Chapter 3

We Got Married

Min Lee's POV

There it is... Its SM building...

You stood in front of the building in awe. You made it. You made it Korea. You slowly made your way to the front door but a guard blocked you before you could get pass. 

"Where are you going?" asked the guard.

You weren't fluent in Korean but you sure could understand the language from the endless dramas you watched. You managed to understand the guard well and you tried explaining to him that you're here to see the CEO of SM entertainment. The guard eyed you with curiousity which made you uncomfortable. He reached out for his walkie talkie and asked the receptionist if someone had a meeting with the CEO today. The receptionist confirmed to the guard saying that you were allowed to come in and he gave you an apologetic look. 

"I'm sorry miss." he bowed.

You quickly bowed back and told him it was alright. 

Being a guard must be hard... All those crazy fans would probably do just about anything to see their idols.

You went into the building and found the receptionist table. You thought you would have to wait ages to see the CEO but it turns out he was expecting no one but you today so the receptionist guided you to his office. The building was huge and it took a good 10 minutes to walk to the CEO's office. You straightened yourself before you went in. Just as you were about to knock on the door, you could hear the CEO calling you to come in already. 

"Hello sir" you bowed quickly.

"Min Lee imnida" you said. 

"Come come. Have a seat" said the CEO. 

You slowly went up to his desk and sat down. 

"I read on your profile that you captured the hearts of our judges as soon as you started singing. They didn't even need you to go through the second stage of audition and asked you to sign the contract immediately! You must be really talented" said the CEO.

You blushed at the word "talented". No one has ever called you talented. You were good, but you didn't thought you were talented.

"Could you sing for me?" asked the CEO

And without any hesitation, you started belting out the chorus of Baek Ji Young's famous Don't Forget while the CEO listened with his eyes closed, fully enjoying your voice. 

"That was really... REALLY.. good"


"Please hold on a second." 

Before you knew it, you saw the CEO dialing a number. 

"Baekhyun ahh... Its me. I need you to come by my office right away." 

Baekhyun...? EXO-K's... Baekhyun???

"Baekhyun is going to show you around the building. And as you're our only trainee for the time being, you'll be having the priviliged to train along side EXO and of course, your dorm would be on the same floor as EXO but at the opposite." said the CEO.

You sat there in disbelief. 

EXO?! What?!!!! EXO!!

It wasn't long before you heard a knock at the door. 

It must be Baekhyun.

"Baekhyun. This is Min Lee. She's our new trainee."

Oh my gosh oh my gosh. It is Baekhyun. 

You didn't wanna lift your head but you quickly stood up to show respect. You could sense that the EXO member was standing next to you and you quickly bowed. You managed to catch a glimpse of Baekhyun when you stood up.

Oh my gosh! He's even more handsome than he is in photoshoots!

"Annyeonghaseyo. Baekhyun imnida"

"Annyeonghaseyo. Min Lee.. Min Lee imn..ida"

Why did I stutter?! WHY DID I STUTTER?!

Before you know it, Soo Man-ssi started to explain to Baekhyun about you and asked him to take you on a tour. After explaining to Baekhyun, the proud CEO of SM held out a hand to you and welcomed you to SM. You shook his hand feeling very grateful and honored to stand in front of him. 

"Kamsahamnida" you bowed again and smiled brightly at the CEO. 

Thank you Soo Man-ssi... Really, thank you...

You turned towards Baekhyun. 


"Ahh yes Min Lee-ssi. Please come with me."

You bowed at your sunbaenim and thank him as well.

I hope I'll be as good as you, Baekhyun sunbaenim...

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Chapter 1: :3 I live in NZ
sophieebeear #2
Chapter 16: Hunhan couple~ kyaa~ cutee
One of my fav. :P
lol 101st subscriber!!!!! ^^
Chapter 33: OMO...This story is daebak!! I really love this story! Author-nim, hwaiting~~~>.<
Midnightstarr #7
AAAAA!! I'm crying! *sobs* my chanyeol☹ </3
Very very very very nice fic! Really love this fic. I stay awake until midnight just for reading this!! By the way, mind to check mine? Thankyou author-nim^o^ keep writing!♡
Uwaa~ A really great ending~! xD
Awww, I love the ending <3