Him Yoona



Yoona drummed her fingers on the steering wheel of the car. She hummed softly until she heard the click of the car door opening. She wondered why her Seo-baby had such a forlorn expression upon her face when she sat down.


"Seohyun, what's wrong?" Seohyun pondered about whether she should tell her worry-prone elder about her problems. 


"Uh, it's nothing..." Yoona knew better, of course.


"Seohyun, I hope you're not trying to keep secrets from your elders..." 


"No... it's not really a secret. I just don't want you to worry." The car swerved around, just barely avoiding a street lamp. 


"Why, WHY? Is there something to be worried about? Are you addicted to LSD? Tell me SEOHYUN. DON'T THINK I HAVEN'T NOTICED HOW FAST YOUR BATH SALTS RUN OUT." Seohyun grabbed onto the wheel, moving them back onto their side of the rode. 


"I'm not addicted to LSD! I use my bath salts the way it's supposed to be used!" Yoona made a sharp, illegal U-turn, parking at a curb nearby. 




"Unnie! That was against the law!" 


"I'm about to do something else that's against the law if you don't tell me!" Seohyun glowered at the deer-like woman before acquiescing.


"Did you see the two women from before?" 




"Well, I noticed that one of them needed my assistance, and somehow, I now have a date with one of them." The older woman breathed deeply, an ominous aura shrouded her frail body. Seohyun knew something horrible was about to happen. Yoona punched a hole through the car's defenseless window. 




"Unnie! This isn't your car!" 


"YURI WON'T CARE. SHE HAS TWO MORE, ANYWAY. WHICH ONE OF THEM IS GOING TO TAKE YOU OUT?" Seohyun silently berated herself for even telling the older woman in the first place. 


"The... short-haired one." Yoona smirked wickedly. 


"When exactly is this little date?"

A/N: Keep your mouths closed, please... 

@TSL, well, sometimes I do mean to be humorous. Most of the time, I don't realize that I'm writing something funny...

@Yume-Zatto, welcome to my story, then. 

@budhaks, I've noticed you for a while now. Thanks for giving feedback consistently.

@Saisairee, pretty good? Well, alright then... was this any better?

@Dandyugangsters, haven't seen you in while...  hello, again.


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