Chapter 24

We Got Married

Kris' POV:


You turn around as saw Min Lee running towards you. She texted you and asked you if you were free because she had an important news to tell you. So you sat by the tree where you both always talk and waited for her patiently. She sat right next to you while panting. You pat her back to help her smooth out her breathing while laughed at her cute expressions. You have, in time, fallen head over heels for this girl. 

"What did you wanna tell me?" you asked her while looking up at the beautiful blue sky.

Everything seems perfect. The girl that you came to love sitting next to you and the weather was beautiful. You wished that time would stop right now. 

"Oppa... I'm going to be on We Got Married!" she said happily but your heart dropped instantly. 

Did she just say... We Got Married...?

Your expression changed from happy into gloomy in a blink of an eye. She was still smiling and looking at you. 

"Aren't you happy for me?" she asked. 

You got up, not knowing how to respond. 

"Oppa... Are you okay?"

"I-I... I'm feeling kinda sick." you lied. 

She quickly stood in front of you and tip toed as she tried to reach her hand to your forehead to see if you were having a fever. You move her hand away gently, trying to hide the pain that you were feeling inside...

Why is this happening again... 

You walk away from her without saying anything. Each step you take getting heavier and heavier. 

"Oppa!" she called out.

Min Lee... Are you really that happy to be with another man instead of me...?



It was the day after you finally plucked up the courage to tell Min Lee why you have been avoiding her. To your utmost surprise, you felt so much at ease after telling her and she was completely understanding your situation. Over time, you've got really close to Min Lee. There were times where you would still unconciously mistook her as Lana, but as time went on, Lana started disappearing from your heart and Min Lee was replacing her. On days when you both have training, you would both be the first ones to leave and go straight to the park and sat by the tree to relax. There were a couple of times when Min Lee would be too tired and fall asleep as she lay her head on your shoulder.

You started getting jealous when she would be close to the other members. At first you didn't knew it was jealousy and thought it was just your memories of Lana creeping in again. As it turn out, Lana was no longer existing for you. Your existence now basically revolves around one person and one person only, Min Lee.

The first time you ever confessed to her was when she was asleep and lying her head on your shoulder. You stayed still during the whole time, not wanting to wake her up and you could hear her muttering something. Min Lee always sleep talks so it wasn't quite a surprise for you, but you heard something different this time.

"Kris... oppa." she muttured in her sleep.

You look at her while she repeatedly calling out your name in her sleep.

This is it... I have completely fallen for her... 

You gave her a small kiss on her forehead. 

"Min Lee-ah... I dunno if you can hear me. But, I-I think... I think I'm in love with you."


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Chapter 1: :3 I live in NZ
sophieebeear #2
Chapter 16: Hunhan couple~ kyaa~ cutee
One of my fav. :P
lol 101st subscriber!!!!! ^^
Chapter 33: OMO...This story is daebak!! I really love this story! Author-nim, hwaiting~~~>.<
Midnightstarr #7
AAAAA!! I'm crying! *sobs* my chanyeol☹ </3
Very very very very nice fic! Really love this fic. I stay awake until midnight just for reading this!! By the way, mind to check mine? Thankyou author-nim^o^ keep writing!♡
Uwaa~ A really great ending~! xD
Awww, I love the ending <3