Chapter 29

We Got Married

Chanyeol's POV:

Today is the first episode where Kris, Nana, Min Lee and you go out on a double date. MBC wanted to make a special episode of it so all of you headed to the theme park. You were extremely excited about it but somehow, Min Lee wasn't. You wonder if its because she was afraid of heights or whatever, but you vowed that you would always be there for her and protect her. Its already about 6 months since Min Lee and you are together. I still remember the day when you first held her hand during your 4th date. It was simply bliss. You were honestly the happiest man on earth whenever you're with Min Lee. Even if the cameras aren't around, you would still take good care of Min Lee. It has somehow become a habit. And to be honest, your heart always flutter at the sound of her name. She's all that matters now. 

Kris and Nana has already arrived and waiting for you when you reached the theme park. 

"Chanyeol-ssi! Min Lee-ssi!" called out Nana as she waved at you. 

You look at Min Lee and she seemed kinda nervous. You held her hand and she looked up at you, surprised.

"Don't worry, I'll be here" you whispered to her and she smile while nodding. 

Nana who saw you holding hands immediately hold on to Kris' as well, but Kris somehow seem quite reluctant. 

"So! What are we going to do first?!" you put on your usual bright smile. 

"We should get some couple stuffs from the theme park shops first! Like matching headbands! It'll be so cute! Right yobeo?!" said Nana. Kris just simply nod, flung away her hands and walk straight to the shop. 

After waiting about 30 minutes for Nana to pick out her matching gloves with Kris, you all proceed to the rides. Since Min Lee doesn't really like thrill rides, you suggested to go on the merry-go-round first to warm up. You help Min Lee up on the wooden horse and sat on the one next to her, never once letting go of her hand. When the ride started, you laugh with Min Lee who seems genuinely happy.

She looks like a princess. 

Your heart beats faster at the beautiful sight. You can't help but think over and over again how lucky you are to have Min Lee. The thought of this might end saddens you but you quickly push the thought to the back of your head. You wanna cherish every single moment you have with her. 

"That was fun!" Min Lee said while giggling. 

Nana rolled her eyes. 

"Yobeo! Let's go to the haunted mansion!" suggested Nana. 

Kris looks at Min Lee who has now casted her head down when she heard Nana suggesting the haunted mansion. You had your arms Min Lee's shoulder to "protect" her. Kris looks back at Nana and shake his head.

"But this isn't fair! I want to go!" 

The MBC workers thought it was a good idea since haunted mansions are usually the place where guys get all protective for the girl they like so you had no choice but to go. You were quite certain that you saw a smirk on Nana's face when she got what she want. 

Is she doing this on purpose?

You all proceed towards the haunted mansion and you kept yourself close to Min Lee. 

"Its okay. I'll be here alright?" said Kris to Min Lee.

Min Lee look at him, looking kinda relief and thanked him. But of course, that kinda pissed you and Nana off. 

Shouldn't he suppose to say that to Nana instead??

The four of you reached to the "graveyard" part and the place was all dark and foggy. Nana quickly crept behind Kris while holding on to his shirt while you hold on to Min Lee's hands tightly. All of a sudden, a zombie came popping up a grave and hold on to Min Lee which made her scream. You quickly hug her while Kris hit the zombie's hands so that he would let go. Throughout the journey, Min Lee was protected by two guys. You and Kris. After what seemed like a long journey, you all made it out. You turn to Min Lee who face looks as pale as a sheet with tears streaming down her face. You was about to hold her tight but Kris beat you to that. 

"What are you thinking about?!" Kris yelled at Nana. 

Nana look at him, wide eye and ran away with tears. 

The MBC crew stopped filming since this is surely not suppose to be on the show. But you could no longer take it. You push Kris away from Min Lee and held on to her instead. 

"What do YOU think YOU'RE doing?" you said sternly. 

"Guys... Please don't" said Min Lee. 

"You can't protect her like I can!" shouted Kris.

"Who says so?!"

"You only fool around! What do you know about protecting people?!"


Kris hold up a punch and come running towards you, but you're not about to back down so you clenched your fists as well. 

Come at me. I dare you. Came at me and I'll tear you apart. 

Before Kris could reach you, Min Lee suddenly stood in between the both of you and Kris' punch was just inches away from her face.

"STOP!!" she yelled.

"I just wanna have fun today. Whats wrong with you guys?!" 

Kris stood there, still glaring at you. 

"You guys have to start acting now. We have to film this today. So please just pretend nothing happened." one of the MBC crew said. 

You hold on to Min Lee's hands again and headed for the next ride. 

"Chanyeol-ssi... Are you alright?" she asks.

You quickly snap out of your angry expression and smile like an idiot again.

"Of course I am. We're at a theme park, aren't we?" you answer her and peck her on her cheeks, knowing that Kris would be watching. 

She's mine. 

You don't think those two can fight? Look at em muscles and tell me you think that. Hahahaha.. But to be honest, Krisyeol are so precious :( Kinda breaks my heart to write them like that. But anyway, sorry for not updating yesterday. I'm actually really tired lately. Like no sleep, exams, etc. But yea, sorry for that. 

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Chapter 1: :3 I live in NZ
sophieebeear #2
Chapter 16: Hunhan couple~ kyaa~ cutee
One of my fav. :P
lol 101st subscriber!!!!! ^^
Chapter 33: OMO...This story is daebak!! I really love this story! Author-nim, hwaiting~~~>.<
Midnightstarr #7
AAAAA!! I'm crying! *sobs* my chanyeol☹ </3
Very very very very nice fic! Really love this fic. I stay awake until midnight just for reading this!! By the way, mind to check mine? Thankyou author-nim^o^ keep writing!♡
Uwaa~ A really great ending~! xD
Awww, I love the ending <3