
The story only I didn't know.


          I was sitting down by the beach, looking off into the distance.
    Today Eonni didn't come, but I don't really care. I felt like being alone anyways.
    When am I not alone right? I'm in a mental hospital. How could I not be alone.
I've been stuck here three whole months, but to me it feels like an eternity. I am alone in a hopeless world. Alone, just how I was ment to be. This is my destiny.

        "Minhee-ah." I heard Nurse Jung call me form the building.
    I just sat there, lifeless like always. Nurse Jung came and slowly pulled me up.
    "Kaja. It's supper time." She smiled and walked me back into the building to my dorm.
    She led me through the hospital hallways.
    Then we passed many rooms until finally, we reached mine.
    (Except without the big hospital contraptions)

    "There you go." Nurse Jung said as she sat me on my bed. "I'll be back with supper."
    She smiled and walked out the room. I just sat there, staring into space.
    "Here's your food. Eat up. Arasso Minhee-ah." Nurse Jung said as she set my food.
    "I'll be here to pick up the food in a while, so enjoy." She said as she smiled and closed the door.
    I looked at the food and set it aside. I'm not hungry. I just continued to do nothing but sit there and stare at the wall since I couldn't look out the window because Nurse Jung had closed the curtains. 'How did I end up here?' I thought to myself. Then it hit me like a bullet.
     I was used. Used like a tablecloth. Used for one reason only.
    'Wae?' I asked myself over and over again. A tear unconsiously slipped down my cheek. I didn't even mind to wipe it away. What's the use of it when I know that more will come. And as if on cue, more tears spilled. My hands started to shake. I needed a razor. I needed it now.
    Luckily I had a spare one under my pillow, but what if Nurse Jung sees me? She'll take it away from me. 'I must wait 'till Nurse Jung comes to pick up my supper. Then she won't come back.' I tried to ease myself.
    I kept one seeing his face. His smile. That smile that made my heart skip a beat. Ugh.
    My mind tracked all the memories I had of him.

    "Minhee, look." He called. I looked over at his direction, but as soon as I turned I felt
    something cold plastered against my face. I blinked back twice.
    "Yah! What was that for?" I gasped. He chuckled and handed me a napkin.
    "Here. Let me do it." He said, then caressed my cheek with the napkin, wiping away the
    ice cream off of my face. "There." He grinned and did a thumbs up.
    "Gomawo Oppa." I smiled and my ice cream. "And don't you try that again." I warned him.
    "Arasso." He said in a defeated tone.    
    "Want some?" I asked, offering him some of my ice cream since he had none left because he had
    smeared it all on my face. "So?" I raised my cone and in a blink of an eye, He it.
    "Yumm. That was good." He his lips. "But not as good as your lips." He smirked.
    "Yah! Nasty!" I gasped and playfully hit his chest.
    "What? I'm just nasty because you make me." He teased. I blinked twice, again.
    "E-Eh? Liar. How could I possibly make you nasty?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.
    "Because..You make me ." He whispered the last word.
    "Mwoh? !" I yelled, causing everyone in the ice cream shop to look at us. I bowed and
    inmediatley apologized. "You're nasty." I mumbled and rolled my eyes.
    "Only for you, babe." He said and took my ice cream out of my hands, and it. "Kaja." He pulled me up.
    "Where to?" I asked him. He ignored me and kept on walking, dragging me along with him.

        My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. Nurse Jung came in and walked towards me.
    "Minhee-ah, did you eat well?" She asked and looked over at me. I just remained silent and
    deadly, as always. "Eh? You didn't even touch your food. Minhee you have to eat or else you won't
    be healthy." She said in a worried tone. I didn't care, I waited for her to scold me more but she just
    sighed and sat down beside me on the bed. "Come on Minhee. You have to eat. I want to see you
    well. I want to see you to smile, laugh, talk. I want to see you out of this miserable place and out in the world you belong in. I want you to be how Sunmi said you used to be." She took a strand of hair and put it behind my ear. I stiffened. Remembering how he used to do that to me. It made me feel sick. It made me feel horrible, so I pulled away. "Now let's do a quick check-up so you can go to bed." She stood up and went to go get her utencils for the check-up. After she was done she took my untouched food and her utencils. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. I wish I could be how I used to be, but I can't. It pains me. I want to forget. Forget everything, but it haunts me. I can't forget when I have memories of the past. I layed down and closed my eyelids, for I hadn't slept at all last night. I drifted off into a deep slumber, but not for long.  


 "Minhee-ah..Come on. It'll be fun." He whispered in my ear. He pulled me closer to him.              

     "Ani. I don't want to." I jerked away from him. I started to walk away as fast as I could.
    "Minhee!!" He yelled, "Come back!" He then ran after me. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. "I said come back!" He yelled, coming closer to me. Luckily I opened the door, and ran down the hallway, and towards the stairs. I reached the first step, but felt someone yank me back.
    "Ahhhh!" I screamed and winced in pain. "Let me go!" I screamed even louder.
    "Scream. Scream all you want. No one'll hear you anyways." He hissed. I pushed him away and leaped for the stairs. "Yah! You ." He yelled and ran after me. He jerked me towards him by my wrist, but I pulled away and..

     "Ahhh!" I screamed. I looked around. I'm in my plain white, cold room. I gasped for air. I rubbed my wrists. They hurt. It's like as if the nightmare was real. I needed water. I got up, but fell on the on the ground. 'Minhee-ah, come on. It'll be fun.' I heard his voice. I don't know if it was in my mind or if it was real, but all I wanted to do was run away. Get away as soon as possible.
    "Get away!" I panicked. I hopelessly threw my arms all around. "Leave! Leave now!" I yelled. 'Come back.' I heard his voice again. I grew impacient. "Leave me alone.." I gasped and tugged at my chest for air. I crawled back to my bed and retrieved the razor from under my pillow. Without any second to think I slashed the razor on my arm.
    "Ahh." I winced lowly. I cut my arm more and more, until I couldn't even hold the razor no longer, for my hand was shaking too much. My razor dropped to the floor along with my blood. I rubbed my wounded arm with my shaking hand.
    "Minhee-ah, gwaenchana? What's wrong?" Nurse Jang asked as she flung the door open. She saw me on the floor an came to me. "Gwaench- Minhee! Wae?" She gasped once she saw my bleeding arm. She harshly pulled me up and rushed me to the medical room.                   

                "What's the matter Nurse Jang?" The docter asked, but he didn't need an explanation when he saw my bleeding arm. "Ara. Stand outside, I'll call you when everything's finished." He said to Nurse Jang. She nodded, took a glance at me and walked out. "Aigoo. Minhee-ah. What are we going to do with you?" He mumbled while getting his supplies. "My my. These are even worse than the one's from before." He lowly said as he put alcohol on my cuts.
    I winced. It hurt, but I liked the pain. It..It made me feel. Made me feel something. Something unexplainably..good.                                        "There." The doctor said as he wrapped the big bandage around my arm. "You stay here and I'll go get Nurse Jang." He said and walked out the room.
    "Minhee-ah." I heard Nurse Jang's voice. I remained silent, looking down at nothing in particular. "Look at me Minhee." She sternly said, causing me to look up at her. "This. This is not good."  She said, pointing to my arm. "I want this to be the last time. Where did you get the razor from?" She glared at me. I shrugged and stood up. I walked past her and headed out, but she pulled me back. "You know? You can't keep being oblivious to everything Minhee. Tell me. Tell me what happened." She pleaded. I intently looked at her. I couldn't tell her. I. I can't. She waited for my response, but I said nothing so she gave up. "Kaja. Let's go take you to bed." She sighed and took me by the hand to my room.
    "Take this." Nurse Jung said. She was holding a pill. A pain killer. I hesitated but took it anyways. After I had taken it she gave me some water along with it. My eyes grew lazier and lazier by the minute until finally, I fell asleep.
        The sunlight hit my face. I opened my eyes and squinted them from the sunlight. I was going to rub my eyes, but my hands wouldn't budge. I squirmed and fought for my arms to be free. I finally gave up and let out a heavily sigh. I looked down and found that I was wearing a straight jacket.


    I squirmed once more, but still couldn't get free.
    "Annyeong Minhee-ah." Nurse Jung greeted, opening the door to my solem room. I looked over at her with sad eyes. "Let's do a quick check up and give you breakfast, then we'll go out for a walk." She came over to me and lifted me up. "Let's take this off, we'll put it on later." She mumbled the last five words. She let me free from that horrible straight jacket.
        After the check up that lasted almost 30 minutes, she brought me my breakfast. She set the tray of food on my food stand and left the room. I looked at my food. My stomache growled, but I didn't want to eat so I just ate half of the sandwhich and drank my juice. After a while Nurse Jung came back and took my food away, then she walked me out to the beach. She had to go attend a new patient that had arrived so I stayed alone, sitting down and staring off into the far distance of the beach.
    "A-A-Annyeong-haseyo." I heard a faint, stuttering voice. I slowly turned my gaze to the girl. She was a petit girl with light hazel nut brown hair. Her hair was tied into a messy bun. She was wearing the same hospital uniform as me. She sat down and looked up at the sky. "I'm new here." She said, still looking up. Why is she here when she seems perfectly normal? I asked myself. She turned to face me, a tear rolling down her cheek. "I-I..Help me." She said before throwing herself on me. I was wide eyed. I hated when people touched me. I hated, hated, hated it. I wanted to get her off me, but for some reason I didn't. It's like as if I felt connected to her. She sobbed on my shoulder and I just sat there, rubbing her back. When I heard no more sobs, I checked to see if she was fine and to my surprise she was asleep.
    "Looks like you made a new chingu, eh?" I turned to see Nurse Jung smiling. She came up to us and hunched down to our level. "Her name's Nam Eunso. She's the new patient that came in today." She said. Some big buff guys came and stood above us. They were literally towering over us."Ah, neh. This girl here. Please take her to her room." Nurse Jung pointed at Eunso. The two men bent down and took Eunso out of my grasp. I watched them take her sleeping figure away. Back into the Building.

    "I have to run some small errands, please be careful." She patted my back and walked away. It was barely afternoon and I was already bored. I had nothing to do any day anyways. All I did was sit on the beach or play the piano. I was deep into thoughts about the notes on the song that I play on the piano when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I slowly looked up and saw Sunmi's sweet face looking down at me.
    "Annyeong Minhee-ah. Mianhae. I couldn't come yesterday because I was so busy with assignments. And guess what? I made new friends. They want to meet you. I'll bring them some other time, maybe tomorrow. I'll ask them. Omo~ I have this hot teacher who-" She kept on talking, non-stop. I blocked her out once she said, 'I made new friends. They want to meet you' Me? Why me? I asked myself. I stared at moving, but I couldn't hear any sound at all. It's like as if I had  pressed mute and just watched the images on tv with no sound. "So what do you say?" I then heard  her soft voice. She stared at me, waiting for my response. "Tomorrow's fine right?" She asked again. I gave her no answer, for I had no idea what she was talking about
. She smiled and did a thumbs up.
    "I'll take that as a yes. But enough of me, how have you been?" She sat down next to me.        

   "Good." I managed to say.

She smiled and layed her head on my shoulder. "Bogoshipoyo Dongsaeng. You need to get well soon. Palli, eung?"
    I nodded as a response.
        The rest of the day we spent talking, well she spent talking. I just nodded or responded with short answers. When it was already getting dark, she left because visiting hours were over. Nurse Jung took me to my room and gave me another pill, then put me in the straight jacket once again and I fell asleep.




I know that I haven't updated, but it's cause I'm really busy with fianls >.<

I swear, I just want school to end already and I'm grateful that it ends Friday!

Whoop Whoop! *Does a celebrating dance*

Anyways .__.  Thanks for subscribing~ And I hope that I'll continue to have more subbies.

But yeah....Who do you guys think the guy is?

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updated! Wahh, I'm starting to update more frequently (well... not really) but its still better than nothing. otl


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Chapter 27: OMG!!!! L.JOE!!!!!! Get away from her!!!!
OMG OMG OMG!!!! YAH Jung DAEHYUN!!! WHere are you?!!!! ><
OMG!!! Daehyun you should be there!!! ==
btw, thanks for updating hehe I like it ! ^O^ ==
Chapter 27: yay! an update ^^
Mrs_Chang_Hyun #5
Chapter 26: YAY!!!!! FINALLY U UPDATE!!! >_<
THANKS!!! and I also Forgive you hehe :D
Chapter 26: Thanks for the Update!!!!!
Oh And By The Way...I Forgive you author-nim <3 <3 <3
OMG!!! author-nim!!! X( When are you going to update again?! huhuhu i have been waiting for likemonths... huhuhu X(
Chapter 25: UPDATEEEEEE DAEHYUNNIEEEEEEEE MAKE YO FIRST MOVE MAAN OR OR L.JOE FDKJAVJEABCHEJ BALLI!!! i dunno why i feel so happy when daehyun talks or when he tries to kiss Minhee.. MORE SKINSHIP >:D
Chapter 25: oh~~~ PLS update soon!!! author-nim, i really love ur story its... CHINCHA DAEBAK!!!! HEhe :D XD >_<