I need to stop thinking about you.

The story only I didn't know.

    I was sitting down by the window, looking at the raindrops glide down the window. It looked like they were racing eachother to see who gets to the bottom first. I loved rain, but the only thing I disliked about it was that when it rained I couldn't go out to the beach. I had to stay inside the building all day.
    "Minhee-ah." I heard Nurse Jung knock on the door. She waited a few seconds and then stepped in. "I came to bring you some company." She said and stepped aside, revealing Eunso's petit figure.
    "Annyeong." She said in a low voice. She stepped in and came to sit by me.
    "Well I'll leave you two here. Be good with each other, eung?" Nurse Jung smiled and walked out. It was silent for a long while, but it was a comfortable silence unlike those awkward and annoying silences. We were both looking outside, looking at the raindrops.
    "Why are you here?" Eunso suddenly asked me. I shifted my gaze towards her. She had an intense look on her face, like she really wanted to know. I didn't know why, but I felt like I could trust her. "It's okay if you can't tell me. But I think it'd be good if you let it out. I can see in your eyes that you're hurt and you feel like no one will care about what you have to say." She said, almost reading my exact thoughts. "But you can trust me. I promise to always keep it a secret." She sweetly smiled at me.
    "I-I can't." I whispered. She looked at me and nodded her head in understanding.                

    "It's okay. Take your time." She said.
    "Why? W-Why are you here. I mean you seem-" I stuttered, asking the question that has been bothering me since I met her.
    "Perfectly normal?" She finished my sentence. I slowly nodded. "I'm here because I was sent here by my Eomma." She tapped her foot on a steady beat. "She- She thinks I'm crazy because I- Because he." Her voice started to shake. "She doesn't believe me." She started to blink rapidly to keep tears from falling. She looked at me and then out the window. "I know I'll get out soon." She changed the subject. "How long have you been here?" She asked me.
    "3.." I said, slowly processing what I was going to say. "Months." I finished my sentence.
    "Jinjja? That's long. I think Nurse Jung said I'll be fine within a few weeks." She said, playing with her hands. Eunso stood up and looked down at me. "Nurse Jung said you could play the piano. Can you?" She asked me. I nodded and she pulled me up, "Come on. I want to hear you play." She said while rushing me out of my dorm.
        She dragged me down the hallways. 'This girl sure doesn't belong here. Her personality is.. too bubbly.' I thought to myself. When we finally arrived at the room where the piano was, she pulled me towards it and sat me down.
    "Can you play?" She questioned. I have never played for anyone, ever. I shook my head and stood up to walk away but she held onto me. "For me. Please?" She begged. I sighed in defeat and sat back down. She smiled and sat down beside me. I hesitated at first but closed my eyes and imagined that I was alone. I heavily sighed and put my fingers on the keys. I began to play the first melody that came into my mind.
        After I was done playing the piano, I heard aplauses. I turned around startled and shocked to see Sunmi along with 6 other guys. They had an amazed look on their faces. Eunso who was still beside me, held my shoulder. I turned my gaze to her and she had a sad look in her eyes.
    "I can tell you're hurt from the past. Tell me when you can Minhee." She whispered in my ear and got up. She walked past Unnie and the other guys.

   "You're such a good pianist Minhee-ah!" Sunmi said and ran to give me a hug. I just stared at her smiling face. I then heard a cough, a fake one of course. "Oh uh. These are my friends I said that I  was going to bring." She pointed at the 6 guys behind her.                               "Annyeonghaseyo. Bang Minsoo-ibnida, but people call me Cap." A big guy said. He had one of those 90's side caps on. His physical appearance made him look like a mean person, but those thoughts inmediatley vanished once I saw his sweet smile.
    "Annyeonghaseyo. Ahn Daniel-ibnida, but call me Niel for short." A skinny, big lipped young boy said.
    "Annyeonghaseyo. Choi Jonghyun-ibnida, but you may call me Changjo." A cute, chuby cheeked young boy said. He smiled at me and waved.
    "Annyeonghaseyo. Yoo Changhyun-ibnida~ But call me Ricky." Another cute boy said. He did some aegyo. Then a slighly tall boy behind him stepped up and winked at me.
    "Annyeonghaseyo. Lee Chanhee-ibnida, but you my darling, can call me Chunji." He smiled widely and winked again.
    "Yah! Chunji stop being such a flirt." Ricky pouted and slapped Chunji's arm. Chunji shrugged and mouthed 'I can't help it'
    "Annyeonghaseyo. Lee Byunghun-ibnida, but call me L.Joe." A young lad with light purple hair said. He had a cold expression on his face, that was until he slightly smiled at me. I felt myself faintly smiling, and I know Sunmi noticed because I heard her gasp, so my smile soon dissapeared.        

                Minutes before:
    L.Joe's P.O.V.
        I was running my fingers through the keys on the piano when I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I groaned. I sighed when I got no response. "Aish." I walked to the door and opened it, revealing Sunmi.
    "Annyeong L.Joe. Are you guys ready?" She asked as she stepped inside. "Where are the other guys?" She asked looking around the living room.
    "Getting ready." I shrugged and walked over to the couch and threw myself on it. Why are we even going to see a crazy girl anyways.
    "Sunmi Noona!" I heard Ricky's voice as he came downstairs. "We're ready to go see her." He said.                

     "Good. Is everyone ready?" Sunmi asked. Everyone was already set and ready to leave. 

     "Neh." Changjo did a thumbs up. Sunmi smiled and together we all walked out the house, and into Sunmi's van. We drove down various roads until we drove on a lonley road. There was only like two cars in total, rather than us, driving on that road.
        "We're here." Sunmi said as she parked. I looked out the window. I gawked as I saw the beautiful building. It seemed pretty nice to be a building for crazy people. As we stepped out of the vehicle, I saw as how some patients stared at us with scary looks. I gulped. They sure know how to make someone feel scared. "This way." Sunmi lead us to the entrance of the building. We walked inside and towards the front counter. "Annyeong Nurse Kim." Sunmi greeted the nurse.
    "Ah, Sunmi-ah. Are you looking for Minhee-ah?" Nurse Kim asked her. Sunmi nodded. "I'll call Nurse Jung and tell her you are here." The nurse said. Sunmi nodded and bowed. We thanked the nurse and walked away.
    "Ahhhhhhhh! Get away, away!! I said to leave me. I need to get out of here!" A helpless patient screamed as some doctors carried her down the hallway. I watched in horror.
    'What kind of place is this?'  I asked myself.
    "Kill. Must kill." I heard another patient. He was a man in one of those mental sweater thingys. He was being guided by a nurse. I was staring at him, when all of a sudden I heard another voice.
    "Ah. Sunmi-ah!" A nurse with short brown hair walked towards us.
    "Nurse Jung. Annyeong. I came to visit Minhee-ah." Sunmi said. "Is she able to have visitors or is she asleep?" Sunmi asked.
    "Oh heavens no. She's actually somewhere around here, because she isn't in her room." Nurse Jung said, looking down the hallways with a curious look. "This way." She said pointing to the southeast hallway.
        We all followed her down the empty white hallways. Sometimes I heard screams from patients or heard them scratching on the doors. I cringed when I saw a young girl being pulled down the hallway into a room. She was screaming and kicking the nurses. I was fed up with everything I had seen since I came here, that was until I heard a beatiful melody. It was faint, but the more we walked down the hallway, the closer it sounded. We entered a room to see two figures sitting next to a piano. They had their backs facing us, but I knew which one of the girls was playing this sad song. I could feel the pain in the melody.                                    

        When the girl stopped playing, I immediatley clapped along with the rest of us. The two girls turned around. One girl had a satisfied look on her face. The other girl had a shocked look on her face. The girl with the messy bun and brown hair whispered to the other girl and walked past us.        

        "Your such a good pianist Minhee-ah." Sunmi smiled and ran to hug the angelic like girl. The girl, Minhee, just stared at her with no expression at all. Chunji who was beside me, faked a cough that reminded Sunmi that we had came along with her. "Oh uh. These are my friends I said that I was going to bring." She pointed at us. Minhee's lost gaze shifted to us, well to Cap first, since he  introduced himself first. She looked at each of the guys as they introduced themselves. When it was finally my turn I stepped up.
    "Annyeonghaseyo. Lee Byunghun-ibnida, but call me L.Joe." I said. The small, angelic girl looked at me and stared right at me. I felt like as if her stare would tear right through me. I slightly smiled at her to make it less awkward. When I saw her faint smile, I stared in awe. Never in my life had I seen such a dull smile look sweet and innocent. I heard Sunmi gasp. I turned to look at her and she was widely smiling at her sister. I turned to look back at Minhee's angelic face and found her smile had dissapeared.
    "Minhee-ah. Who was that girl?" Sunmi asked, reffering to the other girl who was with Minhee a while ago, I suppose. I watched as Minhee's eyes went from being dimm to being bright.
    "Eunso. Nae chingu." She said. Her sweet angelic voice tingled in my ears. It was the first time I heard her voice and to be honest it was a melodic tune. A beautiful and sweet melody to my ears.
    "Oh, jinjja?" Sunmi asked. Minhee nodded and stared at her sister.
    "So Minhee-ssi, you can play the piano? Hyung can too!" Ricky smiled and came to pat my back. I abrubtly stepped up from his 'pat' on the back. It was more like he pushed me. "Rigth hyung?" He asked. I nodded and awkwardly smiled. My eyes drifted off to Minhee. She was looking at me with a slight smile plastered on her face. It instantly melted me. Why? I have no idea, but I find her kind of..cute. Wait? What am I thinking? This girl is not normal. She's crazy. Lee Byunghun, you need to knock it off with those thoughts. I repeated to myself.
    Minhee's P.O.V.
        I stared at him with an faint smile. He stared at me as well, locking eye contact. I quickly broke the gaze and looked out the window. It was still raining, and the sun was now setting.                 

        The rest of the day I spent it with Unnie and her friends. They were really fun to hang out with. I felt myself comfortable along with them. I smiled more often and even spoke a few times.        

        When they left, they all bid farewell. I walked alongside Sunmi-Unnie and Changjo with Nurse Jung following behind of course, since she had let me walk them to the entrance only if she accompanied us as well. I watched as they all got into a van and drove down the lonley and long road. I sighed.                

         Nurse Jung took me to my bedroom and tucked me into bed after I had eaten supper. She smiled and closed the door as she exited out of the room. Tonight she surprisingly didn't put a straight jacket on me. I was relieved since it pained to wear a straight jacket. It made me feel like a total maniac.                 
        My eyes were glued to the ceiling. The only light in my room was coming from the moonlight shining through the curtain. I started to doze off into my own thoughts.

    Flash back.
      "Ani, I can't be late." I mumbled to myself as I rushed down the hard concrete sidewalks. I had awoken late and Sunmi was sick and couldn't go to to school, so I had to walk to school alone.          

        I huffed and held on to the rail beside me. I was surely already late, not to mention that I was barely crossing the bridge and still needed a few more blocks in order to reach school. I heaved a sigh and continued walking across the bridge. As I reached the end of the bridge a man caught my attention. I found myself quickly crossing the street, getting closer to the commotion.
    "Lies!" The guy frantically yelled and slammed his hands on the dukkbokki stand. The ahjumma flinched and trembled. "I want the money now." He said through gritted teeth. He lifted his hand, ready to backhand slap the ahjumma when I stepped in front of her and recieved the smack myself.          

    "Oof." I said, clenching my now stinging cheek with both hands.                      

    "Omo!" The ahjumma gasped and held onto my shoulders.
    "You ing idiot. You got in my way." The man yelled at me with anger in his voice.
    "Disrespectful." I hissed. He stared at me in confusion and I glared at him. "Disrespectful mother er. How dare you put a hand on a women." I said in a disgusted tone.
    "What the- Who the hell are you to tell me this? . This doesn't even involve you so I have no ing idea as to why you're stupid self is here in the first place." He said and stepped forward. I stepped back and looked over to find no one.

    'Where'd she go? Great. Just great. She left me alone here to deal with this creep' I thought to myself. "Eh?" I gasped when I felt myself hit the wall behind me. I cursed at how stupid I was.
    "Not so tough anymore huh." The man said in a husky voice. I cringed in disgust. He leaned in and held my chin up. "You know? Now that I look at you, You're pretty cute." His breath lingered on my face. He leaned in closer, close enough for us to kiss. When he his lips, ready to kiss me, I immediatley kicked him in his private part. "You ing ." He groaned and held his crotch.
    "You ing ert." I spat out. "People like you make me sick. You bastard." I said through gritted teeth. He smirked and stood up, smacking me right across the face. This time it was hard enough to knock me down.
    "Ahh." I winced and fell on the ground.
    "You ing . No one, you heard me, no one insults me. And you have no special privelage hunny." He coldly said.
    "Hah, you think that hurt bastard?" I smirked and managed to get back up. He glared and threw a punch at me that sent me back a few steps. He came closer to me and was about to hit me once again, when all of a sudden he was flung to the side. I looked to the side to see a young man with the same uniform as me.
    "Gwaenchana?" He asked as he checked my face. I faked a smile and nodded.
    "Neh. Uh..Gomawo." I shyly said.
    "Omo~ sweety, gwaenchana?" The ahjumma from earlier asked as she came and helped me sit down on a nearby chair. "I had to go get help. Mianhae for leaving you alone." She said as she caressed my bruised cheek.
       "You'll pay for this, er." The man who had hit me said as he ran down the road. He was all bruised up by the other young male who had saved me. The other male just dusted his uniform and walked back to us.
    "Gwaenchana?" He asked as he scrunched down to look at me. His soft hand reached towards my face and my heart beat accelerated and I felt my face heating up. "He hurt you real bad." He said in a soft voice. He kept his hand caressing my cheek until someone interrupted us.
    "Hunny, you go to the same school as my nephew?" The ahjumma from later interrupted us. As soon as she spoke up, he pulled away.
    "Neh, I supose from the uniforms." I said while looking at his uniform jacket.

        As my Hero cured my injuries with the first aid kit, I just ate some dukkbokki that the Ahjumma gave me.
    "There you go. All done." He said as he smiled and set the first aid kit aside.
    "Gomawo..Oh, what's your name?" I asked since I didn't know his name.
    "Oh, right. I forgot to introduce myself." He said as he chuckled. "Nan-"
    Flashback end.

        A tear rolled down my face and I automatically wiped it away as soon as possible.
    'I need to stop. Minhee stop. Stop thinking about him.' I thought to myself. 'Whenever I remember him, it just pains me. I wish that I forgot about him. I wish the I'd never saved that Ahjumma. I should've just walked by, then I wouldn't have met him. My hero, I wish you never came into my life. You- You killed me.'

       That night I fell asleep remembering. Remembering him. Remebering all our memories.





I'm sorry for not updating frequently, but I've been really busy. [with nothing lol]

But anyways, I've just been hanging out with my chingus since school is out! *Whoop Whoop!*

                                                                                                                                           Oh well, anyways, have any of you Angels out there

seen the teasers for Teen Top's new music video? OMO~ I totally spazzed out ^__^

Well, enough talk about that.

Mianhae guys, It's not L.Joe, but dont be sad cause you'll find out soon who the mysterious man is.

No need to worry, be patient, keep calm and eat some bulggogi <3

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updated! Wahh, I'm starting to update more frequently (well... not really) but its still better than nothing. otl


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Chapter 27: OMG!!!! L.JOE!!!!!! Get away from her!!!!
OMG OMG OMG!!!! YAH Jung DAEHYUN!!! WHere are you?!!!! ><
OMG!!! Daehyun you should be there!!! ==
btw, thanks for updating hehe I like it ! ^O^ ==
Chapter 27: yay! an update ^^
Mrs_Chang_Hyun #5
Chapter 26: YAY!!!!! FINALLY U UPDATE!!! >_<
THANKS!!! and I also Forgive you hehe :D
Chapter 26: Thanks for the Update!!!!!
Oh And By The Way...I Forgive you author-nim <3 <3 <3
OMG!!! author-nim!!! X( When are you going to update again?! huhuhu i have been waiting for likemonths... huhuhu X(
Chapter 25: UPDATEEEEEE DAEHYUNNIEEEEEEEE MAKE YO FIRST MOVE MAAN OR OR L.JOE FDKJAVJEABCHEJ BALLI!!! i dunno why i feel so happy when daehyun talks or when he tries to kiss Minhee.. MORE SKINSHIP >:D
Chapter 25: oh~~~ PLS update soon!!! author-nim, i really love ur story its... CHINCHA DAEBAK!!!! HEhe :D XD >_<