Chapter 15


‘I still need to meet up with Anthony,’ Ella scribbled down a note and placed Anthony’s name to perhaps make Chun even more jealous, but even though she did, he knew that the reason why she’ll meet up with Anthony early in the morning is to meet Selina. Selina—he doesn’t have any idea who she is, he just heard her name.

Ella jumped off from the bed and posted the post-it note on his bedside desk. To assure herself even more, she posted another one at the mirror in the bathroom—knowing that he’d look at the mirror right after he wakes up and freshens up in the bathroom.


“Selina,” Anthony entered Selina’s room without permission and sat on her work desk, facing her. “Someone’s coming over a little later.”

Selina asked, being not that person who really is excited about some certain matters as that, “Who?”

“Ella,” Anthony replied and gulped right after. He didn’t know how to explain to her why all of a sudden, she’s coming. Although, he didn’t even want Selina to feel that Ella’s coming by because they, himself and Ella has a relationship. Simply, he just wanted to clear up the argument that built up between the two and since Selina thought that Ella’s stealing Anthony from her, Selina’s understanding about the whole conflict worsened.

“Why?” Selina was holding the velvet box. Perhaps, ready to ask Anthony to wear it on her, but once she heard Ella’s name, she put it back in its rightful place, making it look like she didn’t open it at all.

“I told you yesterday, I just wanted to clear up some matters before I proceed to my next step.” Anthony replied. “It’s not like you don’t know that I know that you’ve mentally imprinted Ella on your hate list.”

“I don’t hate her,” Selina rose up an eye brow, half lying, half stating a fact. “Who said so?”

“Well, then, if you don’t, then let’s just enjoy the day with her.” Anthony seemed confused, though he knows that he couldn’t ask Ella yet again to back out from the meeting. Knowing her, she’s very punctual to events, gatherings and such.


On the other hand, someone was rolling back and forth the bed. Indeed is it that he’s noticed that Ella’s gone from his side, “Darn, I lost her once again.”

Well, did he really? But were they ever back to a normal relationship level yet again? He’s been expecting too much since he had her back once again, but his expectations lowered when he noticed that she was out of sight—out of his life once again, perchance?

Without further ado and mental arguments against himself, he jumped off from his bed and walked sleepily to his bathroom. He was thinking over wherever she might have been now, when he saw a note posted on the mirror that said, ‘I still need to meet up with Anthony.’ At the lower right part of it, there was an Ella written and he smiled, because he knew that Anthony really isn’t the only one she’s meeting. After all, he remembered the name ‘Selina’ the last time Anthony along with Ella crossed his path. He might not know who Selina is, but he’s a hundred percent sure that he or she isn’t a guy.


All over Selina’s residence, a doorbell rang. Once it subsided, Selina spoke, “I’ll get it.” As for Anthony’s response, he could only agree to the fact.

“Welcome,” Selina greeted with her most gorgeous smile, making the visitor look like he or she isn’t sophisticated enough compared to Selina. She greeted the visitor, Ella with cold eyes, though it didn’t seem to be noticed at all, for Ella smiled back and entered upon permission from Selina as she wheeled her wheelchair as well back inside the house.

Ella sat at the soft and silk laced sofa chairs on the living room, looking all over the house and how it was designed sophisticatedly and with style. Indeed is it that Selina really prepared for this meeting, but even from the start, the design of her house has been like that, so you can’t really count it as prepared for—just for Ella.

A little while later of waiting and of drumming her fingers on her lap, Anthony appeared with a tray of juice and drinks for the three of them, “Good morning, it’s good that you came.” He greeted Ella, sending Selina glaring over at Ella.

“Yeah, but it isn’t a very good idea to be leaving me with that ex of mine that’s such a—“

Anthony immediately cut her sentence upon hearing the word ‘ex’ and sat across where the two ladies were, “Really now, huh? Is he still your ex or you’ve just got back together yesterday when he took you home to his place?”

“Wait, wait.” Ella furrowed her eyebrows and raised her right hand to stop Anthony’s sentences and questions midway. “The fact that we’re together once again, I don’t think that’s quite right to hear.” She answered his question. “But the fact that he took me home yesterday night to his place, how did you know?”

“It’s just a hunch,” He replied and glanced over at Selina for a while to check if she was still getting along with the talk and that she isn’t in any way out of place, even if we all know that she is.

“Wow, your mind thinking knowledge is finally over board, way way over board than mine,” Ella complimented and rolled her eyes as she hand gestured just everything she’s been stating.

“Thanks,” Anthony uttered his sincere gratitude.

“And so… the reason I’m really here is to clear things up with you, right Selina?” She looked over to her right and saw Selina’s quite confused face.

Selina asked, “What is there to clear up between you and me?”

“I’ll leave now, then.” Anthony suggested, rose up from the sofa and paced up his steps upstairs.

“There are a lot of things we need to clear up, Sel.” Ella started and called her by her nickname. Although, the sound of it quite irritated Selina and just nod her head in response.

Selina asked, “Sort of like?” Inch by inch of the seconds that flew by, she started to get even more uncomfortable and uneasy just by talking with Ella. It’s as if she was finally getting the whole talk thing, as if she gets it that she’s guilty and she’s in the wrong just when she thought that Ella’s stealing Anthony from her upon hearing just their, Anthony and Ella’s conversation lately about her ex and how they might have got back just because of yesterday night.

“Our conflict, since who knows when.” Ella replied and bit her lower lip.

“Right,” Selina wheeled her wheelchair across from Ella’s seat and that was only the time that Ella’s noticed that she’s in a wheelchair, but she decided to ask the matter over after they’ve settled their differences.

“You know that it’s been quite a long time that you always thought Anthony gave me much more attention than you, right?” Ella started. “Did you ever know the reason behind that?”

“No and I don’t want to hear the explanation anymore,” Selina replied immaturely, assuring herself that the explanation behind the question is that Anthony really likes Ella more than her, herself, Selina.

“You might not want to know it, but she actually acts like that towards you because he’s shy.” Ella paused and suppressed a small smile at the corners of . “He’s been shy like that, because ever since we were kids, I knew that he liked you.”

Selina felt speechless at the moment, not wanting to ask anymore questions. But then, she remembered about how he rejected her, so it made her want to know more about details and such, “Then if he liked me, why did he reject my confession?” She asked. “I assume that you know about that fact, right?”

“Yeah, I know about it.” Ella nodded as a form of saying yes quietly. “Yes, you may have thought it over that you really do love Anthony, but loving someone isn’t just how the feel is. Sel, loving someone is knowing wholeheartedly about the person’s background, habits, friends and environment and how his every day life goes. If you don’t know the reason behind your question, then I tell you, you don’t love him that much.”

“Who are you to say that? Of course I love him; I love him so much that it hurts to be rejected.” Selina asked, tears trickling down the sides of her cheeks. “If you know the answer, why couldn’t you just tell me?”

Ella explained, “Maybe it’s because you need to somehow and sometimes be able to ask your own questions. You might now know the answer, but if you listen closely to what your heart’s telling you, you’ll be able to get it, no matter how hard it looks like.”

A few moments of silence reigned over them yet again. The swift and bracing wind entered the living room and swirled the curtains back and forth the window panes and then Ella spoke again…

“I just have learned to hypothesize that, ‘If you love someone, then you shouldn’t overlook what it is that you think negatively of them.’ Do you get my point? I mean, I just realized today that Anthony never failed to look over what you have. He’s told me before that you’ve been hard to handle ever since you thought that I’m stealing him from you.” Ella paused. “You know, love never really occurred between us. It’s only you that he will love, Sel and to your question as to why he rejected you, he wanted to clear things up between us first. He knew that you were uncomfortable hearing all about me and Anthony, being the perfectionist type of a person, did this all for me and you. You might not get my point, but what I’m really trying to state here is that we never had a relationship as that of more than friends.”

Selina asked, her tears subsiding, “Really?” With that, she wheeled her chair nearest to Ella’s and took her hand in hers. “I’m sorry.” She apologized. “I never knew that I was so immature to start with and once again is it that I’m jealous over you now, because you know Anthony more than I know him.”

“Don’t be.” Ella said.

“I’ll try,” Selina giggled and hugged her friend to start anew with successfully by lifting her body up from her wheelchair for a while. “But you’ve come to make me realize what love really means, you know? I mean, the whole knowing the person before you confirm that he’s the one you love already.”

“I’m glad,” Ella said. “But I’m quite uncomfortable over the matter, because I’ve never really confronted anyone from before.” She laughed.

“Maybe it’s because of your ex and how the intensity of love that you feel over him,” Selina managed to put all the pieces back of the broken puzzle of friendship she and Ella had and managed to realize how Ella’s gotten to make her feel comfortable around her.

It might be that their friendship’s just starting anew, but Selina won’t ever be the dense and immature one from before. Starting now, she’s starting to be someone who understands more about the corner of the universe.

“Erm, that reminds me…” Ella paused and asked, “How did you end up in a wheelchair?”

“It’s been ages ago,” Selina replied, leaving the question hanging.

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@luckypyo, Thank you very much! Your comment is greatly appreciated.

I think no one really reads 'em 'cause this is just cross-posted from Winglin to here... or imported, heheh, from my accounts there. So no worries. :))) But I really do appreciate your comments.

Thank you very much for taking time to read! :)
luckypyo #3
howcome nobody comments to your story.. it's all great..

i'm sad that no one comments here...

btw i love your stories this is the first time i commented coz this is the only time i have hehehehe