Chapter 8 - White Day 1

We Met In A Cafe

Finally, it was a Saturday. You smiled at your phone when you saw what time was it. * No work or school today!* You mentally cheered as you were about to fall back to sleep when something caught your eye. You looked back at your phone and it stated ' New Message'. You looked at the number that sms you and it was not a number you knew of but clearly, you knew who sent it.

Look down, girlfriend.

You checked the time the message was sent and it stated 2 hours ago. * Now he got my address and number. Bet he left already.* You sighed as you decided to try looking down from your room. You saw a normal BMW car and him nodding his head while leaning on the car. You giggled as you ran out of your house.

" Yah Myungsoo!" you yelled. He was startled by your the sudden noise that he opened his eyes really wide.

" Oh. You are finally awake." Myungsoo said as he patted your head. You looked up to him and he had a wide smile pasted on his face. The sun that was shinning behind him made him look even more dashing.

" What are you doing here? With my address and phone number?" you frowned.

" Guess what day is today?" Myungsoo asked.

" Erm... 14th March?" you asked.

" Yup. What occassion is it?" he asked.

" Think hard." Myungsoo grinned. You thought for the longest time before you remembered what day it was. * One of the days that the boys always gave me lots of chocolates.*

" Chocolate day!" you cheered.

He face palmed himself as he said, " It's white day..."

" No wonder guys give me so much chocolate on this day!" you grinned, thinking about the chocolate. * That's right. There were chocolate outside my doorstep when I left...*

" GUYS GIVE YOU CHOCOLATE?!" Myungsoo exclaimed. You immediately covered your ears and nodded.

" WAEEEE?!" Myungsoo whined.

" Like I would know. Just ask them. Ah! I still haven't cleared the chocolate from last year!" you said as you were about to walk back into your house when Myungsoo grabbed your hand. Seems like it was his favorite thing to grab people's hand.

" Aren't you going to let me in? After I waited for 2 long hours?" he asked.

" Come in then. No insulting comments about my house." you warned as you took his hand instead and dragged him in. He smiled at your initiative move. * Slowly, you would be like any other girl, falling for me.* Myungsoo thought. Neither did you or him know, both of you were starting to fall for each other.

" Is this a girl's house?" was the first sentence Myungsoo said when he entered your house. You glared at him and he immediately stopped giving the disgusted look to your house.

" Why is there no pictures?" he asked. You halted in your steps and hesitated before replying, " Parent's died. No siblings. Didn't you check properly?" you asked. He looked at you pitifully, the look you hated the most. You couldn't stand that look and looked away.

" Mianhee. You would have a kin soon anyway." Myungsoo laughed awkwardly.

" Who?" you raised your eye brows and looked at him suspiciously. Whistling, he pointed his finger towards him. Your jaw dropped as you stared at him. * Seriously... This retarded guy...*

" Don't expect me to marry you." you snarled as you stormed into the kitchen to get a drink for him.

Suddenly, you felt a strong pair of hands grip your waist. You were so shock you didn't dare move. Myungsoo was back-hugging you.

" You want to marry me huh?" he said in a low husky voice. * Hate that tone. Hate that tone. Hate that tone. Damn my heart.* You really hoped that Myungsoo wouldn't be able to see your face or hear your heartbeat at this critical moment.

* CAN'T DO THIS.* " P-et... Get... O-off..." you stuttered. Myungsoo smirked as he let go of you. You sighed in relief.

" So you like skin ship." Myungsoo smiled.

" In your dreams, L." you said. You smiled at what you just said since he really disliked people calling him 'L'. His face immediately turned from a smile to a frown.

" I don't have to dream." Myungsoo said as he pouted. You laughed and asked what he wanted to drink.

" Orange juice? Milk? Water?" you asked.

" Please. Are you a kid? Do you have beer? Or perhaps coffee?" Myungsoo asked.

" I am a kid. I don't drink coffee at home." you gave him the ' duh ' look.

" Then I suggest we should go out! Pali change and I'll be waiting in the car." he smiled as he skipped to the car. You looked at his childish actions. * What would he be giving me this time?* After the first day out with him, he has been 'hiring' you personally and every time he would give you a present - cup, sneakers, scarf, jacket, hat.


    " Miss, you take a long time to change." Myungsoo said. He looked you up and down and immediately broke into a smile. " You're wearing the sneaker, the scarf, the jacket, the hat and the pearl necklace I gave you!" he grinned. You looked at him and gave him the please-get-moving look. He laughed as he started the engine.

" Oh yes, be careful of what you drink later." Myungsoo warned. You looked at him and gave him a terrified look.

" YOU POISONED IT?!" you exclaimed.

" Aniya. I just put something not poisonous inside. Starbucks?" he asked. You nodded vigorously.


" Morning, what would you two like?" the waitress asked.

" Americano." Myungsoo ordered.

" Mocha Cookie Crumble." you ordered. Myungsoo sighed at your order and whispered something to the waitress. She nodded and took the money Myungsoo gave her. * Seducing.*

" Do you even have to seduce the waitress?" you asked immediately when the waitress left.

" Jealous." he said as he started playing with his phone.

" Phone addict." you pouted as you waited for the waitress to call you to collect your coffee.

" Your coffee." the lady called out. You shot our of your seat and ran to the coffee. Immediately, you started drinking your coffee, holding Myungsoo's Americano a distance away. Just the smell disgusts you.

" Yours." you pushed his coffee towards him. He kept looking at his phone as he drank his Americano. You started stirring your whip cream with your coffee when something solid rubbed against the cup. It wasn't green in color like how the straw color was.

" What's this?" you said as you opened the lid of the cup and pushed the solid thing out on the piece of tissue you had. You looked at the solid thing mixed with whip cream and coffee. You tilted your head towards your right side and observed the solid.

" IT'S A RING?!" you yelled as you started to clean off the whip cream and coffee. You took the ring and started to walk towards the counter when Myungsoo stopped you.

" Where are you going?" Myungsoo asked.

" Return the ring. I think one of the workers dropped it inside." you explained. He looked at you in awe and said, " It's yours. Look." Myungsoo said as he lifted his left hand. On his ring finger was a plainly designed ring but as you look closer, you saw the word ' Moon ' carved on it. You looked back down on at the ring you were holding and it had a ' Star' carved on it.

" What is this?" you asked as you walked back to your seat.

" What do you think? A ring." he said as he locked his phone and placed it on the table.

" Duh I know that. But what does this mean?" you pointed to his carvings on the ring and yours.

" The moon is always near the star. So would it mean... How I... How I would be around you, all the time." he smiled. * The moon is always near the star. So it would mean my heart would always be right beside yours.* he thought. You slowly broke into a smile and thanked him sincerely.

" Thank you Myungsoo oppa. I really loved it. You would always be my oppa and my good friend only." you said as you started playing with the ring. * Just a friend?* Myungsoo thought as he faked a smile.

[ Longggg update!! Just had starbucks just now and I'm still really tired. Probably cause I swam today. *Yawns* once again, COMMENTS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE WIDELY APPRECIATED. THEY REALLY MOTIVATE ME!  Check out the beautiful nice poster by bunnie01 again!! SHE DID ANOTHER ONE FOR ME!!! :) Thank You SO MUCH BUNNIE01. ]

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Amazing, the total amount of subs has increased a lot after the sequel! Thank you for reading the sequel though it's practically more about problems and fluff..


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Chapter 22: No second leads plzzzz
Chapter 20: Hahaha. Poor girl...
Chapter 11: Oh they are together...
Chapter 7: Aaahhh. Even i got a heart throb when she got a grip of myungsoo... Aaahhh
Chapter 4: Cute myunsoo...
Chapter 3: Woooohh. Curious myungsoo...
Chapter 2: Usually i have read myungsoo with a rather cold personality....
you this is really goood tho
Kim_TaeV #9
Chapter 2: Do u guys think there r someone like her? >_<
maiquie24 #10
Love the story! Aaaaaccckkkk MYUNGSOO forever!!!