong’s head snapped up and he stared at the TV. SangHee…


“It’s nice to meet you,” he said his voice thick from tears. Sang Hee smiled shyly and looked at you, you gave her a nod and she took it lightly.

“I’m Sang Hee,” she trilled.

*End of flashback*

Just then a picture of SangHee herself came onto the screen, it was a school picture and she was in her uniform. Standing up so fast he knocked his chair back, Jaejoong watched the news with frightened, worried eyes…eyes of a parent.

“SangHee is the daughter of Special Ops agent Park ~~~~~, who is distressed at this moment in time…”

They were filming the Special Ops rooms, where Jaejoong saw you sitting on a seat but you looked tired and stressed. His heart ached. *Who the took my daughter?!*

His office door swung open and DBSK and KiNam all rushed in.

“Oppa! It’s ~~~~~!” KiNam exclaimed.

Yunho widened his eyes. “Dude…you have a daughter?”

Jaejoong’s lips turned into a thin line. “I want you to round up everyone we know. I mean everyone. We’re helping ~~~~~ look for our daughter.”




“HaeJin! Why did you tell the news?!” you screeched in his office. HaeJin stood up.

“If the public see her, then they’ll know and will report it to us.”

You still felt uneasy. “It’s made national news! What if the ring leader sees it?! What will he do?! What if he hurts her?!”

“He won’t hurt her,” a soft, yet hard voice said firmly from behind you. You gasped and spun around, you were dizzy as you looked at the person before you. Your heart began to beat rapidly, your breathing increased and your mind clouded with memories of the past. Memories of his soft touch on your skin, his lips gliding across yours.

“J-Jaejoong? What are you doing here?”

Jaejoong squared his shoulders. “I’m here to help.”


Jae is finally in the picture ;) more drama coming soon hehe. Hope you all liked it :D

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Chapter 27: I don't know how many times I read this story. It's so GOOD!!! I LUV IT!!! I'm glad that Jaejoong gets a happy ending. He definitely deserves it. :D :)

And poor Seungri still gets abused by the Big Bang members. Lol! The Big Bang and DBSK interactions are so funny, I just die laughing!
Chapter 48: fave
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 48: Awwwwwwww!! This is such a great story!!!
Chapter 48: Read the Captured and its sequel for the second time~ the plot was so good >.< Great story! :)
Chapter 48: finished reading .... OH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD it's finished :((
i reallllllllllly enjoyed reading it it's amazing and the plot was fantastic author-nim :))
Good job working hard for this $tory ^^ thank you so much for this wonderful story ♥♥
Jackie2012 #6
Chapter 48: Captured and Worlds Collide are one of the fanfics that got my addiction started here in asianfanfics lol
I search all over for this story again and reread it! :D
I loved it and I am still loving it! awesome story!
I am a quiet reader here but i just want to let you know these are one of my favorite stories here in asianfanfics. :)
Chapter 48: So cute! I'm so happy that the dramas are finally over! >.< thank you for the great story ( -_- ) ( _ _ ) ( ^_^ )
Chapter 47: Geun seuk! *sniff sniff
Chapter 48: Aww I can't believe he died ;-; the ending is so cute lol