C H A P T E R : 7

My Last Letter To You ~

aww, sweet ? ^^ oh ! Thanks for the wait (:

i will update the other one later :D

Take note, i updated 2 chapters ^^

Myungsoo's P.O.V

"You must be kidding me . YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME! What is this ? ! ? SUYEON , YOU ARE NOT LEAVING , right ? " I Mumbled as i fumble with the letter i am holding. I just could not believe my eyes. Without hesitation, i dropped the paper onto the ground and dashed out of the room. My mind was set and i was only focusing on 1 main thing - Get Suyeon and Sungyoung back . Tears just stream down my face as i reached my car . Getting in , i start the car and drove off at high speed. I reached the Airport minutes later, running around like a manic man that escaped from the mental hospital. I don't even bother apologising to the people that i bumped into. In my mind, i was always hopping that i won't missed suyeon and sungyoung from the people i have came across. " You have to be somewhere , come on ! " I shouted out, arousing curiosity from the passengers. Having a feeling that i was tapped by someone on my back and was thinking that it might be Suyeon, a smile lifted up. To my disappointment, it was a officer patrolling at this area.

"Sorry Sir, if you shout again, i have no choice but to send you to the Police Station. Now, pass me your identification card. " He Said , emphasising each word loud and clear.

"Give me a chance . Can't you see i am looking for my wife . GET LOST ! " i replied back as i pushed him to the corner and was about to walk away.

"Sir , i am warning you . " He gave me a stern look as he held me back.

"Ahhh ! " I pulled my hair out of frustration . "Fine. " i took out my wallet and get that card out as i stared at what he was doing. The officer then mumbled into a phone.

"You are not a wanted person , you can leave now. " He stood there passing me my card. I snatched it back from him and ran off.

"Fu*k You ! You are simply wasting my time! " i told him before running off. This is freaking worrying me. I continued with my search for them when i spotted the plane departure time.

"ahh , Freak that . I don't even which country she is going to ." i cursed myself as i kneeled down with tears slipping out one by one.

"i am sorry... It was all my fault... Please come back to me . I need you, i... Love you ... " i murmured but not realising that a distance away was a woman turning her back away as a tear left her eyes...


Suyeon P.O.V

"Let's just go ... " i spoke out softly as hoya held my hand .

"i just can't bear to see you like this . Suyeon , please ? Stop it ..." He said looking disappointed. I wipe my tears as i hold the free hand sungyoung as the other is occupied by her gigantic bear . I gave hoya a reassuring smile.

"i am fine . Kaja ? " he left a peck on my cheek as i said.

"Kaja ! Aigoo Sungyoungie, want godfather to carry you ? " he asked sungyoung as he spoke in a cute and father-like voice.

"Aniyo, i can walk." She replied giving hoya and i a grin. I faced hoya and gave him a nod. Immediately, he took our plane tickets and passed it to the officer-in-charge. After having the signal that we were cleared, we made our way to the boarding plane. Soon, the plane depart and minutes later, i found myself embraced by hoya as he slept peacefully with sungyoung sitting by my side sleeping too. I smiled, knowing that it was worth to leave the unpleasant place and migrate to other city for a new beginning...

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ifntoppa #1
Chapter 12: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Chapter 40: happy ending,,
Myungsoo and suyeon together again :)
Chapter 13: what a nice song thor,
i like it :D
AmyJihyun #4
Chapter 33: Nooooooooo, I want Hoya back!
Chapter 24: oooh the stories getting so much more interesting x.x
fatennq #6
Chapter 4: hiiiiiiiiiii
Chapter 1: Hey new reader here. The first chapter is already. I bet the next chap will be amazing :D
Chapter 40: thanks for the story. i enjoyed reading it. just a curious question tho. why does sungyeol and L call each other hyung? hyung is what one guy calls another older guy. so how can they both be older than one another? technically base on their real age, sungyeol is L's hyung and L is sungyeoi's dongsaeng but we all know they address each other as chingu.
I really enjoyed your story!! I like the fact that Hoya didnt end up alone, that would have been sad ^^