Chapter 16

We Met In A Cafe


" Ack." I groaned as I felt a throbbing pain at my head. * This isn't my dorm...* My vision was blurry so it took me a while to recognize where I was.

" Jun Hae..." I smiled as I noticed her sleeping figure beside me. She shifted uncomfortably in her sleep. * . I'm supposed to explain to her... How on earth did I end up sleeping here?* Then, I noticed, I wasn't wearing the same clothes. A smirk formed on my face. * She changed my clothes? I guess I'm forgiven.* Chuckling, I got out from the sofa bed and walked to the kitchen to get a cup of water. Something furry brushed past my leg. I looked down at the two little dogs.

" Aigoo... Your owner kept you well didn't she? Dog number 1 and 2?" I whispered to the dogs. Crouching down to pat the dogs, I noticed both dogs had a collar. I kneeled down to get a clearer view of the collars.

' Moon '

' Star '

" She used moon and star... I guess she is really sincere about me. I even explained during the press conference that Mika and I meant nothing. I guess she was just jealous." I chuckled as I traced the words. Then I stopped tracing when I looked at the dog that had the ' Moon ' collar. And then back to the dog that had a ' Star ' collar. The one that had a ' Star ' collar was the injured dog. It had a visible scar on it's right leg. * Moon was the first dog we met. The dog that protected the other dog. And she named it Moon. Something tells me she had it black in color since black was my favorite color. Silly Jun Hae. *

" Star ah... Why is your owner so jealous? She didn't even bother to listen to me and got all mad. She even smashed her phone. Doesn't she know phones are getting expensive these days?" I mumbled to Star. It seemed like Moon and Star suddenly recalled who I was and started barking so loudly.


" WOOFFFF! WOOOFFFF!" You shot your eyes open by the sudden noise. * Seriously? They never been so loud even though Byung Hae is here. Could it be... A ROBBER?!* Getting the remote control for the television from the coffee table, you walked quietly towards where your two precious dogs were barking. You didn't even notice Myungsoo wasn't sleeping beside you already.

" YAH! WHO ARE YOU?!" you yelled as you saw a black figure in the dark, crouching down. The figure stood up and turned around. You couldn't see the person's face because it was totally dark. The person walked closer, the dogs' barking got louder and your heart beat faster. * . Myungsoo wake up and help me.*

" Bogoshipoyo. ( I missed you.) " Myungsoo whispered as he hugged you tightly. The dogs barking became silent for a moment.

" Liar. Player. You had so much fun with that girl didn't you?" you said, holding back those tears. You terribly missed him but at the same time, you couldn't help but remember those words that were printed large and clear of that magazine.

" Seriously, from what you say, I can tell you refuse to socialize with anyone or even go out." Myungsoo chuckled.

" What?" you asked, breaking his hug.

" Did you not see? Mika and I had nothing going on. Mika is getting marriage. She told me to choose a ring for her husband since she said I was similar to him. But they're marriage kinda died anyways. Which guy gets his girl to get the wedding ring alone? Babo. You believe too much in those gossip magazines." Myungsoo said as he knocked your head slightly.

" Ah! Watch that! I just became dumber because of you!!" You pouted but giggle at Myungsoo words. * I was worried for nothing...*

" Oh yeah... What happened to my clothes?" Myungsoo smirked. You could see his smirk now that he the lights. You blushed remembering his chocolate abs.

" You removed my clothes didn't you?" Myungsoo asked. You gulped and looked at the dinning table awkwardly.

" Including my pants?" Myungsoo raised an eyebrow and looked at you suspiciously. You turned crimson at his words.

" ANIYAAA. I'M NOT THAT KIND OF PERSON! I GOT BYUNG HAE TO REMOVE THE BOTTOM PART." you said in shock. * oh . He doesn't like Byung Hae...*

Myungsoo's playful expression immediately turned into a frown. This made you more uncomfortable. * Shall let you off this time since we haven't seen each other for so long...* Myungsoo thought.

Within minutes, he started smirking again. " So you removed my top." he said. * . * Your face flushed red as you rubbed your fist against each other while clenching the bottom of your shirt.

" You did, didn't you?" Myungsoo asked as he leaned closer towards you. You looked down, trying to avoid his eye contact. But he was really so close that when you looked down, you could see his lips.

" Don't worry. You would be the only one." Myungsoo whispered as his lips brushed across yours. It felt like an electric current shot through his lips to yours when they made contact. You expected a nice peck but instead, he kissed the corner of your lips. You ears started to turn red at his actions.

" Y-yah... H-hajima... " you mumbled.

" You like this don't you?" Myungsoo laughed as he hugged you tight. * Don't worry, I'll protect you alright. Even if it means losing everything.* Myungsoo thought as he held your hand tightly. For tonight at least, he wanted to be by your side. Because tomorrow, it would be a long, grave and tiring day for him.

[ Double update. About to fall asleep now. Finished 1 essay today and 1 more to go tomorrow. My eye lids are about to close. Forgive me of any grammatical errors. I am basically half asleep while updating this... Thanks for all the comments. Gomawo...

AH YES! I can read a little bit of Korean now! Super happy with my improvement>< Anyways, nights!!]

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Amazing, the total amount of subs has increased a lot after the sequel! Thank you for reading the sequel though it's practically more about problems and fluff..


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Chapter 22: No second leads plzzzz
Chapter 20: Hahaha. Poor girl...
Chapter 11: Oh they are together...
Chapter 7: Aaahhh. Even i got a heart throb when she got a grip of myungsoo... Aaahhh
Chapter 4: Cute myunsoo...
Chapter 3: Woooohh. Curious myungsoo...
Chapter 2: Usually i have read myungsoo with a rather cold personality....
you this is really goood tho
Kim_TaeV #9
Chapter 2: Do u guys think there r someone like her? >_<
maiquie24 #10
Love the story! Aaaaaccckkkk MYUNGSOO forever!!!