I can't.

The story only I didn't know.

Minhee's P.O.V

    I warrily opened my eyes and saw a faint figure, but instantly recognized him, Daehyun.
"Shh, go to sleep." He whsipered and carressed my face, sending a warm feeling though my whole body. I didn't know what had gotten into me, because I wanted him to stay close to me.
"Please..don't go." I faintly whispered, putting my hand over his.
"I''ll be here, don't worry just sleep." He spoke softly, instantly comforting me with his voice. I soon felt his soft and warm hands clamp on top of mine, sending that same warm feeling through my whole body. I heard his voice off in the distance but couldn't clearly hear it, for I had drifted off to sleep, dreaming of things I had never dreamt of before.

    The sweet breeze blew my hair out of place. I turned to look everywhere with awe. Blossom trees, lovely birds and an amazing scent surrounded me. As I continued walking, I felt a sudden urge to turn around, since I felt a someone behind me.
"Y-You?" I gasped and shook my head.
"Minhee-ah," He roughly spoke. "Remember me?" He asked, taking a step forward.
"Where- What do you want?" I asked, taking a step back. He took a few steps forward, and I held my hand out in front of me. "Don't come any closer." I barely spoke, my heart-rate accelerating.
"Wae Minhee-ah?" He asked in a hurtful tone. "Have you forgotten me already?"
He walked up to me and harshly took ahold of my wrist.
"Ahh." I winced in pain as he tightened his grip on my wrist.
"Minhee, have you forgotten me already?" He asked once again, leaning his forehead on mine. "Wae Minhee? I loved you." He said.
"You never loved me, don't lie!" I said, raising my voice at him.
"Yes I did," He coldly spat out. He shook me and rested his head on my shoulder.
"T-Then why..did you do it?" I managed to ask, my voice so quiet that only he could hear it. "Why did you use me?" I asked, a tear escaping my eye.
"I," He chuckled and put his hands on my shoulders. "I wanted to have you, I couldn't help myself."
I srunched my face. "You..changed, way before that happened. Way before you-"
He interrupted me, by carresseing my face. He then proceeded to kiss me, but I pushed him back. He stepped back a few steps and looked down at the ground. I sighed and looked up at him.
"Minhee-ah," He coldly hissed. My eyes grew wide when he suddenly slapped me right across the face. I fell to the ground and looked up at him with fear. He pulled my hair and hit me again, this time punching me. I felt blood trickle down to my chin, for he had punched me on the corner of my mouth. "You will be-" He spat out, his hand ready to hit me again when someone roughly grabbed his hand and pushed him back.
"Minhee-ah," His voice called my name. "Gwaenchana?" He asked as he knelt down on my level.
"Daehyun-ssi?" I asked, wiping my tears with my hands.
"Ani, it's me L.Joe." He said. I immediatly looked up and stared at him.
"L.Joe-ssi?" I called his name and he nodded. I don't know what got into me, but I threw myself on him and clung to his chest.
"Minhee-ah," He said my name in a sweet tone, that sent a warm feeling through my whole body. "Wait, what the-" He said, looking off to the side. I tilted my head and searched for what had caught L.Joe's attention.
"Daehyun-ssi?" I mumbled to myself. Daehyun was walking toward us. He stopped once he reached us.
"Minhee-ah, gwaenchana?" He asked, totally ignoring L.Joe.
"MINHEE!!!" Someone screamed my name. I automatically turned and faced him. "Who are they?" He asked. He held his chest and walked up to us. "Have you forgotten about me already?" He asked again. He leaned down and squeezed my arm that was within his reach.
"Ahh, you're hurting me." I winced in pain.
"Let her go!" L.Joe hissed and pulled me more into his embrace.
"Yeah, leave her alone." Daehyun snapped and pushed him back, but he got a knife out and ed it into Daehyun's side.
"Daehyun!" I yelled and ran to him. L.Joe went towards 'him' and threw him on the ground.
"Minhee-ah," Daehyun faintly spoke. He weakly smiled and carressed my cheek. "You-"
"I? I what?" I panicked. He smiled back at me and slowly closed his eyes. "Daehyun? Daehyun-ssi? Daehyun, please don't go. Daehyun!" I yelled and closed my eyes, letting a tear slip down my face.
"Minhee-ah," I heard L.Joe's voice. I opened my eyes and found myself in a blank place.
"Minhee-ah." Someone called my name, this time it sounded like Sunmi.
"Unnie?" I called.

End of dream++

    "U-Unnie?" I called again and opened my eyes completely. I looked around and found myself in my room. I was surrounded by my Unnie and her friends, also considered my friends. I then looked around some more, searching for him. "Daehyun?" I called, unkowingly.
"Daehyun?" Ricky asked. He had a confused look on his face.
"Where's Daehyun?" I asked, panicking because of the nightmare I had.
"Minhee-ah, calm down." She softly said and held onto my hand. I looked around, this time searching for someone else.
"L.Joe-ssi?" I called. L.Joe soon stepped up and came to my side. I reached out to him, wanting to hug him like I had done in my nightmare. He took my hand and came closer to me. I pulled him closer and hugged him, clinging onto his chest. I felt a shock go through my whole body the instant I touched his body, but ignored it and snuggled closer into his chest.
"M-Minhee-ah" He stuttered. "W-What-"
"You're okay. That's all that matters, L.Joe-ssi." I whispered. I felt his body stiffen, but go back to normal in a matter of seconds.
"Minhee-ah, gwaenchana?" Sunmi asked. She looked up at L.Joe and then back at me.
"Unnie, where's Daehyun-ssi?" I asked, remembering him.
"Oh, uh he-" She was cut off by a knock on the door.
"Excuse me, I just-" Daehyun said as he opened the door, but stopped once he looked over at me. His eyes narrowed at L.Joe. "I just came back to bid my fairwell to Minhee-ah." He said. He looked at me and weakly smiled. "Bye Minhee-ah, see you whenever I come and visit." He said, turning around to leave.
'Say something Minhee. Tell him not to go, ask him if he's okay! ' I told myself, but found no words. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. "Daehyun-ssi." I called his name, but was too late for he had already exited the room. I heavily sighed and looked down, feeling all eyes on me.
"Well, now that he left. Let's talk about fun stuff." Ricky said, leaning his head on Niel's shoulder.

"Minhee-ah," L.Joe softly whispered in my ear, only loud enough for me to hear. "I-"
"Don't go." I whispered back to him, still clinging onto him. I felt him nod, then he put a hand on my back, causing blood to rush to my face. I burried my face into his chest to keep the rest from seeing me blush, but I slightly smiled to myself. 'Minhee, what are you feeling? You can't have these feelings again, not again. ' I scolded myself.

A few minutes before.

L.Joe's P.O.V.

    "So what did you end up saying to Chohee?" Chunji asked as he played around with his phone. I cocked my head back on the car seat and shrugged.
"What do you mean?" I asked, looking up.
"You know, what excuse did you use in order to get out of the date?" He asked, putting his phone on his lap. "I still can't believe that you cancelled your two month anniversary date in order to go visit Sunmi's sister."
"I didn't cancell it just to come and see-"
"Sure L.Joe, whatever." He teased and continued to play on his phone. I heavily sighed and looked at my phone.
'She hasn't even replied to my text. ' I thought. 'What..What if she didn't recieve it and is waiting for me at the movies? ' I panicked and checked my messages again, just in case if I had skipped her text.

Chohee-ah~ Mianhae, but I can't make it to our date. Something came up, but promise to not get mad, eung? 

I re-read my text to Chohee over and over again.
I threw my head back and mentally face-palmed myself. I had just cancelled my 2 month anniversary date without even thinking twice, just because I wanted to see her. 'What kind of boyfriend am I? ' I asked myself and rolled my eyes.

    "We're here!" Ricky yelled, waking me up from my nap. I rubbed my eyes and warrily looked out the car window. "Come one guys~ Minhee's waiting." He said, bouncing up and down. He then opened the car door and stepped outside.
"Wahh, seems like Ricky-ah wants to see my sister more than I do." Sunmi said as she hopped off the car.

    We were heading to Minhee's room since we asked at the counter where we could find her and they sent us to her room. Ricky quickly sped-walked to her bedroom door and was the first to knock.
"You guys! Wait for me!" Sumni yelled and ran to catch up to us.
Before she could even get here, the door to Minhee's room opened and a guy with dirty blonde hair popped his head out.
"Yes?" He asked, fully opening the door.
"Where's Minhee Noona?" Ricky asked. The guy looked at Ricky, then he shifted his gaze towards the rest of us. Sumni soon pushed her way between us and made her way up to come face to face with the guy.
"Ah, excuse me but we're looking for Minhee, my sister." She said.
"Oh, uh she's sleeping." The guy said as he looked back at Minhee who was sleeping in her bed.
"And, who are you?" Chunji asked in a rude tone, narrowing his eyes at the guy.
"Nan-" He said, but was cutt off my Nurse Jung.
"He's my nephew, and he's here because he helped carry Minhee to bed." She said in a flat tone. "Ah, Sunmi-ah, you came to visit your sister when she just fell asleep." She said, while smiling at Sunmi.
"Oh, neh. And I brought my friends with me since we won't be able to come and see her for a whole week because of exam week." Sunmi said, looking back at us.
"Oh, it's okay. You can wait in there for her to wake up. Daehyun, you can come with me." Nurse Jung said. The guy, apparently named Daehyun, nodded and excused himself. I gave him a rude look and he returned it.
"Bye, Daehyun-ssi. Thanks for carrying my sister." Sunmi said before we all headed inside Minhee's room.
"Tch. The nerve of that guy." I mumbled to myself.
"Eh?" Changjo asked. He gave me a confused look and I just shrugged. He nodded his head and went to Minhee's side. "Awh man, Noona's fast asleep. I wanted to surprise her when we got here." He pouted.
"It's okay Changjo, you can surprise her when she wakes up." Sunmi said, comforting him with a hug. He smiled and walked over to Niel.

    As we waited for Minhee to wake up, I felt a shiver go up my body. I looked over at Minhee's angelic sleeping face and saw her troubled expression. My gaze fell on her lips. They were light pink and plump. I saw her lips move, like she said something in her dreams.
"Don't go.." She mumbled a little louder.
"Minhee-ah," I called and pointed at her. Everyone turned their gaze to her as she mumbled something else, it wasn't very clear to be heard, but it sounded like somebody's name.
Sunmi ran to her side and called her name.
"Unnie?" Minhee mumbled. "Unnie?" She called Sunmi once more, this time opening her eyes. She carefully looked around the room. "Daehyun?" She called. My insides churned at that name coming out of her sweet lips.
Ricky gave me a confused look then turned his gaze to Minhee, "Daehyun?" He asked.
"Where's Daehyun?" She panicked, her eyes traveling around the room.
"Minhee-ah, calm down." Sunmi said, trying to comfort her sister. Minhee's eyes searched the room once more.
"L.Joe-ssi?" She called. Hearing my name, I automatically stepped up and walked over to her. Her hand reached out to me and I took her hand, letting that same warm feeling run through my body like it did when Chohee touched me. She hugged me, clinging onto my chest. I felt blood rush to my face, causing me to blush. I looked over at Chunji and he had a confused expression, as did the rest.
"M-Minhee-ah, W-What-" I stuttered, feeling her breath on my chest.
"You're okay. That's all that matters, L.Joe-ssi." She whispered, cutting me off. Just with those words, my body stiffened.
"Minhee-ah, gwaenchana?" Sunmi asked. She looked at me with a what-is-going-on look and then down at Minhee.
"Unnie, where's Daehyun-ssi?" I heard Minhee ask.
"Oh, uh he-" Sunmi was speaking but was cut off by a knock on the door.
Daehyun opened the door. "Excuse me, I just-" He suddenly stopped once he looked over at my direction, narrowing his eyes and then shifed his gaze to Minhee. "I just came back to bid my fairwell to Minhee-ah." He said. He looked down at Minhee and sourly smiled. "Bye Minhee-ah, see you whenever I come and visit." He said, turning around to leave. Minhee stirred and then I heard her lightly mumble something.
"Daehyun-ssi," She mumbled but was too late, for Daehyun had already left the room. She sighed and hung her head.
"Well now that he left, let's talk about fun stuff." Ricky said, trying to bright the mood up while laying his head on Niel's shoulder.

    While the whole gang talked about random things, I still felt Minhee's warm breath on my chest.
"Minhee-ah," I whispered softly. "I-"
"Don't go." She whispered, cutting me off. My heart-beat accelerated hearing those words coming out of . I nodded and accidentally touched her back. I felt like as if everyone could hear my heart pounding especially Minhee, since she was right close to my heart. She soon held on tighter to me and burried her face in my chest. I felt all warm and comforted by her presence.
'Why do I feel so happy when I'm with her? Is it wrong to feel like this for someone who's not Chohee? L.Joe..what's going on with you? My heart is just over-reacting since I'm not with Chohee..right? ' I thought to myself.


    "Well, we're off then." Sunmi said, giving her sister's hand a squeeze.
"Unnie, bogoshipoyo." Minhee voiced. Sunmi happily grinned and pulled Minhee into a tight hug.
"Nado bogoshipoyo, Minhee-ah~" She said, her voice full of happiness.

    Once everybody had bid their goodbyes' , it was finally my turn.
"Minhee-ah, goodbye." I said, sincerely smiling at her.
"Bye, L.Joe-ssi." She said, slightly smiling up at me.
"Alrighty, let's get going then. I need to study really hard for Monday." Sunmi said, dragging me away from Minhee. She led me to the door and pushed me out, but not before I casted my sight on Minhee's sweet face. I lastly smiled at her and waved. She slowly smiled and sat down on her bed.

    As we were in the car, driving home in the rain, my phone buzzed. I reached into my jacket pocket and took my phone out, reading my message.

I waited for you, but you never showed up.

'Chohee..mianhae. Jeongmal mianhae.'  I thought. 'Aish. L.Joe, you're such a pabo.'  I scolded myself. I sighed, looking at the text, trying to think about what to reply to her.





So this chapter has more L.Joe, lol. I know ^.^

But I promise that the next chapter will have Eunso and Daehyun,

including some Chohee and L.Joe.



Soon, very very soon, you guys will know who 'He' is. ^o^

and also Minhee's story~

^^ OMFG!!! Byunghunnie, wae so cute?? >3<

Until then stay tuned everyone ^^

Much love,          

Lee Juliet ^^

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updated! Wahh, I'm starting to update more frequently (well... not really) but its still better than nothing. otl


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Chapter 27: OMG!!!! L.JOE!!!!!! Get away from her!!!!
OMG OMG OMG!!!! YAH Jung DAEHYUN!!! WHere are you?!!!! ><
OMG!!! Daehyun you should be there!!! ==
btw, thanks for updating hehe I like it ! ^O^ ==
Chapter 27: yay! an update ^^
Mrs_Chang_Hyun #5
Chapter 26: YAY!!!!! FINALLY U UPDATE!!! >_<
THANKS!!! and I also Forgive you hehe :D
Chapter 26: Thanks for the Update!!!!!
Oh And By The Way...I Forgive you author-nim <3 <3 <3
OMG!!! author-nim!!! X( When are you going to update again?! huhuhu i have been waiting for likemonths... huhuhu X(
Chapter 25: UPDATEEEEEE DAEHYUNNIEEEEEEEE MAKE YO FIRST MOVE MAAN OR OR L.JOE FDKJAVJEABCHEJ BALLI!!! i dunno why i feel so happy when daehyun talks or when he tries to kiss Minhee.. MORE SKINSHIP >:D
Chapter 25: oh~~~ PLS update soon!!! author-nim, i really love ur story its... CHINCHA DAEBAK!!!! HEhe :D XD >_<