Chapter 33

We Met In A Cafe

" And you think I'll agree to your request?" he snarled.

" I'm sorry, but I really want to make sure this was not a misunderstanding." your bit your lips as you waited patiently for his reply. He was the only person who could stop Myungsoo from leaving now.

" What do you mean. You broke up the group that I have pinned all my hopes on. You broke the group that was on their peak of their popularity. I shouldn't have let Myungsoo come back to Korea. I shouldn't even allow him to let you stay with Infinite in the first place." he snapped.

" Jebal, CEO oppa. Fine, then tell me, is Mika really pregnant?" you asked. Your heart beat anxiously as you waited for his reply.

" Well, I'm surprised you know about this." the CEO replied. Your felt your heart drop in disappointment.

" Ah. Then tell... Tell Myungsoo to take good care of his... His child." you stuttered as you squatted down, and covered your face. You couldn't possibly cry now. He was all gone. He has to take care of his own child.

" Sorry for disturbing you." you mumbled. You were about to put down the phone when you heard him shout from the other line, " WAIT!"

" Neh?" you put the phone to your ear dejectedly.

" What do you mean Myungsoo's child? You mean he got someone pregnant?!" he shrieked.

" Eh? Didn't you know? Mika is... Pregnant.." you mumbled.

" I know that. But what has that got to do with Myungsoo?" he asked. You tilted your head in confusion.

" Isn't the child Myungsoo's?" you asked.

" W-what? YOU'RE SO HILLARIOUS! MIKA IS PREGNANT WITH HER EX-HUSBAND'S CHILD DUDE." the CEO laughed. Your eyes felt a burning sensation as your hopes went up. * Myungsoo was innocent?*

" JINJJA?! MYUNGSOO DID NOTHING TO HER?!" you exclaimed as you found yourself running down flights of stairs.

" Except from planting a few kisses on her during their show, they did absolutely nothing!" he exclaimed. Soon, he found himself smiling at everything. * Misunderstandings.* he thought.

" OH GOMAWO OPPA. ANNYEONG!" you said as you ran out of the condo, holding the manager's phone in one hand and holding your own phone in one hand. You managed to see Infinite's manager, walking angrily around Infinite's van.

" INFINITE'S MANAGER. PLEASE SEND ME TO THE AIRPORT." you yelled. He glanced at you furiously before running in the van. You waved frantically at the van but he didn't seem like having the intention of giving you a ride. You frowned and immediately waved for a taxi. " Please Myungsoo, wait for me. I beg you.*



" Bye. Have a great trip." was all Dongwoo said. Myungsoo rolled his eyes as he looked at his phone. He was waiting for his luggage.

" Dongwoo!" Sunggyu lectured. Everyone was just sitting there with an emotionless face. At least Infinite still bothered to send Myungsoo off.

" OMO INFINITE!!" fans shrieked as they started taking photos of the tired Infinite. Hoya was the only one smiling awkwardly at their fans.

" L!" Fans scream for Myungsoo's attention. Myungsoo simply shut his eyes as he ignored the flashes. Usually, he would be giving as much fan service as they wish but now, he simply wasn't in the mood. Tears threatened to roll down his cheeks when he remembered all the fun times he had with Infinite would be gone in a few hours. He would be going solo, in Japan. Leaving Infinite down here, down here in Korea. That was not the only reason why he felt like crying. You were the reason why he felt like crying too. You would be left behind. Here in Korea. All alone. He would not be able to call you sweet names. He would not be able to give you the attention he craved to give you in Japan. He would not be able to make up the times when he was so busy working, he neglected you. You were his everything. But to him, you had someone else in your heart. To him, your heart no longer had the space for him. To him, you were his past and his present.

" L, your luggage and your passport. Do you want to go in first? The fans are starting to crowd around." Infinite's manager urged.

Myungsoo shook his head. He didn't want to leave at all.

Then, Infinite's manager's phone kept on ringing.

" Hyung, aren't you going to pick up the call?" Sungjong asked.

" No way. It should be that Jun Hae person. She went back to your dorm when you guys left to meet CEO hyung." Infinite's manager said.

" Jinjja? What was she doing there?" Sunggyu asked.

" She wanted to ask whether what she had thought was the truth was a misunderstanding... Something like that. Aish jinjja, ignore that 's words. She created so much trouble for us." Infinite's manager said. He was close to swearing in front of the fans but he resisted.

" Hyung! She's not a !" Woohyun said. Infinite's manager rolled his eyes at Woohyun's words.

" Look what she did to you." Infinite's manager lectured.

" Who are they talking about?" some fans whispered.

" Pali. L, just go in now." Infinite's manager hurried. Myungsoo stood up as he squeezed out of the crowd, the rest of Infinite following behind.

" Nothing's over~ Nothing's over~ Nothing's over~" Sungjong's phone rang. Sungjong picked up the call as he followed the rest of Infinite. He looked at Myungsoo one last time as Myungsoo entered the gates.

" Annyeong?" Sungjong asked.


" Eh? He went in already." Sungjong said, clearly confused. As the rest heard that their CEO called Sungjong, they quickly moved closer towards Sungjong to hear their conversation, at the same time, they walked back to their van.


" Neh?! A-araso." Sungjong's voice stammered at their CEO's tone.

" CEO hyung said to get Myungsoo back. No matter what, he wants Myungsoo in front of him, right now." Sungjong told the rest of the Infinite members. They stared at him in confusion but they gladly obliged.


" MYUNGSOO?!" you yelled as you ran around the airport in circles.

" Yah. Who are you to call L by his actual name?!" one of the Inspirits yelled at you. You simply ignored them as you tried to walk away.

" YAH!! I'm talking to you!" she yelled.

" Look, I'm his fan here. I'm trying to look for him." you lied. Thankfully, she believed it.

" Well, such an unlucky girl. He just went in. He's going to take the flight to Japan and I'm going to follow him." she said. You nodded, simply not giving a damn about her words because the only thing that you could hear then was ' He's going to take the flight to Japan.' ' He just went in.' * I'm too late. I missed him.* As soon as that annoying Inspirit walked away, you cried silently in public. Surely there were people looking at you but that didn't matter any more. You just lost everything. Myungsoo meant everything to you. It wasn't him who left willingly. It was you who threw him away like he didn't mean anything to you.


[ Okay, I've decided to make the next chapter the last chapter instead. I can't bear to end this story~ T.T Super exhausted now. Okay, so I'll write another Infinite story sometime in November? I know it's quite late>< But I don't have the time to update stories anymore!! At least in November, it's during my holidays so yeah~ Nights my subs, I enjoy reading your comments before I sleep:D ]

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Amazing, the total amount of subs has increased a lot after the sequel! Thank you for reading the sequel though it's practically more about problems and fluff..


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Chapter 22: No second leads plzzzz
Chapter 20: Hahaha. Poor girl...
Chapter 11: Oh they are together...
Chapter 7: Aaahhh. Even i got a heart throb when she got a grip of myungsoo... Aaahhh
Chapter 4: Cute myunsoo...
Chapter 3: Woooohh. Curious myungsoo...
Chapter 2: Usually i have read myungsoo with a rather cold personality....
you this is really goood tho
Kim_TaeV #9
Chapter 2: Do u guys think there r someone like her? >_<
maiquie24 #10
Love the story! Aaaaaccckkkk MYUNGSOO forever!!!