
The story only I didn't know.

Minhee's P.O.V.

    I opened my eyes, the sunlight blinding me for a second. After I adjusted to the brightness, I looked around me only to fall off the couch.

"Aya," I uttered, getting up from the floor while I rubbed my cheek.

"Gwaenchana?" I heard someone ask.

I immediately looked up, seeing Sunmi who was already dressed for work.

"Why were you asleep on the couch, pabo?" She asked, helping me up.

I pondered for a bit, trying to recall how I ended up falling asleep on the couch. And that's when I remembered about spending the night with Daehyun. But where did he go?

"Eh?" Sunmi nudged me, signaling me to answer her question.

"Oh, I came down to get a glass of milk and I guess I fell asleep." I smiled at her.

She nodded her head as if agreeing, then she walked to the door.
"I'm off to work. I'll be back later and be careful." She winked at me, exiting the house with a chuckle.

I walked to the window, watching her retreating figure get into the car and drive away. Then, I walked up to my room to take a shower. As I showered, I tried remembering what happened the night before, but it seemed like I had lost my memory--I remembered nothing at all.

"Aigoo, I'm so hungry." I mumbled, rubbing my stomach as I conditioned my hair. I let the water trickle down my wet body, feeling refreshed all over. I loved taking showers in the morning, it brightened my day as well as making me less drowsy.

    After I had showered, I changed into some casual clothes, putting my hair up in a messy bun.

I then headed downstairs to make myself breakfast, but for some reason I had no appetite with anything in that was in the fridge. I craved for a fruit salad or yogurt, so I quickly gave Aj some food and left to the nearby cafe.

"I'll be back~" I said to Aj as I closed the door, walking out of my house. I opened the gate, stepping out of my yard. I headed left, making my way to Moonlight cafe'.

When I arrived, I ordered a yogurt to go since I wanted to eat it at the park. But also because I didn't like eating alone a a cafe, it somehow bothered me.

"Here you go, ahgassi." The ahjumma behind the counter smiled as she handed me my strawberry covered yogurt.

I smiled, handing her the money with my left hand and taking my yogurt with the other hand.
"Thank you, ahjumma~" I said.

"No problem honey." She replied, an endearing smile on her face.

I smiled back at her, bowing as I turned around to exit the cafe. I then headed to the park, sitting down on the swings as I enjoyed my yogurt. I slowly swung, watching as little kids played around, watching young and old couples walk by holding hands; they all looked so cute. I frowned as I looked down at my yogurt.

Do I have a chance with someone? I asked myself. Am I ever going to be happy with someone? But most importantly, am I worth someone's time?  I sighed, shaking my head to get those absurd thoughts out of my head. I then held up a spoonful of yogurt up to my mouth only for it to be knocked down to the floor.

"Y-Yah! What's your problem?" I blurted out, clearly angry at the person who had done that. I stood up from the swing, only to be abruptly pulled by my wrist. "A-Aya."

"What did you say?" A familiar voice asked.

I cringed, knowing who's voice that was. And my day has just been ruined.
"I'm- What's you're problem, Hyunjun?"

"Hm? Seems like you got guts now." He tsk-ed, shaking me back and forth.

I pushed him away from me, almost making him fall. He wasn't going to walk all over me anymore--not anymore. I've had enough of him and the rest of Smash bullying me.

"I've had guts. Now leave me alone, I have somewhere to g- Ahh, l-let go." I winced when he got up and pulled my hair that was in a bun, making me look straight into his angry eyes.

He chuckled, his lips afterwards.
"I'll let go, not because you asked me but because I don't want to attract people's attention." He hissed, letting go of my bun as he pushed me down with force, making my hand land on my yogurt.

Great. What now?  I thought, getting up from the ground only to be pulled by the wrist.
"Let go of me already. Gee, what's up with all the pulling and hitting? Seriously? Do you hate me that much? What did I ever do to you?" I asked, flaring with anger. "I already said sorry for what happened with Hero. What else do I need to do? Eh? I-"

"Shut the up!" Hyunjun yelled, slapping me across the face. "A sorry isn't enough. You know he was like my little brother? And I can't just let it go. It hurts.." He said in a quivering voice.

I stood there, frozen as an icicle. I didn't dare say anything--I couldn't bring myself to do so. It was like as if seeing the mighty Hyunjun in this state made me feel guilty--guilty for yelling at him just now. I know he deserved it for being so mean to me, but still, I wasn't the type of cold-hearted person to think like that; being nice and understanding was just typical for someone like me.

"..Uhm, Hyunjun," I called, rubbing my now red cheek. It hurt from the slap he gave me.

He sniffled, looking up at the cloudy, blue sky.

"I really am sorry. I'm sorry for just thinking about how I felt. I should have thought first about your feelings, and how hurt you must have been-"

"Must have been ?" He asked, emphasizing the words have been.

I gulped, did I say something wrong?

He let a laugh escape his lips, making me shiver. I never liked the sound of his laughter. It always sounded like an evil Dracula-type laugh.
"You little ." He said through gritted teeth, taking a hold of my wrist again.

"Really? Again? Okay, what's with you and my wris-"

I was cut of by yet another slap. I whimpered, feeling the blood trail from the corner of my lip.
Aish, I just bit myself.

"Just shut up already. You're so annoying, trying to act all sweet but I know how you are." He hissed.

I stared at the ground, not wanting to talk because it'd hurt my lips. But what else can I do? I have to defend myself.

"I'm not acting. I-If you really knew me, you'd know that I'm not act-" I said, flinching when he raised his hand. I waited for the impact, but for some reason it never came. I opened my eyes, seeing Hyunjun on the floor, glaring at the girl beside me. I couldn't tell who it was since her back was facing me-however, that changed when she turned around to face me; it was none other than Chohee.

"Minhee-ah, gwaenchana?" She asked.

I nodded my head, giving her an I'm-okay smile. She pouted, coming closer to me. I blinked, seeing how her hand reached over to my lip, lightly brushing past it.

"'re bleeding. How can you be fine?" She scolded as she looked at her finger. "See?" She asked, showing me her bloody finger.

"Really, I'm fine. It just hurts a little." I said, wiping my hand over the corner of my lips. Afterwards, I looked at it and saw the blood. I was about to say something when Hyunjun interrupted me. He wiped the dirt from his shirt, glaring at me with ice cold eyes.

"We'll deal with this some other time cause it seems like we can't ever speak alone without anyone having to interrupt us." He said.

I rolled my eyes, "We have nothing to talk about. Please leave me alone."

He chuckled, shaking his head as he walked away. I let out a huge sigh, bending down to pick up a rock. I then threw it at his already gone figure.

"Who is he, Minhee?" Chohee asked.

I froze, remembering that L.Joe's girlfriend was beside me.

Make something up, pabo. She can't know who Hyunjun is, or else she might tell Sunmi. And then Sunmi would always be after you..don't tell her. I thought to myself.

"No one important," I ended up saying.

"You sure?" She asked, slightly bending her head in questioning. "Because it sure seemed like he knew you."

I forced out a laugh, "Don't worry. He's no one and I'm sure that after that push you gave him, he'll never come around again."

She nodded her head in agreement, pulling me in for a quick hug.
"Well I have to go, L.Joe's waiting for me. Want us to walk you home?" Chohee asked.

"Ani," I replied as I shook my head. "I'll walk myself home. I have to go run some errands anyway."

"Arasseo. It was nice seeing you, be careful~" She winked, then started walking away. I nodded my head, waving at her disappearing figure. Thanks to her, Hyunjun left me alone.

"C-Chohee-ah!" I called out, running behind her already far figure. I kept on calling her, but to no avail; she was already long gone. "Oh great. I didn't even get to say thanks.." I pouted.

L.Joe's P.O.V.

    I hummed to G-dragon's new song That xx  as I waited for Chohee in front of Moonlight cafe. What's taking her so long? Did something happen to her? Is she bailing on me?

No no. Don't over-react Byunghun. I told myself.

"Byunghun~" I heard her call out to me. My eyes immediately trailed over to her as a smile appeared on my face. "Sorry I was late. I had a little problem, but it's all good now."

"What problem?" I asked, extending my hand out to her so she could take a hold of it.

She intertwined our hands, "Minhee."

"E-Eh? What happened to her?" I blurted out rather quickly. 'Darn. Don't be too obvious.'

"Some idiot was harming her, so I stepped in to help her. Aigoo. I really wanted to hug her and protect her. She's just so fragile, huh?" She asked, looking up at me with a raised brow.

I nodded my head, "Who was the guy?"

"Molla. She didn't tell me." She shrugged her shoulders with a pout. "I asked her to come along with me so we could walk her home before we go to the movies but she refused saying that she had some errands to run."

"Aish, you should have brought her along. What if that guy hurts her again?" I asked.

She held on tighter to me, "Mianhae. I didn't want to force her to come."

"Gwaenchana, I understand." I replied, feeling guilty for scolding her just a while ago.

She hauled me to a stop, turning me around to face her.
"I know you do, Oppa~" She smiled, pulling me down so she could kiss me-and she did. I smiled between the kiss. Why do I feel torn between two people? Why do I like two girls? I don't want to hurt either of them. But then again, Minhee has Daehyun.

I should stop thinking about her. But my heart doesn't listen. Aish, get it together Byungun. You pabo.

Minhee's P.O.V.

    It was already afternoon when I got home. I had spent the whole day out in the streets. I had even talked to Hara, Nicole and Jiyoung. It was nice to see them again, even if it was for a little while. I also met Hara's boyfriend, Junhyung, he was really nice. You could clearly see the love in his eyes for Hara, and you could also see the love in Hara's eyes when she looked at him.

"I'm home~" I smiled, opening the house door. I stepped in only to be greeted by darkness. Was unnie not back yet? But her shift was over one hour ago.

Oh well, I sighed. I the lights, throwing myself on the couch. "Aigoo. I'm so tired already. I'm such a pabo, I shouldn't have walked around all Seoul." I uttered under my breath. And unknowingly I fell asleep, without even bothering to take off my shoes or disinfect my bruised lip.





I finally updated. Omg. I'm going crazy, I can't wait for Secret's m/v!

But anyway, I know this is a rather boring chapter but

I took forever to write it and it turned out, BLEH. I dunn' like it.

But the next chapeters will be interesting~ *smiles*

--Do comment&subscribe, thanks everyone.

Your comments mean a lot to me~ :3

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updated! Wahh, I'm starting to update more frequently (well... not really) but its still better than nothing. otl


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Chapter 27: OMG!!!! L.JOE!!!!!! Get away from her!!!!
OMG OMG OMG!!!! YAH Jung DAEHYUN!!! WHere are you?!!!! ><
OMG!!! Daehyun you should be there!!! ==
btw, thanks for updating hehe I like it ! ^O^ ==
Chapter 27: yay! an update ^^
Mrs_Chang_Hyun #5
Chapter 26: YAY!!!!! FINALLY U UPDATE!!! >_<
THANKS!!! and I also Forgive you hehe :D
Chapter 26: Thanks for the Update!!!!!
Oh And By The Way...I Forgive you author-nim <3 <3 <3
OMG!!! author-nim!!! X( When are you going to update again?! huhuhu i have been waiting for likemonths... huhuhu X(
Chapter 25: UPDATEEEEEE DAEHYUNNIEEEEEEEE MAKE YO FIRST MOVE MAAN OR OR L.JOE FDKJAVJEABCHEJ BALLI!!! i dunno why i feel so happy when daehyun talks or when he tries to kiss Minhee.. MORE SKINSHIP >:D
Chapter 25: oh~~~ PLS update soon!!! author-nim, i really love ur story its... CHINCHA DAEBAK!!!! HEhe :D XD >_<