Chapter 2

We Met In A Cafe

" Ah yes, I would like to get a coffee please." one of the seven guys asked you. You nodded as you keyed in their orders.

" Just one?" you asked. The guy that was playing his phone the whole time scoffed and said, " Don't you see seven people here?" * Gosh that was annoying.* Irritated, you went to the kitchen to tell the others their order.

" DID YOU SEE THEM?!" the girls practically pounded on you the minute you entered the kitchen.

" See who?" you asked coldly as you continued to take out the cups needed to for the coffee.

" INFINITE!!!!" They yelled at you.

" Who the hell... Oh... The group Sook Hyun was talking about." you mumbled as you went to make the coffee. Surprisingly, the girls were very willing to make the coffee for them. It didn't take long before you were done with the coffees. With a cold face, you walked out the kitchen with seven coffees on a tray. The boys were busy signing autographs for fans now.

At first, you waited patiently for them to finish their autograph session but the amount of people coming for their autographs seem never ending.

" Excuse me." you decided to say. All of them looked at you. Some girls scoffed and some girls eyed you down with their jealous looks.

" Sirs, this way please." you kindly addressed them as you started leading the way. You expected them to follow you but they didn't.

" Wait. I want to sit here with my fans." the guy said. You frowned and tried to calm down.

" I'm afraid you can't, SIR." you said as you glared at that guy.

" Why not? My fans aren't virus you know." the guy argued back. 

" Fine. Feel free to sit there and be flocked by tons of fans." you stormed towards an empty table and slammed their drinks on the table.

" In exchange to your hospitality, here's something for you." the guy that argued with you said as he passed you a tissue paper. On the tissue paper was his signature. * Who does this guy think he is?*

" I think you should give it to them." you pointed the tissue paper to one of the girl that was staring at you in shock. She gladly took it.

" You don't want it?" the guy asked.

" What's with that tone? Shock? Disappointment? Well, I'm pleased to tell you, I don't want it." you said coldly as you tried to walk back to the cashier.

" I'm in shock you know." the guy said as he held you by your wrist.

" What? What's so shocking?" you looked at him furiously.

" Do you even know who I am?" the guy asked.

" Nope and I don't bother." you struggled to get his hands off your wrist but it wasn't so easy. *This guy is insane! ARGH!*

" The name is Myungsoo. That signature could have auctioned for tons of what the tissue paper actually worth you know." Myungsoo scoffed.

" Oh wow. Okay, I got it." you said coldly as you stormed back to the counter.


[ Another update for today!! Thanks for the amazing amount of subscribers in just 1 chapter!! 


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Amazing, the total amount of subs has increased a lot after the sequel! Thank you for reading the sequel though it's practically more about problems and fluff..


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Chapter 22: No second leads plzzzz
Chapter 20: Hahaha. Poor girl...
Chapter 11: Oh they are together...
Chapter 7: Aaahhh. Even i got a heart throb when she got a grip of myungsoo... Aaahhh
Chapter 4: Cute myunsoo...
Chapter 3: Woooohh. Curious myungsoo...
Chapter 2: Usually i have read myungsoo with a rather cold personality....
you this is really goood tho
Kim_TaeV #9
Chapter 2: Do u guys think there r someone like her? >_<
maiquie24 #10
Love the story! Aaaaaccckkkk MYUNGSOO forever!!!