
Human Heart


Chapter 6


“Have you seen her?” Sehun asks me while gasping as we met on the road looking for Yram.

“No” I said, messing my hair while looking around the road. ! Where could she be? 

“Did you find her?” we both heard and as we turn around, we saw Luhan rushing towards us.

After what happened on the house between Yram and I, I asks Sehun and Luhan for their help to search for her. It’s midnight now and she’s not yet back and I’m so damn worried.

“This is all my fault” I said and I feel I’m gonna break down if I can’t find her. I felt a tap on my shoulder. Sehun.

“We’ll find her.” he smiled at me making me nod.

“YRAM!” Luhan shouted and begin his search again. I stand up straight and started walking again while shouting her name.



            “YRAM! YRAM!”  We heard loudly as me and this lady walks together on the way to her home.


After telling her that I’m homeless, I got shock and touched at the same time when she offers me to live with her together with her housemate. She didn’t even bother to ask me about my personal life. I just hope her house mate is nice just like her. 

            “That’s your name right?” I ask. She looks at me smiling and nods. I saw happiness in her eyes. Her housemate must be special to her. “He must be worried.” I said and stared back on the road. Maybe living with them is a wrong idea. I should leave immediately after I sent her home safely.

            “Well, you promise to live with us… right?” she asks as we stops from walking. Did she just read my mind?

            Before I could answer her…

            “Yram?” we turn on our side to see a guy with a blonde hair and almost as tall as me with a shock expression and gasping for air. But, when he turns his gaze at me, his brows narrows. What’s wrong with him?-__-

            “Kris!” Yram said. So, he’s the housemate… a robot.

            Kris runs towards us and… “Where have you been? We’ve been looking for you?” he said while hugging her… to death =____=.  Can I punch him now? Good thing before I could act, she separates her self.

            “Yes I’m okay. God!” she said a bit irritated.

            “Who are you?” that question made her paused and stared at him same thing like I do. If looks can kill, maybe I’m dead by now.

            “I’m…” I haven't finish my speech when…

            “Tao?” one of the guys behind Kris surprisingly said. He knows me? Who are they anyway? Kris looks behind him and back at me again.

            “You’re Tao?” he said.

            I look at Yram and even she was kinda confused on what’s happening.

            “Luhan… you know him?” Yram asks.

            “How come you're still... alive?” said by the guy standing in front of the cute scared guy named Luhan. Alive? Who’s dead? Is he referring to me? =___=

               "Don't tell me you're a..." the younger looking guy named Luhan said and looks like, we're the same. But, how come he's acting like that upon seeing someone like him. =___=?

            “Woah!” I got on my senses when I saw Kris pull Yram off from my side and that didn’t made me happy. “Stay away from him” he said as he hid her behind him and glared at me. I don’t care how much he glares at me, what bothers me is the way he’s holding her and I can see, she’s not happy with it. This guy doesn’t know what I can do. "He's an EXO" 



After I pulled Yram away from the Exotic guy, his expression changes from a charismatic, cute guy to a fierce looking man.

“Gosh! What the heck? He’s not dead!” Yram said as she set herself free from my hold. Good thing Sehun and Luhan was there to watch her for a while coz I can sense trouble from this zombie.

“How could you drag her like that?” Tao said madly and before I could answer his question, I froze on how fast his long leg landed on my face making my world stops for a while.



“My gosh!”  I shouted in shock to see Kris landed on the ground badly after getting a high-kick from Tao. I immediately run towards my poor robot. “Are you okay? Did something break on you?” I ask continuously while checking his body and face.

“Tsk! Jerk!” I got pushed aside as Kris dashed on Tao and gave him a hard punch on the face.

It was a total ramble between the two of them even if Sehun and Luhan tries to stop them, it’s worthless. They keep on attacking each other for a while until I had enough.

“STOP IT!!!!” I shouted and thank god, they stop while gasping for air. Sehun and Luhan even got tired on helping out on these idiots. =___=

I walk madly and stand between them while exchanging my looks on them. “Can we go home now?!” I asks madly. Damn! I'm so freaking tired from what happens on me this day and they even added on my stress. Can I have a rest on my humble home and just continue this argument next time? Geez!

“Yes, we’re going home” Kris said as he held my hand and about to drag me when I refuse to go making him stop and stared at me. He looks at me in confusion but then frown when he saw my other hand holding on… someone.

“He’s coming with us.”

“WHAT?!!” Kris even Sehun and Luhan shouted in chorus.

"Sehun! You have to explain to me this dead thingy =___=" I said then notice Sehun and Luhan looks at each other. These siblings definitely hiding something from me. Whatever it is, I'll definitely gonna find it.

I look back at Tao and smiled at him. 

It's better for him to live with us than to see him homeless or be like Kai.




A/N: Sorry for the late update I've been busy from work. Sorry T___T


Anyway, Thanks for reading.... ^___^V

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Thank God they gave me a break that's why I managed to update you. Enjoy. ^_^


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Chapter 40: *^* update soon~
Chapter 29: Hey new reader here ^^
The twists are really cool and the flow of the story was great ^^

I wonder where Tae Ho is ?
Please update soon ^^
Chapter 19: The twists of the story are getting scaryyy.
Chapter 13: yeay.. finally you update it ^^
Kris, you're in danger! I thought Sam had something bad for him -_-"

try to update soon, please! :D
azn_buty #5
are you to going to continue this?
im getting riled up. kai better make it fast. :)
im confused now. i just cant wait but i will. :)