Pandemonium: Part 3

World's Collide ~ Sequel to Captured ~

“Oppa, look, there’s a cell here!” Ki Nam said and rushed to open the door but it was locked.


“,” Micky cursed.


“Anyone got any ideas on how to open it?” Yunho asked.


“Yeah, and fast because this oaf is ing heavy,” Max complained.


“But at least yours smell alright, mine smells like it took a dip in ,” Xiah said with a wrinkled nose.


“You are a foul git,” Yunho said with a shake of his head. “Ki Nam, go look in that room. See if there’s a key in there.”


Ki Nam nodded and disappeared into the room, Max looked around the building.


“I didn’t know this was here, I didn’t even know this was up and running. I thought it was just an abandoned building.”


“I bet all the money in my bank that this is all Rain’s doing. , what if he found ~~~~~~ and Jaejoong?” Micky asked worriedly.


“They have Big Bang, they should be fine. Right now, we need to lock these two up and get back and help if we need to.”


“Oh my god, guys come in here!” Ki Nam urged. DBSK ran into the room and stared into the TV that Ki Nam pointed at.


“Is that-…”


“Oh god-…”


“Leeteuk and Kangin.”


“They don’t look good.”


Ki Nam ran out of the room and banged her fists on the locked door. “Kangin! Leeteuk, you in there?!” no reply. “Oppa, hurry up and find a way to open the door.”


“We’re trying babe,” Xiah replied impatiently as all four guys searched for a key.


“Can you hear me?” Ki Nam tried again and to her relief she heard a faint reply.


“Ki Nam?”


“Oh god, Kangin? Are you both alive? We’re trying to get you out as fast as we can.”


“We’ve both been better but yeah, we’re alive.”


“Ask them if they’ve seen a key,” Yunho called.


Ki Nam turned her attention back to the door. “Have you two seen a key to open this door, maybe when they let you out?”


“They never let us out. I think one of the guys had it around their neck!”


Ki Nam flipped the unconscious men over and ripped their shirt open slightly and saw a key hanging on a chain.


“Guys! I found the key!” she ripped the key off and opened the door, she gasped in horror when she saw Kangin and Leeteuk. Their skin was a sickly white, their hair was greasy and matted, their hands were wrapped in a dirty bloodied towel and they looked like they hadn’t been fed or slept in a long time.


“Oh god,” she cried and rushed over to them. “How are you feeling?”


“Never better,” Kangin choked and wheezed out a cough, Leeteuk’s breathing was shallow. “He’s lost a lot of blood. We need to get him to a hospital, oh, nice to see you too. Are we having a party in here or what?” Kangin asked mockingly when DBSK dragged the two men in.


“You both need the hospital,” Ki Nam said firmly as she checked their hands. She felt sick when she saw how badly their fingers had been severed, the bone stuck out and the tendons and lose skin hung from their knuckles.


“We don’t know where are, we could be driving them further away from the hospital. We’re going to have to take care of it here,” Micky said.


“Go and look for a first aid or something,” Yunho ordered Max and Xiah. “I’ll go see if there’s a phone or a radio here.”


“There isn’t, Rain took all the radios with him and phones don't work. You can't get a sidnal,” Leeteuk managed to breathe out.


“, I hope Hero s his arse right up,” Micky said.


“Okay, I’ll go look for food. You both look like you need it,” Yunho said and walked out of the room.


“Oppa, come and help me carry them out of here,” Ki Nam asked and both her and Micky carefully took both Leeteuk and Kangin out of the cell and locked both of Rain’s men inside.





“Umma!” Jungmin pointed behind Han Bi, she looked back and narrowly missed being stabbed…by Daesung.


“What the is wrong with you?!” Han Bi shrieked and kicked him in the shin.


Daesung hopped around and clutched at his shin. “Sorry! It’s just there was a dude over there who had long hair, I thought you were him and one thing lead to another-…”


“Are you trying to say I look like a guy from behind?” Han Bi hissed.


“N-No, you have a very nice backside. Very round and firm and-…”




“Shut the hell up you fool,” GD snapped but he was grinning and then he picked up Jungmin and helped Han Bi up. “Are you okay?”


“Aside from nearly being killed by one of our men, I’m good.”


“Where’s TOP and Seung Ri?” Taeyang asked.


“Right here!”


They turned and all of their eyes widened in shocks. They looked at Seung Ri who’s leg was still bleeding but he was perched on TOP’s back and had a very cheeky grin, TOP on the other hand looked anything but pleased.


TOP hissed, “Stop moving I can feel your-…never mind.”


“This is some funny ,” Taeyang cackled along with Daesung.


Seung Ri patted TOP’s head. “Good horsey.”


“Stop it or I’ll blow your other knee cap,” TOP warned.


Seung Ri lifted his hands up in surrender. “Calm down, don’t get your in a twist.”


GD rolled his eyes and looked around the room, bodies of Rain’s men covered the floor.


“We need to call Special Ops, tell them what happened.”


“We need to check up on ~~~~~~ and Jaejoong first, let’s go.”





Geun Suk was flying through the woods, he urged his legs to go faster as he dodged trees, branches and tree roots. He’d never run this fast in his life.


I need to move faster, I can’t let him take SangHee.


Finally the woods came to an end and the cliffs were in view, he could smell the salt air of the sea and the wind whipped ferociously around him. His eyes narrowed when he saw Rain’s tall figure come to a sudden halt.


“RAIN!” Geun Suk bellowed as he edged closer. He stopped 10 feet away from Rain, not wanting to tackle him in case he hurts SangHee. “Give her back to me.”


Rain let out a quick breath and then turned around with a knife held at SangHee’s throat, her poor little face covered in tear stains and her bottom lip was trembling.


“I’ll give this thing back if you kill the that killed my father,” Rain snarled.  


“How about I don’t kill ~~~~~, you give me SangHee and you go behind bars for the rest of your pathetic and ed up life?” Geun Suk bartered with a frown.


Rain chuckled callously. “I prefer my terms.”


“Geun Suk oppa, help me,” SangHee cried and it broke his heart, how he couldn’t save her now. “Save me from the bad man oppa.”


Rain shook SangHee roughly. “Do you hear that? She’s begging you to save her Geun Suk, just kill ~~~~~~. End her life, she left you and lied to you about Hero.”


Geun Suk looked away from Rain, it made it harder to reason when he came out with the truth but manipulated them.


“She’ll never love you like she loves Hero, you’re just her friend. Her . Like I said before, kill ~~~~~ or give her to me to kill and you can have precious SangHee back.”


“Geun Suk! SangHee!” you called behind him, still a good 100 meters away.


So what if you love Jaejoong and only love Geun Suk as a friend, at least you love him. That's more than he could ask for.


Geun Suk clenched his fists and glared back at Rain. “NO!”


Rain shrugged. “Your funeral.”


And then he threw the knife and at the last minute Geun Suk moved his body and dodged it, the knife landing beside him on the grass.


Pleased with his dodge he turned back to look at Rain only to be met with a gun.




You stopped as you saw from a distance a figure collapse to the ground, the sound of a gunshot echoing around you.


You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t think and for a second you couldn’t move. And then your mind processed the scene you’d just witnessed, an ache in your chest so profound you felt dizzy.




DUN, DUN.....DUNNNNN! What's happened?! I threw in a little humour from Big Bang because I thought the chap needed some fun :L Let me know what you think! Please comment, I go from this>  :)  to >  :D

lurve youuus :D

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Chapter 27: I don't know how many times I read this story. It's so GOOD!!! I LUV IT!!! I'm glad that Jaejoong gets a happy ending. He definitely deserves it. :D :)

And poor Seungri still gets abused by the Big Bang members. Lol! The Big Bang and DBSK interactions are so funny, I just die laughing!
Chapter 48: fave
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 48: Awwwwwwww!! This is such a great story!!!
Chapter 48: Read the Captured and its sequel for the second time~ the plot was so good >.< Great story! :)
Chapter 48: finished reading .... OH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD it's finished :((
i reallllllllllly enjoyed reading it it's amazing and the plot was fantastic author-nim :))
Good job working hard for this $tory ^^ thank you so much for this wonderful story ♥♥
Jackie2012 #6
Chapter 48: Captured and Worlds Collide are one of the fanfics that got my addiction started here in asianfanfics lol
I search all over for this story again and reread it! :D
I loved it and I am still loving it! awesome story!
I am a quiet reader here but i just want to let you know these are one of my favorite stories here in asianfanfics. :)
Chapter 48: So cute! I'm so happy that the dramas are finally over! >.< thank you for the great story ( -_- ) ( _ _ ) ( ^_^ )
Chapter 47: Geun seuk! *sniff sniff
Chapter 48: Aww I can't believe he died ;-; the ending is so cute lol