The marriage of Bom and Tae?

My Cappy Love My Heart (Hiatus)

(Bom’s point of view)
Of course I was with Dara thinking of ways to get
you and TOP together.

(Inner mind: No you two were both talking about how it would be if you got with Taeyang and if Dara finally got with GD!)

Stupid brain! Why do you need to think that? I mean obviously Dara is going to get with GD I mean there isn’t a day that GD doesn’t accidently mention something that shows that he’s interested in her.

“Dara-yah are you going to go to GD’s to play with GaHo right now? Can’t you do it tomorrow?”

Right then both of us received a pic message from you .

“Omo! Look at Teac, he is so cute when he sleeps!”

“Wait Unnie why does you have a pic of him sleeping? Oh no what if they are dating?”

“No they can’t be! She’s suppose to be with TOP oppa!”

“What to do, what to do? I’m going to talk to GD and you talk to Tae. I’ll tell Minzy to talk to Dae and CL I’ll have her talk with Seungri!”

“Let’s do this! New project to make sure Teac and you are not together and you and TOP are together!”

As we put our hand onto the other we yelled in unison, “AND BREAK!”

We both headed to our separate ways. Getting Tae to come up with something is always easy! I mean he is really bright and he’s always thinking why else would he not talk most of the time?

Finally I made it to Oppa’s house!

“Oh, Bom what are you doing here? Did you come to see my son? He’s in his study you can go up and see him.”

“Thank you auntie!”

“Oh and Bom when are you and my son finally going to confirm my suspicion that you two are dating? I’m not getting any older and you two need to hurry and get married so I’ll be able to see my grandchildren!”

Auntie why did you have to say something like that? I know that I probably look like a red tomato right now!

“Um…auntie I’ll go inside now.”

As I knocked on the door of my sunnies study! “Oppa can I come in?”

“Huh? Oh Bommie is that you? Come in! Since when have did you start knocking?”

“Oh sunny that’s not important right now what we should be worried about right now is this picture that the girls and I received from you this is a crucial matter!”

“Oh so the girls got it too?”

“Tea you received that picture too? What do you think this mean?”

“Not really sure but TOP went off the wall screaming at each and every one of us! I’m guessing that TOP really likes you . I think we can use this to our advantage!”


“Well I’m fairly certain that they aren’t a couple and I’m sure he knows about ‘Cappy’ he can help us make TOP jealous.”

“Wait oppa how do you know that they aren’t dating?”

“It’s obvious my Bommie! Didn’t you even notice how the two reacted towards one another yesterday or where you too emerced at looking at Teac to notice?”

Great now he has to make me all shy but not only that I’m happy as hell! HE’S JEALOUS!

“Tae are you jealous?”

“What no, I mean… just don’t look at him or other guys, araso! I don’t want you to look at anyone else but me from now on!”

Omo! Did he just confess to me?

“Tae what is that suppose to mean? Are you confessing to me?”

“Duh! I mean I may look like I never really notice you but most of the time I’m thinking of how to tell you I like you, no I love you!”

Big shock!!! The guy I’ve been in love with for like ever just told me he feels the same! Am I dreaming? This can’t be real!

I decided to pinch myself to make sure that this ain’t no dream. “Ouch!” Yup this fo’ sure ain’t no dream!

“Yah! What’s wrong with you! Why would you hurt yourself? Let me see it?”

As he grabs my arm and checks the spot I pinched he kisses it!

I don’t think I could have gotten redder than when auntie asked me about Tae and I but let’s just say that was only the mildest of reds.

What we both didn’t expect to see was auntie staring at us with glittering eyes!

“Omo! My dreams are going to become true! What are you two going to name your children?

Wait no, the wedding needs to happen before that. Unless you two already did it! Omo, omo, omo, you two didn’t have the horizontal monster mash have you?!”

That was the first time I saw auntie so serious but I could tell if we said we did she might have become even happier!

(Inner mind: Yes tell her you two bumped uglies ‘cuz she’ll make you two marry right away!)

“No amma, we aren’t even together, unless Noona here accepts my confession.”

They both looked at me and shouted, “WELL DO YOU?”
Oh what to do?

So I just blushed hard core red and nodded my head to indicate a yes!

“Yes!!!” Tae screamed and hugged me in probably the most unbearable way for any person but for me it felt like heaven.

I’m officially dating Tae!

(Inner mind: You know if his mom wasn’t right there you could probably kiss him! Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!)

I loosened from his grip and pulled his face to mine and kissed him a way that could make him see stars!

Oh and  indicates the challenge for the chapter!

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Daragonhwaiting #1
You're not continuing the story? :(
dzeny4 #2
LOL!~ xD My name? Strange,but i still lovee your series,i never really check my subscriber's stories,but thiss one was interesing~ ^ ^
Kekekeke :3:3 thanks for putting mr in your story ^^V -peace sign-
Niice xD
TOPxlover1 #6
new reader here!!!! pls upload soon!!! i love ur story!!!
i didn't know you write...huhuhu..i just saw it now!! ginna subscribe and read it!!!
Woahhhhh lol
Hh chibi!! =D lool<br />
bday cake yumm xD<br />
I love the new chapters sooo freaking much