Only losers play it fair. {Part 4}

Promise to still love me... even with my dark side


I pushed it... I made a part 4! LOL. Too little cerebrospinal fluids left! 




Hi! If you are reading this fic as well, here is a thank you for honouring my previous fic! Thank you for your kind gesture! I feel really honoured! Seriously!


“Junsu.” “Junsu, wake up.” A soft voice woke the sleeping boy as he huddles up beneath his blanket. The boy had successfully shut out all thoughts about everything else and rocked himself to sleep, but his slumber did not last long.

“Jae hyung?” The boy asked after opening his eyes and seeing the face hovering over his own, as the man holds a candle in one hand. The man had an unreadable expression on his face, but Junsu can sense the anxiety in the healer’s voice. His voice is trembling, and so are his lips.

“We have to leave Junsu. We can’t stay here anymore.” The healer sighed loudly as he helped the boy up. Junsu could not comprehend what Jaejoong is saying, but he nodded his head anyway.

“Your hyung can’t keep you safe. I have to bring you away.” The healer sat by the boy and tried to sooth him, since Junsu had a bewildered expression on his face. The boy did not shake his head, nor did he nod, he just looked into Jaejoong’s eyes.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POV from Jaejoong

I have no idea!! Just how long the Jung effect can last!! He was, is, and still IS the most dangerous thing I have ever stumbled across. A more potent poison than the poisonous snakes… slyer than the foxes… not forgetting, he strikes faster than any predatory animal on this planet. Junho simply doesn’t stand a chance against him.

I don’t stand a chance against him either! Sad but true.

No matter how I try to warn Junho about what he is capable of… and what he can do to us. There is no way I can knock this message through that thick skull of his!! He is SO dense!! Even Park Yoochun, the other brainless brawn isn’t half as stupid, though he had probably spent half his life with a sword instead of a brush in his hand!! Is it true that you tend to become smarter when you hang out with the right company?

That bastard Jung has everyone running within the surface area of his palm, twirling everyone in rounds with his pinky, making them turn in whichever directions he wants with his index finger and thumb. GOD!! How I hate him!!

I bet that whole marriage thing is also his idea!! He REALLY has his way of getting into Junho’s head!! I don’t understand!! Why is that this idiotic nephew of mine so easy to manipulate anyway?! And what I don’t get is… if he is SO easy to control, then why is it that I am having such a hard time getting him to cooperate... Or just to get my point across!!

It’s wasn’t even about how I can make him listen anymore. That foul temper needs to go once we are done with our initial plans. That’s what I thought. I need him to follow the plan closely!! Desperately! If he keeps acting on impulse like that, we will all be annihilated in no time because of him… and I actually thought I could salvage the situation. I am wrong. He screwed up again.

We use to share a proper channel for communication, but since my return, it’s as though he can no longer look at me the same way that he did before. He believes that he needs to protect me now… he thinks it’s his responsibility… because I AM WEAK.

What?! Does this even make sense!? I AM NOT.

That Jung’s influence really knows no bounds!! Loathsome fella!!

Anyhow, for Junsu’s sake, I think I will have to bring him elsewhere to hide for the time being. If those two bastards think they can outsmart us… which they already have… I will prove to them that they cannot always get whatever they want. They won’t get Junsu.

Also, the truth is… I don’t wish to face off with him yet. I still need some more time to forget what happened between us. I don’t know about Junsu, but I am just going to bring him with me for the time being. Park Yoochun does not deserve my adorable nephew! The boy is too pure.

I have written a note to Junho… so he will know that I will bring Junsu back to him after he is done settling the mess he had singlehandedly created. I don’t want to, or mean to abandon him… but I have this feeling that Park Yoochun will not hurt him for as long as Junsu is alive, so I am quite at ease knowing that.


“What about hyungie?” Junsu asked meekly as he bundles up his clothes and straps his belongings across his back, folding his worn nightwear nicely and arranging them in a corner of the bed, preparing to leave. Junsu is very obedient but Jaejoong still feels the need to explain why they need to leave.

“Junsu. Do you love Park Yoochun?” Jaejoong just wanted to be sure. Junsu hesitated.

“No.” Junsu lied. He can tell Jaejoong wants him to leave to protect him, and he cannot bear to defy the man or hurt him for his kind intentions. The thing is, everyone around him, be it his brother, or his uncle, all feels that he is still at the mercy of Yoochun, and wants to keep him away from the man, even though that’s no longer true. He can tell that Jaejoong dotes on him, and his reunion with his uncle had brought him much joy as well, he does not want to disappoint his saviour.

“What about the child?” Jaejoong placed a palm on Junsu’s own and looked earnestly at the boy. Junsu gasped softly and looked away, holding his breath as he tries to block out Changmin’s tiny face from invading his mind.

“No.” Junsu lied again.

“That’s good. I am going to bring you to the other part of the border… somewhere near west. I have a friend there so we can seek shelter till all this is over.” “You don’t have to worry about your hyungie alright?” “Park Yoochun needs him alive in order to find you… and I don’t think he will hurt your hyungie because he cares a lot about you.” Jaejoong knows he is contradicting himself, but he has to state his reason and tell the boy the truth. Junsu is more open to options and reasoning.

“You think he knows hyungie has me?” Junsu asks again, looking worried, so Jaejoong had to give him a hug after nodding his head. “I don’t know how, but he definitely knows.” “We will see your hyungie again soon, so don’t worry.”

“Okay.” Junsu nodded.

Pulling Junsu up from the bed, the man ruffled the boy’s hair as they crept out of the house silently. Looking up at Jaejoong, Junsu can tell that his uncle is feeling even sadder about having to leave the people he is so close to behind, and go somewhere far away, for his sake. Telling himself that he cannot let Jaejoong down, the boy stayed close to the healer as they exit the house, making their way up the slopes.

Trying to prevent the flame on his torch from burning too brightly, Jaejoong would tilt it sideways as he looks around them for signs of life. There is not a single soul in sight, but the wind was howling, making it sound as though there is someone whispering at them. Both uncle and nephew held each other close for comfort.

Huddling up in their hooded capes, the duo hurried along the thinning grass and sandy grounds, trying to synchronise their footsteps. The lands are already starting to turn barren indicating the arrival of autumn, and it is relatively colder and more dangerous in the night, but that is the only time they can roam, out of sight from others.

“Kim Jaejoong. Kim Junsu.” Just as the two descends a slope and is in the process of ascending another, after more than a few mile of walking, a deep voice addressed them both. The words tangled with the wind, howled loudly, making it sound more threatening, as if the wind is the sound effect to enhance the menace in the tone.

Shrieking in fright, Junsu literally jumped as he spins around to find the source. Amidst the darkness, with aid of the little dim lighting from Jaejoong’s torch, the boy could see the face of a horse right next to Jaejoong. The healer had already spotted the third person and animal before the boy did.

Swinging his torch upwards, Junsu can hear Jaejoong gasping exceptionally loudly when finally revealing the person’s face. There, on the horse, in all his triumphant glory, is a hooded Yunho. He is not alone, with a few shadows roaming nearby, waiting for his orders. Jaejoong backed away dramatically, bumping into Junsu as both falls clumsily but cutely. Yunho sniggered.

“Run Junsu!! RUN!!!” The healer got up immediately, heaving Junsu up after him. “GO BACK!! GO BACK TO THE SAFE HOUSE!!” Jaejoong shouted as they started their retreat, thinking that at least Junho and his men can save them. Junsu became Jaejoong’s rag doll, failing as his feet half slides on the fine sand, trying to maintain his balance as the healer runs too fast for him to catch up.

Then after a few meters of push and drag, as if finally realising that they is not supposed to bring Yunho back to the hideout, Jaejoong twisted his body around, headed for the opposite direction, tugging his teddy bear, which will be Junsu, along with him. “NO!! THAT WAY!! WE CAN’T GO BACK!!” Junsu somehow, became as terrified of Yunho as Jaejoong is, amusing Yunho, since the boy and Yunho used to be quite comfortable in one another’s presence.


POV from Yunho

My plan worked out exactly the way I wanted it.

I followed the rebels and Junsu’s brother back to their safe house, and finally got their location… and though I can’t wipe them out now, the troops will when they arrive. I have placed general Choi in charge of organising the attack since he knows the northern terrain better.

Anyhow, all these worked out very well because Chun was a better actor than I thought he did be. His stiff face isn’t made for acting, and so I thought. I should’ve been there! He even allowed Junsu’s brother to injure him on purpose. He was probably trying to dramatise the skit… which is rare… but since its Junsu we are talking about, there really isn’t anything he wouldn’t do.

I have been a selfish friend I must say. I made Chun play along with me… but never told him that I was probably the cause of that man flipping out. Sometimes, I wonder if Jaejoong is in a relationship with the man. I will be really jealous if they were into something together… just like how he… Junsu’s brother would be mad if I had touched his lover.

It’s almost as if I am making use of Chun too… but I can always confess my sins after he is appeased with Junsu’s return. We must work our way around things sometimes.

Back to the point I was making. After seeing that that friend of mine wouldn’t die from that shallow injury, I got back to keeping watch over the rebels’ activities… but never in a thousand years have I expected that I would run into two stray kittens. Surprise surprise!

They are actually running away!! From their hideout!! That is just wrong!! Still wondering how we can clean up our act without causing too much hard feelings, and animosity, after tearing their safe house down and capturing everyone there, I have no idea that the gods would be kind enough to give me such an opportunity. I must take it and be grateful.

Watching their reactions towards seeing me… and how the two of them are so uncoordinated, bumping into one another, falling while they ran. SO ADORABLE is all I can say!!

Junsu seems clueless as usual… simply following my Jae’s lead. On the other hand… for Jae… I think he has an idea what he wants to do, but not too sure about what he is doing either. They are probably desperate… but last I checked… only my prey is the one who can’t wait to get away from me. Junsu should be fine with Yoochun… so why run with Jae? They have no reason to run, and can’t run from me.

Nevertheless, I am impressed that my smart little Jae is ultimately, the only person who could figure me out. I applaud him for his effort. But I will not be the gentle, all accepting Yunho anymore. I want to take charge from now on.


Making his horse canter beside the two small figure while they ran, the advisor incited more fear within Jaejoong as he closes in beside them, wearing that smirk.

Then, racing his horse in front of the duo, the advisor blocked them off. Maddened, Jaejoong forgot all about being scared and lashed out violently at Yunho. Throwing fistful of sand into the advisor’s face, the healer also tried scaring the man’s stallion with his torch, but the man had the animal under control in no time.

Instead of toying with Jaejoong, like how Jaejoong had expected that Yunho would, the man swooped down from his horse and grabbed a whole of Jaejoong’s waist, while the man runs alongside Junsu, dragging the already tired boy, exhausted himself.

Slapping Yunho square in the jaw, and knuckling the advisor in the cricoid, Jaejoong managed to free himself when dangling off the side of the advisor’s horse. His actions only pissed Yunho off, as the man recovers from the coughing fit. Letting go of Jaejoong for a brief moment, the man tried latching his arms around that slender trunk again, and succeeded.

Jaejoong elbowed the man in the chest as hard as he could, but Yunho wouldn’t budge no matter what. Then, allowing himself to lose his temper once in a while, the advisor slapped Jaejoong in the face as well.

Gasping and reeling from the impact, the healer’s pale face flushed a deep pink around where he is assaulted, as he tries pinching Yunho’s biceps. However, no matter what tricks the healer employs, he is still unable to free himself from being hauled onto the horse. Pulling off the healer’s cape and ripping a piece off the long piece of cloth, the advisor tied Jaejoong’s hands behind his back skillfully, before positioning the healer to lie with his belly on the saddle, allowing the captured man’s legs and head to dangle off either sides of the horse.

“LET GO OF ME!!” The healer’s volcano erupted as he kicks the horse’s side, making the horse neigh aggressively in response to the pain, trotting around in fast circles. Yunho almost dropped Jaejoong in the process and could not but shake his head at the healer’s reckless behavior.

Pulling the healer up and tying his legs as well, the advisor even stuffed a piece of clothe into Jaejoong’s mouth, almost losing a finger in the process. Taking note that Jaejoong is a thousand times more of a fighter than anyone his size will ever be. Yunho is starting to feel the thrill of the catch, the that causes a throb to rise in his groin is even more accentuated by the fight response hormones.

“MMMMMM!!! HHHHHMMMMMM!!!” The healer’s muffled cries somehow turned Yunho on. Grinning in victory, the advisor encircled Junsu as the boy freezes on the spot.

“Yunho hyung!! Please let Jae hyung go!! Please!!” The boy begged like a baby song bird, warbling so cutely that Yunho was tempted to pinch his cheeks.

“I can’t, Junsu. Your Jae hyung have been a bad boy.” Yunho smiled apologetically. Junsu frowned.

“MMMMHHHMMM!! HHMMMMMM!!” Junsu could not understand what Jaejoong is saying no matter how he strains his ears, listening attentively.

“Junsu yah. Changmin is making a din every night because he misses you. Chun is also injured because of your hyungie… and he needs you.” Every word Yunho said tugged at Junsu’s heartstring.

“MMMM!!! HMMMM!!!” Jaejoong’s eyes and expression clearly shouted run, so Junsu instinctively broke into a sprint, just to run right into any rider on horseback. Even the boy himself has no idea why he is feeling so compelled to run.


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PawYoochun #1
I love this ff, it's like my 4th time reading it <3
Long time since I have read fanfic with yoosu couple
Chapter 64: This is one of my favourite historical fanfic and I have reread it twice because it's so amazing!!
lalalemon #4
Damn was searching this for hours!!! I remember reading this way back when I ddt have an aff account so I couldn't subscribe. I forgot the title and all I did remember was Yoochun's scary eye haha... going to read it all night ^^...
PawYoochun #5
I am reading this again <3
w123j2 #6
I just wanted to tell you that this is one of my favorite Yoosu mpreg stories. I keep rereading it form time to time again and again. It is really brilliant. You are an awesome writer. I dont think ive commented ever before.
eveningskies #7
I love this omg
kimjaejoongg #8
great story :)
Chapter 64: Omg omg omg omg omg I love this story so much I am so glad I found this thank you sooo sooooo mich for this story gosh my otp feels *tears in my eyes*