Chapter 26

We Got Married

I just wanna try writing this in 2 people's POV. So please bear with me if it gets confusing >_< I'll try my best. 

Chanyeol's thought

Min Lee's thought


Min Lee's POV:

The light finally shone at the male's face and to your surprise, it was someone you know. It was Chanyeol. You have never seen such a handsome sight of Chanyeol since he was always in glasses or a cap during practices. But tonight, he was dressed in a full fitting suit and he looked dashing. 

He was stunned to see you but quickly introduce himself. 

It's Min Lee.. My wife is Min Lee... 

Why am I... Kinda disappointed...

As you both stood there looking at each other, EXO's Into Your World started playing in the background and you could see Suho, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun singing while walking towards the both of you. 

"Congratulations to the newly wed!! Chanyeol-ah, please be good to Min Lee" said Suho while flashing his ever charming and warming smile. Baekhyun, however, looked kinda pissed. 

"You better take good care of Min Lee" he muttured to Chanyeol. 

I will... Trust me. I will. 

After the members congratulate you, Chanyeol turned towards you. 

"Min Lee-ssi. I-I... I kinda prepared dinner for us. Would you please join me?" he asked.

You have never seen Chanyeol like this, he's usually very outgoing but tonight, it seems like he's a totally different person. Instead of having that creepy smile of his on his face, he had a very soft yet warm smile instead. You felt like your heart started beating fast again because of his smile. 

"Sure" you replied and followed him as he lead you towards the limosine that was waiting outside the stadium. 


Chanyeol's POV:

You both finally reached Hilton hotel and you continue leading Min Lee towards the garden. Its true that most of WGM is scripted but the events are always genuine ideas from the bride or groom themselves since WGM wants to keep an element of surprise. You were actually quite glad that you made a perfect plan for tonight. Before you reached the garden, you stopped. 

"Min Lee-ssi. Is it okay, if you close your eyes?" you asked. 

Min Lee looked at you, confused but agree anyway. She shut her eyes tight and you wave in front of her face just to make sure she's not peeking. 

"Don't worry. I won't let you trip. I'll hold on to you" you said and hold on to her hands. 

Your hands find their way to her small hands and your heart stopped when you lace your fingers together. 

He... He's holding my hands already. 

Thank you WGM. Thank you. 

(This is how I imagine the place to be like)

You slowly lead Min Lee towards the table and pulled out the chair for her to sit on and helped her to sit comfortably. You hurried towards your sit and finally told her that she can open her eyes. As she slowly open her eyes, her jaw dropped and was in awe as she try to absord the romantic atmosphere around her. She finally look at you, mouth still in an O shape.

"Chanyeol-ssi... This... This is beautiful" 

"You're beautiful" you blurted out unconciously and made her blushed. 

It was a good thing you knew each other and dinner wasn't quite awkward as other couples. After you both finished desert, you clapped your hands and a few people came in with their violins and cellos. You walk towards Min Lee and bowed. 

"May I have this dance?" you ask in English which made Min Lee giggled. 

She gave you her hand and you both started swaying along with the music. 

I must be the luckiest man on earth. 

I'm glad its Chanyeol... At least I know Chanyeol... And this is actually a very romantic night. 


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Chapter 1: :3 I live in NZ
sophieebeear #2
Chapter 16: Hunhan couple~ kyaa~ cutee
One of my fav. :P
lol 101st subscriber!!!!! ^^
Chapter 33: OMO...This story is daebak!! I really love this story! Author-nim, hwaiting~~~>.<
Midnightstarr #7
AAAAA!! I'm crying! *sobs* my chanyeol☹ </3
Very very very very nice fic! Really love this fic. I stay awake until midnight just for reading this!! By the way, mind to check mine? Thankyou author-nim^o^ keep writing!♡
Uwaa~ A really great ending~! xD
Awww, I love the ending <3