Pandemonium: Part 2

World's Collide ~ Sequel to Captured ~

“Stay close to me,” Jaejoong told SangHee and hugged her close to him, he gave you a look and Geun Suk had his gun ready.


You all heard thundering footsteps and a cold voice to match.


“Oh what?! I don’t even get a ‘hello’?!” Rain bellowed sardonically. You ground your teeth together in anger, how dare he come here and expect a simple ‘hello’.


He deserves a hard kick in the ing balls. You thought darkly, the Special Ops agent in you wanted to pop up from your hiding place and shoot the hell out of the but the mother in you wanted to stay alive for SangHee.


“Oh come on! There’s no need to hide from me, I won’t bite…yet.”


Jaejoong stood up and glared at Rain.


“Ah, there you are. I take it your is there too,” Rain asked with a raised brow.


Geun Suk popped up and pointed his gun at Rain. “Don’t call her that.”


Rain laughed mockingly. “Aw, isn’t this cute?” he turned to Jaejoong. “Doesn’t it bother you that he’s in love with your ?”


Jaejoong’s lips curled over his teeth. “Didn’t you hear? Don’t call her a .”


“Fine,” Rain breathed out and rolled his eyes. “~~~~~~~, why don’t you come out and join this enthralling conversation your boyfriends and I are having.”


You looked at SangHee and pushed her under the couch, it was a wonder she could fit!


“Sweetie, don’t move out from under here okay? Whatever you hear, do not leave,” you told her firmly but your voice shook. Taking a deep breath you emerged from behind the couch and stared into Rain’s cold and smirking face. “I’m out, now what do you want?”


“Well, I’d like to put a bullet through your brain,” he said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “But first of all, I thought we should all have a little chat.”


“How about you get your men to get rid of their weapons and stand down, it’s only fair since there are only three of us,” you told him with a sneer. "Don't hide behind them."


Rain looked at you with narrowed eyes before lifting his hand up in the air. “You heard the woman guys, stand down and put your weapons away.”


Jaejoong and Geun Suk cast you impressed glances, in all honesty you weren’t sure if Rain had brought men with him or not it was just a guess but you were glad it was a correct guess. You saw in the shadows silhouettes disarm themselves, some even through their bullets out into the surrounding woods of the cottage. You had to bite back a snort.


Seriously? Throwing away bullets, they’re thicker than a 17 inch titanium vault.


“Now, can we stop being so aggressive for 2 seconds? I just want a chat.” Rain collapsed down onto an armchair in an arrogant manner, his legs up on the coffee table and his white teeth showing in a disturbing grin.


“I know why you’re here,” Geun Suk said in a deadpan voice. “And you’re not going to kill ~~~~~~~, the only one dying tonight is you.”


Rain pretended to be offended. “You’re kind of hurting my feelings here Geun Suk, I thought we were good friends?”


Jaejoong looked at him. “What’s he talking about Geun Suk?”


“I-I don’t know,” admitted Geun Suk in an unnerved voice, what the hell was Rain going on about?!


“What are you spewing out now?!” Jaejoong demanded. “How the did you find us anyway?!”


“He couldn’t have followed me, I made sure no one did and I was constantly checking to see if anyone was,” Geun Suk answered confidently. Rain let out a cold chuckle and stood up to his full height, he was 2 inches taller than Jaejoong but Jaejoong held his ground.


“You know, for a Special Ops agent, you people are pretty dumb.”


“What?!” you and Geun Suk yelled, highly offended.


“If I were you, Geun Suk, I’d make it a habit to check your GPS. To see if anyone hacked it.”




“Hey boss, the target went into Jang Woo’s home. He took the car keys with him though.”


“Then use the Slim Jim you tard,” Rain barked into the phone and hung up. Rain’s henchmen blinked and looked completely flustered.


“Oh yeah right, I better go do it them.”


Another man nodded, this man was slimmer and much taller than the other – who was short and bulky – the slimmer man carried a black box in his lap.


“You better do it now, before that Agent comes out,” the slimmer man advised in a raspy voice. The bulky man nodded and clumsily got out of the car and hurried to Geun Suk’s.


The bulky man took the Slim Jim and proceeded with breaking into Geun Suk’s car, the Slim Jim was about to be pulled up when the slimmer man stopped him.


“Wait! We need to disengage the alarm first.”


The Slimmer man did his work and nodded. “Okay, do it.”


The car was open and the slimmer man slid inside and opened the black box, installing a tracker into Geun Suk’s GPS.


Sometime later, once Geun Suk was back in his car, the two men drove past in their black car feeling satisfied with their handy work.


*End of flashback*


“You bastard!” Jaejoong roared whilst Geun Suk’s outstretched arm lowered in shame. How could he have been so careless?


Rain shrugged casually. “That’s something to add to my reputation, I was able to outsmart a Special Ops agent.”


You wanted to be angry with Geun Suk but you knew it wasn’t entirely his fault. Geun Suk looked like he wanted to be angry but his bewildered expression showed his guilt.


He turned to both you and Jaejoong. “I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t know I was trying-…”


“That’s how you found out about Jaejoong,” you pieced together and then angrily whipped your head towards Rain. “You manipulated my best friend, you er!”


“Oh please, if he wasn’t so head over heels for you he may have focused on the case better and you know it. I merely steered the poor sod into the right direction…the right direction for me that is.”


Jaejoong narrowed his eyes. “What do you want?! I’ve been out of West Seoul for 5 years, I don’t control it anymore. I don’t have The Haven anymore, what the do you want after all the suffering you’ve caused me and the people I care about?!”


Rain’s grin disappeared, replaced by a crazed look in his eyes. “What do I want?! I want what my father and I wanted even before this stupid came along,” he sneered towards you. “I want power. I want to be the best in West Seoul.”


Jaejoong shook his head in disbelief. “You were always a selfish bastard.”


“Survival of the fittest,” Rain answered. “My father would have taken everything from you, and then you happened,” he glared at you with hateful eyes. “You killed the only family I had!”


“Your father used to beat you!” Jaejoong shouted. “How could you call him your father after everything he put you through when we were kids?!”


“He was still my father! Your took him away from me, and now I’m going to take her and your precious daughter away from you. I’m going to take down Special Ops and I will be the most feared and powerful man in West Seoul. I just needed to take down Special Ops’ most treasured Agents,” Rain’s eyes swivelled from Geun Suk and back to you. “And then, nothing will be able to stop me-…”


And then it happened, Jaejoong lunged towards Rain and tackled him to the ground. Rain’s men swarmed inside the Cottage.


“SangHee, don’t move!” you breathed out as you dodged a blow from one of Rain’s men.


Jaejoong delivered a solid punch to Rain’s side and he groaned in pain but Rain quickly recovered and wrapped his hands around Jaejoong’s neck, rolling them over so Rain pinned Jaejoong down.


“I should have killed you when we were kids,” Rain spat out, tightening his grip around Jaejoong’s neck.


Jaejoong tried to pry Rain’s hands away but he was losing oxygen fast, he was dying.


You blocked a kick and twisted his leg, breaking it then effortlessly cast the man to the side. Geun Suk was fighting off three of Rain’s men, you were breathing heavily and you saw SangHee’s foot peeking out from under the sofa.


*Good, she’s safe.*


You turned and your eyes widened in horror at the sight, Rain was killing Jaejoong.


“Get off him, you bastard,” you sneered and went to kick him but Rain dodged it expertly. Luckily, it gave enough time for Jaejoong to wind Rain and deliver a hard blow to his head and Rain toppled to the side unconscious.


Gasping for air, Jaejoong stood up but was immediately tackled to the ground by you. You kissed every inch of his face and left his lips for last.


“Do me a favour, try not to get yourself killed, okay?” you said and playfully glared at him.


Jaejoong rolled his eyes but rubbed the curve of your waist affectionately. “I’ll do my best-…look out!”


Jaejoong rolled the both of you over and missed being crushed by one of Rain’s men.


“A little help guys!” Geun Suk shouted as he stabbed a guy in the abdomen, you flipped yourself up and engaged in a fight.


*Where the are they coming from?!* you thought frantically as more of Rain’s men poured into your poor little cottage.





“I’m going to her in front of you and when I’m done, I’m going to kill her so slowly she’ll beg me to shoot her in the head,” a guy rasped in Xiah’s ears as he stared at a trembling Ki Nam.


Xiah spat out blood and glowered at the guy. “ you.”


The guy laughed and punched Xiah in the jaw, the rest of DBSK and Ki Nam all cried out in shock.


“Shut the up, the lot of you!” the guy barked and then laughed, he left and went to talk to his accomplice.


Yunho skirted closer to Xiah. “Dude, you okay?”


“Yeah, I’m marvellous,” Xiah wheezed sarcastically.


Max snorted. “Trust you to still give hyung lip when you look like .”


“ you, I never look like . Do I babe?” he looked at Ki Nam who had tears in her eyes but shook her head.


“Afraid I’m going to have to disagree with you oppa.”


“Great, what is this? Pick on Xiah day?”


“That day is every day,” Micky interjected. Light laughter rang out but the guy returned and everyone sobered immediately.


“Right you ugly s, I want you to get out.”


The guys all piled out of the van awkwardly, with their hands tied behind their backs their balance wasn’t all that great.


“Except for you sweet cheeks,” the guy said and grabbed Ki Nam’s arm and pulled her to him. “You’re coming to entertain me.”


Xiah struggled against the ropes. “Touch her and I’ll end you.”


Ki Nam looked surprisingly calm however. “Oppa, it’s fine.”


“Ki Nam…?” Xiah breathed in disbelief.


Ki Nam winked. “It’s all going to be okay.”


And with one swift move she turned and grabbed the guy’s in her now free hands and squeezed it in a not so pleasant way and twisted.


The guy went down to his knees in agony.


“You crazy ,” he screamed out in pain.


Ki Nam laughed. “Yeah, I am a crazy . I’m the crazy that’s going to put you out of your miserable life.”


And she brought her knee up and kneed him in the head, knocking him out. She ran to the others with the knife she found in the van and began to free them all.


Xiah grabbed Ki Nam and kissed her so ferociously her lips burned with a pleasurable ache.


“I freaking love you,” Xiah breathed and then placed a softer kiss on her lips. Ki Nam smiled.


“I love you too. Now one of you grab that bastard, we need to lock him in a room and then we can call Special Ops down here to get him.”


Max and Yunho picked the guy up.


“What about the other dude?” Micky asked but his question was answered when Xiah shot a man on the shoulder and a scream pierced the night.


“There he is,” Xiah answered and rushed over to get the other guy.


“, do any of you guys have a phone?”


“No, lost it in the crash,” everyone answered.


“Great, we can’t call ~~~~~~ ah and Jaejoong or Big Bang at all,” Ki Nam fretted.


“It’s okay, we’ll get through this. Let’s get rid of these idiots and get out of here,” Max assured her.





Rain’s men were slowly dwindling down and there were only a dozen left to fight, the only thing was, they were the toughest.


You received a particularly heavy blow to the leg and hurtled back, Jaejoong growled and fought the man off but another two came at his back.


You took a knife and slashed at the two men, helping Jaejoong as best you can. Geun Suk on the other hand only had to fight one man, but the man was large and barely let Geun Suk get close enough to deliver a fatal blow.


To the far left, Rain lay on the floor but the others were so caught up in their fight that no one noticed him twitch and slowly gain consciousness.


“,” he groaned quietly and rubbed his head, he looked at his hand and saw blood. His anger bubbled.


*I’m going to destroy them* he thought lividly but then he saw her. Her little foot poking out, smiling grimly to himself he pulled and grabbed her in his arms.


“No! No! Let go of me! You’re the bad man! You’re not my Appa! Mummy-…MPFH!” SangHee’s speech was muffled by Rain’s large hand.


“Shut up you annoying ,” Rain growled and carelessly ran out with SangHee towards the woods that lead to the cliff’s.


Geun Suk was kicked to the ground and when he lifted his head up he saw Rain bolt with SangHee in his arms.


“No…SANGHEE!” he roared and got up and kicked the large man in the ribs, breaking them, and ran after Rain. “~~~~~~~ ah! He has SangHee!” Geun Suk shouted before he was completely out of sight.


You punched the guy and your heart plummeted, Jaejoong’s expression matched yours. One of horror and fright.


“No,” you breathed and both you and Jaejoong broke out into a sprint to follow after your daughter.


It's getting intense! Okay, so maybe I lied. The story will finish in about 2-3 chapters, but it really is coming to an end. Hope you liked the update, and review! I like reading all of your comments! Oh and check out my latest story, 'It's a Choi Minho thing'. I'm not going to start that again till I've finished WC :D

love you all :D xxx

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Chapter 27: I don't know how many times I read this story. It's so GOOD!!! I LUV IT!!! I'm glad that Jaejoong gets a happy ending. He definitely deserves it. :D :)

And poor Seungri still gets abused by the Big Bang members. Lol! The Big Bang and DBSK interactions are so funny, I just die laughing!
Chapter 48: fave
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 48: Awwwwwwww!! This is such a great story!!!
Chapter 48: Read the Captured and its sequel for the second time~ the plot was so good >.< Great story! :)
Chapter 48: finished reading .... OH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD it's finished :((
i reallllllllllly enjoyed reading it it's amazing and the plot was fantastic author-nim :))
Good job working hard for this $tory ^^ thank you so much for this wonderful story ♥♥
Jackie2012 #6
Chapter 48: Captured and Worlds Collide are one of the fanfics that got my addiction started here in asianfanfics lol
I search all over for this story again and reread it! :D
I loved it and I am still loving it! awesome story!
I am a quiet reader here but i just want to let you know these are one of my favorite stories here in asianfanfics. :)
Chapter 48: So cute! I'm so happy that the dramas are finally over! >.< thank you for the great story ( -_- ) ( _ _ ) ( ^_^ )
Chapter 47: Geun seuk! *sniff sniff
Chapter 48: Aww I can't believe he died ;-; the ending is so cute lol